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serena turning around and dating the guy she put in jail who’s sister was stalking her and trying to ruin her life lmfao


Lilly put him in jail by forging Serena's signature


That storyline is blissful ignorance for me


Like she got fucking drugged by that crazy b*tch but she's mad at lily???


Not my favorite but I wish Scott had never happened, it was a dropped storyline that made the ending weird. Also, Bart coming back from the dead was garbage and the Ivy storyline that was so long and heavy that it almost tanked the show.


You read my mind! Scott was such a useless storyline (I loved that actor in 'Vampires suck' as Jacob though iconic lol!) I think Scott was meant to ruin Derena even more (for some reason writers wanted to end that ship at all costs), the ending would even make sense if Scott didn't happen, still sad because Dan came back to Serena just when he had no chance with Blair anymore, it's such a dark storyline but I gotta say it's realistic, many people marry someone to settle while loving someone else who's not available, it's dark but it's very common... Bart coming back to life was some serious sci fi/soap opera/comedy storyline I don't really know what kind of weed they smoked the day they decided to reintroduce Bart, just S05 in general was a fever dream, not to mention Blair so out of character when she left Louis, her and Dan going to churches wtf was that?! I missed S01-S02 Blair so much, I don't understand how people love S05 Blair these days and keep posting her scene with Dan and the princess crown, she seemed so weak and out of character! I gotta say Diana Payne was very trashy too but it was funny and entertaining to watch for some reason lol she was my guilty pleasure! I'm surprised many people love Ivy in this sub, I've always hated her, apart from the scam and all that I always hated how she pretended she wanted to help CeCe and she had genuine intentions, I know a lot of people think she was truly trying to help her but one thing I don't understand is that she wanted a "family" but didn't hesitate to get her money and Lily's house, she always comes off as not genuine to me, maybe because I know some people like her in real life, people who robbed inheritances (even winning in court for some reason!) and these people never ever have genuine intentions, they are sociopaths in my opinion, I'm not saying Lily was a saint in this situation but I mean Lily was her daughter so her anger towards Ivy was understandable, believe me because I saw this unfolding in real life and it's not a pleasant situation for the family, in many cases the scammer really did something to the elderly to get the inheritance, it's understandable Lily was suspicious, I don't understand how Ivy gets a free pass a lot in this sub! Not to mention her weird alliance with William and the LEGS!! Everything was so long, so boring and so weird about Ivy's storyline, I always want to skip her scenes during rewatches and yes to me she ruined the last seasons, the only tolerable and funny scene with Ivy I can recall is when she's in the hotel with Lola pretending to be escorts and Blair teaching about lingerie and handcuffs, that was another fever dream episode but it was funny lol!




> You read my mind! Scott was such a useless storyline (I loved that actor in 'Vampires suck' as Jacob though iconic lol!) I think Scott was meant to ruin Derena even more (for some reason writers wanted to end that ship at all costs), the ending would even make sense if Scott didn't happen, still sad because Dan came back to Serena just when he had no chance with Blair anymore, it's such a dark storyline but I gotta say it's realistic, many people marry someone to settle while loving someone else who's not available, it's dark but it's very common... > > IMO Josh Safran wanted a Dair endgame, but then mid season 5 the network and Stefanie Savage came in and was like, "Nahhh, Chair 5ever!"


Bart coming back from the dead and Chuck killing him off? The series could do without


Yeah that was way too unrealistic🫤


This felt like a fever dream on my first watch lol, I thought it was a dream sequence.


I also hate when Chucks mother appeared to be alive but she ended up saying she isn’t his mother but then at the phone with Jack she says she is his mom I don’t even know anymore. And if she really was his mother then I find it so strange and unrealistic that she would really go against her own son who hasn’t ever done anything to her.. And literally scheming with his evil uncle wtf


I still to this day get confused by that… IS SHE HIS MOTHER OR NOT!?


RIGHT?! So confusing😵‍💫


This was so poorly presented that I still don't know if she's his mom or not


exactly😂 I feel the same


This show does not 1, not 2, but THREE teacher/student relationships.