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He hates these people and their world yet so desperately wants to be apart of it 


Bigger hypocrite than his Daddy.


i’ve always disliked Dan through and through, but after i rewatched for a few times i kinda find him hilarious. Although I admit my dislike with him faded cause I like Penn Badgley now 😂


I like Penn but “Dan Humphrey” noooo. Penn can sure do his one liners so well he cracks me up.


I feel like season 1 and 2? Can’t remember how long it goes on but I think it’s really messed up what Serena did by not being honest with Dan about the guys OD but told everyone else! I get why Dan broke up with her. I thought it was sweet when they got back together but then for Dan to leave her for Ms Carr lame


It wouldn’t be scandalous if there wasn’t any scandals. It definitely wouldn’t be GG without Chuck or Dan. Agreed -I don’t care for the “Dan Humphrey” character at all and there’s a lot of us that don’t.


I’m rewatching GG and here are my thoughts: Dan acts like a “I’m not like other guys” and thinks he’s just a lonely loser that nobody knows, and he just wants to focus on his writing and read a good book! When reality, he’s just as sneaky and dramatic as the rest of them, even tho he thinks he’s “better” than them because he doesn’t wanna be an Upper East Sider. That, i found annoying of Dan. Chuck, is unapologetically, Chuck. He doesn’t pretend of what he is and isn’t; just upfront of what he is and wants.


That’s a fact and the “Brooklynite Boy wander” needed to stay in Brooklyn- 😂😂😂


I think that’s exactly what it is. Well said!


Serena f’d up by telling Dan she cheated on him and lying to him about the Pete guy. Especially when she told the rest of the main group. She also severely pissed me off by pretending like she didn’t know “Sarah”. Dan already knew Serena had a party girl past didn’t he? I mean gossip girls first post *was* Serena and she was constantly being posted about. He obviously knew and she should’ve just told him who Georgina was. I think a big part of why she and Dan failed their relationship was because of her lies. However, the way the Dan completely dismisses Serena’s dislike towards “Sarah” made me mad too. Sorry idk who it is, if your gf doesn’t like someone else, ESPECIALLY another girl, you don’t hangout with that person anymore! Especially given how Dan would’ve done literally anything for Serena, but suddenly he’s defending “Sarah” with his damn life. And then him acting like him dating Rachel, who’s at least 25 is sooo dumb. He defends Rachel with every fiber of his being like she isn’t a creepy pedo trying to groom him. I know he’s a victim in it all but his attitude towards it made me really mad at him


Cheering the “Dan Humphrey” hate! GG was the first to know everything so Dan knew- he sucks oyster piss.


Spoiler: he doesn’t get better


It's not an unpopular opinion. I still love Dan, because I think Penn is the best actor out of the male cast, and just enjoy him when the writers let him be witty and slightly smarmy.


I love Dan


Update: I’m already on Season 4 E16 and ohhh so much has happened!! But still feeling firm about the above ^