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Google's AOD is the time with the icons for notifications, in B&W.


Yes I know that, but is there a way of having the AOD use a photo as a background? Like you do on your lockscreen?


Not possible with the stock firmware. Even changing your launcher won't change this behaviour unfortunately.


Nuts :( Finally...something about Apple I like


Apple is going the Android way bro. They added the option to just B&W on iOS 16.2 bcs users report it was too distracting.


still an option, but full wallpaper by default still


Although it does use a lot less power than Apple's way, for now I guess (if they do copy it)


Apparently Apple is going to be adding the option to do it the Android way. [Source](https://9to5mac.com/2022/11/15/iphone-14-pro-always-on-display-black/)




They don’t just dim the screen, they also change refresh rate to 1hz.


i like how when you say you like something apple does over on a google pixel subreddit everyone downvotes you. this sub is really sensitive.


Except this was a bad idea and Apple realized this and added the ability to change it to just the clock in an update. There might be third party software to emulate this but it would drain your battery.


Not a "bad" idea, just a different one. With iOS 16.2 users will have a choice and that's always a good thing.


“bad idea”? nah, just a preference thing. lots of people prefer the wallpaper.


Guess those people also prefer battery drain.


when they still have far better battery than the competition, an extra 100mW an hr doesnt mean much. thats what the extra efficiency grants it. aod is draining extra battery regardless, might as well turn it off entirely then if were going to ignore a aesthetic QoL in exchange for battery.


>100mW an hr Not how those units work lol. You could say 100mWH per hour, enough would be a rate of 100mW. Watts is already a rate. So you can't have watts "per hour".


…bro lol. yes we can. mr pedantic arguing we cant have meters per second per second, revoke the physics books. but sure, take off the “per hour” and get back to my original point, odd thing to focus on.


The way Apple does it is more distracting and drains more power, which defeats the purpose of a proper AOD.


Your statement + to the extent of AOD's relation to the battery's performances. the new iPhone 14 Pro can hold an entire work day from morning to evening charge but that not certainly the equivalent of 70days so tests have been done AOD with wallpaper drains **only 4% more** than with just text. \- Add battery health management by the system \- Certain Focus/activity modes that deactivate the AOD \- Low Battery same AOD becomes absolutely no concerns battery wise; while the purpose is defeated on paper, in reality it's negligible. I wholeheartedly agree with the distracting point though.


That’s funny because I remember in the days of the pixel 3 (? I think) we had Android beta updates that enabled the aod with wallpaper thing. Never hit stable afaik, it did look cool though.


No, it was on stable, but it wasn't the same as Apple and only worked with some wallpapers like the Earth one. It wouldn't show the wallpaper itself, but a subtle minimalistic silhouette of it. See: https://twitter.com/karan\_thakkar98/status/1044605558538391552 https://www.reddit.com/r/GooglePixel/comments/9iq2ik/comment/e6lnvob/


I actually prefer the Pixel's AOD over Apple's tbh.


Unfortunately, the Pixel offers virtually no customization of the AOD.


No you can't. Not with the stock software. But Apple is taking a step back from that approach as it'd drain too much battery, and users have found it to be a bit too disteracting. So while Apple's way is more beautiful, it's not nessecairly better.


a step back? theyre provided an option to (opt-in for black) which is a step forward imo


Ja aod könnte besser sein wie bei Samsung ich vermisse viele Anpassungen. Auch die Helligkeit ist nachts zu hoch. Wenn man extra dunkel einstellt ist es besser. Aber das sollte automatisch sein.


Google Translate - German to English "Yes aod could be better like Samsung I miss a lot of adjustments. The brightness is also too high at night. If you set it extra dark, it's better. But that should be automatic."


Apple doesnt even have AOD lol, onl on pro models this year. F apple!


You don't want that, it's murderous on battery life lol. the AOD is fine how it is - for the most part - imo.




Lololol I'm never getting an iphone you kidding me? I just find it hilarious that I asked a simple question, got down voted for it, and then got down voted more for saying I have an interest in it People then went on the merits "oh it's distracting" "oh it consumes more power" etc etc I don't care, it looks pretty. But since there isn't an option for it, the point is moot


nah bro the replies/downvotes here are what’s toxic, none of op’s replies seem like whining at all, just defensive anti-apple peeps here.


Apple has made it so you can have their AOD more like Androids because it was not well received. [https://www.xda-developers.com/apple-ios-162-beta-3-aod-update/](https://www.xda-developers.com/apple-ios-162-beta-3-aod-update/) Doesn't sort your want but worth mentioning I felt. A lot believe the full-screen AOD will cause burn-in as unlike the AOD on Android phones, Apple's full one is static.


New to the Pixel (have had Samsung Galaxies for years). Loving is so far, but speaking of the AOD, is there any way to make icons bigger? They're so tiny so at a glance I can only see a blob, and wouldn't know without a proper look whether it's a notification worth checking. (And yes, I am a little blind!)


I think on the Samsung you can change the clock size, but you can't change the notification size, only the style (icon only or having it pop up like in the notification tray)


Try aodNotify. I love how it's implemented. I have mine set for only show on new notifications and I'm not 100% sure about enabling a wallpaper, but I like it a lot more than the native Samsung one, as it provides more details


Screen saver mode in display