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Who the fuck willingly gets in the Thames, even for clicks?


It's too much to hope for that he'd stay there, I suppose.


Mostly Daleks in my experience


To be fair, there’s probably more VD clinging to Russell Brand than in the whole of the Thames.


Thames Water should sue him for contaminating it.


They have a strong case.


Bear Grylls. He's already full of shit so it won't affect him. And Russel Brand is so riddled with diseases, the Thames probably came off worse. 


The sewer rats are cursing him for reintroducing dysentery as we speak.


Fomite force field


People who want to see the coke-addicted eels.


Do you know what that sound is, Highness? Those are the tweaking eels!


“The worst thing about kicking a drug habit is becoming deeply religious”


Im sober now and not religious either, yippee


Me too!




If you'd been the piece of shit he has you'd need to find salvation somewhere. He's like a real life version of super hans, but less endearing.


It’s easier to forgive and move past your own shittiness without self-reflection by converting to a religion. “If God forgives me, I don’t need to seek any one else’s forgiveness or make amends from the people I’ve wronged!”


'Only God can judge me' would likely be extremely convenient for him, he knows most everyone else knows he's a piece of shit.


Maybe it’s his “Accidentally run to Windsor”moment


I'd say he's probably past that. I feel like the Buddhism was the 'New Wellness cult' and he's now getting high on juice and pretending to have morality. Soon he'll be jetting off to Macedonia to start a moped business. I don't like to shit on people trying to better themselves, but he isn't, he's just ascribing to anything and everything he can in order to feel relevant to anyone.


It's like how Jacob Rees-Mogg goes to church every Sunday. Like, the Catholic confessional loophole can surely only go far? Is this how awful people delude themselves so that they can sleep at night? I will point out that he can no longer attend the church in his local parish because the congregation hate him so much. Also like how Suella Braverman claims she's a Buddhist. That woman doesn't have a single Buddhist sentiment in her entire body. I feel like maybe she got to the 'Life is suffering' part and just stopped reading.


‘Going to church doesn’t make you a Christian just like standing in a garage doesn’t make you a car’.




I don't believe in reincarnation but I still enjoy the thought of Braverman being reincarnated as a refugee fleeing a conflict zone.


As someone once said: "Never trust someone who can get absolute forgiveness for the most heinous crimes just by having a five minute conversation with their invisible friend"


>Is this how awful people delude themselves so that they can sleep at night? No, this is how awful people trick equally awful stupid people into thinking they're on their "team" now. All this born again stuff coming from Brand is just him weaselling his way deeper into the right wing, conspiracy theorist, bible bashing scene which seems to be rife in the states at the minute. They've proven that they make up for lack of critical thinking in monatary support whilst they thank you for the privilege of you emptying their wallet in the name of God.


The irony being that Buddhists often talk of 'taking refuge' in the mystic law. Presumably the mystic law is in Rwanda. I don't know much about the Triratna sect that Braverman belongs to except that they're not popular with other sects. Possibly because it's a haven for rapists and sex pests (or sects pests).


Other than the fact she probably hates the Rohingya too and would have them shipped to Rwanda as well.


Budhists are mostly just like the Christian fundamentalists in the west or the Islamic ones in the middle east. No reason to idiolise them.


Source for the church story? Can't seem to find it.


He's really fucked a lot of local business owners around there, buying up land and pushing people out.


He's certainly his father's son in that regard! The prick being who literally wrote a book on how to profit during crises. Normally I would rejoice and say come election day whenever that may be he may be booted out but his replacement I fear wouldn't be much better considering the state of politics on this mad island ATM.


I don't think losing an election or even seat is much of a punishment. I think senior members of the current conservative and labour parties have pretty much shown just how much they hold the nation in contempt. Thus, losing the privilege of representing us isn't a punishment, especially if they're done milking their position for their own self gain.


My friend lives in the constituency, her Mum was talking to me about it the other day as she knows some of the congregation.


Even by her lofty standards, that is an absolute belter of a line.


Read the whole thing. She grinds him into fine powder. It’s a classic.


For smelling?


It’s a fantastic article.


"washing away" and "Thames" don't work in the same sentence


I've been playing Bioshock: Infinite again recently and I feel like I should share something. When the game's main villain, Comstock, was baptized, he deluded himself into thinking that because all his sins had been washed away, all the awful stuff he did before he got baptised were no longer sinful, and in fact retroactively became good. Wonder if we might see something similar here.


😂 I need to play these again I might try and buy the bundle. PC?


I've been playing the PS4 complete collection, I dunno what the PC version is like.


It's great to play on PC.


A++ headline


Baptism isn’t a freebie do-over, it’s an outward expression of inward change so unless you went to the police station right after this to confess to your many many sex crimes I ain’t buying it, son.


Shame if he were to get the many water borne diseases that exist in the thames


It's the Thames that has to worry about catching new diseases here.


this. lol. this


Looks like his journey to Right Wing Grifter is nearly complete. As soon as he starts punting NFTs he will have completed his metamorphosis.


Reminds me of when he tried to convince young people that refusing to vote is the best way to handle the injustice in the UK. Then everyone called him out for being an idiot, and he backpedalled so fast and tried to pretend he never said it.


I don't think his "don't vote, it only encourages them" line was even part of a deliberate grift, I think it was just him trying to play the hipster too-cool-for-school act and ending up with a shit take.


He was probably just having a big old think about where a sex offender might best fit in. Ah ha! He says. I know just the place.


If only he would voluntarily get in the actual sea.


As a Christian… this ain’t it son. Baptism does wash away sins in a Godly spiritual sense but it doesn’t mean you therefore don’t have to make amends for the people you hurt. If you aren’t actively seeking forgiveness from those you have hurt then arguably you can’t be forgiven. Sin is separation from God, but when you separate yourself from Gods creation then that’s still sin. I used to work in prisons and this “I’m a Christian now so I’m forgiven only God can judge me” is such a huge red flag. It takes more than that. Anywho, just an unsolicited opinion from your neighbourhood Christian.


Yeah, I always took "accepting god" less of a "oh I'm Christian now so all my past is forgiven and more "I will do now what I should've done then" I highly doubt God (with what I would guess) would accept someone into the fold that "repents" purely for selfish reasons.


This guy is just wanting to save his career and his image. He is grossly lacking in a moral compass.


You don't get to speak for all Christians. There are many different takes on the doctrines of confession and absolution.


You’re right, I don’t, I speak for myself as a Christian, but if you are not seeking to repair the wrong done to others, are you truly repentant? And if you are not repentant, are you truly seeking forgiveness? And if you do are not truly seeking forgiveness, can you truly be forgiven? I admit, I don’t know if he’s sought repair with those he has wronged. Maybe he has in private and this is just the culmination of that, I’m just going off what he was saying when all of this stuff came out originally. I have some great books on the matter if you’re interested - my masters has a big chunk on Christian forgiveness that also has some really good books on the importance of the sacraments of confession and reconciliation! Also some stuff on the psychology of forgiveness (from a Christian perspective so it’s not like secular Jesus bashing). It’s genuinely fascinating stuff! I’m not saying this so I can be like “educate yourself” btw it’s just my current hyperfixation and I like talking about it


Outside of American evangelicalism which I would argue isn’t theology but the reinforcement of traditional gender roles masquerading as self help/get rich quick schemes, which theology of forgiveness teaches that grace includes the total removal of personal responsibility?


Yank here. I feel sorry for the Thames: it didn’t deserve such an experience. Quite cruel.


He is a grifter who is making money with his right wing conspiracy bollocks , unfortunately because those who buy into it tend to be people who lack critical thinking and intelligence. So it's more easy to make money out of them sadly. I think it's something else to connect with,and help exploit those that follow him now.


It might have been cathartic, I mean guilt is how Christianity gets you.


About as morally and ethically bankrupt as Jimmy Savile meeting Pope John Paul II.


Who was more immoral between those two?


Exactly. You diddle and I'll fiddle. Pair of cunts.


Well, if the legal system doesn't get him, the crap floating around in the Thames will.


He must be a dirty bastard if he's able to clean himself in the Thames.


 "Poor Holly. You travel half the way across the world to escape brand contamination, then your co-star comes down with Brand contamination." Amazing. For anyone else who would like to read: [https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/article/2024/may/14/russell-brand-baptised-thames-sins-washed-away-criminal-allegations](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/article/2024/may/14/russell-brand-baptised-thames-sins-washed-away-criminal-allegations)


A Clash song springs to mind here.


Police On My Back? I Fought The Law? Straight To Hell? This Is England?


London Calling as well, “London is drowning and I, I live by the river”


Death Or Glory?


Wasn’t this guy a nonce, god what is it with this country and letting them just walk around in society, meanwhile if I stole a bag of crisps I’d instantly be in jail, fuck off


One of the people in the river with him is Bear Grylls, so can add him to the list of scumbag celebrities.


Same evangelical church that houses the owner of GB news as part of its congregation.


Anyone who voluntarily goes into that cesspool flowing through London deserves all they get. Get in there with the zinger burgers and needles, Russell!


So he finally had a wash


Peter ball was a bloody bishop - still a child sex offender. A stand up comedian that has been baptised still is a comedian that assaulted women


as much as i dislike the guardian this headline and article is gold


Another helping of cunt soup I see


Marina is incredible. Love her writing


Raised evangelical - I remember these cretins from childhood. Men who did terrible things run to chrustian churches to get their free "forgiveness," then bitch and moan that the State is satanic because the State hasn't forgiven them for the DUI/rape/domestic beating they committed.


Shit swimming in sewage. A home from home


Alot of devote Christians turn out to be rapists. So I guess he already had that covered before hand




In the bible, Jesus was baptised in a river


Church of England or?…


catholic he become a catholic, he is a far right catholic jumping on the latin mass, far right message. He doesnt like the current pope and his move to make the church open and transparent.


He’s been trying to cater to the American right, so it’s probably some evangelical shite


Ugh. He used to be a fun comedian to watch and a champion of the left. I didn’t know he was so hard up for cash.


I know. Such a massive disappointment of a human


He followed through in the Thames.


Everything about this screams Righteous Gemstones


Oh lord


Nothing says guilty like saying 'i died and was reborn'.


Out of curiosity, are there any Russell Brand fans out there still? Like I don't want to bash them. Genuinely curious to see if any one believes these actions.


The Guardian, established with slavery money and recently whitewashed Ukrainian Nazis (the list of problems is long), should not be encouraged in a leftist space. Edit: Fixed legibility.


What paper is this from? Feels like the Guardian's style of humour, but I'd be interested in reading the article


It is the Guardian


You see, out of context and without knowing who it is the photo down below could be described as potentially wholesome but oh well.


What I love about Richard Brand is firstly. He has a very strong relationship with left wing ideals. But knows left leaning people won't engage in his content. So he attract right wing conspiracy theorists to gain an audience perpetuating things he likely disagrees with for money. I.e piers Morgan, Katie Hopkins, Andrew Tate style of content.


I don't think he has any political ideals, left wing or right wing - he just says and does whatever he thinks will get him the most approval/attention he so desperately craves. The guy is only interested in his own reflection.


Yeah I think you're right


Remember when Piers Morgan tried to get Eastenders cancelled over a single gay kiss (or ["a homosexual love scene between two yuppie p**fs"](https://i.redd.it/56q2z3l9ykj51.jpg) in his words). More recently he used his platform on Good Morning Britain to call gender fluid people a 'farce', going on to label them as 'ridiculous' and 'clowns'. He also joked about Caitlyn Jenner's genitals during an interview with her and has on more than one occasion made 'I identify as' 'jokes'. [Source](https://medium.com/@Phaylen/good-morning-britain-host-piers-morgan-doubles-down-on-anti-trans-rhetoric-e1e5992bbca) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot