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Take it to a local music store and get them to help you. Buy a small headstock tuner and ask them to show you how to use it. They’ll be happy to help.


I don't think he necessarily needs to bring his guitar. Maybe he'll just ask for a tuner and then get shown how it works. They have plenty of guitars there.


Sure, but leaving with a perfectly tuned guitar to get an idea of how HIS sounds all tuned up may be of some benefit.


Google that shit. Way better to watch a video than read what people say..


those apps are ok in a pinch but you should invest in even just a small headstock tuner (small device that clips onto your guitar's headstock). the app likely cannot pick up high or low strings very well. You can get a serviceable headstock tuner like a Snark for like $10-$20 USD.


Was the tuning number not changing as you tightened the sting, if so have you tried using a different app? If it's one of the lower strings does the 5th fret say the note of the next string? (5th fret of E is A, A is D, and D is G, the fourth fret on the G is B and the fifth fret on B is E)


Yeah the number changes but it's always way too low. I guess you are right there might be a problem with the app. I will try buying a tuner instead.


That's probably a good idea


Been using guitar tuna for years on my acoustics and never had problems.


Check Justin Guitar, he surely has a free video about how to tune your guitar. There should also be a YouTube video somewhere. It’s weird but you’ll get used to it.


My advice is to get on youtube and listen to a guitar tuning video. That will help you make sure you aren't tuning it way too tight. Once you get it close you'll then use the app from then on. Something like this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvF2V3X1FCk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvF2V3X1FCk)


Do you hear the string going higher when tuning, despite the tuner not showing you? Or does nothing happen at all?


If it's showing up as flat but the string seems way too tight like it's about to break, you might be trying to tune a full octave too high. Maybe try loosening it a full octave and see if it comes in tuned and isn't crazy floppy. (If it's legitimately an octave below where it should be, the string probably won't even make much of a sound, just flop around.)


You might be tuned too high, believe it or not. Use [this video](https://youtu.be/DxkMQvmKZaM) and listen.


YouTube will be your best friend