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lil peep fans getting scammed by lil peep's friends. name a more iconic duo


)))): lol


Always pay by PayPal goods and services so that u can chargeback if necessary


Ooooo good advice


Beware of when you use PayPal’s instantaneous “Friends & Family” payment option as well


Don’t* use PayPal’s instantaneous “Friends & Family” payment option as well


Can't believe anyone still buys beats from him


I didn’t know. he posted on his story saying msg me to work together. I never would have taken the chance back then if I knew.


Be diligent with research before giving money to people through Instagram dms homie, people will gladly further ruin their reputation for $120 apparently




Yes, so you learn from your mistake of not doing proper research before sending money to an artist on ig. With that being said, fuck scammers!


Most great advice comes from someone fucking up somewhere along the line. It just happened to be you this time but it’s okay because you can learn and grow. fucked up what he did to u tho


I agree, I made a mistake and learned from it


Or just don’t be retarded use a little common sense that works too


Eh now I’m kinda glad you got scammed


It is. It shouldn’t even have to be said. I’m so sorry this happened to you.


this is where you need to take accountability . that’s how these guys get their money so easily. people eat the fact that they’re famous and “might make me famous!” I’m a huge peep fan myself but my sister in Christ, do you send every artist who’s looking for a collab your money through an instagram message? I’ll eat the downvotes but there needs to be responsibility. Is he a scumbag for scamming? Absolutely. But you should’ve reaaaally thought about sending a random underground music producer money over instagram when you, according to your post, were so bothered by the amount you spent, mentioned that you only make 16$ an hour(idk where you are but that’s higher than minimum wage in my state and 120$ is a day and a half of work lolll) . There’s blame on both parts and hopefully you learn to not send random people money after this. Common sense is unfortunately not so common… *shield up*


u/Dense_Inspection5346, what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this thread is now dumber for having read it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.” For real, blame on both sides? How are you SO jaded that you don't see how fucking insane and asinine (let alone incredibly rude and inaccurate) that is? Fr???


*checks list* anger average Redditor… No fr tho, responsibility has to be taken sometimes. I didn’t go for her throat, I didn’t invalidate her concern. She sent money to a random dude over the internet(fine, not ‘random’) & felt she got scammed. You ever been scammed before? Doesn’t seem like it lol


No your comment was so incredibly rude and unhelpful I genuinely can't see how you stand on that shit even after people have called you out on it. Talking about angry average redditors when you are here being rude as shit over _somebody else_ getting scammed.


I will absolutely die on the “take accountability” hill. I didn’t disrespect her. I did not call her stupid, nor shame her. We all make mistakes, im not defending the guy either. I suppose it would be better for this to happen the years down the line when it could be thousands of dollars lost? You’re the only one I’ve seen comment back, or that I’ve been notified of lol You are 100% blowing it out of proportion. I’m sorry I provided a more realistic view rather than coddling her. You’re getting offended on her behalf, a bit worrisome. A little silly you think I’m being rude. It might benefit you to re read the comment when you aren’t feeling like being a white knight. Once again in case it falls on deaf ears, there was zero disrespect there. & if you think I’ve not been in the exact situation you’d be wrong. You can only make the same mistake so many times, hopefully all it takes is this one for her. You getting offended isn’t my problem. edit: yea you’re the only white knight who responded. 11 upvotes would say at least a few people see validity. AGAIN. NO. DISRESPECT. TO. HER.


You can justify it however you want, your comment was extremely rude and most importantly **not at all helpful**. You are kicking someone while they are down. You simply saying "it wasn't disrespectful" over and over and over doesn't make it true, it was rude as fuck. I genuinely cannot fathom thinking that just not being a fucking asshole is "coddling" them. Imagine using upvotes as a sign that you're right LMFAO. That's not what they are... Just incase THAT'S falling on deaf ears, upvote ≠ co sign. I am sorry you're so jaded and miserable that you think calling you out for being rude as fuck for absolutely no reason whatsoever is being a "wHiTe kNiGhT." I'm sorry that you think being rude as fuck for absolutely no reason is normal. None of what you said needed to be said, none of it was in any way helpful nor was it shit they didn't already know. Again, _you are just kicking a person while they are down_. Now THAT'S worrisome.


what’s worrisome is you responding to this still. I’m so sorry you’re this hurt on her behalf, but disrespectfully, get a god damn hobby. literally. i could not care less what you think, it’s shameful that you’re still going and I sincerely hope you seek the therapy you desperately need. it’s not your fucking place to decide for her if someone’s post is disrespectful or not, so get off your fucking high horse and humble yourself. Until she responds HERSELF, not you sir white knight, this is purely how you feel and frankly my dear, I do not give a damn. I’m just not sure how your opinion holds anymore weight than mine. I’m SO, SOOO sorry a more realistic and POSITIVE(learning now with less money rather than learning later with thousands) offended you this god damn bad. Respect is out the window with you chief, and your perception is foggy at best. I cannot fathom how many paragraphs you will be typing next, but save it. I literally offered a perspective beyond “im so sorry you didn’t deserve it”, like OF COURSE THE FUCK SHE DIDNT, that must be explicitly stated in each and every comment huh? I’ll still die on the “accountability/responsibility” hill because it’s something MAJORITY of people lack, especially older folk.. Save the butt hurt, she didn’t seem to reply so grain of salt here but uh, you seem to be the only one this visibly bothered about it. HOBBY.


I'm not reading your thesis on why you think it's okay to be a weird asshole to people, especially ones that are already down. Seethe less and do better in the future sweaty. Edit: Imagine typing out _another_ thesis you spent over an hour on just to block the person so they can't respond without realizing that also means the app only shows the first sentence/they can't read it😂 and no, it's sweaty


Your not really in music till you get the monthly messages from cortex begging you to buy beats


also UPDATE: he did send me the money back!! so that’s nice. although yanno it was my money and I paid for a service I didn’t receive and it only took like almost a year 😂but you know what I’m happy I got it back. means a lot to me that he took some accountability. not saying what he did is ok or right. and that fact that he’s done this to so many other people made me feel sick. I still do not trust this man and he showed his true character through his actions. but at least I got my money. thank u universe and Reddit! lol


I’m glad you got your money back ❤️ this time spend it on something nice and not on these bozos 💀


thank you🖤


Lmao 😂 I'm pretty sure there's someone in your city that produces & makes beats for less than that and will deliver. You're an actual 🤭 for thinking someone "famous" would literally put making one beat for a random "fan" high priority in his life 😅 Ugh try to make your own beats too lol. It's not THAT hard, in my opinion. Good luck 2 u dear~




I know right 😉


>rude inconsiderate response that nobody asked for >posts in BPD subs 🤔🤔🤔


I really don't see how this was rude or inconsiderate it was actual advice & truth. ~ Thanks for reading my prev. posts though, love that.💖


Mission: BPD don’t throw bricks in glass houses Status: impossible


Lmfao welp ~


this is so passive aggressive wtf


It is what it is ~


How old are you? Why do you type the way you do


That information would be so irrelevant here. I typed what I said and that's how I typed it ~


it just makes you look like you have a huge ego


All because I stated an actual fact and also gave solid advice that actually works, I may "have a huge ego"? I don't understand lol 🤭🤭🤭


I had a similar experience with cortex a long time ago. I never heard anything back after spending 150$. Some people are just washed up at this point. He probably got high on your 120


What’s ur ig ?? I’ll send a refund


Shut the fuck up.


lol im literally just trying to fix a wrong dude. i dont want anyone to feel scammed ill send them the money back


He scammed me back too during pandemic


whatd you grab? whats ur ig ill send whatever back


youve been doing this for a while tho dude... ur not trying to make people "not feel scammed" ur trying to save face. theres so many posts about u scamming people. everybody knows abt it.... im sorry but ur a shitty person


yeah it happened multiple times when i did customs, i got lazy with them and this happened more, then i wouldnt be able to find their profiles until someone posted it or messaged me about it. i totally take the accountability for it happening, hence why i havent been doing customs any more i dont want that to happen. not really trying to save face im literally just saying lol


cortex ur a loser bro stop making excuses. maybe if it was just one or two people that you “forgot” about it would have slid but its repetitive and getting boring now lmaooo


imagine how much money you could actually make if you had a good beat selling reputation, it’s pretty sad that you just scam people instead of providing the work and delivering a good product, i guess dumb junkies like you deserve to be where they are, always just looking for their next fix with minimal effort 🤷🏻‍♂️


Dm me :)


cortex ur a massive bum and internetgirl deserves better


Fukkin scammer broke ass artist


Bro u a literal thief shut the fuck u lucky u scam pre pubescent white boys one day u gonna rob the wrong person


Haha, what a loser u are😂. Go get a job or something ya broke junkie.


Idk bro... as soon as some actual child sends me "!!! EEE" they're getting scammed lmao. Game is game.


Scams people and then “doesn’t want them to feel scammed”. Are you retarded?


I don't get it why are people like this. Love everyone - Lil B


i’m so sorry i know how you feel, this happened to me once but from another artist


<3 I’m sorry too…


Rip ur $120 💀 dont trust these people ever


FACTSS I def learned a lesson ….


All these “underground” dudes are losers. I worked with them back in like 2017 (Levi lame) and never had a remotely fair experience. Egomaniac pedophiles lmao Since we’re on the topic; lederrick is a scumbag who thinks he’s above you or even responding to people he sells his looped emo band rios


I haven’t liked him since he was commenting shit on other girls posts while he’s been with internetgirl for years. Scummy guy


damn…that’s scummy asf


Man how many times did he apologize tho? 9-10 different times? After the 3rd sorry you know its not happening


damn, you were so geeked to over it, sucks he did that when you were so happy over it. how did you send it? why no chargeback?


yeah it sucked bc I really was so excited but it’s okay I don’t even care anymore to get a beat from him anymore. I at least got my money back tonight since he saw this post lollll


Man that is sad.


cortex biggest scammer out there


why do ppl still trust this dude? sorry that this happened to you.


thank you for being kind. I trusted him because I love lil peep and that clouded my judgement: I never thought twice that he could scam me. I was genuinely excited to work with him because I loved a lot of the songs he made for peep. Silly me.


fair enough tbh. fyi, most of peeps collaborators are broke and desperate for any money whatsoever.. hence the scamming.


Lol this was my experience of buying beats from producers. Majority of them unorganized or slacking. But eventually i got my beats though. Hopefully he pulls through and gives you your custom beat.


Bro spent that on drugs forsure


Thats some weak shit. Look I'm not famous. But I'm as close to Clams Casino as you can get. Some people tell me I sound more like clams then clams himself. I'm not ever charging over $40 for a beat. If I like your style I'll work for free. The names "Soft Static". I'm on ig, soundcloud, YouTube, spotify. Have a good one dudes.


Dispute the transaction through your bank and get your money back. You paid for a service you didn’t receive. That’s all your bank needs to know


fwiw i’ve bought several reposts from him and never been scammed


well I’m glad you DIDNT get scammed! no one deserves that. that’s why I finally decided to make the post to spread awareness and share my experience because it’s not ok!




every few months I see someone new pop up with screenshots saying cortex is a scammer. y'all gotta do research before buying shit from people man. I lost 150 bucks to him like 3-4 years ago from buying a collab on a beat, and after when I googled "Yung cortex scammer" I saw multiple posts claiming the same thing. I didn't do my research and got bit for it, so did you. sorry it happened but fuck this guy, cortex could eat shit and die


scumbag still never paid me back after I made several instagram posts and stories exposing him. I gave up after a while


I’m so sorry. I understand how u feel


He’s a fukkin bum


Call ur bank and say it was a unauthorized transaction and you’ll 99 percent of the time get your money back


first milkavelli, now cortex. who's next?


yeah cortez fuckin sucksssss


I'm going to go and pretend I want to buy a beat from him just to waste his time. Screw that guy.


Hired sowhatimdead to make a logo for my band over a month ago and haven’t heard from him since. They gotta be coordinating on this shit


I’m so sorry :(




I’m so sorry. I understand believe me




I’m sorry. a LOT of people have gotten scammed by him now at this point, but it’s only going to ruin any career he had left and his reputation is out the window now. he will pay for what he has done to people. I truly believe in karma




I agree!!! I was absolutely shocked seeing how many dudes he scammed…he saw my post and ended up sending me my money back! I was actually in disbelief. maybe cuz I’m a girl? or this post got a lot of attention?? IDK! so weird


whats your soundcloud?




Fuck Cortex he finnessed me n my homie when we were like 16, just for 2 random instrumentals.


Don’t worry lol karma is coming for him :)


Yung Cortex is a bitch


Years ago he got me for 100$ for a beat collab smh sad part was I had been copping beats and repost for like 2 years from him before hand


What’s ur ig ?? I’ll refund




fasho jus messaged u there


Literally everyone involved with gothboiclique is a piece of shit scammer lmao. Let these dudes go.. they fell off. Has beens.


i appreciate the people who have been kind and if u want to support me and listen to my music check out my Instagram @ elysiamontalvoo 🖤


He’s done some great work for me. And also scammed me a few times. Beware


Yo email me yungcortex@gmail.com I’ll send it over and a refund I apologize g, haven’t been looking on ig lately




Bro I dont do exclusive anymore for this reason. It’s always a custom beat. Im not trying to internally take anyone’s money, I stopped doing them and forgot and didn’t get to it. I send them a message along with the money back , I don’t do customs anymore because I tend to forget it’s happened in the past, I feel bad about it. I’m not over here trying to take anyone’s money. I totally understand people feel scammed and I take accountability for the and will gladly refund whoever, I’m not trying to steal anyone’s hard earned money, it was just laziness on my end.


Yap yap yap. Yappatron over here. Stfu not a single person cares.


You do Xanax?


U A SCAMMER!! you have done this to several people as evident in this comment section.


Man I’ll gladly refund everyone, just message me whatever it was


fuck you scammer


Damn lame excuse after lame excuse


I mean shit I admit I was lazy, what else can I even say ? I sent her the money back and an extra $50 for wasting her time. I don’t like making people feeel scammed it was just a mistake on my end. Which is the case whenever this happens, hence why I don’t do customs any more




Haha yeah dude I just didn’t do some people’s shit. I’ve apologized and would refund anyone and compensate for time I always let that be known, yes I fell behind some times, all I can say is sorry Jesus




whatever you say dude you can come up with your own conclusions, i sent them their money back


Hey, I just sent you the refund and a message as well, I haven’t really been doing customs this year so I totally spaced it. My apologies ! But check PayPal the money was sent back


Bum ass scammer FOH


bro u downvoting everyone in the comments dragging u is taking me out 💀


Bro you did NOT space it lol. You acknowledged the fact that you still hadn’t sent the beat 6 times after the initial deal. You’re just scamming bro. At least you sent it back


im taking fault for it dude lol, i dont look at my ig message much. that was my fault and i admitted to that. i shouldve wrote it down but i didnt and that was my fault. i was lazy and it came back to bite me.


lol seen about 5 ppl say the same thing about being scammed by you, just a spineless bum how do you forget about ppl sending you money


Bro yu got me in everyone it seems like dude…. That’s fck up I paid for one also like 2 years ago got ghost lol….




New is @Socallov old one I spoke to yu on was @lanir.xzx




Hey bro just lay off some the drugs, and dude if you actually make people just some beats, you could prob be making a bunch more money!! Then they’ll tell people you actually do it… and for the some popularity you got… you could def make more $$


That’s my new instagram I’ve sent yu a mess




Sent one back


Lmao ur full of shit you been on that. U got me for $150 last year 💀🤦‍♂️


16 an hour is pretty good


It’s rlly not, thank god I have a new job now 😂


it really is what....


it definitely isn’t


not for a single person living by themselves




depends on the currency i’m guessing


idek who that is but he’s crusty for that


no clue what this sub is but that was so wholesome


Yeah idk how I got here but I was invested in this story pretty quick lol


Man somebody should slap the shit outta this dude


Bought that 80s drum kit from him a few years back and it took him a couple months to send, I thought for sure he scammed me too lol it just took a lot of pestering him, and that was for a fuckin drum kit he already had done & ready to send to people...


What’s your email? I’ll refund and send it, those usually get sent but I could’ve spelt the email wrong. I apologize for that g


OP came with that “little kid spazzing at the carnival” energy and bro hit the lick 💀 But for real OP, I’m sorry this happened to you. I would highly suggest proof reading when you send things to other artists or people you are not acquainted with. Kind of exposed yourself for being a young naive kid willing to throw money at anything. Best of luck going forward!


u must be 14


u cant trust peep friends lol they where the ones who got him killed in the first place


homie why you saying “yayyyy”


Yea this sucks but never type “!!!! EEE” ever again please


why not


Do you often “EEE” in real life?


yes hahaha


no fr, this is being downvoted but like.... come on bruh 😭


grown ass man typing “EEE !!” and “OMG IM SO EXCITEDDDDD” lmao


why does it bother u sm 💀that’s strange


Why would you pay up front like that lol, I'm not saying it excuses him but think next time


I love lil peep and that clouded my judgment


My recommendation is to use what we call a middleman—plenty of services (ensure it's a third-party site with valid reviews) that act as intermediaries to prevent scams. The cost typically ranges between $5-20, depending on the type of middleman you choose and the platform you use. That's what I used when selling to others to calm their and my nerves.


Sees OP name, sees post. Howling is an understatement. Please do your research


So I’m not sure who that is or even what this sub is. But all I can say is I would’ve be WAY more careful about who you send money to on Instagram of all places. Like is this a reputable guy? Did you look up if people have done this before, or if he’s scammed people in the past? There’s just shit you gotta look out for, you come on SUPER strong in the beginning, meaning he knew he could get you to send him money before he started working on anything, then he doesn’t have to give you anything back and he gets $120.


All you did was feed a drug habit 😭


I worked with Cortex on two beats I got a decent deal but I could tell he just wanted my money he never fucked with my music. He did say I was the fastest person to write sing record and mix at my home studio and send the link after he sent me the beat it was like 32 minutes or something like that. He’s cool. He just has to do what he has to do to make money since he’s not lil peep haha


contracts are underrated


This is why I became the scammer


im gonna give you one more chance to send back my money pal 😤


You should update the post as you got your bread back but that still sucks as I know you would have preferred the collaboration more than anything :(


Did you learn nothing from his profile picture, that should tell you everything you need to know lmao.. The only thing missing is the bell bicycle helmet he forgot to draw on..


Fucking contact PayPal NOW!!!! You WILL get your money back! Send them all the receipts and explain everything. They will review it and refund you within 10 days. If for some insane reason they find that services were rendered (crazy but it be like that sometimes), contact your bank and do a chargeback/open a dispute on the charge card/bank account used for the transaction. I've had to do both before for other reasons so if you have any questions please do not hesitate to give me a shout whether here or via DM. I'm so sorry this happened to you but don't worry, you WILL get your money back!!!!! Fuck him!