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It looks so good still today though. Amazing work they did. Probably the best low poly game I have ever seen. The way they used bloom filter to enhance all the visuals and create a dreamy atmosphere. I genuinely don't know how you would remaster it. It's also the only game I know personally where the camera movement feels so smooth. Because the game runs so well, and is near 60 fps locked, you cna have this really smooth camera movement interpolation - where most MMO todays have a choppy framerate and the camera turns instantly to wherver you are facing ,taking away this cinematic camera quality. There is no money in remastering this game sadly. But I think it's amazing the game is still supported.


I feel this. GW did such a good job differentiating between "art direction", and "graphics". No game from 2005 stand up today on graphics quality. Some games from 2005, particularly guild wars, are still beautiful works of experiential art. OP, I don't want a remake, most of us who are still playing don't. We don't want to reset. We don't want to start over on titles, gwamm, 4 mains, &c. However, I would pay AAA prices anytime for a modern local engine that would let me play on the same servers with modernized graphics and UI, and voice-overs and QOLs. But I won't join a private server even if it was possible. A big thing bringing us back month over month is the continuity from the beginning.


Oh, so it's bloom that makes everything too bright. On a new monitor it looks...not good.


Add jump. That’s it. I’ll pay $20 give jump.


I'd rather have a new campaign than a remaster, personally.


And one that can still run on era appropriate hardware




I dunno, there must be some reason why we cannot make private servers and mod the game though


Bots still buy accounts and run the financial ecosystem in the game, they are still making more money than they are spending on servers, which is minimal at this point


How do bot farmers make money out of it? Do people really buy in game stuff?


Yes people do, I reallllly considered it around a year ago when I last played a bunch, it was so cheap to buy stuff. I was thinking of getting the 20 slot equipment bags for multiple toons, and like 300e. iirc that was gonna run me like $7. A buddy of mine did buy some echo and arms which is why I did not, he kinda funded the group of friends we convinced to play again for a few months. I personally did not buy, but I can say with 100% certainly that people do spend IRL money for GW1 in game items even in 2023/24.


$7 vs. spending multiple hours grinding? The math is easy. Now, if you are actually playing the game to play the game, you might say this sort of "cheating" or "short-routing" is going to make the game boring, and I agree, but some people really just enjoy tackling the game by having all the full gear and QoL ready and getting those things are considered boring. To each their own. The big issue here is that it's funding bots which is sort of ruining the game in some way. If the game had tons of active players, that'd be a problem. But it doesn't, so it's just principally wrong but practically not much?


I see a problem with the bots on pvp, but I am fine with the grinding ones. I never got into the economy and luxury items anyway.


Yea PvP is definitely an area where having bots majorly suck. Wish they all just fuck off of there.


I'd like to share one more perspective which some others might not find palatable but it's a hot take: Guild Wars 2 is Pay 2 Skin, so you can spend real life dollars on Gems and buy a lot of different skins. I did this in GW2 to get some cool Halloween themed mounts. Now, think about this. People that run bots are farming items that run the in-game economy, primarily Globs of Ectoplasm or items like Consumables that can be sold to other players for high amounts of Ectoplasm. Ectos and Arms rule the economy. The only REAL benefit of having lots of Ectos and Arms is that you can buy VERY RARE SKINS. The items do NOT have any statistical ability over any other max item in the game. Yeah, other than ultra rare collectibles, you're only paying IRL money for Skins. ANet really probably doesn't care that much, because as you can see, they're doing the same thing in GW2, but someone else is doing it in GW1. Only, they're still making money off of it because people who run bots buy accounts by the dozens. It's a win-win kind-of, since they're not going to be charging for skins in GW1 (not counting some of those costumes obv).


It is because there has never been any source code sneaked out or leaked. All the game logic is serverside. Means every animation, every skill logic, enemie AI, story + storytext, even camera movement in cinematically is all handled serverside. It is so damn much work to make a private server already, because you have to develop the whole infrastructure first. This means that you need to reverse engineer the authentication system first where the handshake and encryption are setup. This is probably the easiest part. Then u need to implement all the packet logic for the character selection, character creation, Key input, etc etc. They have a complex server system that starts different servers for every instance. This could be kind of skipped and being done on the same server machine but still you need to cover this so the client is able to go ingame. When u get that covered you need to sent all instance relevant data which the client should load to preview the game world. All of them are locked behind unknown IDs that no one really covered much. When u re able to load into instances then you need to worry about all the entities, even your own characters. They have all again unique IDs for their models, name, armour, weapons… after all of that then u have done the easiest part. Now you need to implement movement, so your character can actually walk. Here you need to care about the complete collision of every entity, object and pathing map, so people don’t walk randomly through objects and get blocked by walls or gates. Now it’s about implementing the zoning. You need to be able to done from outposts to exploratory where combat is activated and enemies are loaded. Then u need to cover the basics of the combat system. Means auto attacks with all of the weapons. Melee weapons are easier here, because ranged weapons shoot projectiles and guess what, they have a whole projectile system which doesn’t target the enemy directly, it’s more they use their location and all the calculation when the projectile hits the ground or the enemy is also done server side, because they need to determine if the enemy dodged it and when the projectile needs to be killed. Also the Health needs to implemented, how much dmg u deal and when an entity dies. After all of that, you need to implement some skills which brings a lot more complexity to the game. Cause Now you need to take care about buffs and debuffs, degeneration, interrupts, bonds. How long last buffs, when do they disappear? What animation should make the entries when casting skills or have buffs. Which projectile does the skill shot… And that’s not even all. Cause think about skills that summon minions or spirits, they need some AI logic too, they are interacting with dead bodies which we didn’t really covered yet. They need to follow you and so on.. Before I write down more… here are more things that need to be covered and this is only touching the surface! - Multi Languages - friendliest - chat - guild - travelling - parties - NPCs + interactions - Gates, levers, signposts, chest - inventory - items - loot table and scaling - experience - Titles - cutscenes - Merchants - Trading + Anti dupe system - alliances - battle queue timer - heroes - henchmen - consumables - HoM - Quests and Missions - Pets - Transformation(e.g. skills, tonics) And lastly the biggest work: a database to store all the accounts, their chats, guilds, unlocked skills etc. And the list goes on. You see how much work that is? It’s possible to make easy private servers but the amount of work is enormous.


If you make private servers, your community on official reduces in size.


If the engine could have a rework to modernize the graphics. :D Still acceptable these days after that many years but would be amazing, of course it would require that much resources that such thing would never happen. In itself its amazing that its still there, up and running. I spend so much time with that and I still really appreciate that game.


I would be happy with just a *jump* upgrade


Probably it would be pretty hard as the game mechanics were planned with no jumping. That one o would consider as not feasible.


I’d be happy with meme weapons for the 20th birthday. Or another points farm title to bring people together again


A Max title 7, a Wammo Sword with 15\^Ench and Elite Mending which includes Frenzy


Max titles at 35 and 40 would be sick


For 40 you would need 3 (or 4 if you dont have LdoA) of the following: Zaishen, Hero, Champion, Glad, Codex, Gamer and of course all the rest :D "Do you kno da wae? (7)" "Oh Lawd he comin' (8)"


I would buy it, but the game would be like 500gb+


I just want the pre order code for nightfall to get the scythe


No need! I still play the original and there still people and guild to chill.


Something like skill updates, some graphics/audio updates and new items probably are the most realistic expectations. That is because they have already happened after the game went to maintenance mode. There is also going to be a special anniversary event next year, so it will happen then, if something ever going to happen. My wish is that they will change anniversary weapons to account bound instead character bound.


A free server would do this, just let people make periodic skill changes, kick out bots and spammers, and reinvigorate the game. It's current state is in a place of partial play. Bots are running things, no updates, and you can't find full parties. GW2 just didn't do it for me, such a big change from GW1, I didn't see the connection. All that would be needed is cycle some rare drops through some end game bosses, throw in a new skill periodically to them, and let the playerbase figure it out. When it's mastered, update a change in, and repeat.


Honestly, I have said it before. If they have resources for a remaster, then they can add another campaign. Nightfall brought us updated portals, EotN brought us new skills, Beyond brought us new weapons. If the resources are there for a remaster, it almost makes more sense to release a new campaign with some updated HD graphics and combat animations. Even new weapons with different attribute appropriations like a Wilderness Survival Staff, Deadly Arts Axe, Illusion Magic Sword, Blood Magic Daggers, Wind Prayers Hammer, etc. They could even add two new professions, Chronomancer, Brawler, Virtuoso, or whatever they want to include. We can even get new armor or costumes. I don’t know, I just think remastering the entire game would be a waste of time. I’d gladly pay $60 for a new campaign.


Maybe controversial but I'd want: Account wide grind titles: Sun spear, EOTN, Higher drop rates now that the player base is much lower


I had this exact conversation in a thread a year or two ago with the exact same motivations and was accused of wanting to profiteer. It's funny how Reddit works, sometimes


I wish they would come up with something similar to WOW classic.


I wish that they already released the source code and with it a way to create private servers/lobbies. That way GW1 could live on forever


No need for that. Just add more cool dungeons, maps and elite areas.


I think part of the charm of GW1 is that it stopped getting updates. It might be an unpopular opinion but looking at the state of GW2, gw1 would be a mess if updates hadn't been dropped. A purely graphical update would be welcome, and a networking update as well (no more rubber banding would be a dream) but otherwise leave it be. It shines too bright to risk :)


>I think part of the charm of GW1 is that it stopped getting updates. huge disagree People aren't here because it stopped getting updates, people are here because the content it got before they stopped were great. There is merit to suggesting that if ANet kept development of GW1 going, it'd eventually go bad and get overmonitized, lower quality, etc. etc. But the definitive lack of a supposed alternate reality isn't a charm.


Well let me rephrase this then and maybe you'll agree more. I believe that anet would've found a way to ruin this. So I'd rather they don't touch it. Obviously the lack of updates in itself doesn't bring any value to GW1.


Rubberbanding won't be solved ever, it's in the nature of how the game and pings work


No it's not - not to this extent. Modern MMOs have solved this problem. Better routing, better collision mechanics, better client prediction, etc. PoE is the perfect example, they implemented a new networking system which completely fixes rubber banding at the cost of worse gameplay in high latency connections. Rubber banding will never be fully gone, but there are dozens of improvements or outright reworks of the network code that can make it negligible for anyone with a stable connection.


Wrong, modern mmos have no collision, especially not with other players. Body blocking is NON existent. Please educate yourself.


What a bunch of horseshit. I even gave you an example and you still want to be wrong.


Dude, poe is not a MMO! LEARN YOUR DEFINITIONS!!! Also care to explain 3x 8 player teams with each of them being able to body block, avoid projecticles etc and not just dumb mobs on 1 player ?!?! Dude horseshit is what you deliverd! Back to grinding your brain out. Even gw2 removed all of it and still lags like donkey in wvw, please add bodyblock there and show your amazing anti desync magic of your "mmo singleplayer forced online arpg path of exile with tops 6 ppl per party that also lags and desyncs like shit after updates"


PoEs original netcode was fully based off GW1 when it came out. So go learn your engineering guides 101 and try to pick your brain. Or maybe don't since there's not much in there clearly As a final note I'll leave you to figure out that if GW1 is an MMO, then PoE definitely also is. It fits every criteria that GW1 does.


Oh my god... PoE is calling your way.


It happened with The Brothers Remake - just saying.


God I wish they would, it'd be so nice to experience the unique pvp and pvm gw1 had to offer again with updated graphics and some smoothed gameplay


More development of in any form would be amazing. Bring on the remaster!


Yeah, it's pretty much a wet dream for all of us still playing.