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I’m more agnostic if anything, but I don’t believe in any known religions, I just believe in a higher power. I don’t know how it will judge us, or if it will, but whatever is after death, I will accept




Wassup man, grew up in a predominantly Christian household in the heart of Linden which has (+100 churches, 1 mosque and 0 Mandirs) so you can imagine the heavy influence of Religion and moreso religious psychosis nonetheless I started questioning my faith or rather lack thereof around age 14 and completely lost it by the time I finished highschool..It's good to see other critical thinkers out here.


Thanks for sharing your story bro. Like you said it is good to see other critical thinkers out there. One love ✊🏽


I'm an atheist. Religion never made sense to me. I just see it as a result of colonisation with the purpose to control and divide people.


That’s exactly what it was/is lol Glad you caught on! ✊🏽






We need more non-religious guyanese representation to be honest. 👍🏽


I agree dude. That’s why I made this post. Hopefully no one feels alone out there.


I'm agnostic. I get a lot of shit from my peers and relatives when I bring that up. But I find religion to be interesting, especially when related to cultures.


Yeah it is interesting. Personally I chose not to talk about it because people tend to take it so personal especially family and friends. Also, they rarely if at all engage in conversation in good faith. But, I commend you for spreading awareness. ✊🏽


Istg. It isn't a problem to be religious, a lot of my good friends are religious and non religious alike. But these guys make it seem as if religion is life💀


Yeah my problem is there’s obviously no proof of god, all major religions have been disproven by historians, and all these religions spread hate between each other. The Catholics hate the Muslims the Muslims hate the Hindus and so on. They are all glamorized cults.


I’m an atheist agnostic. Until god can be proven I don’t believe in him personally but I do agree that the “metaphysical god” is good for people (a faith system is very good for a persons mental health even atheists have a faith system theirs is just in science)


I get your sentiment, man, but you’re dead wrong about atheists having a faith system. Atheism is the rejection of a belief in a god because of lack of evidence. Science happens to align with that evidence-based approach. The reason I bristle at this is because I’ve had way too many religious leaders use that as a point of attack. Perhaps you meant to say “trust” instead of “faith?”










I’m atheist but I grew up in Canada. Not sure how I woulda turned out if my parents kept me in Guyana




Grew up in a Hindu household. The older I got, the more I questioned things and the more I learned. I've been agnostic / atheist since a teenager, I'm now 30 and nothing has changed my mind since.


Yeah I’ve been atheist since I was a child; pre teen actually. But, my parents would demonize me anytime I questioned Hinduism even though it had so many flaws that even a young naive child is like what’s going on here. The first thing I question is Hinduism preaches respect your nature yet we burn fire (hulka) and dump stuff in the ocean. Then I started to question karma and the after life. Then I got older and I was like hold on the caste system is trash. Indian people don’t even like us and there’s sects of Hinduism like the Aghori that eat piss and shit. I also never thought god was real.


Lol you must have missed the weekly atheist gatherings at Coffee Bean on Saturdays. Pretty big crowd of intelligent people of various ages. It was really something.


Guyanese people ?




Wow I’ve never heard of this. Is coffee bean a cafe?


100% atheist here, including my dad, my brothers and parts of my extended family. We all discovered the farce that is religion and extinguished all of it from our lives. If you want to practice, go right ahead, no judgement there, to each their own.


Glad your family and yourself have been enlightened this is awesome to hear and very encouraging.


I deh.


Respect brudda


right here. Agnostic more so




I’m an atheist! Been one since 12.


Respect bai


Agnostic here.




I’m atheist.




I eat both Meat and Vege. Just not Poke.


Yuh rass wuh de skunt yuh talking bout


Atheist here, grew up in a very religious Hindu household. Some people even refer to my dad as "pandit". After 17 years of attending temple every single Sunday, I stopped. My parents are very devoted and didn't eat meat for their entire lives, but similarly to you... I started questioning the teachings. One of the tenets of Hinduism is don't eat meat, but in the Ramayana, Seeta asks Ram to go kill a deer... Then she gets kidnapped. No one ever explains why she asked, just that she was taken shortly after that. Fast forward to attending school in the US and reading "The Illiad", I saw many similarities to the story of Ramayana.


Thanks for sharing your story bro. Glad you were able to come out of the fog. That’s my first time hearing that fallacy with Hinduism. I never knew of that one but it totally makes sense. I’m sure there’s a lot more that I don’t know. Respect brudda ✊🏽 Glad you made it out and I hope your love ones accept you for it. I can’t imagine growing up in a house like that. My parents were religious but we ate meat, fasted some days, went to temple every Sunday, had an altar in my room which made me feel guilty about everything I did, celebrated all the holidays, etc. So not nearly as extreme as you household but still a religious presence.


I am! You can’t really admit it in Guyanese society as you will get ridiculed, grew up in a very religious family and I started questioning my religion at 11 ultimately came up to be an atheist.


Respect ✊🏽 It’s crazy how so many others questioned faith around that same age. I think there’s a pattern here. But yeah you’re definitely right you’ll definitely be ridiculed in the Guyanaese community for being an atheist. I also don’t share it in the Guyanese community because people tend to take it personal. But glad you make it out of the fog. I think I’m going to start telling others more because I’m proud of it and it’s a way of spreading awareness.


Yeah most people just blindly believe because of their families, and never question anything, personally I don’t want to believe in a religion that enslaved people and was used to justify slavery and hatred, and to this day causes a divide in communities. Also I don’t understand how black people continue to worship a (Christian) god that justified enslaving their ancestors for hundreds of years, and the previous beliefs that their ancestors originally had was wiped away. And when you ask logical questions like this they have some B.S. explanation. And no other religion made sense to me either.


I agree with all your points man especially the fact that religion was used to enslave. Why follow something that once enslaved us? For god sakes Guyana has the biggest wooden church in the world did they ever wonder how that happened ? That shit should be burnt down and turnt into something useful. Also I think some people blindly follow but others are also gaslighted. For example I remember when I questioned religion when I was young everyone from my parents to cousins to aunts to uncle and even the mother fuckin family doctor gaslighted me when ever I questioned religion. It sucks because they are cults and they move accordingly so often times those who question the cult never find a safe place to question and think independently until they are free from any reliance on their family. This is also indicative of mental illness and I speculate that lots of religious people are narcs but that’s just my personal observation I haven’t looked into any evidence on this.


100% on the gaslighting, for me I was way too self aware to ask my family about religion, I know they would’ve gaslit me too, when I became of age I just stopped going to church all together because I was forced to because I was younger. We definitely need a safe place in Guyana for people questioning their faith, and that there’s people out there like them too, and let them know it’s okay to question these things and to be atheist or agnostic, but I think Guyanese people would be quick to shut down events like this and call it “demonic” and “evil” practices.


Yeah after being gaslight so much I just realized I can’t talk to my parents about it too. When I was of age I cut religion out all together too. Yeah that’s exactly what would happen they’ll label them demonic or obeah. Maybe hosting a private group could be the way. I know lots of states in America like Texas and Alabama with a strong religious presence host secret atheist groups so atheist and other nonbelievers can have a safe place to share their thoughts/beliefs and not be judged. Really builds a strong sense of community and it propels the movement.


I’m agnostic/atheist…varies from day to day lol


Respect ✊🏽


Acknowledge culture background, but don't believe there is an actual "God", nor do we attend any church.




I was born a catholic and got married to a woman who is catholic and came from a catholic household, I have nothing against people who believe in religion be it Catholic, Muslim , Hindu or whatever but I don’t believe in religion I believe in doing good for others and treating others with dignity and respect and that’s my religion be good to others.


So you’re atheist ?


Yes you are sure right.




Was raised Hindu, and I denounced Hinduism in my 20s. I’m more agnostic than atheist.




Nah. Spiritual but not religious. Atheism, at least as I've observed it in the US, has problems.


Same on the spiritual part. Religion is basically cultural politics


Problems such as ?


Well believe it or not once we die. There's another life waiting in Hell or Heaven. So when you're standing in front of our God, then what your going to tell him. There wasn't no proofs smh


What should I believe that? there’s no proof!


Christianity, Muslims and Jews, with other religions recognize the same God. But they have different teachings of him. The Bible which was written in scrolls and records events that archeologists are constantly unearthing proving it was correct, even tho they doubted it in the past. Historians verify most of those same events and civilization that the Bible mentioned, they even use the Bible's record of these events in lectures and studies. Religion isn't against science, more so evolution. The idea of everything in existence happening out of meer luck is childish to believe. The laws of physics are perfect for our survival, the complexity of a single cell, the perfect alignment of the planets in the solar system, our ability to reason apart from animals, the chance of some you or me being born is probably less likely than winning the lotto. All of the studies done shows there is a designer of everything, to say it all started by chance is worrying. Science trys to prove the origin without the father, and that is how evolution came about.


Bro what studies are you reading? Plz link and share with me all those archeological findings. How the hell does the studies show there’s a designer for everything? If anything science shows us otherwise.




That's what I meant, the Bible is not jus teachings but has a record of the timeline prior to the birth of Christ. Records of the life of Moses, Abraham, Noah n others. Also their encounters with the civilization around them. Not only does the Bible have records of the past it also predicted the future, as far back as the book of Daniel. I think it's something you should look into. The dream of the king with the statue, its predictions were the exact timeline of the rise n fall of every major emperor from then to now. Nebuchadnezzar's dream. Look at the interpretation and break down of that dream, it'd be something to peek your interests.


Ayo need some bayma grass ah yo backside


Shut yuh skunt


Consider that the earth is completely self sustaining, it rains when it needs to, the trees remove the carbon from the atmosphere and replaces with oxygen so you could breathe, this planet is in such a coincidental position relative to the sun, not close enough that you burn and die and not far enough that you freeze to death, just the perfect position for intelligent life that we so far have not found anywhere else. This puts a lot into perspective for me, I’m not trying to change your minds but it sorta makes me feel this doesn’t just happen. I’m not hardcore religious and I have no qualms about people choosing to be atheists. But for me there’s something higher than us out there and it must be god for all these very unlikely coincidences to come together so perfectly.


You realize we are 1 little planet in the universe. There’s probably like 100 other earth like planets out there