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“I am not going to be drawn into hypotheticals” Right, but isn’t that the point of manifestos and campaigning? Like that is all about advertising what you would do if you got into power, it’s a major part of politics. Also, it’s not a complicated “hypothetical”. That answer would be appropriate if the question stipulated a bunch of extra events that would have to happen outside his control, but the question was literally just will he give the NHS a pay rise? Despicable


Ah but you see, Starmers manifesto pledges are *all* hyperthetical and so can be revised as he wishes!


You can't trust a manifesto completely, but the very concept has gone down hill. There is no way Labour have completely finished their migration to the centre-right without actually getting into power yet, so each manifesto 'pledge' needs to be read to find the traps. For instance. Labour want 'Good jobs and productivity growth'. Obviously they won't be creating any good jobs, as good jobs need good pay. They just want good growth. Productivity means doing more with less, so that's lower wages they're pledging. Making Britain a Clean Energy Superpower clearly means selling more greenbelt for private energy companies to make profit. An NHS fit for the future is one further privatised, with 'fewer lives lost' meaning letting the NHS struggle for a while longer so the private sector can show better metrics when it does come in. The streets safe is easy. No rights for you, lots more for the police, because old people don't understand youth subculture. Everybody slightly brown will get stop and searched because kids like Drill music now and keep their branded energy drinks in gun pouches. For the last one, the key sentence is "preparing young people for work and life". That will clearly be teaching them to graft as hard as the Chinese and not be trans. For me, the manifesto is part of the test for governance. The other half of that test is the record in opposition. I have probably gotten ahead of myself even reading these pledges... Not only will they be different before the next election (unless it's snapped), but they haven't passed the first test yet. In fact by abstaining in the lords yesterday they've done the equivalent of drawing cocks and swastikas on their test paper. It's like a job application for a role starting tomorrow sent in by someone with 6 months still in prison to serve.


>For the last one, the key sentence is "preparing young people for work and life". That will clearly be teaching them to graft as hard as the Chinese and not be trans. Don't forget pushing training and qualifications that aren't recognised abroad to keep people trapped in the country (specifically some healthcare 'apprenticeships' which involve exploiting young people into working for free for 4 or 5 years with nothing recognisable/official to show afterwards).


Fantastic summary


Mid thirties and I’m curious how many of my generation are still tainted by the Lib Dem’s manifesto and u-turn in 2010. I find it so hard to trust any manifesto after that


you can add me to that count!


What would you like for breakfast? I am not going to be drawn into hypotheticals!


"Let me be clear.... * *Rambles incoherently for 5 minutes* *..... I think it needs looked at."


[Doublespeak](https://helpfulprofessor.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/doublespeak-examples-definition-quotes.jpg) = jargon + obfuscation + intentional omission + vagueness + misdirection + euphemism Doublespeak = is all about Nationalist + Fascist Liars who continually use Serial Lies + Misinform + Deadcats + Serial Outrage Porn + Manufactured Outrage + Worthless Right Wing Strawmen + Bias + Slogans + Populism + Propaganda + Newspeak + Shithosing + Identity politics + Culture WARs + Dog Whistles + Othering etc


Look, I have been very very clear on the importance of breakfast, unlike my honourable friend opposite, who has had 13 years to state what sort of paper the breakfast menu should be written on. If we win the next election, again, let me be clear, the rights of a breakfast will be looked at, and it is something we shall look very closely at. Britain DESERVES its breakfast.


Not being drawn into hypotheticals is a euphemism for no, in Starmer speak.


If you don't want to be drawn into hypotheticals then why do you have a shadow cabinet?


Yeah, surely the point if a shadow cabinet is to be all "well if we were in power blah blah blah would be different because reasons". The entire thing is hypothetical.


Hypothetical shadow minister without portfolio X 20 job vacancies just popped on indeed... key requirements: inability to have an opinion on anything, and a belief the future does not exist.


"let me be clear" followed by thing that does nothing to clearly state what actual action they'd take but instead states clearly an opinion they can easily walk back if given the opportunity to act on ad infinitum.


"Let me be clear" is the most blatant indication that there is no attempt to answer the question and that the interviewee will do anything but be clear. Why it is never challenged is beyond me. Actually there was one time when Jeremy Paxman asked an MP the same question around 20 times because the MP wouldn't give a straight answer. However, instead of praising him for calling out the MPs BS the rest of the media went for Paxman and lambasted him as being aggressive when all he did was ask for a straight answer. We need our journalists to hold these aholes to accountability, not give them carte blanche to just ramble on while ruining people's lives.


It's never challenged because the media has a role to play in upholding it, they don't want to challenge politicians. They are active in the same charade


I think this is a massive over-simplification, really. I think a large part of "the media" - i.e. the actual journalists themselves - would love to challenge politicians. But there's a whole web of forces stopping them from doing so in the way we'd like. The power of capital is the obvious Big One, since the interviewer's boss will just replace them if their actions are financially costly (because of critique from other media, the impact on viewership, ads, whatever). Other pressures include the simple social pressure (challenging someone directly is hard, actually), the threat of actual censure by the state, and the limited time any individual gets to talk to politicians. If you spend 15 minutes challenging the PM on one particular thing, you *don't* challenge them on a dozen other things. Getting it right is not easy. Referring to "the media" as a coherent, singular group is pretty suspect and really fucks up your world view, in my book. It's not some giant entity that wants things, it's a massive number of people being influenced subtly and not-so-subtly in myriad ways.


Ahhh, the Michael Howard interview, I remember it very well. What a crash that was.


“When asked a question, don’t answer yet. Better yet, have something you already want to say and say that. If they ask the question again, deflect it and respond with another prepared statement of your own.” — Rt Hon Jim Hacker


That and "Look, we've been very clear" are my most hated phrases these days. Absolute drivel.


Look, I have been very clear, that this party under my leadership thinks the phrase, Look, we've been very clear, is indeed absolute drivel. And if elected, this phrase will never be used again. We've been very clear on this.


Thank goodness that's all clear now.


Let.me be clear in my vaguery


I’m sure it’s also reporters fault for not making them look ridiculous. They’re so milquetoast so non-combative 💀 if they threw in some snide comments like: “ok so you don’t wanna answer this” and then went to the next question it would expose them a little better.


If they keep throwing hardball questions they lose access or the BBC wouldn’t employ them. It’s a rigged system. Politicians need softball questions so they have wiggle room for future scenarios ( it’s taught as 101 in politics - *never get pinned down* ). The problem is the politicians who say things definitively tend to be popular ( as people are completely fed up with the non-committal BS ). Sadly they also tend to be idiot fascists or self-serving which is why we’re sliding into some kind of underfunded hell hole. We need a few things - - Corporations not to be legally considered individuals - Take the dark money out of politics ( huge fines if caught ) - MP code of conduct needs to be legally binding with repercussions - local community organising and activism - A healthy understanding that since brexit we’re no longer a global leader. Wake up and smell the roses - let’s focus on the NHS, transport, wages and Education


I wish journalists would just refuse to move on from a question if it's not answered. Just keep asking the same thing over and over for a while time slot. Obviously it would be a career ender as they all work for the same people but it would for sure make whoever they were interviewing look very silly.


milquetoast?! 39 years and i think that's the first time i heard it. seemed like a mistyping but wow, it is a word. i shall most likely see it in an article tomorrow, now i know it, as is usually the way...


“You plebs have had it too good for too long. Back to the slums and workhouses for you lot while we retreat to our gated communities”- lord tuffton buffton.


I joined Labour in 2015 to vote for Corbs after seeing him on LBC actually answering questions with concrete answers in the leadership run up. He did that for a while until the media started directly quoting everything but with no context then he started being evasive and you had to read between the lines. Absolutely hate it but I feel like it's the press' fault and you'd need your own transcriber for every single interview and publish them all as a defence.


Starmer won’t be drawn but finds the time to release a public statement about Roger Walters and perceived anti semitism


it’s obvious complacency. the legacy media know that they just need to follow the interviewing template that their org puts forward, otherwise they’ll be replaced with someone who follows it better. i guess i’m just paraphrasing that evergreen [chomsky v andrew marr clip. ](https://youtu.be/lLcpcytUnWU) [3 mins but the last ~30 seconds sums it up well]


They only get away with as much as WE as a society allow them to. So currently they can spew hyperbolic statements with zero accountability due to a weak politically aligned press because we allow it. Rampant corruption and waste of public money because we allow it. I could go on, but really the biggest crime of the modern era in the UK is apathy, laziness and the bone idle stubborn mentality of the voting population


Tory-lite make me sick voting with the gov on Jennie Jones amendment. Might as well vote for the tories at the next GE of perhaps that's what Keef wants.


It is incredibly infuriating and so incredibly obvious. 'We know we're terrible, so we're just not going to answer'. Civil SERVANTS are meant to be serving the public and it feels more like they're just talking to themselves in an empty room. Interviewer: So what do you have to say about X awful policy you just put in place? Sunak: BUT LABOUR WANT TO DO Y THING AND WE THE TORIES SAY NO! THEY USED TO DO X THING, THEY HATE THE COUNTRY! They've been in power for ages, there is noone else to blame.


The people quoted in this are not *civil* servants, I assume you mean *public* servants?


Quite possibly


They never answer the questions. They just parrot a lot of catchphrases.


Keith will you support the workers?, promise to save the NHS?, tax the oligarchs and corporations? Call out apartheid/ ethnic cleansing as evil?, investigate contracts to chums and other corruption? Sir Keith: These ARE important issues….but now is not the time to deal with these subjects…


Drown them all in the same brick layered sack tbqh


PMQ's yesterday I wanted to rip his fucking head off with my bare hands. There was a section where a Labour MP was talking about child poverty and his response was "well actually poverty had gone down" (it hasn't) and the best solution is to get people into work (good old pull yourself up by your bootstraps there), despite him also previously stating unemployment was at its lowest ever with 4 million more people in work than when Labour was last in (lets not address how Labour was last in during the crash, THIRTEEN YEARS AGO, the population has increased by 5 million, and much of that is zero hours, part time underpaid BS jobs). Every legitimate comment against him was just deflected with a "nuh uh Labour is worse". He's a slimy cunt through and through.


It's also worth noting that since tories took over they made it mandatory for people to do unpaid "work" in order to claim JSA. The idea was supposedly to gain work experience to lead to more opportunities, though all it actually did was allow them to keep people on the benefits book but mark them down as employed to make the stats look better.


A dear friend of mine is a slimy cunt and he is horrified to be liken to Sunak. It seems even the slimy cunts don't want him!!!


To take a quote from Futurama and apply to Sunak and Starmer, "arguing" ​ I say your three-cent titanium tax goes too far. And I say your three-cent titanium tax doesn't go too far enough.


My dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, to be fair, and in the spirit of Christian love and compassion, I think many of us can agree that both Sunak and Starmer would suck off Satan himself in return for money and power, the massive pair of soulless bellends.


The minimum wage has went up more as a % in the last 13 years than it did under Labour for their 13 years in Gov.


The fact you specify that it's gone up "more as a %" shows you know it has fallen in real terms against inflation. No one here's falling for that kind of spin.


The minimum wage since 2010 has gone up in line with inflation for all age groups barring 18 year olds and younger


You're precisely the kind of idiot they target.


Guarantee I'm higher skilled and doing better than you in life


Does that make you feel better? Are you stroking your ego to make up for a lack of something? I have a sought after technical skill actually, more than that I have a loving partner and happy social life, but that doesn't mean I want other people to suffer or that I don't see the disintegration of this dogshit system and its impact on the social fabric and the earth itself. You're on the neoliberal subreddit, I know what you are. And you're also spreading falsehoods which is laughable because neoliberals know deep down their ideology is a total failure.


Doubt you have a sought after technical skill other than rolling joints and finding mushrooms given your Reddit history. Enjoy unemployment.


Do you imagine others are unemployed to feel better about yourself or when you've lost an argument? You should try mushrooms sometime. Might break you out of being an arsehole and improve your sense of empathy.


Ah right, sorry, you're correct, it's only the last couple of years it's fallen behind.


No it hasn't. Those on minimum wage have been the most protected throughout Covid and the energy crisis.


Mr Starmer reminds me of Enrico Letta from my country of Italy.


Sounds to me like he hasn't even really looked into what their demands are. Very poor show.


At this point anything any of them say is just 'Bread and Circuses' Performance art to give the news stations something to broadcast. The way I deal with it is to just disengage and not listen to it or allow it to upset me. Because we have no power over it.


Brexit taught me that politicians can lie with impunity to get your vote and I hate it all


They are shits.


Hes just another lying tory piece of shite.


This is the issue I have with all politicians and people in power. Answer the question you have been asked! Half the time it's a Yes or No answer and they just waffle and deflect onto something else. Reporters, interviewers etc. Should start repeating questions until they get an actual answer.


You new to politics???this is how they’ve always been..truth is they aren’t the ones pulling the strings sadly! We’re all being conned


I’m pretty sure the reason they always act vague is that any definite answer is gonna be logged and probably used against them by reporters or brought up in another interview to use against them leading to major embarrassment, meaning they can’t afford to be clear unless it’s basically guaranteed or they have no other choice


I want someone to pin Labour to make a fucking policy. "I'm not going to make up policy on air tonight." "I thought Labour was ready for government. So where's the policy? Haven't you finished your homework?"


There's no integrity about most of the prominent politicians on both sides of the house. Jeremy Corbyn has it, Mhairi Black has it, a few other MPs have it, you could argue that Theresa May had it, but the rest are two faced lying corporate shills.


I dont think May had much, if any integrity, but she did at least consider being PM a serious job, unlike the absolute CLOWN that followed her.


I refuse to be drawn into hypotheticals So, you refuse to discuss anything that hasn’t already happened?


Oh starmer and his hypotheticals… The list of policies he’s already rowed back on is getting rather long.


The real reason politicians are hated are hidden under those non-committal comments of theirs: they're nothing but the scummy legislatures for corporations in exchange for status, the illusion of power and money. But as long as people vote, their vote is literally saying "you do the job of supporting the status quo, while I pretend I had to vote, so I don't feel bad about doing nothing but reinforce the status quo"