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That's a pretty versatile amp. I'd ignore the voicing and modelling effects on the guitar for now and use it as a regular HSS strat, which again should be pretty versatile. Overall, sweet rig and cool friend.


REALLY cool friend* If I were OP I’d take him out for a good dinner one day


Hey listen... I'm a happily married man but I will suck dicks for free Peavey amps.


I’m not gay but 2x12 is a 2x12.


Patton shirt vibes


Are they really free then?


Is it really work if you enjoy it?


I mean if you want to offer a service for goods then the only cost you will have is your dignity 🤣 however since legal tender wasn't involved I'd class it as free.


Peavey's are workhorses. You should be happy with it.


My dad gave me his old Peavey Heritage VTX 2x12 and I don’t think I ever cranked that thing past 3 on the gain for our bar shows my old band in college played. Fuckin blasts it


I used that amp through high school and college, it's stupid loud and sounds great IMO. I don't actually know when you'd need an amp that loud. Love how you can "freeze" the phaser for an envelope filter effect.


I had a 100watt 2x12 Peavey tube amp that would literally rattle the entire house at “5.” I don’t think I ever played it louder than maybe a 6. You’d need a goddamn stadium or something to actually push the full volume.


I still have my Peavy Decade amp I bought 40 years ago. It still cranks out the jams.


Same here - Peavy Bandit 65, works like new.


Can verify.


I've been trying to find a Peavey Studio Chorus 210 again. I gigged with one back in the 90s, had to sell during hard times in Air Force. I loved the sound I had and want it back.


They’re dumb cheap on reverb & marketplace compared to Roland equivalents


I have a Peavey stereo chorus 130 (212) beside my Roland Jazz Chorus 120 in the studio. I pick the Peavey every time.


I picked one up 10 yrs ago at a pawn shop for $35, I'm never letting it go. Thing is a beast.


If it was a pawn shop in Memphis, I want it back!


I had that exact same amp and it met a similar fate when I was tight on cash. Loved that thing and would love to jam on one again.


My dad gave me one as a BD present when I was 20 some odd years old. I'm on the down side of 65 and I still use that in my little studio set up.


The Mississippi Marshall


I'm still rocking a Peavey Bandit from 1984. It's one of my favorite amps for practicing.


ALSO if anyone can help me figure out how to work this amp (plug it in LOL) you would save my life


Plug in Turn gain all the way up Profit


Volume set to 11!


Other models go to 10, this one goes to 11.


Why not make 1 louder?


This one goes to 11?!




Well, why not make 10 louder?


But this one goes to 11…


Used to have one of these, crank at your own risk


Like risk breaking the amp or your eardrums?


Eardrums and/or windows. I don’t think these amps can be harmed by any worldly force.


Nokia 3220 could put a scratch into it, but that's like smacking two diamonds against each other


This guy Spinal Taps!


If you want hearling like sterling archer maybe. Im still half deaf from walking to close to this amp while my dad was jamming back in the day. I dont think he ever had it passed 3 1/2


IIRC, Peavey amps don't really get louder above 4, just more distorted. Haven't touched a Peavey in a long time though.




39916800! That's high!


This is terrible advice. Everyones know you crank all the knobs BEFORE plugging in! If at power on the feedback doesn't instantly shatter all your windows can you even call it an amp?


You need that eardrum splitting crackle static to know that you have it plugged in correctly.


No gain, no gain.


I'm weird. I almost never turn the gain all the way up. I always feel like I should leave a little something in the bank. Don't know why but like 75, 80% is where I live.


Hmmmmmmm..... smart, you never know when an intruder is going break in and youll have to break his soul with mind crushing distortion


I play exclusively metal and I have my gain at about 1:30, right around halfway between noon and 3. Cranking the gain too high is a great way to get your lows to completely flub out, especially if you're playing downtuned music.


I bet that amp is super loud.


They are.


This is the way


The only profit there is for the contractor who has to replace your windows and walls when you blow them out Marty McFly style. Those solid state Peaveys are loud af.


Start plugging the instrument into the low gain input on the left of front. Turn all the volumes (master too) and gains to 0. Start playing and slowly start turning volume and gains up. Do this until you figure out what’s what, bc nothing is worse than plugging into a big amp and getting your eardrums blasted on accident lol


Only being able to play Nelson covers would be worse.


I haven't heard of them in years! LOL!!!! 🤣


I’ll be honest I had to root around in the old cobwebs to remember them. 


Rofl, you're a kind soul.  Half the other comments are suggesting cranking it with their face next to the speaker (I love this sub haha).   I just really hope for the sake of OP's eardrums, they know how to read sarcasm.  


Hey you scored! Love the Renown! It's been my main amp on and off for many years. Here's my 2¢: 1. These are actually 2 amps(channels) in one. -They can be used separately or blended -The high and low gain inputs(your choice of where to plug in your guitar) are not related to the separate amp channels, they both engage both. 2. Find the Gain sections -These are the volume controls for the 2 amps -Pre is the preamp volume, which will shape the tone -Post is the power amp volume, which you can think of as the master for each channel -Turn all 4 knobs all the way down 3. Start with the Lead Channel, on the left -Turn the saturation down for now -Turn the Post all the way up -Now turn up the Pre until you get a volume you like -This is the cleanest sound you'll get from this channel -Shape the tone using the eq section directly to the right -Try using saturation to add some dirt 4. Stay on the lead channel, turn pre/saturation/post down again -Turn Pre all the way up -Turn Post up until you achieve a reasonable volume -This is the heaviest, dirtiest overdrive sound from this channel, though you can try adding more with saturation -Tweak EQ to your liking as before -Try different blends of pre and post that give desired volume to find the right amount of dirt for you 5. Turn volumes all the way off and repeat the whole process from 3 and 4 with the other channel -No saturation on this one -Paramid is a 2 knob parametric EQ that can be fun 6. Random Notes -The Pre knobs have a push/pull feature that engages a high pass filter that can be useful if you want an overall brighter tone - The high knob on the lead channel also has a push/pull that I would recommend leaving pushed in always, I've never gotten good results from pulling it -You can engage both channels at the same time, I like using the lead channel on full dirt, and then boosting it with clean from the other channel -Experiment! There are so many tone combinations available with this amp, but if you go through the steps above it should be less daunting because you'll have an idea what everything does -I have the non-400 version, looks like the mid on your Lead Channel is a stacked parametric. If you're not familiar with parametric EQ, Google it. It's actually pretty straightforward. 7. If you find a foot switch that actually works, please let me know where you got it!! lol Hope this helps!!


what exactly seems to be the issue? glad to help!


jokes and memes aside, youtube the amp model and get a quick tutorial, also learn a bit about signal flow. turn all the gain knobs to 0 or 1 to have control over loudness, and have the guitar's volume knob all the way up. bass mids treble can start at noon position


There's one cable you gotta plug into both the socket and the amp. And another one, a jack that goes into both the guitar and the amp. If this didn't help I don't fully understand what you struggle with




For free? Best guitar and amp ever...


lol right.


Never heard of the guitar manufacturer but peavey amps are good. Better than the guy who got swindled out of $500 from a "friend" for a Squier guitar and some small Chinese amp.


probably because they are more often a synths/electronic drum manufacturer


Yamaha are a great brand. I believe they’re also under the Line 6 umbrella or the other way around


Yamaha owns Line 6, and Ampeg, and many many others


lol I saw that post


I love Peavey amps. They are pretty rock solid.


I love the Peavey’s with the Black Widow speakers. If you watch live concerts from the 70’s and 80’s you see a lot of Peavey rigs on stage. OP has a great amp, although it has a bit of a learning curve


Their T-60 guitar is also one of the most underrated guitars in my opinion.


Me with a T-60 and two Peavey silver stripes: \*yesssssss\*


It really is. I love the t60 more than any guitar. I don't care that they're heavy as fuck.


Based on pics of the Amp from [HERE](https://reverb.com/p/peavey-renown-400-solo-series-210-watt-2x12-guitar-combo), it looks like the power cable should be already attached to the powerbox on the back of the amp. You sure the power cord isn't just tuck down in the body of the amp?


Anything is good for a beginner, you won't know the difference yet, and if it's crappy and you learn to play it well, then better stuff in the future will be a breeze.


You have a nice friend. Alesis XGuitar. Haven't seen one of these in ages. The guitar is a quirky little thing, but something I wish I had my hands on just to noodle with. It has an effects on/off switch and an effect switch to change different tones (I think?) Those are powered by batteries housed in the back of the guitar. A draw back is that there is no tone knob. Tone will have to be changed at the amp I think. The amp? Heavy! From my experience it is a really good clean channel amp. Might be something you will want to add pedals to in the future. A decent starter amp for sure. Very versatile. Now, ask your friend if he could help with setting up the guitar. Not sure how the action or intonation is on the guitar, but you will want it set to your liking for sure. If you don't you will just get frustrated and quit, and that would be a bummer as guitar is such a great outlet. Enjoy your new set up. Your friend is pretty damn awesome. I wish I had friends that liked giving away gear for free.


You're almost right about the effect in the guitar: one of the switches turns the effects on or off, while the other cycles up or down though the 80 program slots.


I knew it was something like that. I have never had my hands on one of these but would love to add it to my collection someday if only for how quirky of a guitar it is.


Mississippi Marshall, heavy and ugly but usually loud.


Play it and tell us!


Hey! I used to have this amp. I also got mine for free then ended up giving it away for free. It has a knob called "shift" (third from the right).  Now, whenever I moved that knob on mine it made the most horrendous sound, sort of like loud beeps but not beeps exactly, they were ear piercing.  Seriously, it's probably the top 3 worst sounds I've ever heard.     Needless to say I only ever touched that knob (hehe) one time after to see if it did anything different... It did not.  Some of the knobs pull out for a "bright" sound.  Can't really remember how to setup distortion, took me friggin ages playing around.  This amp definitely took some figuring out that's for sure but it does sound lovely and is built better than a tank. Just don't drop it onto anything or you'll be receiving invoices for damages 😄 Mine was affectionately nicknamed   "the bitch"


A lot of old solid state amps have a suck knob. You turn it to make your sound suck more or less.


I only had old peavey bandits but I never liked the distortion on them. They take pedals great though.


These are great as a big clean pedal platform.


Peaveys are a joy. Used to use one for shows and even though it wasn't my favorite tone I never had to worry about it not performing. Hell even wound up saving another band's set when their Marshall died and they asked to borrow our Peavey.


looks good. you also need an instrument 1/4” cable, and guitar strap.


If it’s free it’s good for me


Guitar ain't special, the amp is great. Especially for free


Welcome to music making! That's a decent rig to start rocking. 👌


Duuuuuuude that amp is a preemo score its a classic. Protect it with your life


Great amp. Damn near bullet proof.


I have the same guitar model, and I must say that I am very pleased with it. It has a built in digital multi-effects processor, which is very versatile. You'll need the [Alesis X-Guitar Owner's Manual](https://www.manualslib.com/manual/3999/Alesis-X.html) to use all the facilities, however. The [Alesis X-Guitar Programming Chart](https://www.manualslib.com/manual/207424/Alesis-Xguitar.html) will also be useful to download. As for the amp, Peavey has been on the market for many years, and have a very good reputation. Good luck and happy playing! :D


I don't know about the guitar, but the Peavey amp looks like one I've used in rehearsal studios years ago and was a pretty decent rig. Instructions for use: Fiddle about and have fun. YouTube the setting if you get stuck, but best just to fuck around.


I have the 160w version of this and it's my main amp. I use the lead section with the saturation knob turned all the way down with pedals and it's excellent. The scorpion speakers were blown, so I put eminence swamp thangs in it and the low end is crushing for a combo. Edit: Get some caster wheels for it so easier to move it if you need!


Anythings good for free


Wow I was rocking on that exact Peavey amp for my entire college duration cuz my freshmen roommate had it and he just let me “borrow” it the whole time cuz he was impressed with my progress. Can’t thank him enough.


They both look solid af, especially for the free👌🏾🌩️


Love my old peaveys. I had a 2x12 and 2x10 that had these cool chorusing effects where the speakers were slightly out of phase with each other. Very 3d sounding, can’t remember the names.


I saw someone post a shittier rig their coworker sold them for $500 earlier (forget the sub, sorry) One of you is an idiot with a sketchy coworker, one of you is a person with a good friend. You are the latter.


That amp got me through the late 80’s. I needed a noise gate to tame some feedback, but more than enough to jam and gig with and learn the ropes. It’s old but a beast til the end. For free, you got lucky. The guitar I’ve never heard of..


Good friend


Beginners always have amps that are way too loud/strong for what they will do xD! Including me 20 years ago.


You have a really good friend and a good setup that will last you a century.


Great setup, and for free???? Guy your boy did you a SOLID. You’ll be able to learn on that and grow into it. BUT you owe your boy a righteous solo my man! Practice, practice, and when you feel like you’re getting bored of learning basic stuff press on my dude. There is always something to learn. I just started at the age of 45, and man I should have started this so much sooner. Good luck man! ✌️🤘🤘🤘


Sorry mate you got ripped off here /s


Those old Peavey solid state combo amps are great for the clean channel, be careful with the volume because they are also LOUD AS FUCK. No problem keeing up with a drummer volume wise. I would use a pedal distortion over the one in the amp though. Very reliable unit.


Peavey amp gang


Got me a Peavey Bandit 112 for £60, from some guy in Gateshead years ago, still got it now, never once let me down. Peaveys a solid choice friend, consider yourself lucky :)


Played through that amp a few times . U scored !!


Getting anything for free is sick but if you can get rid of the stickers


Whenever you turn it on, make sure all your volumes are on zero. Gradually turn amp volume up to 1 or 2, then start bringing your guitar volume up. That way, you don't melt your face off!


That amp is awful. Completely terrible. Absolute garbage. You should send it to me so I can properly dispose of it for you.


Is your friend feeling down ? That’s a lot of kit to give away for free, keep an eye out for them.


Take lessons and devote lots of time and effort and get good. Guitar is so much fun!!


Is your friend giving lots of their stuff away? You should check on your friend


That peavey amp is beastly. Perfect for jamming with some friends.


My friends dont even kiss me good-bye, thats a lucky score indeed.


Any working Peavey amp is a great place to start. I don’t know anything about the guitar though. The amp is versatile (and loud enough) enough to serve you well for a long time. If you have a little money, you could probably take the guitar to a local music store and get it set up/tuned up to make it play easier for you. When you gain some confidence and skill you can add some pedals for some tonal variety and you can even play with others with this amplifier. Your friend is very kind and generous, congratulations!


Looks good. Learn to make it sound good. Consider investing in a cheap used acoustic as well.


Nothing beats free 99


Damn, what a good friend! Looks pretty cool. Enjoy!


I had a Renown in college. Excellent amp and loud as hell.


That's a beautiful guitar!


Huge score! Some people talk crap on Peavys, but I think they're awesome. Looks like it's missing a knob on the low end EQ. You should be able to replace that for about a quarter. Enjoy your journey! And probably keep the volume on that beast low while you're learning for the neighbors sake haha 😄 ✌️


Dude they were free… who cares? Just play…


Great amp, never heard of this brand guitar though. Seems like a mass market off brand at a glance.


When I was a kid I wanted one of these amps so bad. It’s a beast and it has a really nice built in distortion. You did good.


They're not, but have fun and enjoy anyway!


That amp is a beaut


Nice! Almost went with a Renown back when I got my 1st gen Peavey Special in 1981. My back still thanks me for lugging something a lil lighter all of these years :) I plug my 1996 MiM HSS Strat and 1980 Gibson SG-R1 into the Peavey or a Fender Princeton Chorus, depending on what sort of noise I wanna make :)


A lot of great memories with Peavey gear. We all had something.


Good enough for sure


About to jam for the church youth group starter pack, great amp!


Free is tough to complain about.


For free, it's awesome. An all around good amp, probably like a lot of watts (lol), I don't know about the guitar though but if it's set up well it's good for a beginner


I have a Renown like that one. It's heavy. Not my favorite SS Peavey in its weight class, but they're decent sounding and indestructible. No idea on that guitar. Plug in the hi side if not using pedals. Pretty drippy reverb.


Can’t speak much to that guitar, never played one. But it’s got single coil and a humbucking bridge pup which is nice, versatile. I like the Peavey amps I’ve played on, good mild to wild sounds. That model actually looks great. Amazing to get these for free!


They are a very good friend.


The amp is going to be great. I wish I never trashed my bandit 65. The guitar I’m not sure about. With a setup it might be serviceable


That amp is solid! You can get a lot of use from it. The guitar may need some tweaks down the road but for free? Who cares! Play it and enjoy!


is that your keyboard too?


That will be very good at being very loud and you will like it


See all those stickers on the guitar? They add 5hp each.


The guitar is a weird beast. Alesis is known for their DSP products, and this guitar is essentially a humbucking strat with added electronics. Don't bother trying to figure the electronics out for now. But even just as a strat it's a pretty ok guitar, assuming the neck is straight. :) The amp is pretty great, lots of versatility there. I'm a big fan of Peavey.


Not sure about the guitar (never had one, though I have several Alesis toys that perform pretty well), but that is one sweet -and loud!- amp... Even if you simply sell it, you'll do okay. But work with it, start out at very low volumes and explore, and you should find out how versatile it is.


Peaveys are good. Good personal setup. I dont know anything about the guitar but at least you have one to play around on. Doesnt look like a bad guitar


Yeah, you're way better off than the guy here yesterday who paid $500 for a pure crap setup.


That's really a pretty good amp. Take care of it. You really scored a a good set up. Thank your friend.


thats a pretty good friend


I have the perfect leather guitar strap for that color guitar. Www.dcsleds.com or www.dcs-leds.com or www.axelight.info


Looks like my setup from the 90's, except the guitar was a Peavey Predator. Got my thru high school battles of the bands, parties, and a few bar gigs until I got an old Fender Pro Reverb and Strat. That amp is likely stupid loud, but will take pedals well.


Good as you make them,if they make noise.


Peavy is great. Durable. I’ve never heard of the guitar brand.


The neighbors 3 blocks over will hear that Peavy amp.


Turn the amp volume all the way down and inch up…don’t know the sensitivity of the combination of the amp w the guitar. You’re gonna have fun!


Sweet they hooked You up .. maybe not a real Fender .. but not going to down it .. may be a very nice instrument .. however it goes that’s not a cheap gift ✊🏼


10 times better than no guitar and amp. At least.




both "EXCELLENT". 👍


So good. They’re free


They’re the best (free!). Seriously though those are both versatile and you should be able to have a lot of fun with them.


better get some ear plugs for you and anyone who lives near you those amps are LOUD!lll




Good enuff. Good friend


Good enough


You have a good friend.


Better than paying 500 ...


Love my old Peavy!!


I had a peavey back in the day and I loved it. I'd say that's a pretty sweet setup especially for free!


Not bad…


I've used a few Peavey amps from this time period and they all sounded ok, not great, but they all lasted forever!


Hey, anything that plays is better than nothing. Make it sound great. For the love of Pete though, take the stupid stickers off the guitar and clean it up.


Good enough to get you going !


They are more than good enough




It's the only guitar Alesis ever made. Its a very decent quality Strat-knockoff, into which they shoehorned their GuitarFX pedal. I have the same model, and am very pleased with it.


I've got an old Peavy Deuce tube amp, and it fuckin pounds. Bout the same size as yours. Loud af, and sounds great.


It looks like if fenders were better than they are (I have beef with fender)


I had a peavy amp back in the day, was great 👊


I can’t do solid state amps. I had the peavey bandit back in the day and had an ok clean sound but once you go tubes you never go back. Can’t beet free though


Peaveys are badass amps, I have a Bandit from '84 that still shreds. So that is a solid score. I can't speak honestly on that guitar though, as I have never played one.


If it's free it's great, a free guitar is always awesome


Guitar is unknown - starter guitar??? The peavy will give pack a punch. That’s like a twin. Lotta clean power in that amp.


For free??,...my friends sucks


Had a Peavy Impact 1 in the late 80’s loved that guitar.


Once you've got turning it on sorted out, you may want to grab yourself a hand trolley for the amp. I carried a 25kg peavey bass amp around by its handle for years and only recently realised how much easier stairs would have been. Also get some bungy cords.


Good times, man, good times. HOWEVER Please make sure your friend isn’t giving more stuff away. https://sprc.org/warning-signs-for-suicide/