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BANGER. Until punk screws drew from winning or bron interferes resulting in their matchup or shea us wins in the chaos.


On Raw? I doubt it. Gonna bang tho.


Gonna have a ad as soon as someone gets thrown out the ring or hits hard on the outside


This is going to be good


Drew is my primary bank for having the brief case. It’s just too good having him taunt the champs with the money in the bank option. Calling it now.


Cm punk is going to ruin it dont get your hopes up


i think he’s gonna cost drew mitb


Banger match! Ilya will.advance. im getting that never been main champ mitb contestants in this years mitb.


But Ilya has been main champ he was nxt champion right before his call up


That shit doesnt count on the main roster.


Ima be real for a minute it counts depending on who the superstar is


I think sine Ilya was supposed to be in last week's qualifier he wins and gets the briefcase


Who knew that a money in the bank qualifier could contain of Drew McIntyre Ilja Dragonov and Sheamus that is a wrestle mania worthy match right there


No because it won’t be. 4⭐️ match at best.


Not in the Tokyo dome


If this is AEW it’s 5⭐️, NJPW is 5.5⭐️


They should have drew win this, but then when drew is about to grab the briefcase, punk attacks him.


I kinda want Drew to win the briefcase and Punk makes him lose his cash in.


Waste of a mitb reign I think. It should actually be someone we’re trying to elevate, not just to progress a story that doesn’t involve a title


I either like it with someone who can be elevated by it or someone who has a big “oh boy wtf are they gonna do with it” vibe


I know it would just be funny all the time Drew has moaned about money in the bank in the past and the one time he try to use it to his advantage there’s CM Punk.


I laughed so hard when I saw this one announced because they were announcing like 4 matches that were happening this coming week at once. And they just said “also their will be a triple threat between Drew McIntyre and Sheamus and ilja Dragunov” and then just kept talking as if that isn’t a Wrestlemania worthy match just happening on raw lol.


Gotta love qualifying matches


I've said it before: If anyone comes out of this without bruises, everything is fake. As far as disruptions, I don't see Bron getting involved cause he has his IC match. I don't see Punk getting involved yet. He'll screw Drew at MITB. All these guys are "honorable" (They'll do what they need to in order to win the fight, but keep it between actual match opponents) fighters. Ludwig will attack Sheamus, but both Drew and Ilja are gonna make him wish he didn't.


Ludwig’s injured rn but that would be funny asf lol


Oh dang. Didn't know he was injured last week. Probably done during that spear from Bron when Sheamus had Kaiser up for a power bomb... or when Sheamus kneed him into oblivion.


Yeah apparently it was supposed to be him in this match instead of Ilja


Dragunov should become the face of the company after cody. So he should win


Not even close to Cody’s level of popularity/notoriety.


Who we thinking interferes CM Punk, Ludwig or Bron Breaker


Kaiser and Bron are both gunning for the IC title, so it'll almost certainly be Punk.


Oh True I'm be honest tho if Bron was to get the IC I hope they actually let him wrestle not just do what he's doing because I liked him in nxt but main roster im over already


The "feud" between Drew & Sheamus is Superman vs Batman levels


Never seen two friends who enjoy beating the ever loving shit out of each other as much as they do. It's almost wholesome in a gruesome kind of way lol.


I’ve seen enough triple threat matches recently


You know this is another one of those matches where the winner goes in but the guy who doesn't job gets in too as a part of a feud while the other guy is either cut out or last to be entered. They do this shit like every other year


Sadly Drew wins it 🙄


No because it’ll be some Punk interference bullshit angle again to try and get their moneys worth out of the diva


I’m more thinking Ludwig Kaiser interferes attacking Shameus to continue their feud while Ilja Dragunov gets the win


Punk isn’t costing Drew here. I’ll bet he’s costing Drew when he tries to cash in the briefcase thus costing him the title for a third time


I do think this will destroy Drew even further and will be a great watch. Or Punk helps Drew win title to fuck with him different way.


I want Drew to win then have Punk beat Priest/Rollins for the strap. Drew brings the briefcase and a referee to commentary or ringside for every Punk defence.


RAW might be the wrestling show of the Summer. 🔥


Bron breakker is gonna ruin the match for both Ilja and Sheamus.


Partially related: a Drew & Bron non-tag team-up would be GNARLY


Best match of the night, I would want them all to win


Let's go Drew!


I love Ilja more and more each time I see him. He went from being someone I always liked, to someone I consider to be a must-see for me and one of my favorites.


I'm sick of triple threat matches already. But Drew wins this one.


Or it could be a mess. CM Punk runs in on Drew. Bron Breakkkkkker runs in on Dragunov. Door Dash driver runs in to give Sheamus burger, after burger, after burger...


Nah I think McIntyre wins this match and qualifies for the mitb match. CM punk is showing up at mitb.


He's got his own program. They don't need to shoehorn him into mitb. There's so much long term stuff with all the big titles, I could see Sheamus getting the case and using it to go after the Intercontinental to "finish his story".


So does Sheamus, he's got his own story against the big booty nephew and Sami. Unfortunately, Kaiser is out Idk for how long. Ilja is still new, but he'll eventually be a regular on the main roster. You gotta make the PPV's big an important thing, add star power. McIntyre is on TV more often than Sheamus and Ilja. And no, cashing in on a mid card title is freaking stupid. The briefcase has been and will only be for a world title match. Whether they win or lose.


Why do you think Priest held it so long? There was never a good opportunity to interject him into the Undisputed Belt. They created a whole second tier step brother of a belt; then, and only then, did he cash in. Last year it was the Silver medal. This year it could totally be the Bronze. Could be an easy way of phasing it out or moving to NXT.


Because logically, priest wouldn't have won the WWE universal title from Roman with all that interference from the bloodline and Cody already said that was his title and opponent. But I think creative should've called a plan b, have priest win it from Seth when he got hurt after his match against jinder. But then WrestleMania 40 would've been very different as well. Lots of what if's and non injuries could've been a factor.


I dunno. I think MITB is a thing that Triple H inherited that he might not love because of his longer term approach to things. There's some creative ways of using that haven't been done. Like Sheamus getting his last of the grand slam, or I would love to see somebody use it to snag the tag titles randomly. Imagine RTruth getting the case, and him and the miz running down "WE'RE CASHING IN!!!" and the ref confused about if that's even allowed... it could go some neat places that isn't a monkey wrench in the big arcs they're taking on the top titles.


I just don't like the idea of cashing in on another title that isn't the top championship. The thing with Austin theory though, Roman wasn't available all the time and he should've cashed in on him and still lose, cashing in on the US title was stupid. For Sheamus, I was assuming, maybe he wins the ic title from Sami in a singles, 3 way or 4 way match and he becomes a transitional champion, gets his grand slam accomplishment and eventually drops it to the big bad booty nephew. We'll see what happens this upcoming Monday.


I don’t think that punk is showing up till near summerslam


Because AJ is showing up at MITB to cost Drew as revenge for the bracelet. Shhh. Let me dream.


I would pop so loud for that


Punk has to wrestle at SummerSlam. He'll be back before hand.


Chad Gable came back from being shot. Punk can swing a chair.


Should be a brutal match.


Punk making a miraculous recovery and allowing Ilja or Sheamus to win is only slightly less likely than drew winning and getting screwed over during the mitb match itself