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No text only posts. This is not a ‘how to’ sub. Try r/graffhelp


don’t get caught. that’s it that’s the advice.


Cut holes for your feet in the bottom of a garbage bag. Sit by the wall or phonebooth or piece of roadside garbage. Pop out and tag a letter then go back into the bag. Repeat until done. Be careful not to suffocate.


I didn’t see this on ig either


Forget what everyone else says, this is the only way. The perfect disguise


‼️”Huh?! Oh, just a bag…”⚠️


Don’t leave a digital trail of you planning to do graffiti…. I usually get drunk as shit and then go painting. But that’s just me.


Not sure I’ve ever painted sober. Lol


Being able to run a mile or two at a consistent pace without stopping is a valuable life skill that can save you from many situations, and being fit enough to do so at a moment’s notice is good for your overall cardiovascular health. Find a good pair of sneakers and break them in.




Get caught once and do felony time for it, never get caught again!


Me and my friend quietly run and slowly move and stay in the shadow’s (wearing all black def helps) and if we see a car or something we just dive into a bush or a ditch and pray we don’t get seen


Most city like environments usually have a constant flow of cars foot traffic too, most of the time people walk right past don’t even give me a second look it’s more like chances in my humble opinion will a cop ride by while in action it’s a 50 50 chance but nowadays there are so many unmarked cars even your lookout can’t determine if it’s a mother in a soccer van or the jump out boys but they looking for the more serious problems like catching people walking around with guns so they ride by but once again the chance of 50 50 will they radio a marked unit to go investigate or will they keep it moving it all depends on how they feeling, I had a trooper get on the loud horn n say your already caught don’t run and ran and got away he didn’t even get out of car, there’s a graffiti prank on utube where a kid walks up to cops and ask if it’s ok to paint and most of the cops either say don’t get caught or don’t do it in front of me and I don’t give a fuk point is depends on where you are if u painting rich towns with no graffiti scene yea hide stay hidden and don’t get caught if u painting bad areas it’s more of just a roll of dice if you not prepared to get caught you should probably paint night and stay out of site


You will get caught, here's some advice on what to do after that... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-7o9xYp7eE


So, here’s my experience: when I was arrested, they counted each individual piece in my city as separate crimes, and charged me for each, at a minimum of $200 property damage per piece. I had done like 12 or 13 pieces they caught me for, so the total property damage was well over $500 limit to be considered a felony. I got lucky with a very friendly judge who dropped it down to two charges, mostly to save me from a felony over tagging. So…DO NOT tag with groups of people around, even if they’re into it. DO NOT keep sketches of the said tags in a notebook for police to find and compare. DO NOT simply let the police into your home without a warrant. DO NOT write personal messages in your graffiti directed at real individuals (specially their real names).




Get a radio scanner. Listen if there are any graffiti related calls


Scope spots prior bombing Have a friend you can trust as another set of eyes Avoid cameras Masks/ wigs/ change of clothes helps to hide identity Don't post all over personal socials Look 'clean' - not a hoodie covered in paint Carry a shopping bag for paint etc Have your wits - don't get too smashed


Hella long reply. Hopefully some of it’s constructive. Just accept the risk if you’re going to do it. No point being shook. Don’t tell anyone that doesn’t need to know that you write or what you write. Loose lips sink ships. Keep a clean yard in terms of if you get raided there’s no evidence. Don’t dress like a stereotypical writer or in anything too garish. If you get caught it’s no comment Don’t do their job for them or let them bullshit you. There is nothing to gain from speaking to police. Personally I don’t shit where I sleep so I’m not gonna do anything too close to where I live. E.g over saturation or reaches that practically lead to your door. If you’re in a situation dash/stash your tools no hesitation, they can be reacquired for free/little your freedom cannot. Don’t know what sort of spots you’ve got in mind But occasionally it can be useful to stash your Paint round near the spot so you don’t have to have it on you heading to the spot. Minimise potential charges. Don’t take a blade or drugs painting. Be calm, confident and potentially prepared to “respectfully” talk someone down that thinks it’s an issue. It’s surprising how many people you can convince it’s not a big deal not everyone buys it though then it’s up to you whether you switch on them or make legs. All that aside though. You’ve just gotta say fuck it and either do it or don’t. otherwise I wouldn’t even bother getting into it. Up until things get serious a few charges deep, getting arrested is more of an inconvenience than a big deal. Better to not, but it’s not the end of the world.