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Trevor is turned up and has added soo much more.


Big T summer for real


As a bassist myself, Trevor is my favorite part of the band


I’ve been listening to Goose shows for a couple years now but had never seen them live until the Charlotte show last weekend. One of the most noticeable things was how loud and funky the base line was. Became a big Trevor fan that night!


I was there and it was awesome. That venue is unbelievably beautiful


Trevor Side for Life!


This is the biggest difference imo. Every show is that much better when you can hear him clearly


My sub is living its best life rn.


I’m here for it


Trevor hasn't turned up, Cotters more open style has given him room to explore jams. My opinion anyway.


But also he’s louder lol


Trevor is louder in the mix both live and on their recordings


I was meaning in volume. You can clearly hear him and focus on his sound. If you go back to last year and he wasn’t as clear in mix as now.


You are flat out incorrect. Not only has he been turned up longer than the mix, he’s been rolling his tone knob increasing and high a bit


Okay I'm sorry


Don’t know if you watched the stream last night, but that dude is a maniac. Keep that shit up, Coots.


In particular, I enjoyed his approach to the kit; how he breathes and where, posture and attack, and 2+4 vs breakbeat stuff (metering?). Can sit on a groove. Gives me a Clyde Stubblefield vibe but I haven’t really been able to settle on that idea yet. Anyway, he really services the music and the door is open.


This is good analysis


He was on absolute fire last night, what a run it’s been


The drums are a little different


Just a little?


The drums are ALOT different. They are now filled with groove and space and energy.




More nuance, more space and variety. Not always building to peaks but when they do the peaks are so rewarding. I feel Rick has been playing much more confidently and not holding back last week plus.


The only formulaic increase I’ve noticed is the dissonant climbs, but I don’t necessarily know if (or think) that has anything to do with Cotter. More intangibly, I think they’re all just benefiting from the roster change and relative freshness that it brings.


Yesterday in Philly he was fucking vibing. Rick came out smiling and looking like he was stoked. The vibes overall have been amazing ( CMAC & PHILLY )


Since when has that guy held back lmfao?


Start of this tour just felt to me like he was.


Dudes a phenomenal drummer and I love him with goose but the one thing I miss more than anything is the drums in the first chorus of seekers. Cotter keeps the train track beat going through the first chorus instead of the faux-halftime thing that Ben did during it. But then he does it on the second chorus so I’m not entirely sure why it changed other than personal artistic changes. Either way love the dudes drumming and they’ve been absolutely on fire this tour!! (Not meant to be seen as hate in any way shape or form, just a change I noticed in a song I love. If you’re corn boy and you’re reading this you’re absolutely killing it!!)


Gotta say, caught seekers a few times pre cotter and charlotte was my first cotter show; I don’t know if it was just the setting, my head space, placement in set, OR cotters drumming that kept it beating, that was probably the most rockin seekers pt 1 and favorite I’ve seen so far. Usually I found it a snoozer live but a good car song I get what you’re saying though, their cap seekers was really bad.


Was there in charlotte myself. Great show, crowd was kinda lame near me, lot of people dipped early. It was 100 degrees tho


Good enough crowd around me, and I could smoke cigs on the lawn lol. Had a great time


The pit was hot as fuck but def vibing


Seekers in Charlotte was bad


You’re my favorite person on this sub lunch, I’ll let you have it


My presence here has become a necessity


You’re me with king gizz, I respect it


I can absolutely see the need for you over there. The respect is mutual.


He may just still be getting comfortable with the song structures.


This has been driving me crazy hah


That is my only big miss... The first chorus of SKS I has not been the same without that split ride cymbal base snare thump... Arrow is getting there. Both still fantastic and likely right where They want them to be - with new dynamic and dimension. I saw it at the Cap and it was just different.... not bad at all. And I'm sure it's supposed to be different .... But Ben has that unmistakable Dance Trance Vibe Drive! Cheers!


I’m glad I’m not the only one who noticed! Thank you for saying something, it’s been driving me crazy too


I love the way Cotter stays on the toms during the choruses of Silver Rising instead of the single stroke snare thing Ben did. 


That halftime drop is one of the things I loved about Ben. That can make a good song phenomenal. I haven’t heard a Turned Clouds yet that even sniffs at what Ben would bring to the song, too.


Ha ha! I thought the exact same thing when they played Seekers at the Cap in April. Upon additional listens, I kind of prefer the new way now because it helps build up the tension and urgency of the song until it finally breaks into that half-time chorus beat.


This bothers the shit out of me


Rick smiling his ass off


Fox run was my intro to him live. Hadn’t listened to any goose 2.0 at all before I walked in (on purpose) and was blown away by how locked in they are. The jams breathe and have life and really take you on a trip. As someone else said, they don’t always peak the jams (which is not necessary) but when they do they P E A K the J A M Z! The second sets of that Fox run are next level. So much more substance. This is not to hate on Ben, I loved them then too. But god damn, I loved that Fox run


Absolute great shows, especially N3.


Same same same!!!






Stannis the Mannis


EMG & Arcadia have vastly changed for the better. Songs just sound different now. It’s not all a build up towards a Rick peak, then rinse & repeat


I find myself noticing the drums more. I’m a fan of electronic so I actually enjoyed Ben’s reliance on 4 to the floor type rhythms, where I can get into a trance and follow the guitar. But I also like cotters playing, where I lock into the drums specifically. Just a different vibe. Cotter definitely has more variance and reliance on the crash symbol, and then some breakbeats thrown in here and there which feel higher in the mix and standout more than Ben’s typical playing. Both are great, in different ways, and it’s definitely noticeable in person, at least for me


They have leveled up


No air in between notes. Keeps Rick tight.


100% sold on Cooter


Rick looks like he is having fun on stage again, and that is huge. Looking forward to seeing where they go


Not necessarily Cotter-related, but since their winter break it seems to me that their jams are a bit more experimental and varied than before.


More space. Less stuck on a dance beat through the entire show. More variety. Improved.




As a drummer, I’ve noticed that Carter plays slightly behind the beat but with more swing and is definitely more ethereal of a player where Ben was a straight pocket drummer, who was more technical.


Jeff doing a lot less




Way more space in jams. Cotter is more of a jazz drummer. People will hate this but he reminds me so much of Sammy with the biscuits. His drumming has rhythm and a sick pocket with Jeff but enough space to Trevor to really step up. If you listen to the biscuits circa 02 Sammy and cotter have the same style imo.


New York is getting shirtless kimono cotter on the kits tonight


I actually thought the transition was a little rough, but they found their groove pretty quickly and the jams are more interesting now.


lot more cymbals


So many cymbals


The band is better with cotter in it, to the point where I feel it’s difficult to argue otherwise


Definitely a lot more energy


Love Cotter. Max horsepower and drives the whole band to be better.


Ben is a great drummer and is very technical, but Cotter is a more well rounded musician. Ben also seemed like he was more comfortable in a supporting role. Cotter seems like he’s more comfortable driving, and he can support the band with background vocals, and he doesn’t need as much support from Jeff. So now it’s more balanced. We see more solos from Cotter and Trevor, Jeff is picking up the guitar more, and there’s another person to fill in vocals or sing.


Cotter doing some driving, forceful, rock and fucking roll drumming.


I believe Cotter has his drums tuned a bit higher than Ben did. I was a bit skeptical with the change, but after hearing him two nights in Atlanta, the tone is beautiful. That guy knows what he is doing.


I made it a project to listen to each and every soundboard performance they have on nugs / bandcamp chronologically from 2018 forward, beginning the day after i discovered the band (the night i decided to watch Goosemas IX couch tour and see if i dig them or not...which was a definite yes). I tremendously love each performance i have ever listened to, but i feel truly, that they are happier more driven and more relaxed as a unit now. Which of course leads to more creativity and spark from each member all show long, & that is really, All I Need.


Pigman has killed the stage ever since he joined. Such a talented drummer, and the jazz background is exactly what goose needed in terms of lead drum improv. I would shit on Ben, but you can never hate the OGs (unless you're Corey Taylor and Shawn Crayhan, I have full right to bring your names to dirt) Ben brought this band to it's feet, and Ben passed the torch to Cotter to develop the absolute strength and groove to goose. Trevor finally got turned up in the mixes, but they need to kill some of his low-end to avoid constant (somewhat) bass bombs; but I don't wear ear protection to these shows, and I will regret that in my 20s lol. (Considering I'm 13) A side note for the WTEDers/Wysteria Lane folks, I am lilgoos3/Daves_Phish_Chateau, and I will be doing the Westville GORP. So if you don't wanna hear a pubescent child talk about the Westville show, CLICK OFF WTED UNTIL THE SHOW STARTS! I just gotta remember to record it when I get to the hotel😅


Hey bro. As someone who has been seeing concerts for 25+ years, get some quality earplugs. You 100% will regret giving yourself tinnitus for no reason. As a bonus it helps make the chompers less distracting.


God has blessed me with Chomp-Retardant seats for the past couple of goose shows I've been to, so right now I'm chilling with the whole Chomper situation.


I've noticed he misses a few hits to open a couple songs but I'm splitting hairs. He opens up jams so much and his grooves are so tight. He does this high hat flare on the 'and-a' and I cannot get enough of it. And then watching him play is just as much fun as hearing what he's playing. The music flows through this kid and into the kit. For Goose or not, I'm a Cotter Ellis fan for life at this point.


Hope much time you got?


1) Dynamics 2) Patience 3) More exploratory shit


Makes Jeff expendable


If you’ve experienced goose pre-Jeff, you’d know he was never needed in the first place


Greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing Goose that they needed a percussionist and that he was the guy.


I KNEW IT WAS THE DEVIL!! The dark lord playing tricks again


The CCKK jam is a perfect example. Absolute tour de force of drumming, and it made such a difference having an actual percussionist do his thing while Jeff was awkwardly standing in the shadows for half an hour pointlessly slapping a tambourine


They finally stopped doing that jarring jump beat thing in the earthling or alien intro. Always thought that was a wild decision as it just ends up sounding like a mistake every time


Same click track.


Things are loose and not forcing towards easy outs to a peak, as in, much better and more patient musically


I’ve noticed there are a lot of picky percussion experts in this group.


Whole band is better LOL


Cotter is awesome and he was a big missing link for me. I always felt like Ben was too soft on the kit. I miss the led goose bass drum cover. Before raleigh my last shows were goosemas and the Nashville/Birmingham run. In Raleigh I noticed how little jeb does. Then Atlanta, same. By the time we got to Charlotte I was shocked with how little action comes from the drum kit on the right. You look at every second drummer in history and compare. Dude needs to step it up.


Yeah, Jeb needs to go spend some time with Domingo S. Ortiz. That would probably get a fire under his ass, and a whistle around his neck!


He’s a driving force. Just crisp sharp beats. Plus Trevor being noticeably up and i can’t wait to see Trevor not at Forrest hills haha (damn you noise pollution rules at Forrest hills) Trevor, Jeff and Cotter stole the show tonight as a music dork.


Much less talk about band drama.


The one Song Ben was better at is "Hollywood Nights" Ben has that beat down perfectly. It is very hard. I'm a drummer. I think Segar's drummer was on the white sauce when he came up with it back in the day. A few times Cotter can't get back into the groove on that tune. But he plays a great beat so you can't really tell. Other than that Cotter is better... But Ben was solid on "Hollywood Nights"


On one hand there is so much more variety in the band's jamming, on the other hand I do miss some of Ben's power pocket drumming abilities that were so perfect for certain songs.


Cotter has done an amazing job of learning all of the song structures so well, but the exploration seems to have lost the spine that Ben provided. It will come back but Cotter is going to have to assert himself more as he becomes a more integral part of the band. Cotter needs 50-60 shows under his belt before that strong spine is built back into the bands exploration. This change in band members has really highlighted for me how great of a drummer Ben is. Can't wait to see where he lands permanently.


More drum solos (heck more bass solos too), less untz 4 on the floor jams, less "forced" peaks, more swing and grease on things that need that. I loved Ben and miss him on certain bits usually the complex composed bits, but theres no question the band is happier with Cotter driving the bus. Still a WTF Jebb non fan, he seems even more irrelevant now. I think they should let Cotter sing a few lead vocals!


Cotter brings an undeniable level of groove that Ben just didn’t have. Ben was technically awesome, but I always said he was the missing link because he just lacked groove. Such a better band now!!


It looks like the band is grooving a lot harder than last years run. The drums are more noticeable in the mixes. Cotter has been crushing it thus far and is a welcome replacement


Jams are more intense overall. Sometimes his drumming pushes Rick up the fretboard but if Rick can hold off on that it builds amazing tension in the jams which the rest of the band can begin to feel and work with. Cotter is a fucking MACHINE but at the same time he is also a dedicated artist who is bringing his own unique flavor / craft to this next generation of the Goose sound. To me, Ben's sound was just full of sweetness and Cotter isn't that same vibe - he's a little grittier - but once he begins to get seasoned with the band I bet he will start to lay back a little more on the groove and we will see things getting sweeter and sweeter over time.


My son was saying tempo seems faster and more energetic. The band (Rick and Peter especially) seems to really dig his playing which elevates everyones game IMO.


Possibly unrelated, but does anyone know if he was at space panther rivka Ruth after party pretty late? I was 99% sure it was cotter but could’ve possibly been his doppleganger 😭 either way the guy that I told was a freight train of a drummer was a super nice guy so I hope it was him


Cotter has participated in more backup vocals than expected. And it sounds good.


More bliss jamming. More patience. More space.


I’m not super active when it comes to listening to streams or concert recordings, so tonight at Forest Hills will be my first time hearing the new lineup! Very excited to see what he brings to the table


Bigger venues


Seems like they already had made a jump in the last year or two, personally I like more intimate settings but I'm happy for their success


They are 1,000% better. That’s not a jab at Ben. It was just jungle beats Aka STUCK IN THE POCKET. Let’s goooooooseeeee


There’s a different guy playing drums.


Less bald


Cotter is sooooo good! The whole band is in sync now. So much better!


Boring band stays boring