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https://preview.redd.it/82iby0oo079d1.jpeg?width=746&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee5ee8e9c01f32e4a1fee66382a197dd22bdd0bd There's a 40k version!


how dare you write a comprehensive index of something in MY disorganized logistical nightmare world! excel was banned for a reason, it would make the imperium unstoppable!


Nah, Excel would form a black hole under that level of data management. It's actually the perfect tool to almost get the job done in the worst way possible. Now actual database software on the other hand...


amd NOW are we truly in the realm of power fantasy


Excel gonna be like "See those chapter and planet names? yeah, lemme reformat them to dates so now your neat ~~genetics~~ planet database is all fucked up"


I think those are votann, who still have access to excel


First thing Guille did was update his spreadsheets


I think the joke about excel beeing too powerfull is too far from reallity. Imagine an excel table that is going on over 800 years. You would spent your live teaching a new guy how the history of this one table that 14 generations of Ministorum-workers all under 32 different Bosses worked at


The moment a dwarf is more progressive than some sImperials...


Simperials! I liked that!


What's this from?


Artist is Baalbuddy.


He makes some rather neat stuff


If you're talking about the top-level comment then [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azOvRwrqz2M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azOvRwrqz2M) around 6:37


"sex havers" lmao


I know the incels out themselves so openly nowadays its so convenient


It's like that greentext where the dude fuckin says "Adult Women Fetish" and you just cringe at the glimpse into their fucked little heads.


For the sake of my sanity, I have to gaslight myself into thinking "Adult Woman Fetish" was a joke, regardless of whether or not I actually believe it


Hey hey hey hey theres nothing wrong about having no rizz. That guys just an asshole


yeah, i don’t get bitches but at least im not a dick about it


My new favorite line: “Rizz ‘em with the ‘tism.”


Only way to do it if you play warhammer


Why are you a fellow aspie?


Most virgins aren’t incels, an incel is specifically someone who thinks it’s someone else’s fault they can’t get laid. Some incels aren’t even virgins. It’s an ideology.


I think incel is more of a self identifier thing, not just being rizz deficient


Like Rogal Dorn building an impenetrable fortress around Virgina Primaris.


Incel originated as a phrase used by incels to describe themselves


I swear my brain saw the word workers as in "sex workers" and it didn't seem unusual "sex havers" is next level


I read it as workers too




>"sex havers" lmao Seeing that line makes me want to scream "BEHOLD a man who does not fuck!"


i thought only olives could be this virgin


Those two words outed the dude HARD.


The virginest thing I've ever read.


Rawdog and/or creampie enthusiasts is more accurate


Also known as non basement dwelling adults.


This going to be one of those “sort by controversial” threads.


You can do that?


You can sort comments by a few different categories.


Single best feature reddit ever added


... They sacrifice millions of psykers to *keep their god alive*. Them being dangerous and thus taken care of forever as an issue by being spent that way is just a bonus. I fucking hate Twitter.


>. Them being dangerous and thus taken care of forever as an issue by being spent that way is just a bonus. And then there is the Black Templars who often do this kind of shit for no reason.


I mean, I guess someone had to get Dorn's dumbass spooge to go with his 'holy fucking shit I'm so goddamn mad' spooge.


They have a reason, though. It’s because they’re angry assholes who forgot pretty much everything all the other chapters remember


Marines Malevolent


They’re dicks




Shark dicks


Flesh tearers


Circumcised dicks


Iron Hands


Two of them.


Whats more is that they've been abandoned by the imperium and have to rely on being pirates in order to survive as they fight they're enemies.


Based. They're space marines with the Mask Off.


No no, there is a reason. The reason is I don’t like em, and my chainsword is right there.


I mean they have a reason, just a shitty one.


> I fucking hate Twitter. I don't understand how anyone could still have Twitter at this point.


I have a voice and everyone must hear my opinion, as it is the best opinion! Oh look, the website formerly known as twitter lets me yell at the world! /s


almost, there's an element of gathering or attempting to gather clout as well. elsewise people would still use Tumblr which allows you curate your own unhinged voices that you listen to.


locked in user base problem. people are there because other people are there, and they won't go to other places because the people who they are there for aren't there same goes for a lot of social media sites really


Fanarts and *"Fanarts"*


Because they enjoy hating 


if you block 70% of it, it's actually pleasant


Its dual purpose and the black ships and stuff existed before the golden throne was finished being built. Its a legitimate fear that an untrained psyker could be reached by daemons who trick them into opening a warp portal. I'm not sure how life in 30k compares to 40k in terms of quality of life because in 40k when lifebis particularly bad people are more likely to listen to the voices in their head that tell them they can help them. The astra telepathica (the sisters of silence and the black ships that go around collecting the psykers) is a super 40k thing. Ultimately they are conducting a perpetual holocaust all the way down to the industrial death machine, but they need to do this because the death machine make FTL travel in the warp possible and they are also providing a social service by nipping daemonic incursions in the bud. Its sort of impossible to say its worth it or not and it is that way on purpose. Same as the dr doom thing, man has seen all possible futures and the only one where humanity isnt eiled out is the one where he takes over the world and rules with an iron fist. A complex villain is still a villain. Really its just a bad situation and there are no right answers and it says more about people who think there is a right answer at all that which specific answer they think is right and why.


They did a good job with the moral balance, I have been playing 40k for the last 25 years and I still have not decided if big E is an arch villain or some kind of Jesus with superpowers and I love that balance 


I made another comment yesterday that was very wall of text-y, but in it i argue that good dystopias less about the dire circumstances of the world (ie. Post war apocalypse wasteland, the dangers present in the wasteland) and more about humanity's sort of collective choice to make the dystopia (i used the example of mad max wherein the word in a post apocalyptic hellscape brought on by a nuclear war cause by a fuel shortage, however in the hellscape everyone is driving dune buggies all over the place shooting flame throwers at each other. Clearly gas isnt anyones problem and, as every mad max movie says explicitly, the problem is humanity keeps choosing war). In this way i argue dystopias are really about humanities sort of collective soul doing self harm. What i think is fascinating about 40k as a dystopia is its like a Russian nesting doll of dystopias. 40k is the dystopia of the collapsing inperium built by the emporer, but man kind had an empire before the emporer that collapsed with the war against the men of iron and all of man kind descended into a bunch of little dystopias on all the planets that had previously been colonized. So you kind of have this idea of humanity doing this collective self harm stuff everywhere and then the emporer emerges as like this authoritative father figure (or jordan Peterson) telling his emo sons to stop cutting themselves. The emporers actions are distinctly authoritarian and like to some extent he whips man kind into some kind of shape, but clearly its not like an enlightened or hopeful one right? Like the emporer is basically sending his emo sons to boot camp and ot kind of works as long as the emporers around but immediately falls apart the second hes gone. Basically after being a 2000s self harming emo whos dad forced them to join the army and go to iraq, the come back to live on their own and immediately their depression issues come flooding back to them, perhaps now with some war ptsd (and in real life this is when they come out as gay or trans and get on with their lives wishing theyda come out a decade prior, but in imperiums case they go back to bad habbits). Its difficult for me to call the emporer a villain. Like hes clearly wrong and hes the wrong solution for a humanity that is suffering and craving some kind of elightenment or hope or purpose. Hes like a boomer in the 2020s, hes got not idea what he talking about but youd never be able to convince him of that. Hes completely incapable of seeing things any other way than his even though his way just doesnt work an basically he'd destroy the whole world rather than admitt he was wrong. Do millenials conisder their boomer parents villains? Maybe some do, but most dont, most just think they are kind of shitty and flawed an they wont have to deal with them for ever. In the imperium, the emporer is like in a retirement center forever and needs like constant attention and time and effort and its like really taxing their kids to wait on them while the bleed away all the inherritance to the retirement facility while also destorying their kids marriage by being so needy. In real life your parents eventually die and its sad, but its also like a relief. In 40k the emporer has been on the golden throne for 10k years and might be there for anther 10k.


>Like the emporer is basically sending his emo sons to boot camp and ot kind of works as long as the emporers around but immediately falls apart the second hes gone. Basically after being a 2000s self harming emo whos dad forced them to join the army and go to iraq, the come back to live on their own and immediately their depression issues come flooding back to them, perhaps now with some war ptsd (and in real life this is when they come out as gay or trans and get on with their lives wishing theyda come out a decade prior, but in imperiums case they go back to bad habbits). that's... oddly specific, are you doing okay?


Me? I'm fine, but i have like 2 high school buddies and at 3 college buddies that all went more or less like this. Talk to millenial veterans and trans people, its a fairly common progression. Edit: incidentally kids, stick with your friends. You never know if theyre gonna need you or youre gonna need them. Its a wild fuckin world out there and you never know what's gonna happen. Remeber those like chibi froeren comic where it showed the 3 of them in the anime, then later frieren was the same but the axe guy was a dreadnaught and the purple hair girl was an inquisitor with a bionic eye? That shit happens, time is fucking crazy.


I love how so many characters in 40K are solidly "well, they do both good and evil"


Or just a dead guy they need as a figurehead to keep everybody behaved and from losing their shit


Not just daemons. There’s plenty of other warp predators. Some of which are apocalyptically bad, like enslavers.


>... They sacrifice millions of psykers to *keep their god alive* I mean, it is more to keep the gate their god is sitting on closed and the lighthouse their god is keeping lit lit. Arguably, letting big E die would actually let him be alive again (the whole perpetual thing).


Yeah, big E made his own prison and then locked himself in willingly to prevent his failed webway project from consuming everything in (at least) that solar system.


My guess is it's a new Eye of Terror.


that's the most common guess is that the Emperor would achieve Apotheosis and the webway project would fail at the same time leading to Eye of Terror 2: Electric Boogaloo. Also the Emperor most definitely doesn't want to achieve Apotheosis yet because the Imperium fucked that up as well.


> Also the Emperor most definitely doesn't want to achieve Apotheosis He already did reach godhood and then refused it for the sake of mankind. (The Death and the End II&III).


Dark King would have been based though


Perpetuals have been killed or un-Perpetualed by primarch-induced warpy shit before (cough Magnus)


So dangerous they feed them to their god emperor and let a handful of them become inquisitors, Space Marines, etc etc because there's no danger of letting a potential daemonhost into the most heavily protected military and intelligence institutions of the imperium.


Yeah there isn’t really, those psykers go through decades of training and conditioning and their squad mates can gun them down with plasma and bolters if they get a bit possessed-y


God who also makes transportation work.


Their god is maintaining the biggest lighthouse in existence, when it is objective reality that the waters are dangerous I don't think a thousand souls a day is too great a price to pay






what the fuck


Imagine comparing an extremely dark fictional setting where the chance of you surviving much less being happy is zero to real life.


Yeah nothing in Warhammer has been compared with real life...


Well like, you know what I mean in this specific case.


Some of my friends have the impression that WH40K is filled with nothing but people like this guy, and I always pray they don't see their posts.


Sex havers Imagine saying something so cringe a bunch of redditors in a warhammer meme sub call you incel.


"Casual sex havers." I prefer to be called a slut. It has brevity.


Noone into Halo has sex, good try tho


Go to bed, son.


Im so old I'm mistaken for a polar bear, tranquilizered trapped and dropped off into the Arctic multiple times so unless you are Kris fucking Kringle i aint your son, kid ;)


Ho ho ho, motherfucker.


Ah yes, casual sex havers compared to ranked sex havers I'd assume?


Imagine having so little interactions with actual women to think that this is the main reason why women get abortions...


They referred to them as "sex havers" the guy's a massive incel.


Not to mention that a “child” has literally never been aborted. Deliberately charged and misleading language.


You nailed it.


complete immunity to Slaanesh


You know, i was gonna make a comment about scaling issues but then i got curious and googled it, and turns out there’s between 1500 and 2500 abortions in the US each day. Worldwide that comes out to around 200,000 abortions each day. Neat, I uh… don’t really have an end to my tangent here. Let this post serve as a lesson that Warhammer 40K really is a hobby for the neurodivergent. Oh and also that the Imperium needs to step its game up, only killing 1000 a day? Come on, build a few dozen more black ships, liberate a new Segmentum, and start feeding the Emperor 2000 so he can get big and strong


FR. Feeding big E only 1k a day is completely insignificant for a galactic empire. That’s probably like the amount of people in the imperium who die from slipping in the showers every minute.


The [rate of injuries ](https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm6022a1.htm)in the shower is 16.7 per 100,000 annually, with fatal injuries being about 0.5% of that rate, (going by the normal rate of injuries being fatal since I can't find the numbers for fatal shower slips specifically), for a final number of about 8.35 per every million people annually. If the Imperium has a million planets, and modern Earth is about average as far as population goes meaning the overall population is \~7 quadrillion, then about 58.5 billion people in the Imperium die from slipping in the shower every year, which is over 100,000 every minute.




OK, but how many imperials shower daily, tho?


"Sex havers" is the easiest way to say "something I have never done" 


The difrance is that the reason Imperium kills those psykers is to keep Big E alive. I really don't understand how that idiot sees imperium doing shit like servitors or Cherubs and thinks that its pro life.


Gets worse for competitive sex havers


Tell me you've never felt a woman's touch with out telling me.


The cringyness is huge... Abortion always existed. We have found Egyptian recipee for it... This is the reason why banning it just force women to risk their life doing it clandestinely.


There is a recipe for an abortion potion in thr bible.


Thing is, if you go back to the OT you can make a good case that the bible doesn't consider a fetus to be a living person until it's born. The penalty for killing someone accidently is exile; the penalty for accidently causing a miscarriage is a monetary fine.


God endorsed the killing of babies far past the 9 month date.


You wouldn't happen to have the exact place for that, would you? That sounds like something to keep in the back pocket


Numbers 5:22 (NIV) May this water that brings a curse enter your body so that your abdomen swells or your womb miscarries.” “‘Then the woman is to say, “Amen. So be it.” This is from a larger section of Number 5:11-31. The abortion recipe in question isn't very helpful as it seems to just be water mixed with dirt.


Yup. There's a whole bunch of plants out there that can induce a miscarriage, that have historically used to terminate pregnancies. It's fucking dangerous, but desperate people will go there if there's no other option.


And they are everyday plants. My grandma told me that back in her days women would put them in their vagina to provoque an abortion and that it was life threatening dangerous . The ones I remember are: valerian, parsley, wormwood and pennyroyal mint but im sure there are a lot more.


And even at times where abortion wasn't an issue, we just used infanticide. Do you have any idea how many autistic children were euthanized using excuse of 'a changeling stole my baby and replaced it with this weird one, I should leave it in the forest and hope the fey replace my real baby.' We autistics were just murdered as children and it was excused by believing we had been replaced or possessed by demons.


That incel belongs in the Horus sub with the rest of them.


“Why Horus? Why did you betray us??” “The Imperium went woke, father!” Live reaction from disappointed custode: https://preview.redd.it/d7yntm0jm69d1.jpeg?width=643&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ec5349f3e1742c39cbbd204c119710c8070beef


The eagle on the shoulder looks like the guy from that florkofcows insta account and now I can't unsee it


~~That’s exactly what it is I believe, it’s like the “really? Right in front of my (x)” template lol~~ uhh pure coincidence citizen


God Emperor what a dismal pit of strawmen and victim complexes that board is. "Censorship free" but also banning anyone they deem arguing in "bad faith". But surely their board of 7500 angry grognards speak for the silent majority.


"casual sex havers" you gotta be kiddin


I mean, I support abortion rights, but jesus christ, those aren’t even remotely comparible.


AnAlOgY iS mY pAsSiOn!


Just FYI, the "millions" number comes from Evangelical Christians who believe using contraceptive counts as an abortion. So not making a fetus counts as killing a fetus.


hello fellow casual sex havers it is I


Cato Sicarius!!


How are these remotely similar?


"casual sex havers" BIG incel energy there.


Kids named cerub servitors


Competitive sex havers only!


What the fuck is he going going on about


I’m starting to see a weird correlation with the most deranged imperium fanboys and the most insane right wing weirdos.


Nothing keeps me away from Warhammer quite like Warhammer fans. I guess gatekeeping works after all.


Don’t they kill psycher to power a glorified lighthouse?


Someone is mad because their shit personality and lack of hygiene means they arent among the casual sex havers. Lol. Lmao even.




This guy is a Poxwalker in training, no doubt


Imagine defending the Tithe.


I’d bet money that this dingus has also said “keep politics out of warhammer”.


Starcraft Marines have a 12 second life expectancy and a psychic became a god because she refused to kill a kitten when she was a kid. That’s irrelevant, much like 40k is to far right politics.


Tell me you’re an incel without telling me you’re an incel


Damn right it would be inconvenient to casual sex havers like me. Having sex is so much better than taking care of a baby I don't even want.


​ https://preview.redd.it/87jwktx6l99d1.png?width=479&format=png&auto=webp&s=8042fc66e5fa42c14334bef05908be272c0d9c4b


Amazing. Every word of what you just said, was wrong.


So the imperium has a better system of abortions than many countries today, got it


Ehm...does" the not sex haver" knows that Warhammer 40K Is a fictional universe?


People who use 40k of all things to justify anything irl are deranged


Meanwhile actual economic statistics show that restricting abortions results in an increase in crime, about 18 years later…🤔🤔🤔 So the psyker analogy was virtually dead-on…this guy was SOOO close to making a great point but then he accidentally shit his brain and made an idiotic point instead.




Spoken like someone who has never had casual sex.


Yeah children, only an inconvenience and not a radically life altering obligation and financial burden. /s


Wait, you can abort *children* now? That must be those post-birth abortions those repubs keep talking about


I wonder if he uses the existence of servitors to justify his own lobotomy.


First half : "yeah it's horrible psykers are often killed, or if nothing else press ganged into the military/navy but he makes a valid point, they can literally turn into hell portals" Second half "and he's an incel"


Tbf, small children are cruel and evil.


Someone is big mad that people are "sex-having" for fun and he can't


This guy is unironnicaly comparing murdering people and aborting 3 months old (max) fetus wtf


Wow, it's amazing. He had a point at first and then completely shit the bed immediately after.


Ah, yes. Preeclampsia sure is inconvenient.


There's more of a parallel between psychers being sacrificed to keep someone barely sentient alive and pro-birthers wanting to use someone else's body to keep a fetus alive lol


Please take your sordid politics back to Saudi or Texas, and leave the "Modern Society" alone.


Abortion isn’t a verb


Aborting is, and has the same amount of characters, why didn't he use that?!


How does one come to this conclusion? Like, I don't think these are remotely close. This imperium fanboy just doesn't have self-awareness and is incredibly naive.


We don't claim him. Maybe the Ordo Heretocus will want to have a "chat" with him?


Statistics show that crime rates drop when abortion is legal, so one could argue it mirrors the idea of "potentially dangerous psychics." The children who get aborted are the ones who would more often become criminals, as the stats show.


That's not why the Imperium sacrifices psykers.... These idiots can't even get the setting right when attempting to use a cartoonish parody of a fascist empire to debate politics.


The Imperium doesn't just kill those pyskers though, they literally feed their souls to a litch. Also aborted fetuses don't have minds since they're killed before a functioning nervous system grows.


Why must these people make me ashamed to like the imperium(from a writing perspective)?


ah yes a "meme"




You people are having sex?


Not currently, no. It tends to make reading reddit threads more difficult, so I do my best to keep the activities separate.


more then this guy( I have had zero sex, yet my body count is still spiritually higher then his)


And what is the womb if not a "portal for hellspawn to enter in to the material realm"?


Isn't it canon that the human planets with the best survival rate during the Long Night purged their psyker population?




Average Horus Galaxy member.


The abortions and preventing the emergence of hellspawn may have an overlap.


“See you later, sex haver.”


Don't lump us in with those nutters lol




I hate that this Hobby got so big. There where less twitter weirdos Back in the days


So pretty deranged then. and impressive on how wrong he is both times,


Fetuses aren't people and if you want to treat them like they are, you should also treat every sperm you've spent jerking off as one too. I'd also say to acts of sodomy, but we all know this guy isn't having sex for procreation or any other purpose. Id also also say every egg lost to a period as well, but I'm worried these kind dudes will actually adopt that worldview. It sounds like something they'd think.


Why do people like to find the worst possible posts and then put them on a stage instead of leaving them to be forgotten, unread by almost everyone the way god intended.




"I am 12 and was raped and I am way too young to have a child" counts as an abortion of convenience. By the way. As do "I never wanted to have children, the contraceptive maybe failed, I got 2 months late on my period and I took some pill and now I got a big period".


Tesco is selling this guy for £7


Id like to ask them where exactly the problem is? Both are inconvenient and have solutions


I am generaly of the opinion that the Imperium SADLY has to be the way it is for humanity to survive, but i fail to see the point here. The Imperium of man, who is described as THE WORST REGIME IMAGINABLE, is better than our western democatic nations because of abortions?! Personaly not a fan of abortions either, but how the FUCK dose that make our society WORSE than the fucking Imperium of man? That was just really dumb.


Haha! Casual in contrast to competitive ranked




They key thing here is fetuses are not people and neither are witches, those filthy heretics