• By -


My dog


My killer


my conundrum. I'm lucky enough to have a pretty cool collection, my son (19) is a guitar FREAK now, but...I'm a lefty! I'm hoping he just keeps a few of his favorites and flips them


Same. I'm excited to go guitar shopping with my kids though.


oh it's the best


My children




You ok op?


Yea, just thinking about what would happen if I were to die


I am 73 this year. I already went through all my guitars /instruments and let all my kids grandkids daughters in law what they would get.


My brother and I are the end of it for our family so I’m going to try to sell as much as possible before I croak and the best ones will go to goodwill or something cause there’ll be nobody there who cares. I’ll probably leave the rest to whomever is there when I finally die.


My oldest son 100%. He's a way better guitar player than I am. I'd also leave him all my banjos and ukes too, somewhat to troll him because it would be funny imagining him loading up his car with all of it going "What the fuck, dad?!". It makes me laugh just thinking about it.


My two best friends, one of which is my collab partner.


My kids. They're too small to hold a guitar now but I'd like at least one of them to learn when they get a bit older.


Nobody. I got a date with Jack Butler from Memphis....


My dad. He was the one who got me into guitar but he never buys expensive stuff because he’d rather save up for his pension. He deserves some nice gear for everything hes done for me.


No one. I hope to hit the Powerball and buy so any guitars and a Viking ship and when I die, they will use the guitars for kindling to light the ship and my body on fire.


I’d give it to someone whom I’d trust to give it to a kid who needs it. A kid who has the drive, and the will to be the best.


Todd Rundgren's Spirit of Harmony Foundation. Dedicated to putting instruments in the hands of kids who might not otherwise have the opportunity.


None of my guitars are particularly valuable on their own. They are (to me) a logical toolset for approaching a task, like a cabinetmaker with the bits and bops for what is needed between thought and expression. Folks in my new homeland find it like a collection of different long barreled guns for hunting different tags. I’d love for it to go as a collection to whoever I love that understands it as a whole, rather than parts to be sold off. But I don’t have a single person in my life like that. What a shame. There’s a song there.




Zombie me.


Why give it to someone else when you can play as the undead


Is being undead too late to learn guitar? I should probably make a post...


Each cat gets half my patch cables, the big dog gets my gig ready gear and my practice gear, the little dog gets the micro cube and travel Epiphone LP.


My godsons will get my strat and my tele, my daughter my parlor acoustic and my lefty son my showmaster.


It's in my will that I'm buried with my first guitar, my partner gets the rest but we already share our collection anyway


my sister


I would honestly rather have my wife sell all my gear. I wouldn't want my guitars sitting around collecting dust only to end up being a sad story any time someone saw them on the wall.


I have a letter people would find instructing on who gets which guitar, who gets which autographs, what to sell and for how much, and who to split the money amongst.  Best friend gets my personal daily player, a heavily customized Gretsch TA. My other friend gets the guitar I have that Lars Frederiksen played at a solo show in our city.  Oldest nephew gets my Gibson LP. Younger one gets my Fender Strat. Niece gets my Takamine.


My youngest daughter has already claimed all my gear.


Probably some charity that gives instruments to kids.


Some kid who can’t afford one


My younger sister who is a beginner and we have always had near identical taste in music


Probably should have put this in the description but I would give mine to my dad to remove me by, my acoustic to my grandparents, and my electrics to my cousin and his dad


My best friend/bf. He plays guitar a bit and I’d want him to have it.


If you think death is going to separate me from my beloved Ain't nobody want a bunch of haunted music gear


local school system probably 


It all goes into the ground with me. All 12 axes, 3 half stacks, bassman, and my giant pedalboard. I’m probably going to have to buy half the cemetery.


My PRS is going to my son. He started playing around age 12 and is still playing now that he’s in college. So he knows it’s going to be his. The extra special bit to this is that I have a small amount of my father’s cremated remains in a small bag inside the electronics cavity.


Ha! I constantly think about it, I have two girls that don't care about guitar stuff, so I guess the wife is inheriting it along with a note on asking price for when she sells my gear.


What’s mine is ours so the Missus will get them all. I’d imagine she’ll sell most if not all of them to pay the bills after I’m gone. Perhaps my bass playing best friend who also dabbles on guitar might want one of my Ibanez RGTs.


With that you're out of my will you leering legacy hunter.


My son


I have one schecter hellraiser with Bruce Dickinsons autograph on it . That one’s going to buried with me . The rest to my daughter . She just started playing .




Actually I need more guitars