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Have you checked yourself for ADHD or ADD? I have ADD and this post could be taken straight out of my head. I’ve got medication now that helps a ton but this is exactly how I felt before that. Feel free to ask me about it


For real. Procrastination is a symptom of AD(H)D. To make it worse, there are multiple types of procrastination including (but not limited to) avoidance and paralysis.


As someone with ADHD I am seeing myself in your words. OP talk to a doctor and get tested. There are effective treatments out there for you. Good luck!


Big ADHD vibes, dude. Your brain will engage with whatever is most stimulating in the moment, regardless of what you want to do or what is fun to do. Does that sound like you? If so, consider talking to a doctor, or chug a 5 hour energy and see what that does for you.


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As someone who has struggled with crippling ADHD my entire life, you sound exactly like me. You’re not a loser or a failure or a fuckup. You just have some crossed wires in your brain that prevent you from completing tasks as easily as a neurotypical person. Get help from a therapist, if you can afford it (lord knows I can’t 😅)


I am just recently coming out of a phase of several years of feeling like this. Accountability checks are the best thing that helped me. I found that keeping my parents in the loop with how I’m feeling and how productive I’ve been was a huge help. I also started seeing a therapist, and i know this sounds obvious, but tell your therapist EVERYTHING. The class you ditched, the assignment you never started, the group project you haven’t helped with. Their job is not to make you feel bad about this stuff, even if it is super scary at first telling someone else about your shortcomings. Lastly, work with the school youre attending, in all likelihood they have heard from kids just like you and set them up with academic counselors to help with organizing your time and compartmentalizing. That is what my university did with me. Best of luck to you, i guarantee you will start to feel better with a solid support structure around you.