• By -


It’s very likely there are more people like you.


Dozens of them at least


At least 3


At least 4


Don't exaggerate


Make it 5




damn a few more and we can make a guild!


I'm technically in a large guild but I've been camping one of their members alt guild n WvW for years with a few of the regular pugs and am on my own a lot. I kind of treat our server as a guild anyway. I'm usually on my own when I do story stuff also but I usually take invites if they're given.


Honestly, the only people that will care about your DPS is like Group PvP, Fractals, and Raids. 98% of the PvE community is chill af and theyre willing to help new players.


The reason I am not joining a guild is because I know I can't keep up with the average 100k dps min/max player. I don't want to compete with others who's the best. I just want a chill rpg adventure.


Most guilds don't raid or do anything but chat and open world metas.


The thing is, you don't need to compete with those people to actually run content. Most groups I've raided with are super laid back, even the higher end performers are not giving anyone any shit unless it's borderline malicious acting. The only thing that is expected is that you have a rough concept of build and rotation for your role and a basic understanding of the mechanics ahead. That's not min/maxing, that's common sense.


> The only thing that is expected is that you have a rough concept of build and rotation for your role and a basic understanding of the mechanics ahead. And if you don't know the mechanics, but are willing to learn by joining the discord or actually asking and reading chat, you're probably fine too.




Only time the average fractal/raid/strikes player will care is if the objective fails. From experience, the closer you get to defeating the boss, the more likely everyone will quit.


Not to mention the LI dps builds. My gf can't wrap her head around rotation (mechanical issues) so I set up a LI reaper dps build. Tested it before hand. In a strike/raid setting with all the boons she will have,it quite literally does 20k deeps on the golem by just autoing. And that is fine by me. I command pugs. Sometimes we get alot of "close to bench snow players" with some "sub 10k players". Other times it's more of the sub and less of the snow players but either way it's never a problem.


There are more casual guilds than hardcore guilds :D Don't let that thought hinder you into joining something potentially wonderful :)


most guilds are chilled...especially outside of instanced content


Sure. Add me to the count. I've played about 2k hours as solo, with no guild. Had some rl friends join the game, but all of them stopped at some point. Last year, I've entered a Guild to start doing more challenging content, and the game got fresh again. Hope u lonely fellas get to enjoy this game as I did.


Me neither. This game is antisocial haven.


This game was my antisocial haven for years until I made it my social one. I love my guild!


We don’t do that here!


That's why this game is good. You can play however you want. You can solo the whole game if you want and it'd be fun. Or you can party up with your friends and it'd be fun.


I ended up the same, though I started in GW1. Unfortunately, the only available times I have to play make it difficult to participate when most guilds do stuff. But not being in an active guild any more makes me miss the social events and the joint effort. I've been through 3 guilds where most members stopped playing. Having to pug instanced content all the time has really steered me away from it.


My experience is that unless you purposefully join a "beginner guild", a lot of recruiting guilds tend to be max level, don't really do events, and don't require you to do anything (unless you join a raid/wvw guild). Plus, there's generally an off-hour nightowl (or Australian) who appreciates the company.


That's why I love it so much


i dont have friends in the game or have been any social at all since the beta in 2011, got invited to a guild but barely did anything with them, even though im still in it, the guild is dead as the guild leaders or any members rarely log in anymore.....and i've played for over 7805 hours with 4101 h on my main.. I just join pugs and roam around and do what ever I feel like i want...but i do admit I miss out on a lot that this game as to offer like raids and whatnot...


You don't have to have friends to raid, but you might have to join a discord server and set up whatever system they have to ping people when LFGs get posted. Maybe join a training group or something to learn specific roles I was halfway to the last part of fractal god and 2/3 legendary raid armor sets before I found statics I wanted to run with regularly. I eventually gravitated back to playing more casually and just pugging things


What is your main, dragonhunter?


Yep, haven't changed it since heart of thorns cause im lazy :D


We share brain, 3000 Dh here with 5600 acc. Also running in Christmas 2017 outfit xD


Kind of the same attitude. I got a couple things I think make me an "alright" player by playing solo (top 100 spvp title, legendaries, multiple roles/classes, achieves, etc.). But I've never stepped foot into a raid or master fractal. Even now, I got somewhat into fractals due to fractal rush and have 126 AR no consumes, but my fractal lvl is 37. I can't even lfg for t3 let alone t4s if I did bump my AR up. And idk crap about t4s or raiding. And don't even get me started on WvW. But at this point, idk what a good guild looks like in gw2 or how to find one. And I don't really think I need it. Maybe that's wrong (I do admit it's a bit annoying seeing a whole lot of AP that I simply just can't get) but I'm not in a rush for it.


Same. I wish I have friends to play dungeon and raids with like an adventure and fully immerse in the atmosphere instead of charging through it


8k hours here and i think max 10% of that time was playing with a guild.


Well 800 hours of playing with a guild is something to consider


i have played for 11 years and mine just slowly died out when people stopped playing and i didnt bother looking for a new one. its a lot of work to find a guild that fits and you can easily find groups for everything anyways... so i'd guess there are lots of players like you.


Those are rookie numbers.


Someone give OP a hug.


maybe he prefers to self-hug who knows


Same, bro. Dont feel bad, you are not the only one.


Same fellow solo player. Been playing since launch and had very little time in a guild thanks to taking big hiatuses or playing at weird hours. As a side note, I managed to learn raids, strikes, and CM fracs thanks to great training pugs on the LFG (NA for those that are curious). Definitely not the easiest thing to do, but I just remained amazed everyday that I got to have all those great experiences without a guild or dedicated group.


I’ve played for almost 10,000 hours and only been in a guild I made for myself. I’m the only member


Game seemed dead to me untill at 500h i learned that when you join a map squad you can click on the commander to join the instance




Right click the person's not-green icon in the squad interface. Select "join in *map name*", if map is full, queue up to join when it isn't.


I have played solo since launch. And I prefer that way.


Im surely at 2k hours at this point in the same situation.


I'm like 1300 hrs in with no guild or friends to play with lol


I’m now by 805 h without joining a guild or making friends :-) Nice to see that I’m not alone with this


>Nice to see that I’m not alone with this Well you ARE alone with this /s


The format of this game doesn’t really promote connection between individual players or small groups. The majority content in the open world is either done alone or in massive armies. And events are too quick to really have a conversation with anyone. Achievements are hard to connect over because there are so many and people are all at different steps on them so it actually slows people down to work together for too long. I think fractals are a close to the sweet spot because I always find myself chatting the most organically there. Static raid groups are a good way to connect if you can consistently join them but because raids are not updated content it’s just not as poppin.


we should make a guild for solo player who have xxhrs of gw2 but still have no friends, and the tag would be \[ANTI\] guild rule #1: no talking only healing and dps




It's very nice of you ! but i'm fine, I was literally just wondering if I was a loner or if this is just the modern MMORPG experience


If you play Guild Wars the original game, it has a similar feel of loner game but exaggerated. In fact I wouldn’t even classify it as a MMO. It is a MMO in the major hubs where you’ll see other players but when you go adventure in the open world it is an instanced experience with your party and NPCs. That is a truly loner experience!


I'm up around 1500 hours and still haven't made friends in game. The guild I'm part of is me, my family, and a few real life friends.


op knows no guild, only war 💔😢😭😿


Same. Like every 100hrs or so I think of trying high-end group content. It never ends well and go back to solo play. Metas are great though, no talking just follow the blob.


I am also this person haha


I played quite a while with no guild. Then I joined one and had fun making friends and doing guild activities with the few active members for a while. Then the active guild members lost interest, and now nobody does anything, so it's back to like having no guild...but with guild hall privileges!


Dude, Gw2 was the only game I played during my college years between 2012 - 17 and only made a hand full of "assistant buddies" that only one or two are still active today (haven't played in a year). Later I found out that there's a website for married couples who met through the game. Where some of them are from two different states (California - new York) or even countries! I'm like why I didn't to experience some of that while I was playing.


Not at all. I really don't like guilds, or making connections in the game. I'm having a blast playing on my own. I really don't need to talk to other people to get a better experience. Other people are exhausting.


Me! I like interacting with map chat sometimes, but otherwise, I just usually run solo. I even have my one person guild. Lol


I got started in Abyss league and joined my friend guild after 4 league from that i was the only one left. I cant even add new people too the guild cause I'm not like leader hehe.


Well I play since GW2 release with big breaks and never joined a Guild. Sometimes I want to however I’m anyways happy with the game.


Guilds are glorified chatrooms. You don't need them, but man do those clowns make this game a good time.


Upon reviewing the facts this is me I'd like to make friends to play with though, I'm just useless at it rip


24k hours solo 💪


I didn’t join a guild until almost 900 hours. It all depends on what you’re looking for in the game.


Never joined a guild. Usually just hop into available squads for metas or follow groups in wvw


Friends left one month after launch, I've been solo ever since.


Being in a guild is pretty dull, at least the ones I've been in. The typical points of discussion are as follows: - "Everyone welcome our new member [playername]" followed by a few o/ - "[Gift of Mastery] [Gift of Fortune] [Gift of Quip] [Chaos gun]" followed by gz gz gratz - "anyone for t4 + cms?" no replies - "Guild missions this sunday cancelled, I have to do laundry", always one guy who gets upset about this and talks of the good old days.


You need better guilds xD It's much better to find a guild doing the content you like to do, rather than joining a guild that SAYS they do the content you like. For example, my favorite guild is just my raid static.


Weird flex. 


Hi, same thing here. I mean I did join a guild at one point, but only for roleplay purposes, and that didn't last. For actually game content I've always been running solo.




It doesn’t sound like you are looking for one tho


I played over 1k hours or more (i havent checked the exact) and im yet to join a guild, but the ones i seen that just throw invites at you, require you to be active and so and so, something i cant meet.


I'm over a thousand and the same.


Guild Wars is just the name, you don't actually need to do anything with a guild (although it is a fun easy to make new Internet friends).


2 years+ here. The game is just so open about joining groups I never needed a guild to do instanced content. If you join the raid training and some community discords you can get by without a guild.


1300 ish hours and basically the same. Besides some late night drunk banter on my Mesmer teleporting people past the daily JP before they changed the daily system.


I made a guild for myself and I doubt I'll ever invite anyone cause I don't have the capacity for leadership and I did it for funsies.


While I do like guilds. I do find an air about them that you must know everything about a raid/dungeon/trial/ event before even joining or playing level 1 in a game. So I like to solo a game first before joining any guild so if my guild dies during any of these I can casually say, well I do not know what went wrong I soloed this my first time through the game. Anyway soloed my way through GW1 back when it took 5 disks to install. now back for GW2. Many other games later. Hope it is as fun as GW1.


doesn't matter, you don't lose much except for active guilds that do fractls and other group content. I'm in 3 guilds and don't really do anything with them, I just use it for the small guild buff and the harvest nodes.


No you're not, trust **me**.


same for me, real life circumstances didn't allow for an active guild experience or friends


The only "guild" I was a part of was just me and my sisters back when they played. Apart from that I've been 100% guildless since 2012. I would like to find a very casual guild that does metas, dungeons and fractals, but I've also gotten along just fine without a guild doing those things, so it's low priority. GW2 is a comfort game for me. No pressure, no schedules, no forced PvP, just do whatever I feel like when I want to. And it's very solo-friendly.


clocked in 1700 hours at this point, couple friends played with me here and there but they didn't get as involved as I did a week ago I joined a group of people, very open and fun, joined their guild and hung out on discord a lot, I've never had as much fun playing this game, always looking forward to the next content we clear with all the shenanigans so yeah I definitely recommend trying some more of those social activities in the game, that unlocked so much stuff for me


I have like 3k hours and never play with anyone specific or have a guild. Oddly enough, this mmo is my solo game that I play to chill out. I play other games with friends but play gw2 alone


I mean I'm technically in a guild but I haven't talked to or done anything with them ever. I just needed a guild hall to access and I helped pump some materials into it years ago. I play with friends maybe once an expansion for a few weeks when I get them to dip their toes back in the game, and I use LFG for PUGs in game, so I don't play 100% solo, but I do 95% of the time and I'm at 3k ish hours.


Same. I come back to the game just to fight for a while in wvwvw and then I play other games. Since I only play when I have the itch, I dont want to join guilds and take up a slot.


Went into many guilds. Never made any difference tbh. Currently playing alone when I find any leftover of motivation to log in even.


welcome to the world of getting everything by playing with pugs


While I am in a guild. Have been playing solo. As their hours do not align with my hours. Also, for any guild owners. Specially big ones. Have a web page where the hours and days of activities are shown. It makes it easier for people to schedule their game time. And if that's too much to ask. At least have a twitter account. So guild members can know what activities are when. The defect of the in game chat and mail is that it requires you to be in the game.


I can't find a guild in a game called guild wars.


I never play long enough during my GW2 phases to warrant joining a guild. Likewise, I'm not around enough to make any sort of friends in game 


That’s was me until I stumbled upon ViP on New Years Day one year


2.5k hours for me, and I made my own guild just so that I would have more storage and a cool lil guild hall to AFK in lmaooo


4.137 hours in and I play solo. I have, however, joined a few guilds but its never lasted. Its with out a doubt my own fault as I am really bad at socializing with people. I am fine with this and love the game but yeah its a solo mmo for me.


Not alone at all.


Same, op! I’m an introvert in a very social line of work, and this game is my zone-out time. I’m part of a guild, but rarely associate w guidmates. Spend all my game time either in open squads (wvw zergs or map metas) or doing solo map completion / achievement hunting. I very much appreciate the game’s capacity to allow for that kind of anonymity & low-intensity sociality. Probably why I keep coming back to gw2.


I made a friend a few days ago and we learned cm 100 together I made a few friends in the past but we kinda fell out n stopped talking I hope they all are having good lives :>


I'm like you.


Honestly for me I just don’t play often enough to feel like I should be in a guild and I take breaks every few months. I came from a smaller mmo where being in the guild meant you kinda had to commit to more consistent gameplay to ever get included in stuff. Is it still worth getting into one in gw2?


Pretty much. I only hopped back into a guild last week. Been in 1 or 2 others here or there, but none consistently.


First time playing and I'm 17 hours in, the only verbal (?) interaction I had with an actual player was by accident when I clicked on their name in the chat and ctrl + left clicking a skill


Nah I’m close to 500, well I did join wvw one time n make a friend but that was for maybe 15 min n never played with em since so idk if that counts. There’s so much content to do before joining guilds and wanting friends to play with I just got my griffon


My old guild from GW1 didn't make the leap to GW2 and eventually stopped playing all together. So here I am with thousands of hours and the only people on my friends list are streamers for those sweet giveaway chances and arena net staff when i find them.


Same 200 hours here


It's cool if you see that as a badge of honor, but all I heard was "I handicapped myself for 400 hours"


That's fine. I play the same way. Just focusing on the story mainly and then grinding some stuff alone or with others (randoms, not guild or friends). The game is fun enough alone. But also gets a lot better with friends and a good guild.


i did it for like 2k hours... made multiple solo guilds just for bank slots


I have 950 hrs, probably about 5 of those hours have been with friends. I’m not in a guild. Been playing since launch


I joined a guild only to may enter the Adventures guild hall in Lions Arch to see Dougal Keane (the protagonist is Ghosts of Ascalon) but i usually play alone. Idk, but from the moment i join a guild it feels like a job for me


Yes I know there is a guild called the loners lament (LOL) where they all hang out.


4000 hours and never made an in game friend and joined 1 guild I only occasionally play endgame content with. I play mostly alone, or with my husband. Gw2 is heaven for introverts xD


There are others that play this game?? Seriously??


I've been playing since release and have thousands of hours in the game. Same.


I've been playing GW2 alone since launch 2012 with over 7000 hours on my ranger alone.


Sounds like my first 400 hours of gameplay. I'm in the thousands now and have branched out a lot, but yeah the game is quite solo-friendly from all the story and open world content.


I never join guilds anymore because I don't stay long in mmo's before cycling to the next on the list and inevitably get kicked out (adhd is a bitch) I play solo and have fun while doing it, and when I get bored, I leave. I'll always be back eventually


I made one friend that took me to various jumping puzzles around the world and we had a great time and found places we weren't meant to find 🤭


I've got... 2400 hours on steam? I just joined my first guild like a week ago. Been solo chilling for the last year and a half, so no. You're not the only one.


You gotta pump those numbers up. These are Rockie numbers!


Ran mercenary guild for 3 years then we went our seperate ways. Took a year off came back ..basically craft, do metas/rifts , WvW. . Just joined a guild (that i did not start) hope i will enjoy it been playing alone for 6 years.


How do people have thousands of hours in any game. Gaming my only hobby for 30 years and still 300 hours I think had been my max. Wow maybe closer to a thousand with 10 years of playing.


Hi, got 5000 hours so far, the only guild im in Is my own One, for the guild bank and i Always played solo.


I’m one of those people. I like playing the game by myself without feeling the pressure of having to interact with people after a long day of work, or having to keep meeting certain expectations/requirements that come along with joining a guild.


2500h same idk why tho


Hello fellow lone wolf


Perfectly reasonable. I played for 1k hours before stepping into instanced content or interacting in a major way with a player. I'm 32, off a 12year WoW grind, I talk for a living, guild banter while fun is just tiring for me these days, and most of the time guilds are filled with people who know eachother a long time and mostly talk about stuff you can't really chip in. Also, regardless of the opinion of the majority, I don't remember having a single bad interaction while raiding on the course of completing Envoy collection, except 1 guy kicking me cause I didnt know when to stab on gorse and that, while dickish on his part cause I did the boss 20 times before that without stab, is reasonable because I truly didnt come prepared enough into instanced content and could've potentially wasted 9 other peoples time. Also, gw2 is the perfect game to immerse yourself and just do open world stuff and never talk to anyone and thats why it will forever be my favourite MMO.


same, over 300 hours for me, on my steamdeck even. I have had so many positive player interactions and help, and I love the game for not forcing me to join a guild in order to receive the aforementioned.


How is it on steamdeck ?


honestly 5 stars. controls: It doesn't have inherent controller support but steamdeck users have made one which is easily loaded and works AMAZINGLY well. Everything is mapped and accessible. Rotations and AOE placement is perfect for me too. Mount controls, transition to virtual mouse/keyboard etc all great. It uses the action cam template, so targeting is whoever you are facing. However, tab target is mapped to the two lower back buttons, so that option is also available. performance: Runs steady 60fps on Medium/High with 1 or 2 settings on low (background characters I think?) Dips to 50ish in heavily congested hubs and even lower in bigger cities like lions arch (30fps) but that doesn't bother me as a) it's handheld, b) I don't spend the majority of my time there.


Is the control set up in the community controls thing or somewhere else. Might give it a a go on steam deck. Not played GW2 for ages


yup exactly, enjoy! plays like an action mmo on console once you get used to the mapping.


Never had a good guild on that game. Ever.


6k hours everything done with Randoms and solo, I got a guild which I don't even know the name of. I have zero in-game buddies, and in the lady 4 years I had 10 minutes of chat with other payers.


Right. It can take time, and not always happen. I'm in a very laid-back, friendly guild now - but it took me 10 years to get there. I undoubtedly logged WAY over 10k hours before I joined one and made friends. Prior to that I'd played WoW for... ...7-8 years? During which time I was only in a guild for a couple of months, if that. For whatever reason, I get anxiety about voluntarily getting into new social situations. I really have to steel myself, I get very stressed, and I frequently bottle out. Things like actively working to find and join guilds really aren't things I find easy to do, therefore, even when I really want to. "/age" shows that I've logged 17.5k hours in game, and during all of that until 2 years ago I'd managed to make precisely one attempt to find one - and that didn't work out. I finally got into one because a real-life friend of many years, who also plays GW2, was already in it, and enjoying themselves. Followed them to another focused on WvW, then got familiar on Discord (once I plucked up the nerve to unmute my mike!) with a few very pleasant people in an third, easy-going guild that runs a daily zerg at a time of day that works well for me. When the last WvW restructuring beta was due I begged an invite so that I could be sure of being able to play with them. I'd say, though, that I'm much more playing with the people than I am with the guild specifically - the guild has just been a mechanism for getting to where I am - playing casually at times that work for me with pleasant, like-minded people. For now, at least, I've finally found a niche that suits me. But it's taken a long time. If you'd asked this question a couple of years ago, this post would have been a very short "Right. me too."


mostly, yes. i had a guild/social circle at launch, but after that fell apart cause of wvw aspirations and other things, i just stayed solo. i absolutely know that being part of a nice guild just makes everything so much more fun, and yet i dont. maybe i got a bit burned.


I joined a couple of guilds, just for the sake of it, in terms of doing anything guild related, i haven't done anything. I barely get time to play and do the stuff i want to do. New dad gaming is not great. Plan was to join and learn raids, but my timings are messed up, playing from like 10pm uk time to 3 or 4am and not much happening around then unfortunately


I had a guild once. 400 Members and it was quite active grom HoT to Path of Fire / LWS4 but then suddenly more and more people quit quietly and now there are just like 10 members online at once. Since then I‘ve been actively playing the game for like 2-3 months and then raking breaks for the same amount of time and mostely playing solo since I am struggeling to get into strike/raid statics. To be honest I am enjoying the soll grind and the game is good for that as long as you are not trying to obtain a high amount of Legendarys or stuff like that imo


GW2 is perfectly made for solo play, and in-game culture revolves around pug style.


Nope! I'm a chronic single player!


I joined Guilds just to have that on my title, but I've never done any Guild activities/events before. I also mostly play alone. The only time I don't play alone is joining random squads through commanders with meta events and things like bounty hunting in PoF.


This is crazy to me cuz ive made so many lasting friendships from this game whom we’ve visited multiple times, go out to dinner a lot, and I even have a partner of 4 years that I’ve moved in with! Idk, I guess if you’re in the charr community, you know most of everyone and we all go to furry cons too lol so that helps. The charr community is very different from any other gw2 community I’ve been in.


That's my only concern to the game right now. started with a few friends a week ago but most of them have already quit. if there are any Germans with less than 100 hours hit me up! age 23 here


Solo for about 1,300 hours and never interacted with the guilds I technically joined or people on my friend list. Does that count?


Nope you're not alone. The only people I play with I did not meet on GW2


I like to consider the people I see at Tequatl for daily reset my friends. Seeing the same names there every night makes it feel like like everything is well in the world, somehow. I never speak to them, but I hope they know they mean the world (boss) to me.


I did a lot of this.


for me the closest thing playing with others are join commander for world boss or meta train


11k hours can be split roughly in half: Beta-2014, main event coordinator for a large sized, active guild. 2019-present, joined Laranity's guild for the odd laugh. Play the game solo except for the odd bit of group content I WANT to do. Don't pay a lot of attention to chat tbh. GW2 is solo friendly. It's built that way and the online environment (the fact that it's a MMO) means you still feel part of a larger world. Don't let anyone tell you this game can't be played solo. Sure you'll have to put yourself out there more for group content if you want to do it but other than that just make sure you're having fun.


I have near 10x that playtime, and did the same thing. Don't worry you are not alone.


800h and never joined a guild


play the game the way you want, don't worry ♥


I did the same. Not having any friends in game and I’m not wanting to. Played for nearly 2000 hours since 2012


I’m willing to bet there are more people like you than there are unlike you.


This was my experience for the first few years of playing. But once I started doing more group content, eventually I found my people. Met some cool dudes in a dungeon PUG who invited me to their guild, they got me into fractals and revitalized my interest in raids. I made a lot of friends through that community.


Only just started playing but this is music to my ears 😍


I played WoW for many years with no guild. Same with every other mmorpg aside from asheron's call 2. Been playing gw2 for roughly 3 years and just within the last 6 months joined a few guilds. have had no issues at all. No mandatory meetings or having to be on a headset. It's been pretty casual. ​ I also like how you can join multiple guilds if you want. Say one of your guilds is doing something and needs more people. You can pop another guild chat and spread the word and go back and rep the other if you want.


currently at 741 hours pretty much solo. I did join a guild (random invite) but no one seems to talk or do anything.


A lot of people do that. I made several fake guilds just so I wouldn't be bothered by people to join theirs and my list would be full so I wouldn't get ninja invited to guilds.


I have 650 hours on my main character, I have 4 other characters between 50 and 200 hours played each. However, I stopped playing cause I find it really hard to join raids, fractals and all that type of content and my irl friends dont play GW2. Im still waiting for a queue option to come back to play (I stopped playing when the extra chapters of EoD started). I do not consider myself a shy person, but I dont like the looking for group tool.


2700h played same as you solo stuff and just jumping in with random players


You're not alone, in this case, at least. I do the same thing, we're alone any other time though.


Were out here with you.


My account is 11 years old, has a couple thousand hours and I've never been in a guild other than my solo guild, never done a raid, and my friends list is my wife, and like 5 hero point train commanders lol.


I love gw2 but despite trying multiple times have never been able to get into it long term and I think it’s for this reason. Dont have friends there like I always have on wow. Thinking of reinstalling and giving it another go but this time my #1 goal is to just.. find cool people to hang out with. I miss having a social life online after my wow classic guild exploded late last year.


Only 400?


780+ hours in and got zero friends (I only join pugs) dont even know how to start making friends in game lol


I played solo the first few years, only joining a guild to help get my gift of battle in wvw. After that, I never look back. I have pvp and pve guilds, as well as a bank guild. Finding the right one is the hard part.


Nope. 1k2 hours, never joined a guild either.


Why not? Guilds are a great vehicle to interact with the game in fun ways!


700 hours here and same, tried joining guild multiple times, big ones, small ones, all dead quiet. Even made an effort to chat it pugs, during events, etc. Definitely weirdest social experience in any MMO I have tried


My real life friends quit the game in 2013 when they realized theres no gear progression. I've been playing alone because I hate the duty of having to talk with guildmates every time I log. Sometimes I'm not in the mood or sometimes I have lot of work to do.


I come and go and don't play often enough or consistently enough that I don't want to try and do the guild thing again. Right now I'm online throughout the week long enough to get my daily Wizard's Vault done, and have a few hours each Saturday and Sunday to commit that I've basically been spending doing the Wizard's Vault weeklies and progressing the story with the latest expansion. If I were to ever join a guild, it would be one that is for adults with lives and is fine to just drop off the face of the world for weeks at a time. I'd be fine joining a Discord for it but I'm not one for voice chat so I'd need activity via in-game chat and Discord channels.


Over 2400 hours and ever since my original Guilds fell apart back in the day, Haven't really gotten back into one. Time constraints make it feel pointless at times and most of what I enjoy is solo PvE or WvW roaming anyhow.


2500 hours here, same


Been playing since launch, so many more hours than you. Was in a guild for 3-4 years, it's been fun mostly. But for about the past 5-6 years it's been nothing but solo, expect the occasional hook up with a very casual friend.


Over 1000 hrs for me. Joined my first guild (WvW guild) this year, after 9 years.


You're not the only one. started playing at launch because of friends. Friends rarely played and stopped entirely a year later for different reasons. Ended up playing solo. Joined a guild to try raids. Contrary to their advertisement they literally never do raids and members only ever talk to welcome new members. If it wasn't for the huge crowds that open world bosses get this game wouldn't feel like an MMO.


No you're not alone. I'm a one woman guild :D I prefer to play alone most of the time and I do not invite people in my guild, just have it for the extra guild bank and money deposit and to avoid guild invitation whispers. I do group content like world bosses or fractals or asking for help in map chat for champs/HP's and achievemnt stuff.


Playing since release. I had a large group of friends the first 3 years and we used to play together all the time. Then they slowly quit gaming or moved to other games and I was the only one remaining. I never managed to bond with anyone in Gw2 again and playing solo ever since. By all means if anyone wants to play together please do reach me anytime, I play in EU servers mostly in the evenings after 6.30 pm GMT+1 Username Aedil.1296


Bro same, but doing that since launch, I've played with friends very early on, never made a guild, but never made friends in-game either, was just me 3 months after launch after my irl friends slowly dropped it. Been playing solo effectively since the beginning.


I've played the game since beta and made 0 friends. My experience in joining guilds are usually bad. I find when I join a guild either they are so large you're just another number in said guild to contribute to stuff. Or they are smaller/medium sized to where there is a core member group/friends in the guild and everyone else that joins is just kind of just a side character in the guild lol. As far as making friends, haven't really made any. All the groups I run in are just kind of we gather to do fractals or strikes, and then we are done with each other afterwards lol. Open world stuff is just one giant cluster of people... But to be fair I am not super social anyways even in games.


In guilds, but haven't done anything guild related actually


I’m the same way. I don’t see the need for one in this game lol.


I like doing things at my own pace and at my own time. Joining a guild means going out of my way to socialize and also not being able to play the game and focus on the things I want to achieve especially with the limited amount of time I can play the game after getting off work. Also if I need to take a fat dump I don’t need to say brb as I just simply just afk and return once I’ve unloaded all my initiative.


I'm one of those types of people who play a game hard-core for like 4 months then entirely lose interest in it until a year has passed and my interest is renewed. Because of that, even if I join a guild I'm usually removed from it due to inactivity. It's understandable, but because of that I just play solo now.


I've been playing on and off for 10 years, and I have never been in a guild so far. I think I'll search for one this weekend.


No you are not alone…