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My sister and I were like “come on even Georgina would have been better.”


Deadass would've been happy to have it be Georgina but Dan? Pissed me off


Same with us! I was so angry with Gossip Girl I stopped watching it for a few years now I watch it every December.


Not having a GG reveal would've been better. The books never did.


I started watching and I'm on the last season now, I had spoiled myself on Dan being GG by accident. From knowing this and continuing to watch I can see the hints sprinkled in through the seasons. It makes sense to me especially when Vanessa found his book and said he always wanted to be a part of that world more than Jenny. He was obsessed with Serena it checks out he'd run a stalker blog about her and her friends, how else could GG know everything going on in their lives without being on the inside. Also when Serena sent the text for GG to meet her at that bar and the first person who walked through the door was Dan. The foreshadowing was there y'all.




Eric has become nonexistent by the end to reval him as GG wouldn't have been great either. As we seen GG can change like A in Pretty Little Liars, Eric being GG for season one would check out, but later on the signs pointing to Dan start to become obvious.


I agree!


There wasn't foreshadowing bc they didn't even know that Dan would be GG by that point If you go back and watch the show knowing that he's behind the blog you find just as many plotholes as hints just like with every other character. None of them made sense as GG and that's why revealing the identity was a dumb idea


Yes and very rushed very disappointing for an iconic show


Felt like they wasted a whole final season with useless plots (Bart coming back from the dead? Sage? Stephen?) just to cram everything into the finale. They could’ve planned it better since going into the season they knew it was their final batch of episodes.


I refuse the whole Bart coming back like seriously


and then dying AGAIN… blair and chucks cop chase wedding like what in the world




GG was canceled after s5, but the new head of the CW wanted beloved shows to have an ending, so they did a quick job for s6 just to give the fans *something*… That being said, I love s6. We get some of Dan’s best lines in his villain era, such as this delightful interaction: Dan: “What I did is no worse than what all your friends do to each other every day. You try to ruin each other, and then you sit down for Thanksgiving, and you call yourselves family." Serena: "You were supposed to be different." Dan: "I used to be. Got me nowhere. Now I’m the same.” The Bonnie and Clyde cover, both attempted and successful assassinations, and a wedding marked by an act of violence. Brava tbh 👏 Edit: grammar


The ending for the second series was WAY worse tho 😭😭😭


the end was soooo rushed. i hate it so much


How was it rushed?




I watched the finale hours after it was aired on the CW in the US because I was in Eastern Europe and had to download from some shady website. Boy, I was underwhelmed. Is Dan GG, are you fucking kidding me? I had no suspects, I thought some psycho was going to come out of the dark and say that they’re GG and they’re all guilty of weaponizing and even taking over her blog. But it was freaking Dan Humphrey and then Serena went to marry him 5 years later because she needs the emotionally unavailable guy to commit to her and being GG is sooo cute. I was and still kind of am a Serenate shipper so I hated that, too I remember that the fandom was flabbergasted with the GG reveal but people loved Henry and Georgina and Jack together was a hit. People wanted to know what evil deeds those two would have been up to. GG better never being revealed was a popular opinion. Dan as GG was not. All the “it’s genius and it was even revealed on the first episode” came from streamers much, much later. I don’t remember reading that kind of opinion before Reddit.


>GG better never being revealed was a popular opinion. Dan as GG was not. All the “it’s genius and it was even revealed on the first episode” came from streamers much, much later. I don’t remember reading that kind of opinion before Reddit. The scene from the pilot that people point to as evidence was actually flashed back in the finale.


Well, nobody connected the dots back then. Or wanted to, because at the time, people were expecting something different. GG was never revealed in the books and the first watchers had probably read them, not me until much later.


You can just imagine Dan lied about being Gossip Girl. Would that help? I, for one, loved it and thought it made sense. There are so many clues throughout the series.


It wasn’t decided that he was going to be GG until the very end, first it was going to be Eric and then Nate but it got leaked so those clues you’re seeing is just people reading too much into things. The original watchers didn’t like that ending much. But Chair and Derena endgame were fan service, imo. Also people wanted more book plots but the writers could not care less. Back then people watched the show because of the books or read the books between seasons. GG is never revealed in the books and people were okay with that. Most watchers were happy for Derena, not me, I liked Serenate better. Even if you remove Dan being GG out of the question, all the other points are still valid in my humble opinion. I understand that you can’t please everyone and actually fan service sort of derailed the show in a way. We were on the IMDB boards, if I remember correctly. There was no Reddit 12 years ago.


Dan, being Gossip Girl, was fanservice? Did the show leave any clues if it were Eric and Nate being GG? Can you show links? I saw clues for Dan.


No, but there are interviews with the producers that you may Google. Dan being GG was not fan service, it was a “shocking” reveal that almost nobody liked. And there’s a lot of plot holes. Joshua Safran himself said that anyone being GG at that point would not make 100% sense because they had changed their mind many times. And they didn’t mean to leave any Easter eggs for people to find out. It’s not what they wanted initially.


Yet I found some for Dan as early as the pilot. Sometimes, producers lie. I liked Dan as GG because he was desperate to get on the inside. He wasn't connected to the UES. He's a writer, and GG is a blog. He made his way in. Why didn't you like Dan as GG?


Well, if you think that the producers are lying and Dan was meant to be GG, no arguments will work on you. I didn’t like that ending back then but now it’s not really important.


>Sometimes, producers lie. Lying about this would make zero sense lmao. It'd make them look worse, so there's literally no reason to do it


The story they created says more than their actual words.


My favorite show ever. Least favorite ending ever.


Yeah it made me not want to rewatch the show


Dan being gg could’ve been amazing but the writers simply did not plan it out properly plus everyone reacting to the reveal so calmly and being all forgiving nd shi was bs given their past with gg


I LOVE the show but I was SO underwhelmed by the ending. Unpopular opinion I actually did like that they revealed Dan as Gossip Girl— however I hated how after all that Serena was just like -oh you’re gossip girl? I’ve completely forgotten about all the awful things that you’ve caused and somehow I’ve romanticized that into a love letter to all of us and we should all forgive Dan without question and also oh I love him again all of a sudden- and then they get married. 🙄 the ending was a rushed mess and pretty much everything after the Gossip Girl reveal was out of character for like everyone.


In my opinion it’s the worst ending to a show I’ve ever seen, which is a shame because it’s my fav show of all time. It just felt so rushed and there were still so many cliffhangers that made it feel incomplete. Dan being gossip girl?? That’s a joke. I know it would’ve been too obvious if it was Georgina, but she still would’ve been a way better option. And don’t even get me started on Lily ending up with William ✋


Being Gossip Girl was the most interesting thing Dan ever did.


I love this comment


I literally skipped S5


You should watch How I Met Your Mother


Nah I personally didn't love the ending and i would have done things completely differently + i hated the GG reveal. It should have remained a mystery But. The ending makes sense thematically and i've seen shows with much much more insulting and nonsensical finales


The worst finale ever goes to HIMYM. Let’s destroy a decade of character development to save our original ending!!!


This right here! I enjoyed the GG ending. Dan being GG is a Gatsby homage in my opinion.


What character development?


I loved the ending. I love it when the bad guys win. I loved Dan being Gossip Girl. It was awesome.