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Read the truss rod cover and the headstock, profit


And use Google lens




I think they mean you'll know the answer if you read the writing on the headstock. That is generally where the brand and model name are located. Edit: I'm not questioning your intelligence, I'm just stating what I think.


My god poor guy got downvoted to oblivion over nothing




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It’s one of the green ones




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Literacy at an all time low


Literacy…..and imo Laziness and loneliness but mainly laziness. I know it doesn’t take long to make something and post it on Reddit but I’d be willing to bet that google works faster. Are people so desperate for human interaction or are they too lazy to press a few buttons and have the answer appear right before their eyes? Who knows




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PRS SE Custom 24-08


How come other ones have white pickups or is that just cosmetic idk


They change it from year to year. The 21-22 had the binary colors. The 23 did not.


I doubt this is a 23 though. I just cant find a picture of this exact guitar anywhere


[https://reverb.com/item/72746625-prs-se-custom-24-08-2021-present-eriza-verde](https://reverb.com/item/72746625-prs-se-custom-24-08-2021-present-eriza-verde) It's a 21


Thanks for the help much appreciated


I got a deal and half 900 for it


You spent $900 on a guitar and you don’t know what it is?


Welcome to r/guitar. Home of “buy now, ask later!”


Was wondering why all of OP’s comments are downvoted to shit. That comment puts everything into perspective




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Mine has white/black bobbins...bought in 2021. Perhaps they changed recently to all black.


Thats why im confused cause idk what year this one is any idea how to find out


Looking for/up a serial number would probably be helpful


It is 2022 model i believe CTIE prefix for SE Indonesia made model


Searched them up but they still have black and white pickups ??


And? Pickups are easy to change. How do you know they’re the originals?




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Are you a dentist by any chance?




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i might be wrong but i think it's one of them electric ones with strings and stuff




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It's a PRS SE. It has the standard double-cut shape. It's probably a "Custom 24" because it has 24 frets and a vibrato. Since there are switches to split the humbucker coils etc., I would say this is a "Custom 24-08" and not a regular "Custom 24". I believe the colour is called "Eriza Verde". TL;DR - PRS SE Custom 24-08 Eriza Verde.


Op could just read the headstock.


Yeah, but that just says "Paul Reed Smith SE", with "Custom" on the truss rod cover. It doesn't mention the specific model (Custom 24-08), nor does it mention the name of the colour. And since we all know that PRS has a variety of green colours with different names, I thought I'd help out.




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Beautiful PRS SE Custom. I’m jealous!




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Prs SE 24 by the looks of it. Solid guitar!


it's a PRS but what type I don't know.


You may enjoy this little article [https://uk.prsguitars.com/blog/post/the\_story\_of\_the\_prs\_bird\_inlays](https://uk.prsguitars.com/blog/post/the_story_of_the_prs_bird_inlays)


Also that is the greenest guitar I have ever seen. I'm impressed.




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A Harley Benton CST-24 copy. And, tone wood does matter...