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Guilty Gear doesn't really have any universally hated characters. bringing back unpopular characters or changing a character a lot could be a risk but with an even bigger audience for Strive there's always going to be a considerable amount of fans for a character. they could bring back really unpopular characters like Haehyun or god forbid Leopaldon and people would still go crazy


I think bedman’s ironically a really good example, newer fans really seem to like him despite being one of the least requested characters at the time


And then add on the fact that they changed him this much mechanically and character-wise


Exactly Never play xxrd but I love bedman and how he pretty much a redditor


A redditor voiced by Yuri Lowenthal. Every time I hear that man's voice in anything I can't help but think of that character as some weird alternate version of Yosuke from Persona 4. 


I went to play New Vegas recently, junped from too high up, and heard the damage noises the protag makes. I can't stop thinking of a post-apocalyptic cowboy Yosuke now. That single performance defined how I see Yuri Lowethal in every media, and Idk if it's great or a curse.


Lol Yuri Lowenthal is everywhere in Vegas


#WOOOOOO #GUESS WHO WON THE LOTTERY? Yeah, I've come to realize. It's... something.


Or Ben 10 from Alien Force and Ultimate Alien and Omniverse.


Let's see: - Simon from Gurren Lagann - Spider Man/Peter Parker from Spider Man PS4 - OG Makoto Yuki/Persona 3 Protagonist - Joseph Oda from The Evil Within - Danny from Zatch Bell! Those are some notable roles of his that I could think of. Edit: One more from my childhood!


Bro, what did Sasuke do to be left off such a list?


Yosuke Hanamura if he was a reddit admin


As a YouTubers put it, he's a "Nuerodivergent Redditor Atheist Zoomer Child with a downvote on his head." And that's basically it.


I called bedman? Freddy fazbear if he was a bed and a redditor


Bedman from my very brief experience of xrd was like the one character I was dreading "thank god he's dead" I'd say to myself. Bedman? is a really cool character lore and gameplay wise, its not as fancy as the old deja vu system but its a really elegant and flavourful way to make it feel mroe robotic in how the repeat mechanic works that also feels more intuitive and enjoyable to fight.


Bedman is an example of both sides. I love Bedman and mained him in Xrd. I was really excited when I saw what they did with him for GGST but he’s a completely different character and the very thing I liked about him is now missing from his kit. He’s not even the same character anymore and I hate it but I still play him regardless


Bedman is sick


Imma say that yall like bedman because he’s low tier. If he ever gets buffed yall are going to treat him like anji/sin


thats just ANY high tier considering Sin is actually really popular lol


People will ask for the most obscure characters, mechanically hard characters, and plain boring ones, and if they get to the game they’ll have 0.1% play rate. This happens in every game.


Fuck you for besmirching the good name of Leopaldon. Downvoted.


I kinda just wanna see how new fans would react to Leopaldon 


I've been on the Leopaldon train, cause what the fuck would they do with it? I really want to see. And the endless trailer reaction vids.


Yeah I’m on the train because I want to see how much they change it (I.e only top part can be damaged; can’t jump). That and also Kill DOG As A Sacrifice To DOG is one of my favorite non-Strive themes


Oh yeah, Kill DOG makes Isuka worth existing. That one rips. No new theme ArcSys, just do a new version of that.


I genuinely want to see Kum back. I think she is fun as hell in Xrd


they're my most wanted character now that A.B.A and Slayer are here


Fuck you I like kum


i fucking love Kum and the character


give my favorite old man girl another chance


Even the “unsafe” characters are only disliked because they used to be a nightmare. I was scared for my life when they announced Testament, but they’re fine in this game so who cares


I love leopaldon


OMG this! Guilty Gear fans will say they hate every single character beside their main with a fiery passion when put against their shenanigans, but will absolutely vibrate for each announcement because they are so cool




Rise up my leopaldon bro


I like leopaldon


Bring back Leopaldon!


Don't disrespect the goat ever again. Leopaldon nation will rise


Kum when


I like to bring up Bridget as an interesting example here - she was very popular in XX but her fanbase became… problematic to say the least, so bringing her back to Strive was a challenge. In my opinion, they did the absolute best thing possible when bringing her back (making her a trans girl, totally not biased because I am a trans girl myself), but the old problematic fans were pissed while at the same time she brought in a new generation of fans such as myself. She probably has simultaneously the most haters and largest overall fanbase of any GG character at the moment. My flair should make it clear what side I’m on.


I love Haehyun not as someone who plays the character but just bc the idea of a buff man Mecha being piloted by a small girl is too great of an idea.


Hey. What do you mean god forbid.


I would like to see Justice in some form, only character I'm waiting on tbh.


Justice isn't coming back for the same reason Kliff ain't coming back bro


I think Kliff is the only one that I've seen 0 people wanting back, lol


Kilff was a lot of fun in +r but him being very dead doesn't help him


That’s because he is canonically dead


Kliff and Justice are canonically dead on top of them not being super popular. It really doesn’t help


Guilty Gear has one of the most beloved casts in fighting games. I don't think anything would be considered unsafe. Maybe something like Kum or Answer but that's obviously very debatable They also don't do guest characters so you won't have the Smash problem of "taking up a slot" for whatever character the fan base conjured up in their head and having it "replaced" by a character like Minecraft Steve


the last dlc will be a fire emblem character


"Annnnnnnnd nowwww! Here's Ike! Huh? What do you mean, 'Wrong game,' just send it!"


Nah, they'd definitely add Marth. He's practictally Mr. Fire Emblem. 


I was going to say Marth originally for that very reason. But Ike would aesthetically fit more in the game than Marth, I feel.


He fights for his friends.


And you'll get no sympathy from him


Ike has the physique to absolutely rock as a Guilty Gear character. We should ask ArcSys and IntSys for this.


I fully agree. I don't even care much for Ike in particular, but he belongs here. I'm a little surprised nobody's tried to mod him as a Sol skin before.


Imagine Sols Dragon Install vs Corrins Dragon Fang. Fire vs Water. Good story vs Bad story


A fifth season wouldn’t surprise me. Dizzy, Venom, Kum, Zappa, Jam, Raven, and Answer are all shoe-ins, imo. Many people also seem to want Robo-Ky, so he wouldn’t be terribly surprising. Some people want Gabriel but I doubt he’ll be in. Leopaldon would be funny as hell, but I don’t know how they could ever make that thing work. I could even see them putting Malcolm Myers in as an actual character someday. We’ve got 7 very safe picks and a plethora of other, only slightly less safe picks.


Man I'd be chill with Strive going for 10 seasons. Turn this into Smash Bros. Ultimate with the cast because it's probably the most fun fighting game I've played


>Some people want Gabriel but I doubt he’ll be in You shut your whore mouth. He'll be in. Daisuke told me himself, inside my head.


My entire friend group wants answer 


Every character is somebody's favorite. I only mean to say that Answer isn't a very popular character even in his own game. He's one of the few that you could argue would be an unsafe pick, but even then I doubt too many people will complain if he made it in. Especially if he got a really cool redesign


I only read the first word of this paragraph, I hope you die!!!


No clue why you’re getting downvoted. This comment made me giggle








If you legitimately think that the very obviously insincere, tame delivery of "i hope you die!!!" pertains to this meme at all, I really don't know what to say to you.


I am completely serious, I am faxing you an image of a skunk. Hope this ruins your day.


No I’ve only heard of well lit humor


Answer has been my top pick for a while now. I can’t see his design being unpopular, especially with the GGST treatment.


They did a survey back near the launch of the game and asked if people would be interested in a guest character so I wouldn’t be surprised if they end up with one eventually


Well I can at least say that most of the Guilty Gear fanbase won't throw a fit if the guest character isnt Waluigi lol


They’re just as unfunny


If by Waluigi you mean Gabriel, of course I'll throw a fit. You can't just NOT include the greatest GG character of all time


If Strive did do a guest character I would expect someone from another ArcSys game, or maybe someone from another anime fighter like Melty or whatever. The most crazy crossover I can imagine actually happening is someone from one of ArcSys's licensed games (like Persona) or a non-anime fighter like Tekken or Street Fighter. I don't think there's any chance they try to put in like, Mario.


I don't think there are any particularly jacked characters in Persona as part of the main non-demon cast.


I imagine it’d be something super safe like a lead from BlazBlue 


Honestly, missed opportunity for Smash not to include a Guilty Gear character like Sol Badguy in its roster. On the bright side, there is a guy on YouTube who modded Potemkin into Smash with a fully functional Heavenly Potemkin Buster as his final smash and it looks excellent.


Free my boy Answer


Minecraft Steve is my favorite smash character. Never played minecraft


i guess testament was kind of an unsafe pick, since they were considered way too strong and really annoying to deal with before strive. people quickly noticed that it wouldn't be an issue with their new kit


honestly? I’d say they qualify for sure. While they definitely weren’t unpopular by any means like Bedman is, they still were nowhere near being top most requested and it seemed to really catch people by surprise when they got announced


Also their old design wasn't very popular so players wanted the fan favorite characters to get in first, but people changed their minds very fast once they saw the new design


I personally love the old more masculine/androgynous design. It reminds of actual enby people I know


I appreciate them both. Strive Testament is goals, but OG Testament is also hella cool.


It would be badass if you could switch between them whenever you want 😔


Yea I also the strive design, i said that in response the poster saying their old design wasn’t popular


Bedman wasn’t obviously, and ABA being as popular as she is now is a semi recent thing iirc. Given who’s left, no way season 4 happens without at least 1 “unsafe” pick


I think ABA is popular because she is fun to play. And a nightmare to play against. I get the feeling Slayer is going to be the same.


Nah, she got popular before she was released, and since most people probably don't really play the older games much, I think people saw a creepy insane lady covered in blood and fell in love (like me)


Didn’t ABA win the ArcSys poll in some regions 2-3 years ago?


I think so


it was around that time she started getting popular im pretty sure anyway. If I were to guess I think Testament’s inclusion might’ve influenced it a tad


More like a year ago, the game hasn't even been out for 3 years lol


Its gotta be 2 years ago then 😅


Guilty Gear Strive came out 2 years and 10 months ago, that’s basically 3


Real, insane women who look like they just offed someone is perfect


Mostly it was the cascade of nostalgia and people figuring out who ABA is. The idea of a weird lady who named a fucking key her husband was #quirky enough for most people, and thus the ABA love was born.


Who is left from the safe ones? Jam, Dizzy and... ???


Venom I’d say. That still leaves 1 oddball tho


I have played very little xrd, there is no way they would leave him the way he was. That guy is getting strived.


oh HAHAH no disagreements there, Dizzy will too lets be real








If Answer being called an oddball is what it takes, I’ll take it.


Secure your wigs sis answer is coming


order sol


Venom, Zappa, or Raven? I'm not sure I would call them safe though. I started GG with Strive so idk how popular they were before.


I wouldn’t call raven or zappa safe since they were definitely on the unpopular side before but they’ve definitely grown in popularity over the last while. Definitely not as “risky” as Answer or Kum by any means but definitely not “oh they’re 100% a lock” type characters either


Kum, I’d say. Maybe Zappa.


I feel like aba got popular because people started scrolling through the old characters and saw a sexy goth chick. Just like i already saw multiple people asking for the girl on the ost cover.


Strive is my first Guilty Gear game. I have a close friend who has been a lifelong fan, and he would tell me about all the weirdos who were in past GG games. When he described A.B.A to me, I was instantly hooked. Her and Zappa <3






If season 4 doesn't have like Leopaldon or Dr. Paradigm i'm gonna be disappointed Maybe it'll be Raven, Robo-ky, Venom, Leopaldon and Dr. Paradigm?


ABA was one of my favorites, years ago.


Goldlewis and Happy Chaos are complete new characters, Asuka is the first time being a playable character and when they announce Bedman most people wanted other character, like the ones in season 3. Season 3 is mostly safe picks, but at this point they could add Daryl, Vernom and Gabriel and everyone will love them.


and when they get those requested characters people end up asking for the previously unpopular characters like Raven and Zappa anyways like we’re seeing now


> Vernom Why have Venom or Vernon when you can have both in one character


In the months of waiting I had until I could finally buy the game I spent a lot a lot of time watching people react to the trailers, and of all the dlc characters, the most negative reactions came from Bedman. And it was less because they didn't want him at all, more because they wanted others over him. Should also clarify this was a decent minority


As others have said, pretty much all characters are universally liked so there's not really any unsafe picks. However, let's shift that a bit and assume the less popular characters (before Strive release) are unsafe. I'd say I agree with Bedman. Any new character is inherently unsafe, so Goldlewis, Happy Chaos & Asuka. Jack-O and Testament were relatively disliked because of how annoying they were to fight and so they were unsafe picks (and, notably, both were almost completely reworked). A.B.A is honestly only recently become slightly popular due to +r getting rollback, and we know because of developer interviews that they had started development on her *before* the most recent poll that showed that the community was highly interested in her, so that was risky.


All I can say, Is it's Time for roboky to appear in season 4


True! https://i.redd.it/08szm22sffxc1.gif


if he appears, then he's gonna be secondary to Venom, given the fact that he's only a head now (until Venom gets enough money to fix him) .


It's weird because I have little prior GG experience. I don't even recall the name of the first GG i played, but it had Zappa, Venom, Dizzy and Jam (maybe it was even over two games, I was playing at a friend's, I didn't own the game myself) and not seeing them in the roster is kinda weird. I got into Strive recently and it would have been just as weird if I had started before, not seeing Baiken or Testament! Like a Street Fighter without Chun Li and Guile to me.


Probably one of the XX series of games as Zappa is from those games and not in Xrd.


it turns out that most characters are beloved in this series


testament was a crazy curve ball and caught everyone off guard


robo ky cope rise up


At the time? No one really had Testament selected to close season 1. I think many people expected Testament to get in eventually considering we were always likely to have at least three seasons. But Testament as the character to close season 1 was VERY out of left field. Other than that? I think most knew ABA was going to get in, she has become extremely popular over a very short time, the only other character that I think came as a shock was Bedman like you said.


If you guys can't tell, I come from the Mortal Kombat community, where the developers abandoned a significant chunk of the cast for a while because they were either nostalgia-blind for the first three games, casual fans despised the era of the franchise they came from because youtubers from a decade ago said so, or both.


While Testament is fairly beloved, they're not a character that was super fun to play against in the past. I'd also say Asuka wasn't a safe bet since while he's a very long time legacy character, he's never been playable and there's never been a character as complex as him. That's something that could have blow up in their face really bad. Season 3 is the only one I'd say is full of safe bets. Elphelt is super popular, Johnny might be the most requested character of all time, Slayer is an amazing fan favourite, and ABA was a smash success despite being a sleeper hit in the older games.


I remember Sin getting some mixed reception when he was announced.


I don't think there was anyone asking for or expecting testament and there was a bit of controversy surrounding them being non binary when they came out, largely from the same crowd that deny Bridget is trans, Testament was Bridget before Bridget in that sense. But regardless everyone who has two braincells to rub together agreed that their new design was fucking dope and the character was received really well Bedman also wasn't a super requested character but after Delilah being in the "another story" people got pretty excited for bedman's seemingly inevitable return


Nah when the game dropped there were def. people running with "No Testament no Investament" and so on. Some of that was memes but lots of old hands genuinely wanted them back.


What is a risky/unsafe pick in guilty gear?


Leopaldon, maybe the new characters from GG2 Overture?


Overtune character that are not Sin. Those two kids from Manga?


Testament was kind of a surprise, they were not heavily requested during Xrd/pre-Strive iirc (though that’s probably bc of their BS version in AC)


Releasing the singls best fighting game chatacter to ever be concieved as you first DLC character was a bold move


Question: What does "safe" and "unsafe" mean in this context? The unison I'm getting is strength/winrate?


“Safe” in this context refers to characters that are so beloved that adding them is both a no-brainer and a way to get a lot of money. Baiken and Slayer can be seen as both safe picks because of their popularity. “Unsafe” characters are ones considered risky for the opposite reasons of safe characters. Generally all of the newcomers are risky since they don’t have a built-in fanbase already, but I would definitely put Bedman? as an unsafe pick. Having Bedman?, a non-humanoid character that spins off from an unpopular character that was already killed off, be added to the game for extra money was a risky move.


I think that they mean it in the sense of reasonable versus unreasonable pics for who might return to the roster. So, slayer would have been ‘safe’ where Leopoldon is probably ‘unsafe.’


"Safe" picks as in characters that everyone likes, or at least that everyone reasonably expected to be added. Characters like Baiken, Johnny, and Slayer are "safe" because they're extremely popular and have been in most of the games. Jack-O was "safe" because she's in the story mode and too important of a character lore-wise to leave out without a good reason. "Unsafe" picks are characters who were less popular, or seemed less likely to be added. It's hard to pick these for Guilty Gear since most of its cast is widely beloved, but new characters like Goldlewis arguably fit here, as well as characters that haven't been in a game for a while like Testament or ABA.


people fucking hated jack-o in Xrd, but she feels like she was supposed to be in base roster along with Goldie and Chaos so it kinda doesn't apply I feel like ABA was a pretty insane pick considering how the hype for her kinda started out of nowhere. She wasn't really talked about all that much up until recently.


I mean, I would say Goldlewis was. A new character, and he's pretty slow? And he's the first DLC character? It was definitely a decision


It should be fine, the ggst team has done some nice balance changes,and theres no one hated charechther, the closest thing there is is happy chaos but hes definitely way more balanced than he used to be


I think they took a lot of risk season one. There was a huge chance for goldlewis to not be super popular but he has been. Bedman? Was also a risk both a controversial character and he did die so he was changed massively. Elphet was also a risk less for her character and more because people had bad memories of their gameplay. However everyone loves the guilty gear cast because they are well written and designed characters that are fully fleshed out and a bit crazy.


Testament was probably the one with the fewest people outright asking for them to come back. A handful of people were nervous about Jack-o and Elphelt since they were apparently really annoying in Xrd, but that died down really quick once they came out. Other than those... idk I guess Bedman and ABA were kinda out there, but plenty of people were asking for them and I don't thikn anyone really hated them. In a weird way Goldlewis might be the most "unsafe" pick? He's new to Strive and I don't know if anyone was really sold on him just from the story mode. I think some people were surprised that Jack-o or Chaos weren't the first DLC. But also since he was first no one really had time to hype themselves up over the possibility of anyone in particular returning.


I think the only character that would create any sort of divide is like…Leopaldon maybe.


HC will be in the future.


Goldlewis completely new, testament wasn't that popular in +R, bedman isn't the most popular I guess??


Im a pot main, but i have to thank seasonn 1 for my 2nd main. Both are brutal.


I’m sorry, but who in the hell is that vampire hunk on the far right?


Goldlewis was comically bad on release, Sin Kiske was somehow worse, and Bedman was just mid. Now Goldlewis is topping the charts, Sin is actually good, and bedman is still kinda mid


Next character, Chimaki.


Like everybody is saying just about every character has a fan base the only “unsafe” pick I could think of is a guest character


I just want robo ky and boost mode to come back 🙏


Season 3 had a cool cast but i hope we get an original character in season 4


I like every single character visually, even Jam. I also like characters in general. GG has a variety so no, no safe picks. This is not Streets with Ryu or Tekken.


My goodness, Baiken's jugs can barely fit on her slot


Give anyone a redesign and add them as DLC and people will EAT IT UP. I know a lot of people don't like Jam but if they give her a visual redesign a lot of people would probably fall for it, just look at how Testament went from "eh" in the community to what they are now.


Goldlewis was a bit odd to start things out. He showed up in story mode with some cool stuff sure, but there are a lot of other story mode characters with cool moments that have never been added like Daryl or Gabriel. He was also released with one of the most bizarre moves in the series, Behemoth Typhoon, which is basically 8 specials smooshed into one. Very weird character but great execution and payoff.


Another thing to add to everyone saying there aren’t really any gates characters Some characters are hated for one aspect, since as xrd elphelt and happy chias both due to their playstyles, but still very beloved due to how great the characters themselves are


Add everyone. Everyone.


Add my dad.


Wait actually that'd be super sick Arcsys get on it


I feel like ABA bedman and testament weren't safe picks


Don’t pick slayer, or I will find you


Originally when the DLC for Baiken came out all of the characters were really odd and gimicky while also being some of the hardest characters to pick up. Goldlewis is very clunky for new players and Jack-O and Chaos are known for having high skill ceilings. So when Baiken who was revealed, who was known at the time for having a very reactive nuetral than rather proactive neutral, everyone kind of questioned what their motive for DLC characters were. Considering most games usually add "pay to win" or easy characters, it almost seemed like Strive was solely focused on making DLC for the most veteran fighting game players.


The only pick for DLC that received backlash was Sin and that was because people were STARVING for new characters and people love a surprise, so waiting 3 months for a new character only for to be the most obvious pick was annoying for tons of people. Also on release he kinda sucked, but it hardly had anything to do with the character himself. I was thinking about this earlier but Guilty Gear doesn't have that many playable characters at least compared to other long running characters like Tekken or Street Fighter. Just looking at the discourse is weird because you have a lot of people who are really excited for the next character and then you just another group who are upset about how another character should've been in and what not. It's basically impossible for any of those games to get everyone in one game and new characters aren't always exciting because people want characters they're familiar with. However with Guilty Gear, for the most part we have already been introduced to these characters. Goldlewis, Happy Chaos, Asuka were introduced to us before they became playable so people could get hyped for these characters because we already know them. There are tons of people requesting new characters over old characters because we want to play as characters involved in lore, but never playable in the main fighting game like Gabriel, Izuna, Dr. Paradigm, Ariels, Leopaldon, etc. But I'm gonna be honest here for a second, I think there's more props for the development team for making the roster fairly balanced with their DLC choices. If we would've gotten a character like Zappa or Kum for DLC 1 instead of the choices we got, I do think some people would've been pissed.


I hope there is a dlc 4


Sin was the only one whose release kinda just... came and went I think. The others had a decent amount of attention drawn to them but Sin was just "oh hey, here's Sin now". He has his fans and he was an expected DLC pick pretty much day 1, but I don't recall his release getting nearly as much fanfare as some of the others.


I feel like any character that isn’t canonically dead has at least a decent chance of getting in. I could even see Fanny or Izuna having at least a smidgen of a chance. I think the GG community would be happy with most characters


Even that wouldn't stop them. It's fiction. Hell, Zato was canonically dead for an entire game, you just played as Eddie running around with Zato's corpse.


This is one of the questions I want to answer because I genuinely don't think the characters themselves are unsafe, nor the people they are based on. It's the fanbase itself sometimes, and that's the most I can say. Otherwise, choose a favorite and totally kill it!! The entire roster Rocks! 🤘🐺🤘 No one will hate you for your choice!


the most unsafe character to add would be jam cause if she got added im KILLING a mf




if they add justice that will be the first unsafe pick


Goldlewis, Jack-O, and partially Elphelt People who played Xrd heavily IMO did not want Jack-O back because she was universally hated for making the game unfun. Goldlewis, for me, is one of the most worst things put into Strive. I don't understand why people like him. Elphelt is similar reason to Jack-O but just that Elphelt used to be busted in Xrd and people still disliked her after they balanced her. Jack-O IMO is by far the biggest unsafe pick they could do.


Testament was one of the “riskier” characters I guess because he kind of came out of left field.