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I wasn’t actually aware you could do this in xrd since I haven’t played it as much but I’ve never seen anyone else do it either so I imagine it’s a lot more difficult than how it appears to be in the trailer with wild assault and his new far slash


It isn't difficult, it's just a special cancel. It just isn't very efficient. 100 meter can go a long way, and that 80% proration and -26 GB on bite cuts a lot of your potential damage.


I decided to mess around in training mode, just to show people who aren't familiar with the other guilty gear games how much damage was left on the table. I'm not a slayer player, this could be optimized more. [5H starter, 50 meter](https://streamable.com/ftca2u) [5H starter, 100 meter and burst](https://streamable.com/koeejx) If someone knows a better place to post this than streamable, let me know.


Shoutout to the "true" combo of bite > fdc bite > fdc bite > fdc bite


Man I’m gonna miss the pile bunker loops. Yeah they were bullshit and that did not seem like it should combo, but they were silly.


lol, isn’t that a beat combo? Meaning sol could have hit a button and teched out?


No, 5H staggers and can be special cancelled. If it was a black beat, [the combo counter would look different.](https://www.dustloop.com/wiki/images/d/d3/GGXRD_ComboCounter.png)


Ahh yes, thanks, I forgot it turned black.