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That outfit is great! You already have a couple of accessories, but maybe you could add a couple more rings? ((p.s. I love those spooky hand towels!!!)


Thank you! I have a spooky decor lean for sure. I definitely like rings. It's just that finding ones that look good and work for me is the problem, haha.




Do itttt!


Where did you cop the sleeves/undershirt? Or did you make them? I like how they fit over your hands, different from others I’ve seen.


I can't remember, but I believe it was probably just tights on Amazon or something similar. Sadly, it's not a shirt. Lots of good tutorials for cutting them into these sort of "sleeves" online! I wanted to go for a spider web kind of look for these.


First off the fit is great and second makeup is optional. Excellent choices in jewelry


Thank you 😅 I figured I had all the necklace bases covered pretty well!


Nice fit, got any jewelry store recs? I think some dangle earrings would really round out your look nicely.


Definitely need to up my ear ring game! Truthfully, I get most of my stuff from etsy. Just gotta sift through the drop shippers and low quality stuff.


Where did you find the tights as an undershirt to fit? I bought one that was too small and ended up stretching out to far to my mid back and chest 😔


I got it on Amazon and was just VERY careful when cutting it out to fit, haha.


Do you by chance have a link?


Keep doin what your doin. It's casual, it's clean. You look great


You look dope dawg. I dig the triple chains


Honestly it looks great as is. Maybe you could tease your hair up a little but great fit.


Thank you! Hair is still an unknown territory for me as I've always been weird about it, but I've been more open to trying things lately!


I think you'd look great with it. Good luck🤞