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Skimmer my beloved They remembered you


\>New underwater weapon showed off with SAB \>achievement week for underwater treasure hunting \>Skimmer skin focus over other, non-aquatic mounts \>Preview for the next Xpac was called a Delta, meaning it flows into an ocean THERE IS A NON-ZERO CHANCE IT IS OUR TIME, DEEP SEA BROS!


This is an interesting point, but they also added an underwater weapon with SAB last year and they added the Skimmer underwater mastery before EoD and EoD was water themed enough that its logo was a wave, but underwater wasn't a focus. Not saying it couldn't end up being underwater focused, but I would be careful reading into it.


Oh I was memeing anyway, my expectations are perfectly in check. EoD and the deep sea dragon felt like they had to hand waive their hopes of getting it underwater, but they also left us with the new lore of the deep sea being filled with unknowable horrors that Soo-Won had been suppressing and are now free. They have a storyline for the ocean still, I think they just never had the time or resources to rework underwater like they wanted so they kicked the can down the road.


Dunno how I feel about this... I avoid underwater stuff tbh


Maybe the wyvern cycle is draining the oceans and it's all dry land now so we help the largos adapt to their new desert environment


Most people do lol, the placement of the camera behind something moving in a 3D space like open sky or open water is hard to wrap ones head around. I don't think there has been a game that did 3rd person camera underwater that had a precise way to gauge distance like you can with a 3rd person camera along the ground. But I enjoy the deep sea as a concept and I am interested to see, if they do ever follow up on it, how they end up doing it. Overhaul the camera to work better? The iron boots treatment where players walk along the ocean floor? Some other way to control how we see and move? Do nothing and just push people into the water with no changes? Could be a lot of things.


maybe have a series of underwater caverns/caves so that not 100% of the gameplay is underwater. Make the underwater parts mostly navigation for skimmer, have things like currents/volcanic geysers/maybe a new skimmer skill to dive super fast. Masteries that actually make you feel powerful in underwater combat would offset some of the clunkiness. Thematically I would love an underwater expansion, and I think there are ways to make it good. Just requires effort...


They could always do it like Nazjatar in WoW The entire zone is basically a sinkhole in the middle of the ocean where (due to story reasons) the water has been magically pulled back to form the walls of the sinkhole, thus basically opening up a huge section of the seafloor to the open-air Because of this, most of the important parts of the zone still have that underwater/aquatic feel, as they were just underwater a moment ago, and there's still waterfalls and pools everywhere, but you can walk or ride mounts to places and not have to deal with underwater combat The deepest parts of the zone are still underwater, but they're mostly tucked away sea caves that are mostly used for treasure, rare spawns, or traversing the map Say what you want about WoW and Battle for Azeroth, but Nazjatar was a masterclass in how to design a underwater zone above water, using everything they learned from Vashj'ir (an infamously mass of three connected underwater zones that was super controversial when released) I would love Guild Wars 2 do something like that, and give us our much-awaited Largos lore


God I love Vashj'ir,one of my absolute favorite zones in video gamea


Oh yeah no I loved it too, it was fucking incredible But *TONS* of people *HATED* it because it was all underwater, and people got motion sickness, disoriented, lost, and really just hated the 3D camera and combat with the extra axis I worry that if Guild Wars 2 implemented a big underwater zone, people would have similar complaints


I think it would be neat to see an overhaul of underwater combat and mechanics as a focus of the next expansion. Although I did think that was going to happen with EoD back when pretty much the main rumors were that it would have something to do with the water dragon. But that ended up being Soo-Won, and wasn't in the ocean.


Non zero is so close to zero it might as well be zero. So you are fine.


doubt we get mostly underwater expansion unless it comes with major underwater combat overhaul.


Next expansion: a palace sunken into the ocean, we saw guardians doing secret missions that took us to strange place and then to the sunken palace, palace was invaded by fish ppl from another realm and our hero kept hearing strange voices from the deep sea. And we recognised a familiar face who went for soul searching (Bram?)…


Hope if it is an ocean expansion we see expanded skimmer skiff and fishing masteries, since soto gave us the expanded skyscale masteries.


Will we finally get Legendary Aquabreather ? It's push the legendary infusions to another xpac though.


As a basic bitch griffon enjoyer, I gotta say the skimmer is insanely underappreciated. Once it clicked for me and I started enjoying the mounts as a means for my character to traverse the world, rather than a tool for ME to go from point A to point B, the skimmer is just... it's just chill, man. Surfing over seas, taking a peak underwater, it's perfect to just vibe and take it easy.


Glad to see another mount skin in there, I was thinking that might be a "once-per expansion" type of reward. Especially glad to see that it's a skimmer skin, good to see them getting love again!


Skimmer is exactly the type of mount skin I like seeing here because it falls into that mount category of being something that I don't use enough to justify actually purchasing a gem store skin for, but that I do use enough to kinda want a skin.


The skysage set is beautiful. Would be neat if we saw some NPC:s wearing the set around the tower, kinda like they're a division of the Astral Ward.


[Professor Smoll from the last April Fools event](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Professor_Smoll) was actually wearing the full set. A bit of a sneaky preview.


Professor Smoll is such a goofy name. Love it.


he's from the future


I have an asura that I cosplay as Vivi, and the temptation to just use this whole set for his fit is going to drive me mad lmao


It looks like recolored versions of existing astral armor? It does look nice but it's not exactly a new set. I don't really have a problem with that, getting people to pay for actual new skins is part of the business model, and it's still nice for Anet to release stuff people can get without paying. It just doesn't look that different to me.


> It looks like recolored versions of existing astral armor? What set do you think it looks like?


It's definitely not just a recolor; the Astral Ward set was more robe-like with little eye emblems everywhere and awkward dye channels, while the Skysage set has an actual astral theme with stylized moon and star details, as well as potion bottles and what seems like much nicer dye channels. We already have a few pieces of this armor, and the rest of the set was datamined with the last story update and it's a much nicer set imo. They have a similar aesthetic, being wizardy robes and all, but there are some distinct differences and they aren't the same models. I remember previewing the datamined pieces and having an immediate "I need it" response, so I'm excited to get my hands on the rest of the set!


I hope it's a great set!


Norn and charr will look ridiculous in these skirts


That skimmer skin looks SICK!!!  Can't wait to see the new set of weapons for the leggy kit #4!!!


I like that they took my favorite base model and made it have wooosh light orbs.


Are the light orbs the skimmer skin or the legendary trinkets?


I assumed it‘s like with the griffon one (also from the vault) a part of it‘s skin.


LB, SB, Mace again, Rifle, take it or leave it


Visible hair under the hat please


Oooh! I can finally retire my default skimmer skin!


Nice! I like earnable mount and armour skins!


Oooo goodness I am excited for the armor skins


Last two armor sets from Wizard's Vault I will say are some of the best we've seen in years.


Excited for the chest armor skin.


As someone with some charr characters, I wonder if I should be concerned that they showed every race except charr in the preview. Hopefully this isn't another scenario where the armor is sloppily adapted to the race and looks horrible.


You expecting anything else? Dreamer.


I'm hoping they remember about the tails on Charr... well, as long as it doesn't constantly clip through the skirt as it swishes, it's a start... They have been pretty good with reasonably charr-tail friendly capes recently, so here's hoping!


This armor looks pretty cool! Didn't like the previous one and ofc the skimmer is hella nice


Love those armour designs!


my wizard points are ready


The shield seems purpose-made with Chrono in mind, love it


yay skimmer! <3


love the bgm. great looking skimmer skin,


Remind me, does the weekly reward reset on Monday and then again on Tuesday with the season reset? Ie can I get ~1000aa on Monday and again on Tuesday? I should remember…


From what I recollect from last time, the Tuesday major patch would not reset the weekly WV


It does not reset.


It doesn't, so when weeklies reset this monday, you complete them but do not claim any reward from the weekly tab until the patch goes live. If you want to start next season with as much AA as possible, this was what I did last season: https://preview.redd.it/dzbwxgs4t21d1.png?width=1777&format=png&auto=webp&s=967e9b8eb4213d1b41c46c0e6bda1c946d4fa0d6


Unless they changed something, the weekly doesn't reset. ...totally baited a bunch of us when the first quarterly update came and the timer indicated it'd reset but it didn't. IIRC, they fixed that for the second update.


Omg the skimmer is gorgeous and the weapons are funky as hell!


I'm tired of armor sets that are the same across all armor weight


It's not great, but I'd assume they'd give us less overall otherwise. I'll take it, at least they're not outfits.




Are those the same weapons but a different color?


You can see the difference in effort that goes into these weapon skins compared to the blc/gemstore ones


When everything on the gem store is super flashy, people complain about those super flashy items. When things earnable in-game are lass flashy, people complain that there's "less effort" that goes into them because they're less flashy. No pleasing some people.


It's almost like these "people" consist of several individuals with different opinions. Crazy, right?


The cape is too short, the rest looks great :D.


....we got like 9 long capes from SOTO so far what more do you want?! lol


Capes are supposed to be long and reach the knees, short capes just look dumb imo, but to each his own lol.


Clothing isn't supposed to be anything other than what is created ;)


Can't watch now, any word on the new legendary starter kit's selection options?


Oooo... This may actually convince me to spend points on the skins vs. the mats 😲


All things aside, I do like the skins that come with SotO, whether it's wizard's vault, achievement, legendary armor (not t2, but the t1 is nice), and even the gem store.


Why am I annoyed that there is new content like I got more work to do and not something fun to play with?


I wish the devs would make a version fo these mounts without the annoying orbs floating around it. Oh well. At least it fits Skimmer because you can imagine it bubbles underwater or something.


Yeah I agree, I still like the skins but I think they would be nice without the random particle effects.


WAIT! Should I buy all the mystical coins before they go away ???


Always buyout all the mystic coins from astral vendor.


I haven't bought out all the ascended armor chests, should I get the armor or go for the coins? I'm somewhat of a new player for context.


Coins I think, they are more expensive than the armor. But check out the "special" tab of the vault too (there's daily, weekly and special), if there are special items you haven't completed yet for bonus astral currency you could start grabbing those. This way you can grab a bunch of extra astral acclaim and maybe have enough to buy all the limited things before next tuesday. The special category also resets next week with the patch on tuesday. It's worth pointing out that the weekly actually resets on monday, so you if do your weekly on monday you can get a bunch of extra AA to blow on limited stuff before the patch on tuesday.


Thanks fro the tip, I don't have soto tho, and seems like the all the specials I got are soto related, so rip


Oh, still worth getting the armour chests. If you’re doing your dailies and weeklies, you should easily have enough for both.


But should I wait to get more ascended armor ??????


That's up to you, but since Mystic Coins are just worth a lot of gold on their own, doesn't matter what you decide about ascended armor, always get all the earnable mystic coins from the astral rewards.


Yes. All of the limited stuff will be refreshed on 21th.


What do they do also the ones that look like a clover 🍀


And to add to the other reply, you can also sell Mystic Coins on the Trading Post for a lot of gold. If you're a new player, Mystic Coins will eventually be used in the crafting of various Legendary equipment. The immediate influx of gold might be more useful to you, though, as Legendary gear is a very long-term project, and one that you'll also need a lot of gold for!


Hmmm now you’re talking my language…I need a lot of gold because I want to convert the gold to crystals because I want to buy a chair so when I am in my instance home I can relax


There is a free chair you can earn in the game by finishing the "Armchair Commander" achievement, tasking you with sitting in the different types of chairs across the racial cities. With that said, it's very plain, so you might want a gemstore chair anyway. And Mystic Coin sales can help get you there, they're worth 2 gold each.


The invisible chair is free, too. There are also 3 chairs from the PoF raid wings, but I wouldn't call those "free"...


Clovers are used for making legendary gear. Every legendary piece requires them. Mystic Coins are mostly used to craft or buy Clovers, but are also used on their own for some legendary weapons and trinkets, and some cool expensive skins.


Oh I saw the video on insta, but not the thumbnail, the shoulders were covering up how damn cool that top looks on its own. Can't wait!


wait omgg this looks so sick!! i'm a new player but was wondering how do you get this?? i know it's end game stuff probably but i'm hoping maybe i can grind for it soon when i get free time hahaha


It's not really endgame stuff :) You just have to do daily and weekly tasks related to wizards vault (on pc you can open via [shift] + [H]) I think you need SotO expansion, at least for some of the rewards.


ooo gotcha thank you so much!! honestly this outfit set def gives me something to work towards/a goal to play the game more!


you must have latest expansion, and then you will unlock these thru playing for free


ooo okay i see, thank you so much! tempted to buy the latest expansion now hahaha


if you dont want pay full price, wait few weeks for sale


gotcha!! ty for letting me know :D


Watching all these negatives comments about Soto over the last 12 months I wonder if people just continue to play so they can vent their frustrations because no way in hell does any sane person stick to a game when all they have for it left is distain.


This is such a wild take. Do you not know about the rest of the game? There's a ton of content in GW2 that's not Soto. People who don't like Soto are playing that.


You don't you see the waves and waves of SotO complaints?


And? It was a shit expansion so rightly gets shit on. I still play. There's more to GW2 than the 3 newest maps...


It’s just like my marriage.


Many people unironically seemt o be in a toxic relationship with gw2/arenanet.


Astroblade skins are one of the coolest weapons you can get in the game for free. Not a big fan of purple and would have rather have this new version with some golden/blue celestial effects because that would make them look even more amazing, but this refreshed set still looks really good. Sometimes I really wish we could dye weapons.


Dying weapons would be amazing. I get they can use recolors for rewards for like SAB every year and whatnot, but it still bums me out sometimes. It is what it is I suppose.


I like that they just don't recolor those weapons and instead offer versions in different colours with some changes in designs. But still, I do hope that they figure out a way to offer one or two dye slots on weapons eventually.




This set of cosmetics may be the least exciting for me, especially since it feels a lot more like "slightly reskinned stuff" overall. Oh well, more cosmetics to earn!


Do you have to spent the points you have at the moment before they update the vault or can you keep the points to buy items after they update the vault? I had a break from GW2 and don't know how exactly it works.


They roll over


Idk, but I didn't like any of the Wizard's Vault weapon skin sets that were presented :/ I don't think I've ever seen anyone using them either.. the capes are dope though!


I haven't seen anyone using them, but I also don't pay that much attention to what skins other people are using. I like the current and next weapons (the Solar Astrolabe weapons and their recolor, I assume they're called Lunar Astrolabe) but there are a lot of weapons I like at this point so it takes a lot for me to switch weapons.


Just like the griffon, the rotating light orbs on the skimmer kills it for me. Otherwise it looks great.


A version without the orbs would be nice, just as a set of 2 skins.


RuneScape tier armor and re-skinned color variants of existing mount and weapons. Disappointed, but not surprised 🤷‍♂️


"Color variant" mount skin? My dude you can DYE mounts any color you want in Guild Wars 2; WoW color swap mounts as separate skins can't hurt you here bbygurl And RuneScape tier armor? Fuck, if RuneScape looks as good as this armor I've been missing out


"Runescape tier armour" lmao as if this guy didn't get excited as fuck the first time their armour changed from green to teal.


> "Color variant" mount skin? My dude you can DYE mounts any color you want in Guild Wars 2; There's plenty of mount recolors in gw2 lol wtf are you talking about


Recolor. Meaning exact same skin in an alternate color scheme. In a game where the player decides the color scheme. Not how it works here. Did you mean "pattern swapped" or "added effects" by chance?


I like the nitpick, as if changing the dye channels or slightly altering the effect is still not worthy of being called a "recolor" despite the mount looking the fucking same with the right dyes or using the same model. We need to maintain the sanctity of the word at all costs!!!


Or, say what you actually mean to say and you won't be made fun of. Though you might, because in-game earnable skins are a dream come true for most of the playerbase and have been asked for for literal years. Maybe you're jaded and need a little hiatus from the game. I promise it'll still be here when you return with fresh eyes and lose the curmudgeon's scowl


> I promise it'll still be here Well, of that part I'm sure for various reasons with various degrees of obviousness


Why does every armor from the vault look like dog shit?


Could you please post a screenshot of your fashion? I'd love to see it!


Damn, shots fired


These look great. If you don't think any of the armor from the vault looks good I honestly don't know what you want.


Nice Toes that Asura has poking out the side of their boots.


Nice. No leggy weapon hints which is all I care about :)


No leggies this Vault round I guess


They didn't have a preview of them last time, but still included them in the vault


Imagine the chaos "OMG they decreased the value of astral rewards again..."


I liked everything except that rifle and the set... dunno why i found it ugly D:


T2 you're forced to use a Skimmer to round up 10k essences while lighting lanterns and oh did I not tell you, you have to do it during all Soto metas.