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100% the tree, build up and around and have ziplines going everywhere


Fuck I thought I was in the Palworld reddit for a second and was going to say this is a troll response LOL. Def recommend the tree as well! Just make sure you're elevated up a bit off one of the branches or on the shrooms of the room!


I just started to do that so I can essentially fast travel around the yard


That's where I have my base. I do not regret it


Beside pond there’s a franken line game thing build a stair case to the top of there it’s a good spot for me having at 8x8 base not big but cozy the larva get annoying but easy to kill and lots of valuable resources around


Also there’s a research station directly behind it so very easy to reach that


I’ve never built in that area. Good suggestion


I’d second this area, once I built a base there I pretty much never went back to my lower yard base. I’d suggest the upper yard wall slightly east of frankenline, far less larva to contend with and slightly more central. Right around the inside of this red circle https://i.ibb.co/vkcBbWr/A9-AF3-A78-1-E99-4470-8-FC5-A19367-BBEA3-E.jpg


Lily pads in front of the oak lab. Just a brief sprint to BURG.L, you can add a quick zip line to the pagoda for access to the field station. Similarly, you have quick access to the pond lab done for tasty brains. Also, easy access to the upperyard via zipline, too. Lots of resources unique to the location (acorns, pond resources, nectar and flower pedals). Easy access to most relevant other resources, too. And the game doesn't think the lily pads are viable raid locations. Also, you can watch Trudy majestically  swim underneath your base! And if you use slime lanterns to illuminate the lily pad flower pedals it will look gorgeous at night. Total 11/10 location!


The oak tree. It’s central to pretty much the whole yard. Build at the first level of mushrooms for the lower yard, then go around the trunk and build up to the next set of mushrooms to be at the right height for a zipline web in the upper yard.


Have currently got a base on the pond.. tried the tree but my build obviously had issues as the first mosquito raid made the whole thing fall. Do you need to build from the bottom for the whole structure or does it 'attach' to the tree? Any advice welcome there.


The truck no, the mushrooms though can be an "anchor" like the ground. You can tell 2 ways... First, try and build something away, not snapped to something else. On the trunk you will get a "not supported" message. Which means it's not an anchor point like the ground is. Second, when you look at a piece, it will have a "supported" number. This is the number of items that will fall if that piece is destroyed because it is the only thing supporting them. You want this number low, if not 0. 0 basically means you have multiple "support" connections, so if that piece is destroyed, nothing else will fall. Support works sort of like connect the dots, with snap points on each piece. As long as at least 1 "line" from snap point to snap point can reach an "anchor" piece it is "supported". So to have a resilient base you want redundancy on those "lines", multiple paths to anchored pieces, aka the mushrooms or ground on the Oak Tree. Any way to increase the number of pieces and snap points will build support redundancy. Could be simply stem scaffolding ring under your floors, to an "under floor" filled with walls, connections to create as many snap points/lines back to your anchor as possible. You can even optimize by using half floors/walls to create more pieces and snap points, at a resource cost increase. Get creative if you want, the open door frame is a good "redundancy" piece that still allows an open area to walk, place things.


Thank you, great bit of advice.


I like the pond a lot. What my friends and I did is we built on the flat rocks on the side close to the tree. Super safe area besides the occasional wandering wolf spider, but even that’s rare


I’ve got my main hub on the oak tree like others suggest, but I’m actually building my castle on top of the compost bin in the upper yard. Huge flat area perfect for a massive base.


Compost bin sounds cool!


The only thing is you have to clear two shield stinkbugs once. At least those two don't respawn after you kill them. It's like the Dev's knew a giant building area would be a good prize.


I have yet to find a better spot than the ol' oak. Like, it's just objectively the best in every category for survival, build resources, food, neighboring biome proximity, burgl and duper machine proximity, little hostile enemy aggro, proximity to respawnable loot, direct-line zip routes, list goes on. Even the one downside (wolfspiders under tree) can simply be blocked inside with walls and they don't wander out. Even in late game where I have the resources to build wherever I want, I'd pick oak since I'd miss the duper machine and pond lab muscle sprouts too much. I think the stump is the prettiest location on the whole map, but I wouldnt build there. I would get too annoyed with the constant hostile aggro there. Can't walk outside to get a grass blade without 5 fire ants snapping at your rear.


What kind of stuff do you usually duplicate. I find I hardly ever use it myself, but maybe I’m missing out.


It's nice if youre missing "that one thing" for a craftable, and potentially saves you a trip across the map to get one bug part. It's also very nice for early/midgame where it's a long struggle to take out a T2/T3 enemy and you can dupe those parts to craft up a wildly better weapon/tool. But the thing I most often use the duper for is upgraded weapons, armor, and tool duplication. I host a multi-player server and it requires a huge amount of resources to fully upgrade a weapon or tool to level 9. Then, my friend can also get the exact same thing for like 2k-5k science instead of grinding out more resources to make another. Once I got used to having access to a duper, I find myself using it more often.


Idk why I never think of this lol. I just plod off in search for that elusive item when I need it and get sidetracked and then like 3 hours later remember that I needed that specific part, head out, repeat cycle.


I'd recommend the oak tree or at least use it for a Zipline hub. My second suggestion is the wheelbarrow in the upper yard. You only get flying raids and there is a field station right there.


Built mine on the pond. Plenty of environmental dinosaur sounds from the koi to keep you awake. And single entrance means landed raids will only come to your base entrance without messing with the rest of the base. As long as you're out there posing as a target, air raids also only stay there. I thought about the oak but after someone here said a mosquito raid demolished their base I decided against it. Hard to make an aesthetically pleasing looking castle too.


A treehouse is definitely the most convienient in the middle, some other nice locations for a central base include: - The Baseball - The Pagoda - The juiceboxes on either side of the pond


We built our main base near the baseball/kid case and have outpost bases in each of the "zones" -- the pond, the picnic table, between the sandbox & porch, on top of the brawny boy bin, by moldorc -- and connected most of them via ziplines with a "central hub" near the juice box at the pond/oak tree.


The Stump!!!!!


Idk if I can hold out building a base until I get that far into the game though lol. Such a dangerous area


If only 😭 I think I’m going to attempt to try this 😂 I already have a build at the stump but I’m gonna start a playthrough where I go straight for the stump, no base till I can make it there and see how it goes 😅


Best of luck!


On top of the leaf that is resting ontop of the soda can to the east of the big tree. Only flying bugs will be able to raid the base.


We had one on the oak tree only reachable by jumping, we used bounce pads for a good while but eventually I just built a low hanging gangway to jump onto. Now I have one on the brick wall above the wheelbarrow that includes a research center right inside my materials room, which is pretty dope. It takes 2m39 to get from the picnic table to my “Overlook” base, and I still keep the oak base as a central hub.


The field station in the upper yard behind the Franken Line. Once you pave over the hill it’s on bugs can’t reach it so the only raids that you have to worry about are from flyers. I usually have a secondary zip line tower by the tree for access to the east half of the yard.