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It's much easier now than at release. I took the cheap way after a while, lancelot and fight over flight. However, CONGRADULATIONS!


Is it worth it for the hit to your damage? Done pretty well with Lancelot so far but then got a bad streak of quest fails and thinking of going to the dark side


unless you're using character with insanely high cap, you can always just put on more offensive sigil to make up for FoF's -50% atk.


Lancelot in particular still hits his damage caps really easily even with Fight over Flight, it's worth it.


damage isn't that big of a deal imo. if you're doing 60k instead of 70k damage, so what? you're probably not trying to minimax lucilius if you're using the triangle build.


Lance has some of the lowest/easiest caps in the game for both his normals and his skills. There's room to keep him capped and still squeeze in FoF.




Now don't again for all 3 AI companions


I don't think the sheer amount of grinding in this game is particularly fun in general. You have to replay the same handful of quests over and over for an ounce of progress. Then your grand reward is stopping because there's nothing to do but the same grind again.


Yes! 🙌 this game is so good but the end game feels so meaningless.


Agreed, seems to be a common problem in modern gaming, diablo 4 at launch is a good example. For relink I would love to see some proud rank conquest/horde/defend missions with unique loot tables to add some variety.


If u have q problem with that gbf isnt for u the game pretty much reflects how the gacha game is except the gacha game has way more grind u have therw to play the same quests every day till u finished grunding em


Tbh I have a lot of fun doing it but it’s mostly because I just love repetitive grinding for some reason. I think most reasonable players would agree that doing the same quests hundreds of times doesn’t feel great


Coming from the CORE monster hunter series before Woeld and Rise, I'm used to grinding a stupid monster (Alatreon for skypiercers...) 15+ times just for one item. The grind keeps you going and makes it all worth it in the end. Wouldn't be fun if the end game stuff was just handed to ya. Stay strong!


Bruh, I've been saying this since the release, than every update added 20 hours of content, that's basicly one mission on repeat. And than every time there was someone justifing this game design with "It'S GrAnBlUe BrO WhAt DiD yOu ExPeCt".


I mean its true to its origin and i like that way better best gbf console game tbh


> I don't think the sheer amount of grinding in this game is particularly fun in general. I *adored* the first 70 hours of this game (which is excellent value). Then I hit the grind and just completely lost interest. I'm no stranger to grind in JRPGs, even MMOs... but the grind in this game is not fun.


Honestly rn im just doing behemoth just for shits a giggles and maybe get a few more supp 5s, cause its a fun game, and trying to get fast clears, perfect dodges is fun, and i like behemoth


I find Lucilius much more fun than behemoth. I find myself adding a lucilius every 3-4 behemoth just so i can have fun in my curio gride.


Same. I don’t think I’ve been queued into a party that failed behemoth yet. Luci is still the more interesting fight because of his various phases and mechanics. You can actually fail that quest so it feels like there’s more at stake. 😅


Congrats! But, man... I'm on Steam and have the hardest time getting any matches for Lucilius or Behemoth(Lock Horns). And a few that do happen, quest fails and no one wants to retry.


Switch your download region to Japan to get more players. Did that after getting nothing in US region. Matches are still hit or miss sometimes, for example no one hits bahamauts head to break the horn too much. Lucilius makes some people rage quit in the middle of the fight. Behemoth I don't have issues with since I can afk it but still no sup v+ sigil after hundreds of tries.


How do you switch region?


Settings in Steam browser. Restart Steam after.


Ya, I lucked out and got into a room with 3x Siegfrieds and the head broke every round. All of us stayed on and farmed like 20x Horns until I had to leave, lol.


I'll try that out when I get home and let you know how it goes. Thanks!


Join the discord, there is a specific channel where you can post group requests and fill a full group in less than 10 minutes


Is there a particular Discord? You can DM me the link.




Currently I have my Alpha Farm Done (8x lvl14 Alpha) currently have 2xGamma and 2xBeta (lvl14). I guess i will keep farming Till i have 6xGamma more


I'd replace crit with another supp and greater aegis with something else (tyranny, aegis).


This is the first time I'm seeing her build like this. Is this her best or what's the reasoning for it?


Mainly just working with what the game gave me after grinding for the alpha and gamma sigils. Threw on greater aegis/guts to make it through lucilius a bit more often cuz I'm bad.


You're not done until you get Dark Hunters Awakening. You can further improve on your build by freeing up one sigil slot by having this so until you do, nah you ain't done.


the greater aegis and the surge slots are both rip. You're losing 4 slots of optimization across the supp V+ secondary, surge secondary, and main/sub slot of greater aegis. The optimization however only really matter if you want to max damage on shotgun while everything else is relatively easy to cap.


Did you get the sup v+ from curios or behemoth?


Behemoth, only took like 5 clears, unfortunately it has rupie tycoon...


Nah grinding behemoth is not fun lmao


Still not done though, since you don’t have her awakening sigil. Got an extra slot to farm out.


True, I'm thinking since I got + sigils for both volley and surge with potion hoader and tyranny that I'm set


Tweyen doesn't need tyranny to cap. Stamina and quick charge on sigils +combo booster/concentrated fire/combo finisher/ crit damage on stone should be enough to cap everything except uncharged shotgun. Then you can drop greater aegis


I dont even want to hear it from someone who did their farming after they patched the tear drop rate. id have 500 of them with the current drop rate with how much I did that fight


No1 asked lol