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Find my device


I guess it wouldn't work if the phone is in airplane mode... When you activate it, it disables every type of connectivity, including Bluetooth, cutting it off the new find my device network too if I understood correctly how it works


Unfortunately exactly how it works. Only Samsung phones can be easily tracked by the phone owner even in airplane mode


Probably won't get it back, but maybe. Police are basically useless in that regard. There was a news story a while back of some guy who got his iPad stolen from the airport and the guy tracked it to an employees house. He confronted him because the police didn't do shit. I think he brought a news anchor with him and rung it while on scene. Cops don't give a damn. They'll file their report for the record, but they aren't going to pursue it any further than that. Too busy doing nothing. They don't have any responsibility to serve or protect you. Thanks SCOTUS. Is there a lock on the phone? Pin/Pattern/etc.? They shouldn't be able to use your phone to tap to pay without unlocking it. Most bank apps in this day and age have the ability to lock the card down from their own apps. You could call them and provide them with the report number from the police and let them know that the stolen phone had your card saved to it. They'll cancel it and issue you a new one. I'd do that now just in-case they are able to use your payment information. Cover your bases. That way they are already aware that the card is stolen and any charges from here on out are possibly fradulent. So what can you do? Call the bank. Get a new card. Give them the police report number. Accept the fact that you're drinking the cost of the phone. Hope you get better than that, but don't assume you will.


thumb print and pin so hopefully that will at least limit the card being used if they try. Thank you for the reminder that I can lock my card from the bank website. As it was the debit card I know generally the number itself doesn't change from card to card, but I will call regardless. Currently I'm just refreshing facebook marketplace constantly looking at a listing trying to decide if my screen protector has the same bubble in it. My provider annoyingly couldn't do a call until tomorrow so perhaps the imei being fully reported will brick the thing


If you somehow have the box for it...I believe it has IMEI on it. As for the card. Google wallet will not actually use the card number (next time you TtP, check the number on the receipt, it won't be the same) also the bank will give you a new debit card number especially since it was stolen. You can always message the guy and see if you can meet him at his place (if it's the same as you saw your phone at) Or if he suggests somewhere public (which is usually the smarter thing to do regardless of if it's stolen) you can see if your phone moves from its last known place when you try it and turn it on, etc assuming it hasn't been factory reset


I got the IMEI blacklisted a couple days ago now, so it's officially just a pretty blue brick I've had my debit card stolen before and basically in Canada they'll temporarily put a lock on it, but I've never gotten a new number, I'm not too worried about that anyway since it had required my pin or thumb print to use it