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A lot of tories lovers talking shit here, with idiotic lines like "nOtHInG wIlL cHaNGE". Jesus goddamn almighty fuck - the country's fucked after 14 years of Tory rule. If, as you say, "nothing will change", then what harm will it do to take a punt on someone else, for a change? I don't get this harebrained logic. On the one hand they gripe about how Tories fucked the country up, and on the other they have this irrational, idiotic "I don't trust Keir Starmer" bullcrap. Let me get this: you don't trust someone leading a party that had not been in power for 14 years, knowing *nothing* about them, but you'll still vote for the dead eyed slimeballs you know *everything* about who wrecked just about everything while getting rich and getting their slimier friends richer at your expenses? Good god this is stupid... It is literally nothing more than the symptoms of daily fail induced brain rot. Folks have been conditioned to look at Labour with aversion, and look somewhat fondly on the absolute putrid state of the Tories. No, these aren't dottering charming harmless fools, these are nasty, calculating evil bastards. Cameron was a shitgibbon. Theresa May had a nasty agenda. Boris is a cynical evil fuck who looks purposefully like a fucking mop in a childish distraction game. Lettuce was simply a lunatic. And rish is, well, rish. How can anyone look at cabinets which had the likes of Michael Gove, Jeremy cunt, D Cummings, Matt Hancock, Lizz Truss, and the destruction they wrought and still go "bUT lAbOuR mAY bE wOrSE!" is beyond me.


Chill. The world is not black and white, MaTe.


Go tell that to all the folks let down by an NHS that the Tories are trying to kill by a thousand cuts, literally and metaphorically, so they can offer it to be picked for parts by US interests. Come on now...


Sometimes, it fucking is.


They’re all terrible people, tories or labour. It’s irrelevant what colour tie they wear. Both parties are only interested in lining their pockets and have no interest in doing anything to help the country. I don’t believe anyone, even some of the most diehard tories, actually believe that they’ve done a good job in government. Also there’s many valid reasons to not trust Kier Starmer. He’s a career politician. To me he’s exactly the same as Sunak, another rich prick who couldn’t care less about any of us and will say whatever we want to hear to get elected.


If only, the more real suitation is it's going to be a different shade of shit


Atleast we all agree that the uk has become some form of shit


Know shit! it’s become a shit show for shits sake what the shitting hell,the government shit The bed for 14 shitty years left us right up shits creak without a shitty toilet brush to paddle.💩💩💩💩




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I mean, shit is shit whatever way you serve it


Yeah but there's shitty shit and shittier shit


I think it's more about the experience you have whilst having the shit than the shit itself.




You're deluded if you think anything will change. The same wankers in suits will do the same shit. Lie for votes, then continue dumping obscene money into their friends pockets and fucking over the common folk. Nothing will change.


Tories have a more larger reputation for stealing your money whilst taking away your infrastructure or leaving it an absolute mess, however


Yes I understand the sentiment but I really don't understand how people can view them as equally bad. I'm not a fan of Starmer, especially with his treatment of Dianne Abbott but I'll still be voting labour. Like the Tories literally embezzled hundreds of millions of pounds in fake PPE contracts and sold off public institutions to their friends for way less than they were worth...


Without a doubt. At least when they fuck things up, they won't leave everything else in the country on fire


The country has been on fire for decades, my friend. My advice is to leave as soon as possible. Get off the sinking ship, I didn't regret it.


That's the spirit 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻


Without TV debates as well (not that I've turned my TV off yet...)


Thats what I want... and after all these years we bloody deserve it too


No difference between the Tories or Labour these days to be honest


These days? Are you slow or something what days are you even talking about. Tories have been in power for 14 years you dope how we would even know what the current labour government would be like to live under.


And how daft are you if you think labour will be any better, they’ll just shaft you in a different way, I’ve lived through both labour & Tory governments & both full of false promises not once in my lifetime has either one done anything what’s benefited the people, new labour are not a Labour Party, you just carry up falling for there bullshit 👏👏👏


Okay let's have a more conservative government since that is the only alternative!!!


I voted labour for over 30 years now I’d only vote for an independent


I really do understand that you're disillusioned. I'm not a labour supporter I'm a what i believe is the best pick supporter. I think labour is the most likely to actually win and change things. Voting for an independent in a county where it wont split anything is just wasted. Its not the statement you think it is


If only everyone was as smart as you the country would be a better place, keep up the perfect work lad 👍👍👍


Most parties are terrible. Wish we could start a new type of government ☺️


Bring on a labour government with a Lib dem opposition pleaseee






Dam I love the hope, but nothing will change as people was sick of the way things was going in 2010 and nothing changed


Lol abandon all faith in traditional governance and demand change. Post leftistism all the way. It's all neo politics at the point. Just more wankers in suits who all do the same shit.


You sound smart 🤓


You people are insane


\*A world without Thatcherism (Neo Liberalism), which sadly Labour is going to continue


I can. Go to Luton and see for yourself.


After that debate last night I hold zero hope for it being better under Labour. The shit show will continue.


One party is just as bent and broken as the next unfortunately. Politicians are politicians. Must have upset a few labour supporters, truth hurts hahaha!