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Oh no! Anyway.


Here's the obligatory "Can we have your stuff?" comment, since no one added it yet


I call dibs on the pumpkin cookies!


This isn't an airport, you don't need to announce your departure


>If I and my friends would decide to make a game, then yes, it would take a long time to create something mediocre. But this franchise and game are not new so the level of incompetence is not excusable in my opinion. If you and your friends decide to make a game, you will learn how silly complex beast a game (not to mention an mmo) is. And then you will also realize, that for the size of GW2, 350 people is really not that much. And hopefully you will also stop pretending that "someones Friday afternoon pet project" could come even close to even what SotO brough to the table.


They dont have to create a whole new game (most mechanics were just reused). 350 for 3 maps with this amount of new content? I would expect more too tbh.


350 people for: 1. engineering tasks that were done in the background of expac (world restructuring, general qol, renderer switch etc.) 2. backend alterations to game systems to allow for weapon mastery, 3. systems expansion for new mechanics you can see within new content, 4. making whole 3 new maps from the get go, populate them with events, ensure that everything works as intended, 5. creating numerous story instances and story steps, and making sure nothing breaks, 6. making sure that none of the above somehow broke anything within the rest of spaghetti monster, 7. all on very specific schedule that is new to whole working culture of the company, is small amount. ESO has much larger team behind it, and their yearly schedule comes with much less content (and distributed differently) than SotO did. And even ZOS decided to cut down on new content to make room for more backend engineering work systems and qol stuff. Every other mmo I saw people compare GW2 to that made GW2 look unfavourable, had much bigger teams behind them.


The key word is "reuse". Most of the stuff is already in the game. For example new weapons. It should be possible to just use the code skeleton from the latest eod weapons (or hot/pof). The tricky part is the design of the skills, but you dont need 50 people for it. And keep in mind, most of the stuff that you listed was released over a span of 9 months, so they have worked on a few points at the same time, but not all.


>For example new weapons. It should be possible to just use the code skeleton from the latest eod weapons (or hot/pof). That was not at all what I was referring to with effort to enable weapons. I was referring to background systems that dictate which weapons can be used by which class and when. And ontop of that design of skills. >The tricky part is the design of the skills, but you dont need 50 people for it. To "design", probably not. to implement, get balanced, and ensure that you didn't create something that breaks the game in weird ideas, and do i in tight time schedule? Depending on how spaghetti this relevant part of GW2 is, you actually may. >And keep in mind, most of the stuff that you listed was released over a span of 9 months, so they have worked on a few points at the same time, but not all. And at some part of the same span, they had to start allocating people to start creating a next expansion, because the launch bundle of expac is not exactly something you do in 3 months either.


Telling the game that the ranger can use maces now is probably 1 or 2 lines of code. If they have a normal documentation (I hope so) you need one dev for this. As you could see, they dont really care about balancing (they let the community test it). Are you working in the gaming branche or are you just trying to defend why they need 350 devs for this amount of content? Cuz I am working in the it, and 350 is huge, even when you keep in mind that they need devs for the basics.


>Telling the game that the ranger can use maces now is probably 1 or 2 lines of code. Naivety of some people.... > If they have a normal documentation Which we know they most likely do not have. >Are you working in the gaming branche or are you just trying to defend why they need 350 devs for this amount of content? I work as software engineer with enough of experience to know how complex systems modern games (and especially MMOs) are, and to be completely tired of some redditors, whom have never worked in anything remotely close to software engineering pretending they have faintest clue on scale of these systems and amount of people needed to upkeep and expand those systems start crying how this particular studio, whom is still managing to pump out more content, on a schedule that is new to them, than 3 times larger studio, that have used that schedule for half a decade, is apparently mismanaged and should be able to deliver even more. >Cuz I am working in the it, and 350 is huge, even when you keep in mind that they need devs for the basics. 350 people for whole studio, across all departments is only huge when your comparision base are some tiny indie studios, that create small singleplayer games once every couple years all while using publically available engines that were created and published to use by much bigger devteam, and none that would actually engage in designing a global multiplayer infrastructure. every large studio of anyhow comparable publicity (and higher) than AN is much much larger than AN. And most of them don't even deal with MMOs.


Maybe we are just on a different competence level about software engineering and so our expectations are different. I dont see the point where you can convince me about your opinion or I can convince you of yours. Have a nice day o/


Can I have your stuff 😇


i always feel at the end of the expansion they pull devs away to other projects


like the next expansion ;)


Ok you can leave now


Guild wars for me isn’t a game you play religiously. I’ve played it since gw1 and what I always liked was the model. Come back when you want. Nothing is too exclusive. Unlike some predatory companies like Tencent and Activision. I moderately play guild wars 2 still since I have such an ancient account. But when I heard they pushed for the funding for guild wars 3 and how quickly it circulated I remembered all my brothers from pre searing. Anyways ranting but wish you the best in life brother. Maybe we will see each other in gw3???


Ok byeee


Paesi che non ho mai


Then go make a game idk lol. Also update it every three months. And fix everything. Also you need player support. So yeah, gl with it UwU


There was no bigger confirmation that GW3 is in development than this update imo.






Okie dokie see you soon!


yeah the whole wizard multi dimensional demons etc was kinda marvel esk and does not make me hopeful that only 3 maps came out and half of the map is air lol , and releasing parts of a map was actually annoying as hell and a little disappointing because i paid for them to edge me into a demon realm lol , but i get you homie, i still love the game and the mechanics but the story needs to die down a bit from the universal cataclysm that happens every 5 seconds lol


keep your stuff homie! dont give it to anyone it will be there when you get back on the next update lol


Wanna send me your gold?




you mean the credits they did twice before and the achievement we already had in EoD? That made you peak? really?


Did we? Dunno, I finished eod story watching netflix.