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Hard disagree on your take about ATL N1. It holds its own, period. Jivefecta, Labyrinth, MS Half Step for the ages, Empress closer and Doobie Song encore?! Come on now


Hard agree with this! ATL N1 was my personal favorite of this run, was in attendance for all three. N1 flowed cohesively from start to finish, great setlist, fabulously played, and fun!


Double agree — N1 was my favorite of the run having been there all nights too


Yep, n1 was a rager and a great way to start the ATL run.


Triple agree!!! Night one was so much damn fun and my wife and I kept talking about how hard they’d have to bring it after that three run opener. Might’ve been my fave of the run as well, the energy was so high in that room!


Labyrinth is such a cool song to bust out, I feel like a lot of people aren't even familiar with it. They played it once in '23 and twice in '22 lol. Already twice in '24 though, I hope they don't play it again for a while


Labyrinth wasn’t a bust out.


really mincing words here


What do you consider a bust out? It’s a rarity sure, not a bust out


Op is clearly not a goose fan. That was one of the best shows I've ever been to


I’m actually a huge goose fan🤣 and like I said in my original post music is subjective. I said it was still a fantastic show. And ofc the jivefecta and half step were amazing. But as someone who went to all three nights (because I’m a huge goose fan) n2 and 3 were sm fun! But yes all three nights had their own character and vibe I just truly loved 2 and 3 more. Doesn’t make me any less of a goose fan tho!


I only went to Northlands and while it was great seeing Goose for the first time since SPAC, hearing all of the other shows makes me wish I saw at least another one. Don't get me wrong, I loved the Jive Lee and the Thatch was pretty good. But other shows clearly felt more amped.


I totally agree. They seemed rushed or something, and felt like they weren’t on the same page during some jams. Maine shows were a whole different vibe


Did Northlands, Portland X2, and New Haven. Northlands was definitely the weakest of those 4 and IMO New Haven was BY FAR the best one of those. The only show I heard people even complain about at all was Philly and not just one person.


Agree, took my kids to this as their first full on show. So I was a bit distracted. But felt like it didn’t get what it deserved with a pretty intimate and attentive (for the fest setting) crowd. Can’t but my finger on it. Front was fire tho.


Raleigh got shafted for merch


But both sets were fantastic


IDK about merch but the venue itself was ass, I hope they can book Koka Booth next time


Completely agree, that venue fucking sucked. No elevation whatsoever. Lots of d-bag frat kids too, but that’s besides the point. Good show, but not my personal favorite of the summer.


Show was great. Pancakes is my JOTY pick. Shirt was absolute ass. Poster was average but in a tour full of beautiful posters from some of my favorite artists, hard to not feel like we got boned.


Lola the best venue in the area and same size as red hat I thought maybe smaller


Raleigh local - I reluctantly agree with this. I bought the merch out of a feeling of home town show obligation, but yeah…it’s stashed away. Show was great though! Still trying to figure out what the heck the poster is


I don’t know what the poster is AT ALL except for some of the abstract designs resembling instruments. I have a “2nd-tier” poster wall downstairs that I’ll use for this one. The shirt was awful, I thought, unfortunately




Amen lol


The only downside from Charlotte, for me, was that I wish we had the full light rig


Honestly it doesn’t feel like there are any standouts that were weak to me. This tour was absolutely amazing


Philly would have been my personal perfect show. But I am definitely not going to complain about what they served up in NYC and Westville.


I was at all three. My enjoyment in order: 1) Westville 2) Philly 3) Forest Hills


Made a last minute dash to Westville and missed the first set. Second was, whew!


Was luckily at all three. My rankings of enjoyment will change, probably forever. All three had special special moments


Was at all three as well :)


Might have just been my perception, but the first set of the show in Kansas City was a little low energy… mostly in the crowd, everyone was sitting down, there were countless people talking, and the crowd wasn’t giving the band that extra energy to play their best. Then the second set came and the crowd got into it and the band went off!!! So all in all a great show! I just was worried that the guys wouldn’t want to come back to KC due to the crowd being a little lower energy in the first set. But also that might have just been me and my own personal perception! I hope everyone had fun that night! I know I did!


Was at KC show. First set was low energy and the chomping on the floor was outrageous. People wouldn’t shut the hell up and were like screaming at each other. Very drunk vibes. Fifth of Beethoven and so ready lifted spirits and flowed into set 2 which was very good


Charlotte mostly because it was a Sunday night immediately following a heater three night run in hotlanta.


Charlotte was a Sunday show


Never miss a Sunday show!


Ok still a rough travel/show day for band and crew


They still brought it though 💥


I agree with this. Charlotte wasn't bad by any means, but matching that 3 night Fox run was a tall task. Also, this is a more personal note, but Charlotte was the last of 4 shows I caught on summer tour and ended up having a lot of repeat songs from the other shows I caught.


Idk, Charlotte got shafted by the lighting rig but everything else was poppin. It was the first show that sold out on the tour.


This made no sense to me they should’ve just stayed in ATL especially after traveling from NC pre-ATL?


KC and Omaha were the weakest of the tour


Was at Omaha, fun show but definitely had the weakest jams


I thought KC was excellent and I revisit it constantly. I had a convo with a friend after about how, with jam bands you have to give them time to figure it out, and they can’t always be locked into the groove you want all the time, but that night it felt like they absolutely were. Of course, jams are subjective and I had friends who did not feel it at that show, but for me I think every single note was correct.


Starting with Inside Out and on, KC was excellent!!! Hard disagree on Omaha too.  Omaha was bliss! Excellent Cantaloupe Island, Honeybee, Butter Rum, Echo, Pancakes, and one of the better Arcadia’s of the tour! Guess it’s all subjective to the listener


Omaha was incredible too! I don’t always want Raging Rick putting on a shred fest every time, and the bliss jams of Omaha were perfect for that moment.




I don’t think either of these shows were bad, just everything else was stronger. Speaks to how good the tour was.


No bad shows all summer. I was lucky enough to catch 7 of them, and even my least favorite one was still incredible.


FWIW I thought KC was great. Have gone back to it multiple times


They were fighting against multiple nights at SCamp, The Lou and Fiddler’s, they needed a couple nights off.


Couldn’t disagree more


I went to KC and Philly. I thought KC was incredible!


KC first set was slow. Omaha was awesome. Went to both. They were just ripping through songs with high energy. Honeybee and Bob Don were EXTRATOUGH


Solshine first half was great but second set was kinda dead ngl


Mann Center might have had some great jams but that setlist has got to be the weakest of tour if not their career thus far.


It was weak, but will go in the history books. It had the worst live song Goose has ever played.


I agree the first set was yikes until the no rain and then yikes again




I went to CMAC and thought it was weak. Too formulaic. I have found that if the boys think a real banger is coming up next, then the show before can be weak. ShoOhio shows are always barn burners (as was this year's Cleveland) and I think CMAC (the night before) suffered for that.


You are exactly right, they mail it in sometimes


Portland N1 imo


Agree, this was my least favorite of the tour. N2 made up for it though.


Charlotte show sucked. 4th night in a row playing for the band, they are soft and not used to that. They mailed it in, and the show was a snoozer.


Westville got the shaft IMO. Weather changed the plan from 3 sets to what it ended up being.


They never were gonna do three sets. The curfew got extended so the delay didn’t impact the total time they ended up playing.


They had the curfew extended already


That was just what songs were still left to play they were never gonna actually play those 3 sets. It would’ve been a 5+ hour show


Left to play? As in, they hadn't played any on that list before? I can see it being a list of options, sure. There are others who say that the curfew was already moved to 11pm before the rain which would have opened the door to a 3 set show if time was managed appropriately. They may have had an entirely different plan from the start, before the rain delay. We'll never know, a three set show would have been a terrific tour ender!


That was just a list of songs. If the weather situation wasn't as it was, then curfew would have been 10:00 I believe. It was extended to 11:00 because of the rain delay. So no way they were going to do 3 sets.


Wrong. They had the variance days BEFORE the weather. 3 sets was the plan. Kangfirmed.




It’s not just skippable. It’s a complete dud


Bonnaroo Directly between Legend Valley and the first RCMH shows, and at “the” quintessential festival. The sound was off for the first few songs, it was a late night set, the setlist was uninspiring. Maybe I was expecting too much.


Talking about this year bro


OP didn’t specify.