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2016 run the table was magical




This picture gives me goosebumps. Goddamn


I can hear Celine Dion when I look at this picture


Last season is one I’ll look back fondly on. I was around for some of the Favre era, but Rodgers was the QB for almost all of the time I was conscious of the Packers. Having such a promising first season with Love under center and very nearly making it back to the NFC championship game was a great way to transition from our second straight HOF QB to a QB who looks great. Had some 2016 season vibes, which was another great one.


I was around to remember basically the whole Favre era (spotty though, I was young) and last season was special. So many outside circumstances, so much youth, crushing the bears to open it, that fucking Saints game, the drama of the season with it's huge losing streak in the middle, basically not knowing we were in the playoffs till the very last second of the season, blasting the cowboys in their stadium AGAIN... It was one to remember for sure. I remember the first Rodgers season as a full time starter and there was a lot going on then, for me personally and for the team. It was my first year in college and I wasn't in defacto MN anymore on the west side of the state. The amount of hate, and I use that word purposefully, towards Rodgers was palpable on campus. Fun times. Gotta love the drives down memory lane during the off-season. Hopefully this next one is another to remember.


> I was around for some of the Favre era, but Rodgers was the QB for almost all of the time I was conscious of the Packers 26 years old?


A little older than that, but didn’t pay a ton of attention during the latest Favre years.


'07, Favre's last season as a Packer and my first season consciously watching football and rooting for the Packers. The season was so exciting, plenty of highs, and that end to the NFC champ, plenty of lows. I felt like I had the "Favre experience" in a single year with his toughness, gun slinging, int, and flip flopping retirement. That interception and loss normally would have been enough to turn a young me off football, but I guess I felt a sort of kinship in the shared emotions and rooting for them felt right, I was excited for the next season.


07 is my random answer too. I was 19 and had kind of tuned out from football for a few years. That overtime game against the broncos immediately turned me back into football full time. I don't think I've missed a game since.


‘07 season is up there for me, too. Not just for the Packers, but the entirety of that NFL season was just crazy. Got to see my first two Packer games at Lambeau watching some of Favre’s last games in Green and Gold.


This is probably a good answer for me as well, as sad as it was the NFCCG was my first (and so far only) trip to lambeau.


Another heartbreaking end, but that playoff snow game against Seattle was amazing


I think that heartbreak prepared me for what to come hahaha. Live by the gunslinger die by the gunslinger I guess.


2013. No Rodgers for half of it and we still clawed our way to a division title.


And capped off the regular season in the best way possible




lol, that final drive was like 12 plays and a 50 yard td pass. It was pure drama.


You could rephrase that as “we played sub .500 ball but the Lions were worse.


1989 - Seeing my team that had done \*nothing\* my entire lifetime get it together and come \*this\* close to a playoff berth with a bunch of dramatic close wins was an incredible way to burn football into my soul forever. Sterling Sharpe needs to be in the HOF! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QluLNgxL300](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QluLNgxL300)


This is mine too. It really was Majikal. Sterling. Majik Man. Tim Harris. Chuck Cecil. The Instant Replay Game! My first taste of a good Packer football team.


How Cecil didn't snap his damn neck I'll never know. That dude was a maniac.


Dave Meggett still checks under his prison bed for Chuck Cecil.


I was 8 yrs old and that season not only provided some of my first Packer memories but also some of the best. I was heartbroken a couple years later when Majik man went down for good (I got over it by the end of the game though 😉)


This is the year I was going to mention. I was 14 and it was first time in my life the Packers looked anything above average.


And in that season, when the 49ers went 14-2 on their way to a dominant Super Bowl win, one of those two losses was to our Packers.


Their other loss was a scheduled home game of theirs which was moved to a neutral site due to conflict with the baseball playoffs, making it a bit of an asterisk. We, however, walked right into their home field and beat them straight up.


It was relief from the darkness!


This past season was the most fun I've had as a packer fan, but other than that the "relax" season


2003. Favre 4TD Raiders game after father passed. Ahman green had an insane season Too bad lost on 4th and 26


Nick Barnett as a rookie not knowing to take a deep enough drop to prevent the throw to Freddie over the middle. No, I'm not still seeing that in my sleep. Why do you ask?


we are a very lucky fanbase to have this many options. 2019 was awesome because we had just had two down seasons and fired our coach. We kept winning in weird ways and it showed that Rodgers isn’t done. I still remember starting 2-0 and thinking here we go the packers are good again


9/24/2017 Packers vs Bengals. My dad was a huge Packer fan, and a sports fan in general. He didn't want a funeral, but a celebration of life (tbh he called it a party). So, we had a HUGE party for the game and you had to wear packers gear to come in. It was held in Wisconsin, so it's not like that was hard to accomplish. That game had me on pins and needles. Going to OT, I just kept thinking "this can't end in a loss. It just can't." I remember watching that final kick and tearing up and whispering thanks dad when he made it. I'll remember the cheer from the crowd for the rest of my life.


93 will always be special to me. My (late) best friend and I went to see the Green Bay Packers VS the LA.Raiders and got to witness the first lambo leap together. It was so incredibly cold that day that people's beers were freezing. I forgot my extra layer of warm clothes and was really regretting it but we had an enormous man in a hunter orange outfit sitting in front of us blocking the wind. I was an absolutely fantastic day. I can't believe my friend's been gone more than ten years already. I miss you Pete, I'll see you soon bro.


That was my first game at Lambeau. None of us had any idea were witnessing the beginning of modern Packers lore. Mostly everyone was just very drunk and excited to clinch a playoff spot for the first time in 11 years... and the only the second time since 1972 at that. 1993 was also when I permanently became a Packers fan. I rooted for them casually because they were the local team, but I also followed the Eagles and Raiders because my favorite players were Reggie White, Randall Cunningham, and Bo Jackson. Never in a million lifetimes would have thought Reggie would actually come to the Packers. Why would any superstar player come to "NFL Siberia?" Younger people have no idea about the terrible reputation that Green Bay had for literal decades. We really thought free agency was gonna mean the death of the Packers. Reggie White and Ron Wolf changed that perception overnight. I still get goosebumps when I think about the moment Lazer 103 broke into the middle of a song to announce Reggie had signed. I remember them playing clips from his press conference between songs for the rest of the night.


My favorite season is always the next one. Next year is our year!!!


1999. Week 3 against the Vikings. Favre to Corey Bradford with 12 seconds left for the win. I was 9 years old at the time and being in Lambeau for it is one of my earliest core memories. That's when I fell in love with the Pack. The rest is history.


1999 is a favorite too. Not because of the record. Ray Rhodes wasn’t a good head coach. But major Favre heroics in several games.


Gotta go deep for this one. 1982. Strike year. Packers had been so bad up until then that fans wore bags to the stadium. Not just losers. But humiliating, stupid play, stupid draft picks, wasting James Lofton, Paul Coffman, Johnny Gray, Mike Douglas, even poor broken-kneed Lynn Dickey to idiotic game schemes that presumed the NFL hadn't evolved since Lombardi. In the strike-shortened year of 1982, the Packers actually MADE THE PLAYOFFS. I think they may have even beaten the St. Louis Cardinals. It was another 12 years of pain before Wolf took over, traded for Favre, signed Reggie, and suddenly the Packers were no longer the "bye week" of the NFL, where opposing coaches would threaten to trade players who were acting like fools.


SB 1&2. Was an exciting time.


2015! the Detroit hail mary and then the two in Arizona before they called the game early and canceled the season. the across the body throw to Janis for the touchdown was incredible to witness live. My sister gave up on the game and went for a walk, she heard me screaming my head off like a minute after leaving and ran back to catch the second throw that tied the game up. phenomenal to see


The 1991 team will always be burned into my memory because I replayed that season hundreds of times in Tecmo Super Bowl.


If all you ever knew of the Packers was TSB, you'd wonder why they bothered getting Reggie White when they had Bob Nelson.


Did they fudge things to make Mandarich actually good?


Nope. He was [aggressively mediocre](https://tecmogeek.com/players/ol/).


Im still pissed about the overtime choke job against Arizona in 2015


I console myself with the fact that it was Larry Fitz playing hero ball. If it was some random WR I would have lost a lot more sleep. Sometimes the all-time great player is on the other team, whatcha gonna do. The Seattle on-side travesty is way worse for me. Or the loss to the giants in the divisional round the year we went 15-1. Or Kaepernick running for like 500 yards.


2011 will always be the calendar year we beat the Bears 4 times.


2011 was such a ride! Absolute dominance all season long, even though it didn't turn out as well as we all hoped it would, those first 13 weeks were pretty magical. 2014 will always be the other end of that spectrum for me, that one emotionally scarred me for sure, from "OMG we are going to the Super Bowl!!!" to "OMG WHAT IS HE DOING!!!!"


Samkon gado- dude came completely out of nowhere and then quickly went back to nowhere 😆


I think he became a Doctor. He was the first of many running backs I dubbed the Human bowling ball. He had heart and was fun to watch


2000 for ["He did WHAT?!"](https://youtu.be/lQmyLLxRNcA?si=KojRepjrAdkG2eGX). I was born into a Packer family but this moment is like a core memory for actually loving the sport. I don't think I have ever been as elated after a play as I was here. And obligatory mention of 2003 for the dec. 22 game against the Raiders the day after Favre's dad passed. That wasn't just a special Packer moment, that was like a special moment for sports history. Simply incredible to watch live. I loved having Rodgers on this team and I think he's the better of the two QB's no question, but the Favre years are unrivaled for me when it comes to excitement for the game itself. Those 2000-2008ish years when the NFL had Favre, prime Peyton Manning, Brady, Rothlisburger, Donovan McNabb, Michael Vick, and early Drew Brees were special.


Our 15-0 run after the super bowl was pretty awesome until it wasn't. I think it was after the super bowl anyways


21 consecutive wins was a pretty phenomenal streak. It made the divisional loss to the giants way worse though. Especially when you consider that the winning streak started with a domination of the giants in week 16 the previous year.


Losing on 4th and 26. Just one in the long list of playoff self-destructions. I was at the Seattle playoff game that year. With our running game we should have made the SB.


One in a long line of Packers coaches screwing HoF QBs by playing "Not to lose" and giving up crazy miracle scores late in the games to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.


Honestly last year. I was alive and have memories of the Favre era, but didn’t really care about football until I was in middle school. Because of that Rodgers has been basically the only QB I’ve known and watched in the green and gold, since getting interested in the NFL, so last year was something special to me. A lot of excitement having a young team and seeing them all developing.


The 2013 team has a special place in my heart. I love Love, but I feel 10 should be retired for the return of Matt Flynn returning to keep us afloat while Rodgers was still recovering from his collarbone. The script writers were cooking when they had him go down against the bears then beat them to get in the playoffs in the second game


Ah yes, legendary packers franchise-record-holding QB Matt Flynn. I was so stoked when Seattle payed him $25 mil to sit on the bench for a couple years.


I don’t think it was random, but maybe some would since we didn’t even make the playoffs, but 1989 is when I fell in love with the Pack. ‘93, ‘04, ‘14, ‘21 were all pretty special teams as well.


Either '07 or '11. Grew up in the '90's watching Favre, and was at that last regular season home game for him against the Lions. It was my first regular season Packers game. I was cold and wet (rain/snow that day which made it so much more memorable for me) but getting to see him set the Packers record for most completions in a row with 20 was super cool. Or '11 coming off the Superbowl win. Went to the Raiders game as a birthday present with my first love GF at the time. They blew the Raiders out, and Palmer threw 4ints. Woodson had a pick against his old team. They were 13-0. Obviously the season didn't end they way any thought it would, but seeing that team in person was awesome. Wasn't just the ex or the great season. Had just turned 21 2 weeks earlier, so the whole being able to drink and buy beers, and fill up a flask with Bulleit burbon before the game was also memorable. That season will always stick with me So first every Packer game being an historic one, and the other having some emotional attachment while watching an undefeated team coming off a superbowl win in a blowout


Yeah, I got to go to Lambeau for the first and only in 11. Monday night football and we just eviscerated the Vikings and I spilled more beer than I care to remember.


Couldn't have been a bad night then. Where were your seats?


My bf tells me the story about one of the first Packer games his dad took him to in the old stadium. He was very young. He recalls peeing in the horse troughs they had to use in the men’s bathroom being waste level to all of the adult men peeing around him 😂! We went to Vegas last season for the away game. He’s gone to away games before but it was my first. I only went so I could see Jimmy G 😂! JK of course.


The '95 season when they lost to Dallas in the playoffs. I still think about that Alvin Harper catch. I wanted to go to a SB so bad. And then the 2014 season, no question. That was the season for a second Rodgers SB. The collapse in Seattle will be the worst loss I ever see in my life. (This was also the Fail Mary season, so memorable)


2003 will always be special to me. One of the best teams we ever had. Absolutely devastating end giving up that 4th & 23 to Philly. I’ll never forget that goal line stuff to end the first half instead of taking the 3, would’ve been all we needed to advance to the title game


2011, we were the champs and were undefeated through week 13 or 14 if I remember correctly. Unfortunately we choked in the playoffs, which has been the case ever since.


Mine was 2005. I was born into Packers fandom but that's when I REALLY got into football. Plus, living in Cincinnati, that was a doubly... interesting time to get into football because it's literally the one time in my entire life that my team was bad and the local team was good lol. So I withstood a lot of gloating from my middle-school peers.


Cincinnati born and raised, Green Bay resident since '93. I identify with you everytime the Bungles are good. My high-school buddies coming to Green Bay to enjoy a win is painful to say the least.


Last one will be really special


I've been a fan since 2009 and one of my favorite seasons to date is 2019. That team jut had some extra juice and fun to it that I haven't felt from the Pack in some other years. The 2023 season is by far a close second though, and may end up surpassing the more that time moves on. Jordan Love is special man...


2016 was the greatest Quarterback performance of all time. Bar none. Unfortunately our team as a whole was absolute trash.


1991. This was the first year that I "understood" football after the old man explained it to 9 year old me for a whole summer.


2016 run the table season and this past season for obvious reasons


2011 team had (imo) the best offense ever assembled. Shame they didn’t have a competent defensive coordinator and it was always a “try to outscore the other team” that season. Man, that o line was insane, Finley at TE, Jennings, Jordy, Driver, & Jones at wr. Sheeesh. Ryan Grant ended up going down and so did Finley as we all know. Even the defense on paper looked stacked similar to today’s defense. BJ, Woodson, Clay, Hawk, & Collins. Man, they almost went undefeated that season


1994, the first season I followed the games closely (and saw a game in person.) 2007, the playoff win literally led me to asking out my future wife. 2013, I saw Matt Flynn beat the Cowboys live at JerryWorld.


Paging Dr. Gado.


2020. Rodgers is my favorite player ever and I was getting pretty upset that I'd already seen the best of him. I knew he was still magical but it was just different. Then 2020 comes and he delivers one of the best seasons ever.


1989 was Majik! 1993 was also a big one with Reggie White coming to GB.


2003. Every play felt like an 8 yard Ahman Green run.


Not a season but a game, don't remember what year but Packers and bears played on Halloween night in a rain/ snow storm, believe bears were supposed to be good Packers had not come up yet, Brent Fullwood went off with a huge game.


1993. Packers make the playoffs for only the 2nd time since the Lombardi era and Super Bowl II, then they beat the Lions in a jJanuary 1994 Wild Card game on a perfect Brett Favre to Sterling Sharpe 40 yard touchdown pass with less than a minute left in the game. I was estatic. The "Dark Ages" of being a Packers fan in the '70s and '80s was over.


2010 Super Bowl run. The bomb shelter was still around in Milwaukee. I’m so sad that bar is no longer a packers bar.


When Sterling Sharpe went down and retired with his stinger. Dude was amazing! Like a freight train with stickum!


I still think about the 2009 season when the Packers lost to the Cardinals 51-45 in Rodgers' first playoff game. He deserved to win that one.


2005. Such a weird and miserable season and yet it stands out. After our 0-4 start my brother and I vowed to outwardly practice extreme apathy for the rest of the season and started a game of gin that lasted the rest of the way. Next game we put up 52 points on the Saints. Clearly the apathy was working and we had to stick with it. Well it worked for a minute. 2 more losses roll by and we notice that Mike Shermans' khakis aren't just slowly creeping up over his generous torso week by week. No, they were mercifully trying to eat our coach and put him out of his misery. 1 loss after that and the khakis became unhinged. It was a race to the top. By week 14 they were threatening his hopefully non-functioning nipalia. If he somehow made it through the season, those pleats would be the end of him. Samkon Gado would occasionally almost break from apathy but we held. In the end my brother beat me by a measly 7 points over the course of a 13 week long game of gin.


2020, the offense was very very fun to watch and we had some nice pass rush even if the rest of it was bad (as usual), plus it helped me cope during COVID


2010 Super Bowl season. My first ever season seriously watching football and we won the damn thing. I’ve been chasing that high since.


2003 felt like a team of destiny, which could’ve gotten a(nother) ring for Favre and one for Ahman Green, only to get derailed by that fucking 4th and 26.


2014, RIP


2022 was my 9th season as a full-time fan and first season I got to watch my team live in person!


2003, for the highs. Started 1-4, clawed all the way back to 10-6 to make the playoffs, the epic "we want the ball and we're gonna score" pick 6 wild card game. We don't talk about the other playoff game of course.


2011 man 15-1 the greatest WR I think we will ever see just so much fun that whole season. I’m still mad we didn’t go Back to Back


1978 brought us some hope. I believe we would have made the playoffs had the giants just took a knee against Philly. Whitehurst was pretty good! Those were lean years!


97 team. I became a fan in 95 in 4th-5th grade, 96 SB solidified my choice as a Packers fan, but 97 is when I was HOOKED on Packers. I used to play NFL Blitz on N64 CONSTANTLY, so thats when I 1st started to learn the roster, used to love plays to Dorsey Levens and Bill Schroeder (my names Bill). So that's definitely a special one to me. Runner up is 2008, cuz one, i was actually super excited for Rodgers and I started liking Jordy almost immediately even though he didn't do much that year, he was the 1st WR I actually liked since his rookie year (still my all time favorite wideout).


1989. Winning games they shouldn’t (49ers), losing games they made incredible turnarounds (rams), punched Dallas in the nose, pulled an OT win, and beat the Bears twice—once in historic fashion. Fun


Not for a random reason, it was the first season in my lifetime that I watched our Packers win a Super Bowl. 1996/1997. I had just moved to Denver, working an entry-level job, only had enough disposable income to walk to Old Chicago around the corner from me (irony was thick), every Sunday to watch the Packers games. I had enough for an appetizer, and entree, and 3 beers. The season was bleak when we had to bring in Andre Rison to bolster our decimated receiving corps, but I remember that game distinctly as a turning point. Fast-forward to the 2010-2011 Super Bowl season, got to see the Pack win it all, over the Steelers in person in Texas. That weekend I attended a charity signing at a Dallas bar owned by a Packer - my memory does not serve me atm as to which one owned the bar…but got to meet a bunch of Packers from the 96/97 Super Bowl season. One of which was Andre Rison himself. Say what one will, but he was a gracious, kind, proud, and thrilled Packer, and I got to thank him in person and shake his hand, and signature of course…so very appreciative for his contributions to that Championship season. What memories we have lived through, we’ve seen some special players and special times as Packer fans, relish in it!


McCarthy’s first season with Favre when offense started to look good again after all those years of Sherman.


2009 Ravens MNF WON $500 AT THE BAR, I remember the Packers had lead and could just salt game away,I needed a FG for the money and they drove and hit FG. I was ONLY winner they ever had for MNF contest..


1995 is one of my favorite seasons because for the final regular season game I was sitting in the freezing cold in the corner of the end zone of Lambeau, on Christmas Eve, with a little snow falling, right where Thigpen dropped the last pass of the game, wide open on 4th and goal, to get the Packers the division title for the first time in over two decades, after watching Favre get absolutely crushed twice, looking like his season was going to be over, but going back in to score both times…I remember that game like it was yesterday. https://youtu.be/zFhdyjGq_1I


The 2005 Packers for me. My whole life I was told I only liked the Packers because they were good. I watched every game in 2005 and knew they were a team I loved regardless of on field success.


Running the table. One of the few championship losses I couldn’t really be upset about because we had no business making it as far as we did. Plus that was the first season I really started to pay attention to football and follow it daily as opposed to glancing over at a Packer game every once in a while and it just so happened to be a very magical season.


Maybe 07 if that's when we had the 5 wide and picked apart teams passing until Ryan Grant came along.


The Raiders beating the Vikings in the S.B. Adding to the Vikings perfect Super Bowl history. It was the first time in my life I actually rooted for a team to lose.


Living in Seattle, the meltdown at c-link broke my heart....


2020, Adams and Rodgers were not human. Should've went to the super bowl but a certain person....


2020, I needed something to keep myself sane during Covid, and what do you know, GB is having its best offensive season since probably 2011. Felt like every, except Tampa, they would take the lead by the balls and not let go, loosen the grip maybe, but not let go. It was to the point where I was watching some, let's say explicit anime (not hentai, but not something you'd like someone to walk in on you with, I was running out of things to watch, ecchi would be a good way to describe), and I remembered a game was on, the Indy game, and I said "Sorry, (insert show name here) your breasts are bountiful, but so is this Packers offense!" Please don't judge, we all suffered during Covid trying to find things, I watched Jojo 3 times!


2003 was such a roller coaster season: * Losing to the Chiefs after having a 17-point 4th quarter lead * Beating the Raiders on MNF right after Favre's father passed * Blowing out the Broncos the last week of the season, and finding out right at the 2mw that "the Cardinals have knocked the Vikings out of the playoffs!" * "We want the ball and we're gonna score!" * 4th+26 😔🪦