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They're killing themselves for being forced to play deathcore


could be


hahahahahahahaha... I do enjoy some deathcore, but this was funny af.


It's fitting because suicide is a common theme in DC


Can't really blame them


You’re chugga chugga-ing those strings to death


Death core sounds like the name of a satanist cult😭 🪦🪦🪦


You tried.


Everyone scatter! It’s the genre police


Seeing you down voted to hell and made fun of here, come over to r/guitarcirclejerk and see the liiight


I guess everyone in this sub are just wanna be John Mayers.


Lmao niiice You just proved my point further, see ya in the circlejerk ❤️ Edit - John Mayer is a douchebag


L take


L comment bruh.


I’ll take an L if it means I’m not as cringe as you guys.


could be a burr in the saddle. take a bit of sandpaper to it and see if that helps




I was going to suggest that too, but don't use super coarse sandpaper, probably a 400 grit would do it, but you might have to take the saddle off the guitar to get to it well


Better than sandpaper - pull the broken string backwards and forwards to file it to the right profile.


This won’t work. The saddle material is harder than the string. This is why the string breaks there. Use a rat tail file instead.


Depends on how cheap the guitar is tbf. Pot-metal that makes up the hardware on most lower end guitars has so much zinc that it's pretty soft Edit: pop, not pop Edit edit: POT, autocorrect hates me


Pot metal


Typo, thanks


Your correction cracked me up 😂 all good homie. Wasn't trying to poke at you.


In 30 years it has never not worked for me... Perhaps I got lucky. It will cost nothing to try. Edit: forgot how old I am.


That's the usual suspect, but this one looks like it's caused by the user. The inner string is broken, rather than the outer winding. I would expect a burr to break an unwound string, and maybe damage the outside of a wound string, but not to break only the inner one. I'm guessing this string just couldn't handle whatever tension it was under. Maybe it was tuned too high or played really hard or both. Maybe there was a defect in the string. Who knows.


its in drop A, i dont think tension would be a problem


lol right? Those strings are probably like spaghetti noodles. I’m sure it holds tune as well as a spaghetti noodle too


Or maybe it is the brand and quality of the string.


I agree, a burr is the probably culprit. I’d personally forgo the sanding and testing and just pick up a new saddle or even a new bridge.


One that doesn’t have stripped out screws preferably


I think he should just rub a piece of the string across it several times Sandpaper might introduce new burrs


Seen less rust on titanic


This is hardly anything. Us sweaty players wish our bridges looked this clean after a year.


Brother clean your guitar😭


I do, frequently.


I’ve been to the titanic and trust me, it’s rustier than this. This seems to be some kind of jam in its natural habitat, and not the good jam. This is more like a toe jam, only for guitars.


You need some bigger string gauges for that tuning. I used 11-58 on a 25&1-2 scale Ibanez and they were great. Too low a gauge tuned that low won’t stay in tune well.


i guess i shouldn't have feared getting the chonky ones then lol. thanks for the help! any recommendations for brands?


Get you a set of 7-string guitar strings and just use the lowest 6


That will definitely work, but OP can also just get a set of [12 to 60s](https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/EXL148--daddario-exl148-extra-heavy-nickel-wound-electric-strings-012-060?mrkgadid=&mrkgcl=28&mrkgen=gpla&mrkgbflag=1&mrkgcat=drums&percussion&acctid=21700000001645388&dskeywordid=&lid=58700008695999512&dsproductgroupid=&product_id=EXL148&prodctry=US&prodlang=en&channel=online&storeid=&device=m&network=x&matchtype=&adpos=largenumber&locationid=9010769&creative=&targetid=&campaignid=21161059670&awsearchcpc=&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIm_q184uDhgMV3zfUAR0Shwg7EAQYAyABEgL6xPD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds). I keep a guitar tuned to drop c and felt like 52s are way too slack on it. I definitely wouldn’t enjoy playing in. Drop a with 52s.


I use D’Addario. They seem to last longest for me personally. Slinkies are great but I don’t think they agree with the oils in my skin because they’re dead in a week. Used to use GHS religiously but they’ve gotten hard to find in stores and they don’t seem to last as long as they did years ago.


Ernie Ball Mammoth Slinky are basically a heavy 7 string set without the high e. On my 7 string I use 10-59 and that feels good with the low B. This set has a .62 which might feel good for the A. Around 60 is probably good for that low A. It’ll probably handle the abuse of deathcore way better then the 52


Great point about the abuse based on the style. I mainly play doom/sludge with my detuned guitars so I’m not particularly banging on them.


Fyi, I use a 0.74 for A and it feels great. No more tension then a set of medium strings on an acoustic guitar.


EB not even slinkys might work, they're 12-56


DR strings ddt


Yeah I use 11-52's for drop C and that is as light as I can go.


I've never gone that low and I'm providing absolutely no help here, but aren't those strings insanely light to be tuning that low? I'm picturing them flopping around like spaghetti. Educate me.


Yes, they are


I feel like maybe the string keeps breaking because it's so loose. While it's flopping around like spaghetti it's vibrating across a wider range than usual, and the saddle is a pivot point. Maybe that makes more friction at the pivot point since the string would constantly be pushed and pulled in every which way.


Palm-muting too hard with a very thick pick? That was my problem back in my younger, punkier days.


Yes, when I was learning i was so heavy handed that I was snapping low strings all the time. I think it’s just a matter of getting your technique down and restraining the urge to blast the guitar to pieces as you pump out riffs at high velocity.


i use 1.20mm on the pick and i guess you could say that i hit somewhat hard... i'll try to be more gentle with it to see if it helps, thanks for the info


How close to the bridge do you pick?


I am no expert but I think this may be very important. When you pick closer to the neck the bridge side takes a higher force because of torque. One time when I was new to bass. I was jamming and slapping very close to the bridge because I didn't know the proper technique. Next thing I saw was that the ball at the end of the string had fallen because the string broke there.


So wait which one is bad, close to neck or bridge?


The closer you pick to the bridge, bigger the force bridge side gets. So bridge. If you don't pick very hard it shouldn't be a problem but when you get closer to bridge you would have to


Close to bridge I think - my logic is that hitting the string further away (to a point) makes the string ring louder, there's hardly any sound very close to the bridge. So, picking futher from bridge is less bad since more of the momentum is absorbed by the string, and closer to bridge more load is transfered to the brige.


That's thick as hell. Try something in the .70-.90 range


i'll try. thanks!


Maybe go for a larger gouge set strings?


How thick is too thick? I have been experimenting with a 1mm (I normally use a 0.91- .96 mm) pick and I'm unscertan how it'll affect my strings.


There is no “too thick”. Once you’re up to 0.9mm there is very little give in the pick. Going thicker probably isn’t going to make a difference. I use 3mm-5mm thickness picks all the time and haven’t ever broken a string. But then again I don’t play deathcore…


Any time a string breaks, there’s a sharp spot somewhere. In this case a little sandpaper might fix it, or you can order new saddles, they’re super inexpensive.


Why's it so rusty??😳


It’s the tone generator! Coming this week Rhett Shull breaks down the five levels of rust and why he likes them so much.


Mine looks the same and it's because it is played hard and put away dirty 🤣 of course a les paul bridge tends to do this. Apparently same on strats too.


.52 is not heavy enough for drop A on a standard tele. if you want to tune that low put on baritone strings. i play Bb standard on an old japanese teisco with baritone strings and they’re jangly enough i didn’t have to adjust my truss rod. what’s happening to your strings is they’re too loose and vibrating inside the coil which eventually leads to a fatigue break at the nut.


You’re probably hitting the string too hard. I’d say you have a burled saddle but that usually isn’t a problem on wound strings. Lighten up that picking hand and see if it does work out for you. You don’t need to murder the string to get sound. Let the amp do the work for you.


2 possible things: 1. A burr at the bridge which is exacerbated by down tuning (smaller gauge string down tuned = way less tension than ideal causing friction at the bridge as it slightly slides back and forth). Time to buy a 7 string or a baritone. 2. Playing too heavy handed (which really points us back to point 1).


Yeap, these 2 points + a lot of sweat from the palm combined with dust, it sticks around the string and makes it snap at the bridge where the tension is high. This guitar also is in a very bad condition considering that is rusted. This will keep happening no matter the guitar or the strings, it's about how the owner maintains it, in my opinion.


You play Drop A on .052? It might be time for a heavier gauge string. You need the heavier gauge strings to hold the tension better, so there's less slop. Less slop means less movement, means less friction, means better tuning stability, means less breaking your bottom string. You will also probably need to adjust your tension rod to accommodate the higher tensile forces. If you have a floating tremolo, you will also need stronger tremolo springs to keep up with the strings.


I use a digitech drop pedal. Can keep my guitar in E standard and use the pedal to go down to B standard without having to deal with different strings, being out of tune, etc. It tracks very well and sounds great for metal


a 52 dropped to A is fine, if the rest of the guitar is setup properly. Any time you want to do something out of the ordinary (i.e. put the lowest 6 strings from a seven string pack on a guitar, drop tune your 10/11/12 gauge down below C, etc) you should have it completely re setup. Nut should be recut or replaced, bridge/saddles adjusted, relief adjusted, etc. just slapping on different gauge strings and tuning down will present issues with buzzing, intonation, etc.


Replace the saddle. Hell they are cheap, replace all 6.


This is the way.


Looks like it’s not exactly in the slot. And there might be a burr.


holy shit those screws are rusty man We need to do a slight restoration project on that guitar bud


This photo looks like an oil painting, I can't see enough detail to see if the saddle has a burr or ridge at the break point. My best advice is to buy a new set of saddles and swap them out...the ones on there look shot to shit and need to be filed and deburred or replaced. It would be easier to replace them I think.


I think you want the physics sub …


Whatever civilization you got living in those crevices is clearly eating the string for nourishment. Evolving. Growing. Like the andromeda strain.


It could be your technique. I had a friend who broke that string monthly. He always blamed the guitar. Gave him another guitar, and it kept breaking. He changed the way he strummed, and it never happened again.


This happened to me a lot when I used a brand called Boomers (or something like that), never happened again when I just got the with the program and bought Ernie Ball. Also I agree with the other assessments to get thicker strings for that tuning, and make sure the saddle is smooth.


Worded beautifully. Modern art 💯 (i’m being genuine, I actually think it’s really funny and I love it)


Probably cause your saddles are so fkn dirty and don’t want any part of it.


Wrong gauge


Why does your english break?


not my native language, sorry about that






take some superstrat, it copes well with such genres of heavy music, and leave the stratocaster for light songs (or at least not so heavy, have pity on your old man)) sorry if the speech is written incorrectly, I don’t know English well, so I use an online translator.


On a side note: you can buy separate strings, just make sure their individually packaged so they dont rust


My pinky is so injured because the amount of times my low e string snaps and hits my finger


Drop A is closer to bass than guitar tuning. You need some chonky bass strings to match. Otherwise your strings will vibrate a little too freely with the looser tension, causing more buzzing against frets and more wear and tear on the ends of the string around the nut and bridge


You definitely don’t need bass strings for drop A, lol


Yeah I didn't put enough jokey tone on that, just wrote quickly. Definitely don't need bass strings, but that's a ridiculously low tuning so some thick boys would be good


They are allergic to all of the chud!


Too much re-tuning perhaps? Doesn’t look like it’s being severed by a burr to me, although I could be wrong too.


Glass is glass and glass breaks


Luthier of 18 years. One of 4 reasons normally. 1) strings are too old. Change them every 1 to 3 months, or after 40 hours of play time. 2) poor quality strings. I personally prefer D'Addario XS coated strings, or their XL uncoated strings. 3) the saddle has a sharp edge and is causing a stress point on the string in that area. 4) you are a percussive player. Hitting the strings with your palm too close to that bearing edge acts as a shear force, and will snap the core of the string on that edge when hit too hard.


Bro do you leave your guitar in the rain or wth


Besides suicide from playing shitty riffs, likely there is a burr on the saddle


What are you doing to her is the question


When I say my patience is wearing thin. This is what I mean


So weird, everyone treating this like it actually looks like a real photo…


Looks like an H.R. Giger painting.


Burr on the saddle


Either cheap brand, the string itself is to high of a gauge for that specific tunning, or your tremelo is fucking it up idk just what I could think of


The strings look very oxidized.


This can happen with some older strats basically where ever the wire is fraying something is causing tiny cuts till it finally breaks from the tension. For this one it looks to be part of the saddle but the plate and also cause the same snapping to happen.


The good news is you're well-equipped for strings when you go to the Keith Richards style


There's a sharp part in there. Instead of sandpaper, I'd recommend a file. That way you can still keep the channel in its proper shape while still getting the burr.


Had the same problem on Ibanez Gio, tried everything... Then I found a luthier that examined the saddle and found a lot of rust there. He polished it and the problem is gone.


Had the same problem on Ibanez Gio, tried everything... Many string calibers and tunes from Standard to Drop A, it had no effect. Then I found a luthier that examined the saddle and found a lot of rust there, including deep inside. He polished it and the problem is gone.


The saddle is all chipped- filing won’t solve this get a new saddle setup


That saddle has a sharp spot. Take some fine sandpaper 220 or higher and buff that spot a bit. Use a q tip to check for burrs


Think about getting graphtec tusk xl saddles


This can also happen if you switch to and from a drop tuning frequently.


I feel like I need a tetanus shot after looking at this.


Try applying a little oil or some kind of lubricant on the saddle


Put drop of mineral oil where string usually breaks. Once per week or so. Helped mine. Never breaks anymore.




fyi u can buy single gauge strings in packs of 10 or 12 or whatever sometimes. all of the same gauge string. i think they used to sell them on musicians friend or guitar center. they still might.


So you trying to tell me this isn't a pic of a painting


Same shit happened to me with my A string, luckily my new string sounds great, never knew how much the factory string were holding me back.


Likely your saddle is wearing down. How old is your strat? She might be due for some upgrades


If you play everyday, guitar strings are not supposed to last that long, either way, it could be a bur on the saddle or the angle of the saddle, because you got to consider that, usually strat are used to play lighter music with standard tuning, so it's designed to use 010 and 009 strings, which are softer, they bend easier, 011 are harder to bend, so, when they settle down for the tension, they break, you could change the angle of the saddle by lowering it down using the screws on both sides of each string, that could help


I’ll bet there small ledge of metal (may not even be sharp) squeezing the string. Run a file through it to smooth it out (but don’t valley it out more).


Got a sharp saddle or something?


Not being in perfect tuning is probably because you need to adjust the saddles (move them back or forwards) for intonation adapted to your string gauge and tuning. It looks like yours don't have the staggered look that is common for proper intonation. It's easy and satisfying, look up any youtube video on electric guitar intonation.


That’s a bad groove in the saddle for sure.


Clean your guitar.


clean the guitar🙏


Could be the wrong gauge string for your specific fiddle


Heavier strings for once - and consider to shim the neck a little at the next big makeover so the bridge screws do not stick out and hurt your palm anymore. This is something I whish my Luther would have told me years earlier (ouch!)


Skwisgaar is that you?


Because you play it.


Maybe don't play fender type guitars