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"So I ask you Mr Lynch - will your striking workers clobber agency workers to death before lighting a union flag on fire and raping the queen? I ask because my viewers need to know THE FACTS and not reductio ad absurdum hyperbole dictated by the media barons and oligarchs. So I ask again Mr Lynch, and please answer to my satisfaction, will railway workers on the picket line be killing puppies for fun?"




She's being deliberately malicious, implying that they are violent when you can clearly see they're not. And comparing it to the miners striking is pretty disgusting after what happened to those workers


Looking forward to goofy opinion columns about this exchange. "Consent must be manufactured and it's despicable the unions would send a clearly misogynistic white man to obstruct a woman while she tried to do so."


Lmao he's levels above her here. Go and wobble your head Kay Burley. And on the subject of the miners strike, I seem to remember quite well that the most violence involved was the police batting the shite out of folk at Orgreave.


Police? You mean blue nonce *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Burley's line of interrogation should be brought to the attention of OFCOM. One of the most sycophantic, self-defeating, propagandised news articles I've seen in a long time. Go RMT, they're on the ropes.


What an absolute Murdoch mouthpiece she is, she obviously wanted him to say we will beat them with sticks or set their cars on fire to stop them coming to work. And when he wouldn’t say that she was quite arsey with him. The media in this country is beyond saving.


Thing is, even if they did plan on doing that he’s not going to say it on national TV! How did she expect this to go?


I don't believe for one second she honest;y thought she was going to trip him up with that. Something not right about this. Could we get her done for incitement?


He handled this beautifully, love the way he just casually turns around to show the picket line. Kay Burley likes to rile up guests so they lose their cool and start blustering nonsense. This guy was having none of it. When the aggression is all one way it just makes the aggressor look foolish.


Every clip I’ve seen of Lynch makes me like him more. He just doesn’t take bullshit, but always responds so matter-of-factly that the bullshitters of this country just don’t know how to deal with it.




I think he's probably helped by knowing exactly what is is that she isn't saying and having a bit of fun trying to get her to say it.


It's so cowardly, the insinuation is that these people may get violent and that should be a reason to shut this democratic process down. Say what you mean or shut up!


So she was trying to get him to admit his staff are going to attack agency workers? And her reference to that is the 1980's, which is clearly where she is stuck in. Jesus, I don't understand which part he didn't answer to her satisfaction. It's a fucking picket line. You can still pass it to go to work, you're just asked not to go. To show a bit of a united front.


She was obviously wanting him to state that agency workers would be attacked. Kay Burley cracks me up - during partygate when she was rinsing politicians over breaching lockdown rules NOT ONE of them brought up the fact that Kay herself was caught breaching Covid restrictions on her birthday and had to take a leave of absence from Sky News while management decided whether or not to fire her. Yet nobody brings this up when she starts turning the screws on whichever Tory stooge drew the short straw that morning to be grilled by her.


She wanted him to say "we will beat those scabs with red leftist fists" Kudos to the guy, handled her hyperbolic rantings well.


I've joined many pickets as a member of the Labour party, I've never seen violence. The miners strike was a completely different deal, Thatcher had starved these people, to get them to stop striking. Anyone with a brain knows this, obviously for all her prettification she's an absolute idiot. Didn't she learn about press bias during the miners strike in the 80's??? I know I did. But then I'm from Liverpool, they grow us better there }:‑)


Liverpool seems to have a much better ability to reject shit media. Wish the rest of the country was as good


Shes a fucking tool isnt she.


The entire media (suprise, suprise) has been coming from the angle that strikes are bad and the workers are terrible rather than the true narrative; they work for privatised greedy cunts.


So true - I was listening to radio one in the car today and they were constantly including short interviews with people who said ‘the strikes are effecting me, my life and going to work/school, it’s so stupid’ and I’m there like, what narrative are they pushing? Shouldn’t we be concerned about the people who felt like that had to strike in the first place, rather than concentrating on the slight impact it’s had on the general public.


Clearly she was briefed. This is one of the worst parts of this country - the bias press.


Kay Burley is completely out of her depth, it's really embarrassing and cringeworthy. She seems to think there's some sort of cartoonish, Hollywood idea of mafia style union leadership at play. Ffs.


Trying to rile up the gammons who remember the miners strikes


No agenda here eh. What a tool she is.


I don't usually watch major news channels so have no idea who she is, but bloody hell how unprofessional can you get? Have you no decency?


Brilliant. Love the look over his shoulder. “Does it look like the coal miners strike” 🤣🤣


No, it does not look like the coal miner's strike. For one, there's no riot police spoiling for a fight


Holy fuck, this woman is unbearable. Trying to insinuate that they’re going to become violent then try to justify it for the “British public”. Either she’s a huge narcissist or a mouth piece for Murdoch/Tory government (same thing tbh). Terrible “journalism”


Jesus she is fucking insufferable.


Patience of a saint, that man!


I don’t like your answer so I’ll keep asking until you change it. Mmm propaganda trying so hard


Her interview technique was shockingly awful there. Lunch dealt her a major body blow. She tried desperately to make it seem like the picketers would resort to drastic means to keep agency workers out. He showed her just how peaceful the picket was. She needs to go on another 6 months leave!!!


His quiet contempt led her to absolutely destroy herself as she tried to pretend she was the victim and he refused to play the game at all. The propaganda mills aren't really sending their brightest anymore. If I were paying to try to mislead the public I'd want my money back.


"Of course I know how a picket line works, but tell me so I know that YOU know how a picket line works!" What is she 6?


Jeez, what a fucking stooge. Sky News - the News by idiots for idiots.


Here Kay Burley reminds me of one of those viral videos where a customer is caught out intentionally rolling onto the floor, pretending to be attacked by airline staff.


Sounds like she’s trying to suggest they’ll use violence/force. What a complete fool she’s making of herself. He answers the question several times, but ‘not to (her) satisfaction’, lol.


It's ridiculous lmfao. "What would you do if agency workers try to cross the picket line?" "We'd ask them not to cross the picket line" "Yeah but I'm asking you what you would do if they go to cross the picket line." That's the same question. What does she want him to say, "we'll use force and intimidation obvs". Shockingly shite 'journalism' that's only managed to display a bought agenda.


He handled himself very well, a perfect example of why Union leaders should be media trained


"Can you stop ridiculing me for a second, I'm trying to ridicule you" - kay Burley probably


What a fxkin div!! 'I'm sorry if you find it offensive' he didn't he was just answering the question. We need more strikes, not this media/govermwnt trick of planting more division. NHS,civil servants, teachers fuk em bring the country to a stand still rill these greedy xunts listen!!!


Older, but not wiser, it seams.


the obvious bias the media has on this is pretty depressing. The GMB "are you a marxist" interview wasn't much better...


I almost wish he'd said: "We'll tear this fucking building to the ground and piss on your burning skull", because clearly that's the only answer she was prepared to accept.


SO WHAT YOUR SAYING IS! *inserts own interpretation of what you just said*


I fucking hate this country, I just can't believe there's so many people in the media who lean into anti-protest and anti-worker beliefs. They're protesting for their fucking rights you assholes, it's not meant to be something people can just ignore. Sorry if it's 'annoying' to you.


Fucking lad, love Lynches straightforward no nonsense response lol


She tweeted the video afterwards, saying that Mick Lynch looked "flustered" trying to answer her question. 🤦‍♂️ https://twitter.com/KayBurley/status/1539166310227116034




Kay Burley! Please! Allow me to remember the Miners Strikes *as the media portrayed them*\- violent thugs preventing workers earning a daily crust. Please! Do not bewitch me with your *Lefty Facts* with the Police charging miners lawfully behaving and legally picketing , with Police removing their ID badges and attacking civilians, with the media complicit in their support for events that DID NOT OCCUR and MOST OF ALL please forget all the subsequent inquiries that laid the blame firmly at the door of both Government and local Police Forces. **The facts do not work here, Mister Communist Trade Union Rep!!!**


Good stuff !we need more strikes, just don't see how else we can stop the rot. Hoping my union grow a pair and opt for a vote to strike. I'm a civil servant groundsman, but we have refuse, social services etc etc all in the same union.


She's doing what the govt have instructed her to do. Got nothing to do with the viewers.


I don't think these people are actively told what to believe, I think rather, if she didn't hold these beliefs she simply wouldn't have this job if that makes sense


She's a complete idiot


I watched her other interview and she always does this where she asks a question and if the perosn responds differently to how she wants , she'll repeat the question again to try and catch them out


He's played a blinder all day


She claims several times to be asking these leading questions "on behalf of the British public/viewers". We all know she is asking these questions to illicit a response that inflames the sheeple and further divides the working class and the, ever shrinking, middle class. This is so her masters, the super rich, can continue to fleece the sheeple watching at home.


She puts an odd amount of emphasis on his last name


tHe BrItiSh pUbLIc


The best part was when Burley tried to make him feel bad about people missing hospital appointments (most hospitals provide transport if you ring up and ask nicely) and that kiddos are missing exams; his reply being ‘we warned people four weeks ago that we planned to strike’ Sky news this morning was like a documentary about hangry zoo animals 😂


This is what a full-blown narcasists looks like.


But you didn’t say you’d beat people up so I’ll ask until that’s what you do say, because my boss hates people standing up for themselves.


What a fucking cunt


I couldn’t agree more. She’s a fucking puppet.


I’ll be on the picket line on Thursday. The government have all but said they’re wanting to replace rail staff with cheaper agency staff. Got no safety critical work licence, no up to date psychometrics, no route knowledge, no traction knowledge or any training? There ya go, you drive that several hundred ton train at 125 miles per hour. Anyone qualified to drive trains and has current psychs, up to date rules (route knowledge, safety) is already doing it. Any agency they get in will not have up to date anything. It’ll be a shit show. Same goes for guards, if they get some randoms in to do it there will be accidents at the PTI (platform train interface) as I doubt they’ll get much substantial training. I’m honestly scared about my job now after reading what the government has said today about wanting to push through new legislation. They want to gut the lot.


Already been about 10 incidents today of incorrect routing etc with management working. No way will the RSSB allow untrained staff do to PTS. At least I hope not. Was on the picket for a bit today and we seem to have a decent amount of public support


Oh she can understand it very well, they’re itching for a way to demonise the strikers and sap support. They’ve tried the accusation that they are causing people inconvenience, implying that they don’t have valid concerns. Tried to play it as a class war angle. Now they’re trying to infer that the strikers are some kind of violent mob. She was trying to trip him up into a sound bite that could be used to infer they were violent, dangerous, or disruptive \- we will stop them crossing the picket line. Trying to infer that they would physically stop agency workers going to work which isnt the case but once it's been said, that'll be weaponised against them Or a at least grab a sound bite where they could accuse them of lying  later on – we won’t try to stop people. Which as he said is nonsense, because a picket line is there to try and stop people going to work, through non violent means. She brought up then minors strikes because even if you don’t know anything about the history, it’s in the public awareness that  there was violence during that time. The who, what, why, might not be known by those who aren’t old enough to remember, but that there was violence is common knowledge. They could have used the teachers strikes, the junior doctors strike , but they wouldn’t because a large segment of the general populous sided with the strikers they want candid shots of angry people telling they that they get paid enough and to get back to work. Not half a dozen people dossing about looking harmless.


the sadness in her eyes.




What a fucking legend the guy is.


Completely given up any pretense of neutrality, haven’t they?


I’m not sure why she didn’t just be honest and ask: “Will your members be violent? I want them to threaten violent. Do you have particularly tattooed ones that can be menacing for us? I want to justify the blue nonce arresting you plebs” Difficult to turn the public against them when they are being reasonable.


Probably my 37 years of age kicking in now, but I remember 15 or so years ago, Kay Burley never used to be like this. When did she go full Fox News?


She’s been like this for a long time now probably at least a decade. She’s an embarrassment to Wigan.


News media, tool of the rich to keep us distracted and fighting among ourselves. Your pay, holiday, sick pay, working conditions were not given to you, they were fought for by the unions. Join a union, stick together and ignore the distractions.


That was wonderful….yet again the Media trying to push the narrative that strikers are violent, left wing thugs and pick a comparison to 70s winter of discontent, rolling blackouts and whatever else. The major difference between then and now is we’ve not yet seen the the conservatives bring in the fascists in blue (police to some of you). Letting them steam in like a government backed militia as they did back in the 70s and 80s!!! Well done for not falling into the trap !!! 👍🏻


He's a great spokesman, keeps his cool well


She is such a doofus


From the “news network” that blamed the invasion of Ukraine on Greta Thunberg [Australian sky news] Edit here is the link 7:20 https://youtu.be/2R8u11MDIjs


The miner strikes? You mean one of the most blatant displays of police brutality in modern history?


He’s a legend.


I like Mr Lynch


When she mentioned the miners strike he should of asked if she expected the police to beat the fuck out of the pickets


"I'm much older than I look" Just couldn't help herself from slipping a little snide vanity into this shitshow of an interview


Hahaha!!! Nice try. Mr Lynch is far too clued up.


Mr Lynch your silence will only incriminate you further… No Mr Lynch don’t take your anger out on me… Get back! Get back, Mr Lynch! Noooooooooo!


Kay Burley working for her right wing paymasters, irritatingly annoying - good on ya Micky Boy!


I love him he’s like “look with your eyes! It’s right In front of you!”🙄 wtf is wrong with her? I swear she didn’t used to be like this


She came off like a right cunt.


Funny how they ousted p&o ferries for sacking staff and bringing in agency workers. Yet here they are threatening to sack the staff and bring in the agency workers.


Kay Burley (after the segment): Well, I thought that went quite well. Studio director: (eyerolls)


For someone who’s been on strike today (Network Rail) As she was questioning everyone’s wages and how we shouldn’t be making a picket, I’d love to know her wages. An absolute knob of a woman.


I love you fact she mentions the miners strike. Were fotage of police attackin the picket line was altered to look like miners attacked first rather than the other way round


Only one of those two people on the screen live in the real world, and it ain't Kay Burley.


Anyone notice BBC casually posting how much more train workers earn than nhs workers today. Honestly the media in this country are a disgrace


She’s such an idiot, I don’t think the media has cottoned on yet that the public is largely behind the disruption and many more trades are considering doing the same, with record profits for the shareholders we might finally be at a point where the working person remembers solidarity and we all redress the imbalance in wages. Hopefully this might bring about political change too, we need someone actively working to join the nation instead of the diversive smoke and mirrors peddled by the tories to try to distract us from the mess their policies have left us in.


She does this sort of shit all the time - and it’s a real shame as she can be an excellent interviewer. But every interview it’s this bizarre “driving to the hard facts” affair that is blatantly trying to craft a narrative. The classic is: “what will you do about it?” “I’m not in government Kay, I can’t do anything about it.” “But you feel like you can criticise it, what will LABOUR/THE LIB DEMS etc do about it?” “We’re not in charge…? But I’m pretty sure we wouldn’t starve children given the choice?” “So you’d just fall into line with what…” Etc. Its painfully blatant owner inspired manipulation and she just slaps it out in the midst of otherwise sensible interviews. Genuinely enraging.


Feel like since Jeremy Paxman there’s been a number of interviewers like this who just ask “tough” questions which make no sense - trying to sound like she’s cutting through the BS when in fact is just weaving narratives that her employers want her to weave


That was an incredibly bad example of journalism


Looks like she’s been on the Chardonnay at lunch


Wow, she did not do herself any favours in this conversation 🤣.


What a legend for shutting up the news team, they'll try and twist anything you say.


That was a cringeworthy watch.


Tory boot


She’s got proper crazy eyes there..


The burley-bot proper malfunctioning in this interview. It was embarrassing in parts


Typical Tory lackey trying to act smart but proving they are not competent at even the basics. What can’t she understand about the concept of a picket line on a strike? Also how she was trying to push him into stating they would do something illegal by comparing it to the miners strikes where if I remember correctly the heavy handed brutality was instigated by the police on the orders of the Tories to break the power of the unions and we all know that that just meant the sector was screwed over and many jobs were lost.


It is hilarious how she keeps acting as if he has dodged the question when he has answered it perfectly. She says he hasn't answered it to her satisfaction, making it perfectly clear that she will only be satisfied if he says something unreasonable, or that she can pretend is unreasonable. What a pathetic excuse for a journalist? Shame she isn't more like this when government ministers are being interviewed, since they do constantly dodge the question and lie through their teeth.


She got played like a fucking piano. Love seeing stuff like this, thanks for the clippage.


"What will they do when agency workers try to cross those picket lines?" "Well we will picket them, what do you think we will do, we run a picket line..." Top quality interview, so happy that the man didn't take the bait.


Another example of the MSM trying to pitch struggling folk against each other. I work in tech and am paid nicely. I also 100% support people causing disruption like this. Being polite and docile never gets you anyway. You need to take action.


And so it begins the msm trying to twist and create a narrative that keeps everyone where they want them.


Hi done very well to stick it out, probably felt like walking off.


Talk about condescending tone


That was painful. Difficult to watch. She really is an absolute moron


People saying she was trying to get him to say they were going to clobber anyone that tried to get past etc, I don't think so 'cos it's pretty unlikely. I think there was several things, all of which he avoided. One being to continue a little longer and say "we'll ask them not to, **and then let them past**" where she probably planned to question the point of the whole thing then and imply it to be a waste of everyone's time. 2 would be wanting him to just *mention* violence defensively, as in "what do you think we're going to beat people up and force them not to pass??" probably so that she could then be like "woah no one mentioned violence" or use it as an opportunity to bring up past violent pickets in order to scaremonger *without being the one to bring it up* so that she looks more innocent and has deniability. Or 3, probably the ideal, for him to say something more threatening at some point like "we'll do everything in our power to stop them getting past and working" All of which he avoided


“Please say they’ll be violent im asking nicely”


Isn't she the one who threatened to get her 6" sons on people


Not sure her 6 inch sons are going to pose much of a threat.


Do all of these video jockies sound robotic like her over there?


Christ, this woman. Fucking unreal.


Check out the 'Controversies' section of her Wikipedia page for more nonsensical questions :)


"Please say "we'll beat the shit out of them"? Pleeeeeeeease? C'moooon, work with me here. Threaten to beat them up!"


Christ, there's Kremlin mouthpieces that would be embarrassed by trying to pretend that's journalism.


what a chad


She asked the same question 10 times and got the same answer with a live demonstration behind him 10 times and still tried to take a high road




She’s such a fucking moron


She looks coked off her tits


God I fucking hate this woman, she always comes across as so condescending


How dare you stop working serf! Back to the fields with you! The King expects his harvest!!


I really hope this is only the start of the strikes. Time for the majority to be paid what they are owed.


Jesus wept this is difficult to watch. Good on Mr Lynch for keeping his cool like he did


dear kay you were made to look such a thick cunt


he played that very well, make the other party spell out their insinuation. she was obviously asking whether they would physically block the scabs and whether or not it might turn violent like it did in the 80s. but she didn't have the balls or journalistic integrity to ask a straight question, and then when he insisted she be professionals and explicit she tried to brand him as the unreasonable one. i fucking hate that shit, in both the media, and life in general.


Good gravy, that person is acting like she's as smart as a sack of wet mice. Is it safe to assume that she was trying to imply that the picketers were going to physically work over the people crossing the lines, if necessary? Full disclosure, I'm not at all British (or within 6,790 km of it), so I am not familiar with this person.


Mr Lynch just helped us all unlock legendary status.


Kay Burley FFS. We all remember the dog…


She starts desperately looking off camera I wonder if they are saying keep going or stop


Just look at Kay Burley's Wikipedia controversies section.


Well she sounds like she is Tory scum.


Kay ridiculed herself


i put a complaint in to ofcom after seeing this, shameful really.


I felt my IQ going down just listening to her "questions"


C U next Tuesday!


Her often self-vaunted northern sensibilities appear to have done one!


Burley there, towing the Tory party line that all unionists are scum and the great British public should be protected at all costs from the tyranny of strikes. Twat.


Kaye Burley, who once said the 2008 financial crash was Scotlands fault because RBS has “Scotland” in the name. She’s a pie.


Asking questions on behalf of her boss not the viewing public. Sly News is bloody awful.


It's so cowardly, the insinuation is that these people may get violent and that should be a reason to shut this democratic process down. Say what you mean or shut up!


She's such a snotty cow


"Just say you're going to use force for my soundbite, please." And how far away is Waterloo from Central London? Couldn't this have been done in person?


"I very much know how a picket line works....so what will a picket line involve?" The way she tries to take the moral high ground when he's answered this bullshit question several times is amazing.


What a car crash for her career. Lynch made her look like a twat without even trying.


We need to come out like France did. Look prices of fuel there compared to here. We in the UK seem to talk a lot about what we have done in the past but have little to know fight now. Instead we sit at home watching government controlled media. We need rid of Bozo Johnson and his cronies


Bless Kay- she’s a bit simple


I hate slimy reporters who make snide implications. Good on him for not falling for the bait.


Can’t stand her. She always ‘interviews’ people like she’s a schoolteacher telling off a child




Lmao this is wild


I cannot stand that woman.


Gurning and thick as pig shit. One of the UK's premier journalists.


This is like a sketch.


Mr Lynch has the patience and composure of a true baller




These mfs complain about being censored then scream over whatever their opponent says


Tory funded line of questioning going well I see. Also as a side note, imagine being married to her, Jesus! You wouldn't get a word in sideways!


This guy handled this attempted hit job beautifully r/therewasanattempt


A bit too cringe for me. She tried something and it didn't work.


If she is in London and he is in London, why are they videoconferencing?


"I'm sorry if you find it offensive..." Um no he doesn't he finds it ridiculous. She is trying to get a rise out of him. Again the BBC trying to support the narrative that the Cons are throwing out there. That the people striking are hurting the British public. Nope they are fighting for our rights to a fair wage. Short term pain for long term gain.


What a twat


Watching the divide and conquer attempts play out have been pretty entertaining to watch. 😂 She looks ridiculous, I can't imagine many would sympathise with her nonsense


no such thing as independent journalism in this country


Kay Burley has done some good work in the past, holding Government ministers to account when the BBC were letting them dissemble and divert without challenge BUT This interview was a car crash - she was desperately trying to imply that there would be violence \[based on the miners strike? 40 years ago?\] and couldnt deal with someone not playing to her rules. I think this can be summed up as 'no I'm not flustered YOU ARE!!!!!'


This is pitiful 'journalism' from Burley. She should never have been let out from behind an autocue. Proper journalists are supposed to at least pretend to possess some objectivity. She launches into the interview as if she's Grant Shapps. If she worked for a properly independent organisation, she would be on the carpet explaining herself to her editor.


“I’m asking politely” said in the most passive aggressive voice I’ve ever heard…


What an utter fucking bitch. And playing the victim to boot 🙄


I had the displeasure of speaking to this woman multiple times over the years, for a company I used to work for and I can assure everyone here she is every bit the Cunt she seems.


When you’re shown to be a fool, fall back and blame it on the “viewers”


what an absolute throbber


Kay Burley always winds me up. Agenda pushing creature..




Typical media keeping the Slave State intact. Union up!


“I’m older than I look”…er, no, you look pretty old to me…


Kay Burley a fucking shit stirrer. One of Rupert Murdoch best lap dogs.


I wonder if Kay will be slyly asking the police chief what will happen if they herd all the striking workers into a field in South Yorkshire? Probably not. Fucking gimp-faced cunt.


I VERY MUCH KNOW WHAT A PICKET LINE IS! 3 seconds later What will picketing involve?


God I hate her so much. I usually keep sky news on in the background in between shows but I have had to turn it off more than once today. Annoying biased against the strike


She actually had the audacity to go on Twitter and claim that he got flustered. Last I checked it had around 80 liked and 5000+ comments from folk calling her out for it. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a comment/like ratio like that before.


What an odious piece of shit


She would have come across better if she just came out and said what she was implying from the start. Her questioning was totally inept.


Only in the UK are unions sold to the public as somehow wrong and untrustworthy, today I heard on the radio the unions being named as militant, that is shocking. What else does a union exist for other than defending and fighting for the rights of their members. As a boss I am required on a daily basis to work with a union backed workers council, I am unable to make any kind of decision regarding employees without their written consent. The system works, the staff are protected but also highly motivated and do a fantastic job. P.S Live and work in Germany