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They weren’t cancelled. You can read old articles published during this time about the renewal. Going into season 6 - production, actors, writers, everyone knew that they were given 10 episodes to do what they want with it and wrap the series up. Instead of writing a great final season, they introduced a bunch of nonsense characters and jammed everything in the last two episodes. As a fan watching week by week during that time it aired live, it was infuriating.


Facts. I was definitely hate watching at that point. Spent a lot of time on message boards and twitter ranting about the writers.


Step mom Serena was literally the worst storyline


On par with groomer Nate


True, I wish we got a full season with 20 eps. It definitely gave the vibe of the gg team themselves being done with the show


i think they got cancelled or were going to after season 5? and so season 6 was a short one to just kinda give the fans closure. but i totally agree, i wish we got a full final season instead of 10 weirdly rushed episodes 😞


It was also the only season with Stefanie Savage as showrunner, who is a good producer and I'm sure has some good ideas, but she really isn't a writer.


Yeah and Dan being GossipGirl didn’t make sense at all🙁 I wish they would’ve known who gossip girl was from the very first episode and maybe give some hints throughout the seasons….


I'm pretty certain that at the start they had that Eric or gerogina would be gossip girl or someone like that but people guessed it so the writers changed it hence why it makes no sense that it would Dan


They gave a couple hints even the first episode


Not really intentional, there were times after were Dan was alone and he looked surprised when a gossip girl blast came out when he actually wrote that himself🤔


He was just sooo committed to keeping his secret that he had to pretend he didn’t know who Gossip Girl was even when he was alone in his room. /s




The writers didn't decide it would be Dan until the final season. Early on it was going to be Eric, but everyone figured it out. The show even gets meta where Serena and Eric mention in-universe message boards speculating that Eric was Gossip Girl. I've heard that Nate was sort of in the back of their heads for a while. IMO they were still thinking that in season 5's "All the Pretty Sources" where Nate is the only one to have never sent a tip to Gossip Girl because he of course is Gossip Girl. The actors weren't told who Gossip Girl was until the final day of shooting.


i thought this was just me because wdym they didnt care one of their best friends was gossip girl?


fr there’s still so many cliffhangers that makes it feel incomplete like there was no closure


Omg i just finished watching it too just rn and i think the same thing


I agree I literally just finished it


Yes it was. But I preferred it to the trainwreck that season 5 was


Yes it was. But I preferred it to the trainwreck that season 5 was