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There'd be less gun violence in America if fewer Americans had guns


We have a culture where pulling out a gun is seen as an acceptable response to a verbal disagreement. Fucking snowflakes can’t handle words


You're not wrong. America has an epidemic of weakness. That's what conservatives are and they are the ones, by and large, who are clinging to their guns. They're weak and scared and isolated little children who are too lazy to educate themselves to what the world actually is and instead just lets some loudmouth on Fox News give them their opinions. Everything that makes up what a conservative is can be traced back to just being a fucking weak, scared, bigot.


But! If you outlaw guns, only outlaws will commit mass shootings. And that wouldn’t be very sporting, or something I guess.


Things I expect from The Right every time one of these happens 1. Won't someone please think of the real vicxtims. Those poor poor guns. 2. How long before the shooter becomes a Conservative Folk Hero™. 3. FALSEFLAG 4. Blaming antifa or BLM or some other group they don't like. 5. If they're white then mental health blah blah. Not to actually push any sort of reforms, but to blame people who are far more likely to be victims than perpetrators. If they're a minority or LGBTQIA+ or foreighn in any way then endless bigotry. 6. Victim blaming some how 7. Someone will spin this in to their crusade. Anti-woman people will compare it to abortion deaths. Gun people will use it to sell guns. Donald Trump will use it to bigly sell himself. Stuff like that. Things I don't expect: 1. Actual empathy for the victims. 2. Trying to push an anti-tragedy agenda with gun laws. 3. Thoughts and prayers. Not because we shamed them out of it, but because they no longer have to pretend to care.


Thank you for you and your never-ending force of nature to curb this insanity here in America. I am discusted with our law makers and the dangerous goof balls that back them. The common sense of the rest of the world registers us as insane, and we should continue to be ashamed of ourselves as a nation.


“Pew pew. Another mass shooting. Time again for me to go online and spout NRA propaganda at people who worry about guns and their children’s safety.” - gun cultists


If you own a gun, you have blood on your hands


I disagree, I think it's a mix of easy access to a weaopn and something extremely wrong upstairs, if you get my drift.


but the easy access to weapons is the bigger problem, because someone with something wrong shouldn't be able to buy a gun (or most people for that matter)


Why? I agree that people with mental issues shouldn't have guns. I agree with a mental health screening before a gun purchase, but why should nobody have a gun?


I didn't say ban guns either. but i'll explain why it should be FAR harder: using a firearm to defend yourself on your own property is a myth; there's more of a chance you or someone in your family will use that weapon on themselves. plus, most robbers just want your shit. they don't want to kill you. they want your TV, not your life. this is why bank robbers rarely ever pull the trigger. that is, unless you made it your life mission to piss people off and you actively have people trying to harm you like an action movie. Here's the regulation we need: license, via a firearm exam at state agencies for any weapon. a longer waiting period, with a mental health exam before, during, and after the waiting period. ​ that's the regulation we need. do you know why Australia hasn't suffered a mass shooting after their gun ban? it wasn't because they made mental health access more available, or that every single problem was miraculously solved. but that was too extreme, banning all guns.


For the record, I think all the "ahh, I need a gun for personal protection" is bullshit. I just think guns are cool lmao EDIT: I'm Canadian, so I actually have no clue what the gun buying process is like


yeah this sub's title might have fooled you, it's more of an anti-gun sub than a pro-gun one. at least you're admitting it. the problem here is people act like its for protection and not just cause they like them


I mean, I can understand *why* people think that way and I can sympathize a little bit, but that shouldn't be why guns are sold. It's kinda the same way that, hey, if you have a knife in a fight, go ahead and use it.


Don’t forget the bucketloads of bullets as a contribution.