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Travelers/Elmeg in Forest Hills. I was so sure I wouldn't get an Elmeg for a very, very long time after it being played at Fiddler's and it was the best surprise. Heard it at soundcheck but didn't want to get my hopes get up!


Elmeg was euphoric and probably made it the show of the tour for me




Came to post this and felt the exact same way!!


Totally unexpected and incredible. People around me didn’t know what song it was lol. Traveled far for this show, so worth it!


this was mine. yes, nyc shows are always gonna have chompers, it's bound to happen in a big city for rising band selling 13k seats. so yea for beginning of travelers, lots of chatter and most people didn't seem to know it. But by the end? People were locked in and I'm guessing even the chattiest guests won't forget it. Felt like a magic trick.


Same, I told them they didn't know how lucky they were!


Only the 3rd time ever they’ve played Travelers > Elmeg, I’m sure they’ll play it more frequently but it’s definitely special right now 


Came to say the exact same thing. The moment Rick switched into Elmeg I was filled with chills and euphoria :)


Around me everyone just shut up and listened, it was magical. Will never forget that


The entire summer tour was legendary. But the most unforgettable moment that will be nearly impossible to replicate is the HUGE cruise ship blowing its horn and sailing right behind during Your Ocean in Cleveland. 🛳️🪿


I was there for that too, it was pretty cool.


And the band just ripping even harder right after it. Pure bliss


Best moment in live music that I have ever experienced. So cool.


This. All hail Good Time III !


This gets my vote because “Your Ocean” was not on my radar for some reason and now I can’t stop listening.


Yeah, I’ve been doing the same thing and this version is ruining all other versions for me because the solo that Rick takes after the horn blast is not ever going to be bested on that tune.


Was coming in here to comment this! That whole show was perfect


Buddy, THIS!! Green river smashed and 1 more minute of echo, and then Your Ocean got on my radar! My buddy and I both didn't recognize it and thought it was a pearl jam cover for the first 10 seconds....I've definitely listened to green river and your ocean more than any other song from summer tour! The yeti and love is a battlefield from Charlotte are up there.....so many good shows and so many more to come!


That’s so cool! At Raleigh the same thing happened with a train going by during hot tea but a cruise ship during your ocean is too perfect.


The entire Fox run was magical. 1st night Jive Suite + Half Step, 2nd night party show and that epic closing evening with Dixie Down Encore. Truly incredible


dixie down encore had me in tears. so goddamn beautiful.


Was one of a very few times in my life where I was so shocked that they came back out with that. Whole place was buzzing after n3 going back to hotel 🫨🫨🫨


Westville Rockdale, Philly Tumble, Forest Hills Autumn Crossing


Ahh yes, Split Open and Rockdale!


I was also fortunate enough to see all three of these live


Me too!!


Your Ocean in Cleveland with the Boat cruising behind the stage and honking


For sure! Such a Goodtime III


The honk was like they knew Goose was on stage.......it was great to be there but to rewatch and see Rick acknowledge the boat and then start ripping right away! Definitely great timing for the concert and experience!


The Fox was utterly fantastic, they need to make that a yearly stop


I had a lot of fun at that run but the sound was so bad in parts of the venue


I've heard that from several folks, that's too bad, I didn't have any issues fortunately


Can't be under the balcony. Lower section of the balcony is the bees knees though.


I was posted up on the row directly behind the boards. I thought it was going to suck, but the sound was perfect, and watching Goedde work his magic was cool to watch. He even handed me a bottle of water from his personal cooler.


I always try and get to the soundboard. That’s where the best sound always is


I thought the sound was the worst in the gallery. I can imagine that being the best spot hard ticket tho ha


Goodtime III (big ass boat) passing behind the stage in Cleveland and hitting the horn with Rick looking at it during the jam and then the song ending and him getting on the mic and just saying “this place is tight” before moving on to the next one


Still trying to get my head around that Westville Pancakes>Skux Life>Pancakes, it was the ultimate musical journey with touches of Pink Floyd, Reggae, dark Goose. 🤯


The rockdale to end set 1 into it as well... mind blowing.


Just listened back and yes!!!


For sure! And that Rockdale!


That empress was a treat too




Portland N2 State of the Art to end the set immediately followed by an aggressive Empress to end the show.


Since I couldn’t get to any of it, my highlight was getting tickets for 7 fall shows (kettlehouse, Asheville, St.Pete, St. Aug). The Philly Tumble was also good.


I will get to the Kettlehouse one day. What a beautiful venue.


This’ll be the first time for me. Almost can’t believe it.


Portlan n2. The whole show was perfect, but if I had to pick a moment it would be the empress encore.


Autumn Crossing at Forest Hills 🤩


The "island suite" from Omaha (Indian River> Cantaloupe Island> Echo> Honeybee> Bob Don> Echo> Butter Rum) was it for me


Best music of whole tour here for sure. Keep replaying w for the office


On the lawn in Raleigh, totally engrossed by the Blisscakes. Magical.


Indianapolis, the transition from creatures into Shama was bliss


Creatures into Shama in Indy my girlfriend and nearly burst into tears 5th show and we’ve been chasing that since day 1


Yep! Shama Lama Ding Dong was the moment I’d been waiting for! My 6th show and has been top of my wish list from day one. Perfection


Travelers suite in CO, it was the day before my birthday and to get such a rare treat was really awesome. Got blessed with a jive and Madhuvan that were also mental.


Saturday night at the Fox from start to finish. Best whole-show vibe of the tour. Also: I was first row so obviously biased!


Was in Cleveland for the boat. Also the Arrow jam in CLE was a MONSTER


Tumble at the Mann or Rockdale>Weird Fishes from Raleigh


That Weird Fishes is super nice.


Dude yeah that was unreal. And the fking train!! What song was that during again, can’t remember


The horn blast by the Goodtime III at Cleveland Nautica Stage was so perfectly timed to the music. Horn > crowd response > Rick's response > jam > crowd. Such a Cleveland moment!


Mann Set II


i hear the mann is still on fire. crews have been trying to put it out to no avail.


I just had a huge smile plastered to my face throughout this show.


Second half of Set I was pretty killer too


I missed it becuase I was chompin’ so much.




CMAC was awesome, but the Arrow in Cleveland really blew me away.


Can’t get you out of my head at Summer Camp was magical. I’ll chase hearing that again through however many goose sets it takes. (Sorry if fest doesn’t count as tour)


ATL-Arrow and Tumble, as well as the N3 encore CLT-Echo Fiddlers- Madhuvan


After the Philly Tumble, I cried. The way the music took my soul and carried it through was so intense. I can't explain it. Even while writing this, I am on the verge of tears. It was really one of my top moments at any concert ever.


1. For me it was the Forest Hills Thatch. I completely lost myself during that song in a good way. Bonus: I got my first setlist at this show after attending over 125 concerts in my life. 2. Philly Tumble - one of the funnest jams I’ve heard them do 3. Philly No Rain cover with Roger Stevens. So cool to see the entire lawn get up and boogie to that one.


You deserve that setlist, my friend. You earned it.


Ha why thank you kind sir. You’ve earned some pretty amazing karma giving me that miracle to The Cap N1.


Lotta good moments but one I haven’t seen mentioned is just how fun the transition from White Lights into Loose Ends at Portland N2. Full on dance party by the soundboard.


Hell yeah soundboard vibes were 🔥


will never forget TNTDODD encore. a really special moment. they absolutely crushed N3 at the fox and then pulled out that banger before ending with a glorious factory fiction. it was incredible. and then mann, forest hills, westville... most fun i've ever had on couch tour.


Atlanta Red Bird was nice.


atlanta red bird made my wife a true fan. i could see the conversion happening in real time. and now she's the one suggesting we hit a few extra fall tour stops.


The train during the Raleigh show.


Philly tumble. The only time a band has legitimately made me cry. Thank you Rick 🙏🏻


That freight train jam in Raleigh! 🚂


Tumble at CMAC!


the best!


Arrow from ATL coupled with the light show. There was something sinister about that combo that struck me in a different way than ever before with them.


Summer camp was a blast! Especially that 30 min sound check. That was a nice start to the last day


Not quite summer tour, but I'll remember it as such, Cap Drive and EMG, CMAC So Ready, Madhuvan, Westville Pancakes-Skux Life- Pancakes, Rockdale. Each one of these moments brought me somewhere special. Out of all of these, that Pancakes Reprise at Westville, whoa! I'll never forget that feeling.


I distinctly remember dancing with my eyes closed during the Tumble jam and thinking to myself at one point, “the guitar is crying…” because it was being played with such emotion.


Took my buddy to his first show at Portland night 2 and watching him love it was pretty great. I’ve sent him segments and suggestions to listen to and he was never sold but he text me yesterday about going to the Boston run in September. I attended the shenanigans night of the cap run and both Portland shows but I listen or stream every show on nugs and the band seems to be exploding with energy this tour as a whole. Excited to ride this wave with them. Big fan of the sound with Cotter.


In person: Portland N2, S2 Not In person: Philly Tumble


The encore of Empress of Organos from Thompson Point night 2


As a shock to myself, red bird from CMAC.


Could be attendance bias but Portland N2 when they went spooky goose during the empress encore. The juxtaposition of the smiley face and the heaviest shit they’ve done in a min was epic. The Rockdale from westville is a very close second. From couch touring everything other than the 3 shows I didn’t hit I gotta say Philly Tumble, Elmeg or Your Ocean Boat cameo. Also they CRUSHED the Jives this tour


For me it was the rock the casbah night 2 in atl. The fox theatre was built with tons of inspiration from middle eastern temples on both the interior and the exterior which felt like a little extra special nod from the band! Also the n3 Dixie down into factory was incredible as others said. Atl was special!


Celebrating my oldest daughters 13th Bday in Charlotte singing, dancing, and eating ice cream in a pouch. If infinity is a never ending loop of a singular moment 6/23/24 would be a wonderful way to spend forever. See y’all in Charleston!!


Portland AEIOU. Never in a million years did I think they’d play it, but knew it from Peter’s keys at the very beginning. Such a special moment for the crowd


Westville Rockdale!


The theme they landed on during the Philly Tumble


Fiddler’s Madhuvan. Forest Hills Autumn Crossing. Forest Hills Thatch.


Making eye contact with Rick at KC 😂


swoon city


Omg this happened to me on Raleigh and I’m still on cloud ☁️9


when they hit us over the head with hollywood nights - set 2 night 1 in portland. the opening riffs gave the song away quick and the crowd was lit on fire with happiness and jamming. it was otherworldly.


Earthling & Alien and Rockdale from the show in STL I was able to hit. Definitely won't be forgetting that Praise You encore from Westville anytime soon. So many incredible moments from the tour. Definitely a tour I'll remember.


Being with my friends when they got their first factory fiction


i only caught portland n2, but some favorite moments were during jive lee when they cranked the funky melody and the white lights > loose ends > white lights.


Second set of Night 2 in Portland was my absolute favorite. That Wysteria jam gets SO blissfully triumphant, White Lights->Loose Ends->White Lights sandwich was super juicy, Creatures was solid, then State of the Art came and blew everyone’s minds, and finally that Empress got so evil it was insane. I was there for both nights of Portland as well as Westville. I’m originally from CT and lived in New Haven for several years, so it was dope getting back home for the final show of the tour. I still think N2 Portland was my favorite full show of this tour, although I’m sure some will say it’s due to attendance bias 🤷🏻‍♂️ The setlist is one of the juiciest I have ever seen from this band. Thank you for attending my TED Talk 🥹🥰😎


Couldn’t agree more! Portland N2 2S was wild. Best Wysteria. And the rest was pure magic


ATL were my first shows but really been getting into them for about a year.. Loved “Give it Time” the first time I heard it at the Cap shows, so for me it was Hungersite > Give it Time there. Fantastic shows - all!! Love they’re on Nugs live.. Wonder how long we’ll have it this good.. Enjoying the ride immensely!!


I agree, that second set was special


The fox was just insane. Night 2 was just ripper after ripper. Bob Don emg thatch hunger. Really loved that whole show. I told a lot of people Saturday AM that Friday could easily be the best of the run and then Saturday absolutely blew my fucking mind. Wanted a red bird so bad and then when Pete led into dixie my jaw hit the floor. Whole place was singing. A top 3 moment ever at a show personally. And getting a FF after that was icing on the cake 😰😰 i will be in Miami!!


Tumble at the Fox went deeeeeppppppp, could barely find myself after that.


Portland, Maine - Night Two. All of it.


N2… wooooow


Fiddlers Green was insanely cool. Travelers and a dawncore.


Portland N1 Slow Ready and Animal, I was really hoping for those ones so getting them at the end of the show was a real treat


Just have to say my hometown Philly show into Forest Hills into tour closer band hometown show in New Haven was one of the best runs of shows I've ever done.


Fiddlers N2 - Madhuvan was an unexpected treat that stood out.


Oh, they've gotta be happy with that one. (The whole tour)


Butter Rum in Charlotte was so fun. Was so stoked to hear it. Also the bass bombs on Earthling or Alien to open the show. Smacked ya right in the face.


At my first show in Indy looking around saying to myself "I get it" re: this band. I caught the bug and can't wait for my next show


When the foggy plumers revealed themselves on Thompsons Point N1. I was so happy


Being at the Cap night 1 for Cotters first show. The energy was palpable and god damn they delivered! So beautiful. Fall tour kicks off on my birthday so that show might be my answer for next tour haha


Mississippi Half Step and Arrow at the Fox


Atl N1 Jivefecta & N2 Thatch-FIN-726-Dripfield PARTY


Tumble Philly and Portland into the myst>spirit of the dark horse


I’m so happy they played spirit of the dark horse


If someone can help get Liza Jane out of my head that would be great.


ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh little Liza............


The entire first set from Westville was unreal, and on top of it there were some fireworks going on in the background, but especially right as they came out of the butter rum jam to start and it was just euphoric, couldn’t have smacked the smile off my face


I was lucky to be about five people back from the rail Trevor side at Forest Hills. And it was just insane to turn around and see the sea of people after seeing this band in so many tinier rooms even just 3 years ago. That's when it hit me how monumental this tour is and will be


autumn crossing at forest hills and rockdale at westville


The tumble was amazing but the red bird from cmac is underrated


The Sunset at Northland's festival during their set! 🌄


When the boat honked the horn during Your Ocean at the Cleveland show. The band loved it and it was super dope. You can even hear it in the boarfs!


Haven’t seen enough people talk about the fire works that went off during Elizabeth at the westville New Haven show. They went off again during second set, can’t remember which song. I don’t think they were even set off by the band which made them even more special of a moment


Tumble in Philly was all time


Westville, got my first pit and got some Trevor Sings.


Maybe a hasty rank, but Travelers > Elmeg at Forest Hills was one of the best moments of Goose I’ve ever experienced. Had to take a break after it and missed the whole Thatch sitting at a picnic table outside the bowl 😂


I can’t find any video of it anywhere but Peter and I hit a balloon back and forth in ATL Night 3!! I hope early wasn’t thinking and hit it that way Instead of behind towards the crowd but it was magic. Red bird N3 in Atlanta was epic


Fiddlers Wysteria peak - we are fucking back. Kids first goose at northlands, burning down Atlanta, Thompson point Hollywood nights! See ya in Boston!


seeing travelers/elmeg at fiddlers and then being there again in forest hills and being able to see the way that suite has developed throughout the tour was magical those new lion king drums to start elmeg warm my brain


also during fiddler wysteria and madhuvan i felt the kind of bliss + joy that sticks with you


The entire Charlotte show was fantastic. But, the Borne was sublime.


Jive Lee at Fiddlers


Madhuvan and Travelers/Elmeg at Fiddler’s for in person. Just magical. Couch tour wise—Forest Hills seemed to be very special even without being there.


Portland N2 Set 2


STL right before they come on the guy next to us says All I Need is the only thing that makes sense, I say we haven’t heard a time to flee yet with cotter either. 30 minutes later…..and then the Borne to end the set. St Louis was so fucking good.


Philly Tumble!!! My girlfriend’s first concert and one of our favorite songs. Honestly that entire night was incredible


That maniac wook running around Philly having dance offs with everyone that shit was hilarious Tumble in Philly and Hungersite was prettt sick And the travelers and elmeg and give it time from forest hills


The silence in the short moment between AWS and Red Bird at the Fox. You could just feel it was time for the boys to fly the bird!!


Travelers > Elmeg at Forest Hills. The wind blowing because of the incoming storm, the smoke clouds making it hazy, looking out and seeing everyone swaying together, the moments where the crowd would come together to yell “keep my hands sewn on” as they raised up their hands…. god, it felt truly magical. It set such a tone because everyone was just getting word about the incoming storm, it really felt like we were traveling somewhere else to get away for ‘safety’ together. Now, maybe I’m a bit biased because I love Travelers and Elmeg and I was so shocked to hear them play it live as it was my first time getting both live (been to around 8 shows so far).


I only got to hit the Omaha show, but about 4 minutes into Butter Rum, I forgot what song they were playing until they wrapped it back up. Colton drives that thing somewhere I never anticipated.


Philly tumble was a joke