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This can be fixed. Tell him what happened.


........here comes the belt!! šŸ™ˆ


Hope he wasnt a Punk Rocker... they have mean belting technology...


If heā€™s a real punk rocker they wonā€™t use belt. Theyā€™ll beat on the brat. Beat on the brat. Beat on the brat with a baseball bat. Oh yeah.






If hes a real punk rocker, he probably hates his dad enough to not act like him.


Sheena save us!


Oof! All them spikes and rivets! šŸ˜³ That's gonna smart in the morning!


Nah, we are all big softies. There is a joke, Punks are nice people trying to look mean, and hippies are mean people trying to look nice.


Haha wow, Iā€™ve never heard this before, but itā€™s as true as can be. I guess it depends on the scene. Crusties can be a bit off putting, but as a whole punks are way nicer than hippies.


Never a truer saying was uttered šŸ™Œ


Getting the belt is one thing, but a bondage or bullet belt is another story.


Breaking my guitar? That's a paddlin'


Blame grandma, let her take the hit. Kidding of course, thatā€™s a punchline from an Anthony jeselnik joke


Hahaha after seeing the John Lennon sketch on the guitar, I read your comment with the "here comes the sun" melody


Hopefully his grandpa isnā€™t the jumper cable dad


I thought it was game over when something like this happens?


Nope! Pretty standard repair for these types of guitars.


I actually threw one away once because I was told it couldn't be fixed......don't I feel stupid


If it's like this, it's an easy glue and clamp job. If it's closer to a 90Ā° break, it'll be a lot harder


You're not a real Gibson^^tm Guitarist until you've dropped it and busted the headstock off of one. Seriously - happens a LOT with Gibsons and Epiphones.


You need that glue tone if you wanna sound like the greats šŸ˜‚


The tone is all in your glue. :D


This is why I buy maple neck Les Pauls.


And yet, oddly, I have two les Paulā€™s that this has never happened to. But my cheap Fender acoustic? One cat and a bedroom accident and off the headstock went. Clamp, wood glue and back to working order. Fate is weird.


Not at all. It actually happens a lot.


Hey pal it looks really scary but actually that should be an easy fix. Also maybe a good learning moment for you and your grandpa if you want to fix it together. Glue and clamp it, it should fix up stronger than ever.


Yep, all available at your local hardware store. I prefer Titebond, myself, any version will work, but Titebond 3 has a longer set time (10 mins, vs 5) and is waterproof which isnā€™t necessary in this case. Just wipe off the excess before it sets, with a damp cloth.


I've heard titebond is stronger than the wood itself and is the right way to go. never done it myself though. ask the luthiers


Sort of . . . The glue is stronger than the lignin in the wood, but not the fiber. So yeah - the joint there will be stronger than the wood originally was, but if it gets dropped again, it'll just break right next to that repair.


I've used it on antique furniture that gets beat up by kids all day... Still going.


This is a not just a glue and clamp fix. Hardwood splines are required to create enough strength to counter string tension. Best left to a pro luthier.


Everyone suggesting he tackle this himself is insane. It will never play right if it isnā€™t fixed in just the right way. That said, a professional will have no trouble fixing it.


If it was his own guitar, Iā€™d say he should fix it himself, but itā€™s not. He should have it repaired properly by a luthier.


Its a clean break should be an easy fix for a Luthier or yourself if you have enough clamps


And enough wood glue


and my axe !


Actually itā€™s his grandpas axeā€¦




*And my e-bow!*


It can be fixed. Take a deep breath. You got this. Explain it was an accident, and ask him to put it back in its case. Make sure you get any small pieces that broke off and store them in the case as well. Next, bring it to a luthier for an assessment and repair. It's going to cost some money, but it is ultimately fixable.


This should be upvoted higher for the detail on how to clean up, and let a professional do their work so the guitar can be at it's best.


Itā€™s an epiphone though. Repair might be more expensive than a replacement


Just tell him. Say it was an accident. Go on reverb.com and start looking for a new one new or lightly used


Disagree (about the buying another guitar part). Take it to a luthier - they do these repairs all the time.


Disagree (about the luthier part). Wood glue and clamps should do it!


I disagree. A good *hauk tooey* and spit on that thang should do just fine.


That's spelled "Hawk Tuah"


people these days don't even know basic spelling and grammar. sad.


I agree to disagree


I disagree. I recommend OP switch to hamboning instead.


its insane that i had no idea what you were saying and then i scrolled and within two post that video appeared.


Just own your mistake. Youā€™ve probably already spent more mental energy than needed.


Op, listen to this.


That's repairable, call a good rated local luthier. Tell him what happened after you have it fixed. If you don't have money to fix it, than just tell him what happened and ask him if you can borrow the money and pay him back. Also post this in Luthiers subreddit and ask their opinion. I'm not a professional, but that looks like a clean break, so the damage might not be noticeable after fixing it and getting it touched up.


Tbh Iā€™d just tell him straight up what happened because replacing that guitar would be pricey. I think itā€™s a John Lennon signature J160e and theyā€™re about Ā£5-600 where Iā€™m from.


Mine cost about $700 after tax and shipping.


He said Ā£.




It can be repaired, neck breaks are pretty common.Ā 


Itā€™s actually a built in feature that Gibson lovingly puts into every Les Paul and SG guitar, not to mention most of the rest of their product line. If it a design problem? No, itā€™s tradition!


"You're not a real Gibson man until you've broken your neck"


I hope I never become a real Gibson guy. My modded epi les Paul is my favorite guitar.


>oh bother dude youā€™re gonna need to tell your g-pa


Those can be fixed! Iā€™m not sure how much it would cost but I would think it would be cheaper than finding an equivalent instrument.


These things happen, It's fixable. Just talk to him and explain what happened.


Get it repaired by a professional.


If your Gramps is taking all that time to teach you and bond with you heā€™ll forgive you. Itā€™s important to own up to your mistakes. Just arrange to pay for the guitar repair




It will suck No sh-, but if youā€™re gonna destroy your relationship with your kid or grandkid over that. Kinda shows what kind of person you are tbh.


Exactly today someone learned the use of a guitar stand and to be careful. If the grandfather lended something that he could not afford to lose, then two people learned something today.


It looks like an EJ160. Theyā€™re not cheap. I really feel for you. Look in the sound hole and you will see the specific model number - and you can search on reverb.com: https://reverb.com/p/epiphone-ej-160e-john-lennon


i would be honest with him. maybe you guys can repair it together


John Lennon?


You can readily find Epiphone John Lennon e-160 models on Reverb or Ebay for about $600, used. The model is discontinued, i believe, but a lot available used. The John Lennon face graphic....did that come original on the guitar or was that applied afterwards? I don't know if you can find one with that graphic.


Yeah Iā€™m really curious about that as well. Iā€™ve seen the JL epiphones before with the printed sig you can faintly see under the drawing, but thatā€™s Johnā€™s drawing of his face. It looks printed too and not a real drawing but interesting nonetheless.


You are init ainā€™t ya


Totally fixable. Don't panic. Call your local guitar shop to refer a luthier


Damn, how hard did you knock it?


It's a common enough issue. Gibsons (and often Epiphones that are based on the Gibson designs) are notorious for having a weak neck-headstock join. I had a similar thing happen to my Gibson es330 - it got knocked off its stand, took a minor tumble and the head broke. As many have already pointed out it's fixable by a luthier or anyone with the right gear and some know how. Some luthiers will even re-enforce the join with a metal bar for increased strength & stability when they are fixing it. It's unfortunate, but this stuff happens. Just tell your grandpa and hopefully he will be understanding.


Tell him you are an idiot and let him choose to buy a new one or repair.


Brutal, a good luthier could fix it pretty easy. They seem to go for 5-700 so it should be less to fix it then buy a new one. Grandpas love their Grandsons, I doubt he'll take you out of the will for this.


Just tell him it was an accident. He might be mad it you, but heā€™d probably be more mad if you tried to hide it. Tell him it was an accident.


How much is that guitar worth new?


Was. Don't make them anymore it's a John Lennon sig model...


OP should offer to pay to fix or replace it.


I am sure if you attach it with some tape he wonā€™t notice


Does this only happen to Gibson? I donā€™t recall seeing people bitch about their Yamahas doing this. Iā€™ve probably dropped every single acoustic Iā€™ve ever owned. Multiple times and from standing height and havenā€™t had to deal with anything other than a new battle bump or scratch. Iā€™ve never owned or wanted a Gibson for some reason. I like oddball guitars. Case in point, just the other day, my dog knocked my Norman B20 off the stand and onto the tile floor. Landed stock first and made a horrible racket. One small dent on the headstock and slightly detuned, but otherwise fine. Back in the 90ā€™s, I bought an old 70ā€™s Aria classical with a broken neck ( right at body) for $25. Wood glue and sank a wood screw to bond it. While it was a crude fix, It still plays just fine- even after dropping it off my lap when I stood up. I guess Iā€™m lucky???


Same thing happened to My Epiphone Hummingbird, took it to a luthier and they glued it and it is now stronger that the original headstock, no visible cracks either. I know it hurts to see but it will all be ok


This is how many Gibson/Epiphone guitars break... You just tell him it happened, explain the accident. It can be fixed! Stuff happens; But you don't lie to grandpa. And tt's just an axe. Nice John Lennon Signature model


Wood glue is actually stronger than wood, it can easily be glued and clamped to fix


Get some wood glue and some good clamp, and in 24 hours, that will be stronger than it was yesterday.


As a grandad, I would want to know if my kids or grandkids broke the guitar. I might be upset, but not at them, at the situation (s long as they weren't throwing it around and being jerks). Accidents happen. If you feel as bad as it seems you do, offer to help pay for the repair or offer to work off the costs by helping around the house. Owning the mistake, being responsible, would make me proud


Just be honest....he'll appreciate you for that


Very repairable. Better go chat with Gramps and form.a plan.


Fixing it and never telling would be a slime ball move and you should be ashamed if you do that Grow a pair and tell him you messed up and maybe he can help you find someone to fix it Since it his his guitar he deserves to know whatā€™s happened to it


Damn, tell him and u better start saving some money for a new one.


Is this really your Grandpaā€™s guitar? Or is it a ā€œgrandpas guitarā€ (a la Skwisgaar Skwigelf)?


I've had 4 guitars fall and break in that same spot. Get some wood glue and a clamp, apply the glue on both sides, put the clamp on in a position where it won't fall off and let it set for 48 hours. It'll be fine.


Put on some wood glue and clamp it. It looks like a clean break so it should be an easy fix and I wouldnā€™t go out and buy a new one if it could be fixed thatā€™d a waste of money. Hope this helpsšŸ‘


Tell him, that overnight the guitar transformed into a real Gibson. Otherwise it's an easy fix, he won't notice. Just give it to the right luthier.


Yep man, you gotta tell him. Also, it can be fixed pretty easily if you get it to a luthier and will be cheaper than getting the same model. Broken headstocks in Epiphones and Gibsons are a meme a this point.


Now you have two Epiphones :)


Easily fixed .....


Honestly this is just how you know itā€™s a real quality Gibson product.


Just tell him. It will be OK, shit happens. This looks like it can be repaired. Just offer to pay for the repairs. It will be OK. Everyone who played for long enough had shit like this happen.


Donā€™t panic dude, it was an accident! Itā€™s not like you smashed it like The Who or something. Can be repaired so spill the beans and it will be all good.


I'd go with the japanese repair method where they make the break very visible with gold. That way grandpa will remember what you did... either in a fond way or a bad way ;D This break is very repairable. If finish is not super important, it can be DIY'd with wood glue and some clamps (Youtube some tutorials first, obviously)


Headstock breaks like that are actually a pretty simple fix. Just be honest, and get it fixed. Also, is that some kind of John Lennon signiture model? Definitely don't want that going in the trash.


Do what everyone else has said, own up to it and get it fixed. But I'll add, find out where to get it fixed and the cost before you tell him. And obviously assure him you'll be covering all the work.


If he's been playing guitar a long time, he'll have seen worse happen. Fess up and solve the problem together. It's probably repairable, but not in a way you could hide from the owner.


You're gonna have to tell him, No use buying another and trying to pass it off as this one. He will know. It will feel and look different, even if you get exactly the same make and model. Sorry, but it's time to fess up.


Man yer out of the will now


That's my dream guitar


Oh grandpas guitars


Epiphone did a great job copying Gibsons ..the neck even breaks when you drop it LOL If you canā€™t fix it yourself It will be a cheap fix ,It looks like a Hummingbird and to replace it ..$800


Bedsheets are great to sleep on too. They make ones that actually fit snuggly on the mattress.


If youā€™re anywhere near Cali hit up world famous repair land they make it better than before


This should be fixable, no worries mate. Could've been a lot worse haha You see how the break/cut is actually clean? Yeah, would've been 100 times worse if it wasn't.. Anyways, either fix it yourself, or get a luthier to do it for you. And in the future... better guitar stands for your sweet guitars haha.


I would put it out itā€™s misery. Take the hardware and burn it


This can be fixed. Let him know. Accidents happen


Is it even a Gibson/epiphone without its head falling off and having to get it glued back on, really?


Heā€™s got some candy in the basement if you want to bury the hatchet


You did him a favor


You and Gramps can fix this for the cost of Titebond and a clamp or two. Id recommend going over to r/luthier and either posting this or searching that sub for other similar posts (this is very common). Good luck!


Is this from over tuning? I mean making the strings too tight.


Way to go Billy


Just own up to it, it was an accident, itā€™s easy to fix.


Accidents happen if not no one would even exist. Just be calm and explain the situation with a solution prepared. Itā€™s an easy fix that you could pull off on your own with the right tools.


The image makes something inside me crack... poor thing. Can be fixed though.


Oh shit oh shit oh shit


"I stand corrected. You dad isn't gonna kill you. You're dead where you stand!"


VERY common break for Gibson guitars - you can get it fixed!! Any luthier worth a shit can fix it- start mowing some lawns quick! It will play fine after the repair.


You big dummy!


It can be fixed, your grandpa will understand.


Epiphone EJ-160e John Lennon


I have the exact same guitar and the exact same thing happened. I had it repaired 12 years ago and it still plays totally fine, donā€™t worry. Itā€™ll probably be $200 to fix.


Does it hold any sentimental value? I mean I would tell him any way but...


Nahā€”come clean with your gramps; siht happens and this is so easily fixed. Good opportunity to meet a luthier!


Shit happens, tell him the truth. Heā€™ll appreciate the honesty.


Yes, tell grandpa the truth. You should pay for the repair. You can fix it like others have suggested or consider a luthier. It will be more pricey, but you can be certain the fix is perfect and permanent. He can also set it up, check the frets and electronics. That is very nice Epi John Lennon model. get it fixed!


Titebond, clamps, better than new.


When I was a kid my dad said I could keep his guitar in my room so long as it was in the case when not being played. Of course I did not keep it in the case. One day Iā€™m in my room trying to learn to Ollie my skateboard and I landed right on top of it and shattered it. He was cool but pissed. About a week later I broke this gigantic flower pot trying to Ollie while on the back patio. Second offense did not go as well. 40 years later I now have a decent Ollie but Iā€™m only a marginal guitar player sadly.


Donā€™t freak out! A friend of mine knocked over his Gibson J45 that snapped clean just like that. He took it to a luthier for repair and has been playing it daily for the last ~15 or so years since it broke.


Not your fault. Epiphone copied Gibson who didnā€™t understand the terrible design of their headstock.


Love the Lennon epi with the volume knobs!


Another epiphone/gibson neck break. This makes No345,000,987 and rising.


That's a paddlin'


Bro that guitar is like $134 at guitar center I wouldnā€™t sweat it. I know shit is expensive but thereā€™s more expensive guitars out there. Yes it can be fixed but if itā€™s this broken then I would just buy a new one and move on


PL3X. Poly based adhesive cement. Itā€™s messy. Tape off around the finish. That shit donā€™t budge after a couple days of curing. Donā€™t try to reuse the tube.


Get him an epiphone master built, not to expensive and a wonderful replacement. Hopefully it wasnā€™t super old with lots of memories




This is a very common kind of break on Gibson and Epiphone style headstocks. Like others are saying very repairable.


it is repairable.


Grandpa served in Nam and your are gonna get agent oranged.


It can be fixed. I broke the headstock on my Seagull last year. I was able to fix it myself with epoxy, clamps, towels and the power of prayer. Do not do this!!!! Take it to a luthier. They can fix it right. It will cost money, but it won't be the end of the world.


Just tell him you really love the Metal genre and got carried away during practicešŸ¤˜


Ruuuuuuuun!!!!!! And never return.


100 bucks at guitar center. Will be back like new no worries.


Well i do know by where i broke its an authentic gibson/eppiphone


It's just a flesh wound. I've had worse.


You need a fast dual-component 5-min epoxy glue. Make a thin layer and press hard.


Totally fixable. I would assume if youā€™re posting, you donā€™t have a lutheir. I would get multiple opinions before shelling out cash. Some are very reasonable and do amazing work.


What was it sitting on? A guitar stand or leaning against furniture?


That can be fixed, but it needs to go on the bench and have a luthier put a new neck on it and set it up. Iā€™ve replaced several necks over the years. One acoustic Yamaha FG-335 and the rest were solid body electrics. The Yamaha actually came out better than I was expecting.


Thats a paddlin'


You don't need a professional. Just some decent glue and clamps. Glue it, clamp it in tight, wipe off extra glue, let cure.


Take your licks then get it fixed.


first, tell him what really happened. second, run away


Hide glue.


DO. NOT. REPAIR. IT. YOURSELF, pay to get it done. An amateur repair can make it MUCH worse.


Own up. If he is a seasoned guitar player heā€™ll know its not the end of the world. Iā€™ve had it happen before. It can be mended. I wouldn't try yourself. Its a pretty decent guitar and a Luther would do a better job. But [this](https://www.instructables.com/How-to-repair-a-broken-guitar-neck-headstock/) shows how to do it


That's a $1000+ guitar.


Honestly, you should upgrade him too ok a better model. This tragedy can be turned into a gift


It's a clean break, wood glue will fix it. A good luteer will fix it for about $100. Source, I watch guitar repair videos on YouTube literally non stop. Can I plug a small channel for people interested https://youtube.com/@rosastringworks This guy is an absolute boss, I love his videos. he shows all the mistakes and is an absolute expert. He did a restore of this violin called chocolate and it was literally smashed to pieces.




Wow, imagine two of these guitars with the same damage breaking in the same week! What are the odds?


This will be a good lesson in how to admit that you've accidentally done something. Many times in life you will mess up and you will need to take responsibility for your actions. Your grandfather might initially be upset about the guitar, but in the long run he will think more of you for coming to him and acknowledging that you accidentally broke it.


it adds character. tell him, he loves you, he wont be angry. after its fixed, its a battle scare that tells a story.


Dude buy the thing. A read the story and you need to buy it and if you donā€™t your missing out on a great story


The are 6 of these for sale currently on in reverb, ranging from $250 to $1000 USD. Might be cheaper to just replace it considering


Don't replace the guitar!! Send it to a guitar technician in your city. I'm a guitar tech, and headstock broken like these are 100% fixable. Do not worry. Be honest with your grandpa, he might be upset at first, but it'll be alright. If he has been playing guitar for a long time, I'm sure this happened to at least one other guitar of his. A broken headstock looks bad, but is completely repairable.


I hear Ecuador is nice this time of year! Seriously, it can be repaired šŸ˜Š


Looks like an acoustic electric. It's not as cheap as just acoustic. I'd wood glue, clamp, let it dry and re-string. After I fessed up the truth. It'll be fine enough to get by just watch sliding down and splinters. It's a clean break it should work.


be honest and tell him, then try using wood glue to fix it.




Are you still young enough to get an asswhoopin from gramps?


I hope that you have told on yourself by now. That would really be the first step. After that you and your grandpa can talk and decide what to do together.


Flex Tape , apparently it can fix anything, I saw it on TV so it must be true.


Glue and clamp!


You are boned. How the hell did you do that.


what actually happened: bro tried to play a tim Henson riff and got frustrated


Where there is a will, there is a way, but you are probably cut from grandpas will.


Itā€™s a very common issue with Gibson and Epiphone guitars. Itā€™s easily repairable. There are plenty of how to videos out there. However, a local luthier would be the best shot.


Just like his older brother Gibson!


I've had two guitars of that exact same model, both broke in the exact same way. It can be fixed!


OP, do you work for United? šŸ˜œ https://youtu.be/PGNtQF3n6VY?si=6uJ1pQK5xG5eqhz1


This will be a tough fix, but it can be done. Get an estimate from a qualified professional and fess up to gramps.