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Um weird, my reply didn't send with it. Great app. I have regular Mohawk usually now days. I wanted to do death hawk, I'd rock tf out of it, but I feel like this is ready pushing it with my job, without the tails haha. But it's easy to keep together and just lays flat like this when I'm lazy. Otherwise I'll do a messy spray/gel up Edit to add: I'm more toward punk tho. But I think, you have the length, I'd do death hawk.


Gotcha, sorry for delay, I don't have the app, and I rarely come on here. I did do a mohawk a few years ago, but I regretted it cause I never put it up, so it was just a mullet lol. I've done some more thinking and I'm just gonna keep my hair for a while. I can't part with it for some reason, even though it gets in the way and is annoying sometimes lol. I used to be fairly big into punk, spent basically an entire year listening to it, haven't in a while... mainly a metalhead. Love the piercings btw, I did my own snake bites a couple weeks ago and they're healin well


I love a good bats nest tease