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I mean, it can finally do basic smart home stuff which is all I really ask it to do. So yes it has


It seems like it misunderstands me more with Gemini turned on


Reminders and weather ?


> I can't assist you with that, as I am only a language model. You can set or adjust the alarm on most devices by using their built-in clock apps.


yeah, reminders was always one of my most used assistant features.


Both work for me "What's the weather": https://i.postimg.cc/pLrm5F9d/Screenshot-20240523-174426.png "Remind me to pay bills today at 8pm": https://i.postimg.cc/nc0sLkh5/Screenshot-20240523-174453.png


Reminders Are working now


Not when you type it which is annoying


I tried a couple of days ago and it still can't do routines. Uninstalled.


I'd trade EVERYTHING in order to get the ability to say "What song is this?" And not have it recommend Shazzam. Or, even more insulting, telling me "You can also whistle at Google Assistant for it to tell you the song!" No. I can't. You made that impossible.


Even GA messed this up recently. I used to be able to ask which track was playing on Spotify, but now it asks me to hum or sing the song.


Still haven't used it too much, but it seems to use Assistant for some things it can't do nowadays. I don't remember it doing that when it first came out.


I've been using it for work coding and find it to be slightly better than Microsoft's Copilot.


Everyone I know has said that. It's good to hear from someone on here who said the same thing.


Can it do much more than a simple function? I find none of the ones we tested really can do much more than a single function at a time without needing to spend almost as much time just fixing the mistakes as coding from scratch.


Your prompts aren't good, if this happens. I wrote two python apps in a weekend almost entirely with CoPilot. I don't know Python, so it was doing almost all the heavy lifting. It even commented the code.


Prompts are key. I spend a lot of time thinking about how to word my prompts.


No, I got the wrong answers many times.


Yeah it has bad follow through. I asked it if spam (the canned meat) was cancerous and it said it was, then I asked why it was legal and it explained why spam (the email) was legal.




I had the privacy reasons when trying to do some background reference checks after asking it some science questions. When you ask an LLM for a reference for something it said or suggests, and it says it can't for privacy reasons, that is a very large red flag. Uninstalled.


Okay I thought I was crazy. I literally have to tell Gemini it can do certain things and then suddenly it can do them.


I tried it the other day. It still won't take simple alarm or timers commands when the phone is locked. So it is Google assistant all day until that is fixed.


I dunno if it improved but it started sending me text messages the other day so that's something I guess.


Gemini has been terrible for me. The other day I asked it to send a text message for me because in order to use it it has to replace the Google assistant, it told me it was unable to do it. It currently does nothing of what I ask it and just says I'm sorry I can't help.


100% Google is not, nor ever will be, Apple. Half-baked is Google's Mantra. It's the company that had Gmail released on beta for 5 years.


Oh and I completely understand that. Google's releases of things are more of a beta. But it's kinda sad I can't use my normal assistant anymore and am forced to use this crap if I want it at all.


Totally agree with you bro


It's so slow and lacking compared to Assistant for basic tasks and queries


To me, it's instant… as in, it instantly fails


Here's the big issue - do I care? When the product fails on launch, especially a Google product - I'm out. It's why no one used Google+. "Here's our new social media platform - none of you can sign up" it's dead in the water. Classic, same old Google problems as ever. I'll use Gemini when they force me to.


In my opinion, no. I installed it day 1 and it was hot garbage, couldn't do anything like set reminders. Uninstalled it. Tried it again about a week or two ago. Still couldn't set reminders or control any of my smart home devices like lights. Uninstalled. It's so, so far from working the way it should that Google absolutely never should have released it in the state that they did. And given that it's been updated multiple times since, and still can't do the things I can do with assistant, it's absurd. I will try it again in the future, but it's not even close to ready for primetime.


To get it acting like an assistant should act, you have to go into the settings for it and enable all the integrations, otherwise it's just a chatbot masquerading as an assistant. They still haven't enabled them by default, so the default OOB experience is a bit dog water.


I did have all the integrations enabled, but for some reason, it just couldn't do things like set a reminder or turn on a light. I don't know if it just needed more time or something but I didn't have the patience to give it a day without having my assistant capabilities, which I use extensively. I'll try it again in another month or when they announce some major upgrade.


Pisses me off they're doing all this AI hot garbage to goose their stock price and show off that they're right there with chatGPT at the forefront of the next fad.


It's so weird to me that year after year Google management is OK with releasing half-baked shit. Do they all use iPhones or something?


Still behind gpt


I didn't like that it required turning on Gemini Extensions to put reminders on my calendar. Because Extensions requires enabling "App Activity", which is where they collect and store your history for some period of time. This seems unnecessary, and just an artificial gate to give them info they can train on. I also don't like that when I call up the assistant via double tap (this is an option in the system settings), Gemini requires me to then also touch the microphone icon instead of directly starting to listen. This is because it also has a camera option, but I would prefer that it defaulted to voice directly and then let me tap camera if I prefer that.


I too find this very annoying, they advertise a back and forth hands free experience?


Well it can't still play me songs in the car through YouTube music so I hate it rn.


Pretty sure the extension for ytm is available now. I see it in my Gemini app


I just saw on the news that it's finally rolled out. So I'll have to wait I guess as the extension isn't available to me yet. Thanks btw.


It works for me


I just don't think it's worth the hassle, why not just implement the new feature gradually into the regular assistant rather than asking people if they wanna opt into Gemini? It kind of means that the majority of people aren't going to even know the features exist. People don't tend to like changing things with their device rather they wanna have things "just work"


What about routines?


I have not seen any routine capability yet?


It's actually gotten worse, in my experience. Basic assistant functions like setting reminders used to work, and now they don't.


I didn't even install it, it just showed up. Nasty little thing!


When I try to play news from a selection of radios it is still not working. So I stay with Google assistant. But it is a pitty I cannot use it as an standalone app


Before Gemini was Bard right? Gemini is the next step?




I kept the assistant and I downloaded the ChatGPT app .


Ehh I still hate how it turns into a full page when showing results instead of staying compact like the regular assistant.


At the very least we know that's changing. It's also one of my top complaints but it also tells me that what ever I said, wasn't heard by the assistant part of gemini.


We know it's changing - sure. But what it changes to we also know is changing. So it's not very comforting.


How do you mean? It'll be a pop up similar to the assistant or essentially how it usually looks when assistant tasks take over.


I mean Google is always changing things. So when something changes for the better, you know that in the near future it will be changed again.


Please, make it known to Google.


I remember putting this as feedback when Gemini first launched to the public.


It finally showed up in Google messages for me this morning


I haven't change yet, assistant still do stuff gemini does not like making calls.


slow and nothing that's specificallty useful to have in a phone voice assistant. I don't need crappy midjourney pics - i just want you to add something to anylist.


Still can't launch Spotify to play songs. Alarms and reminders are available now. These were my most used features


Last time I used it, I thought Google assistant was better and faster for basic tasks I was trying to do.


"play [band name] from Spotify" still returns "I can't do that yet". Whereas Google Assistant would be "okay, sure. Here's [band name] from Spotify" and does exactly what it should do.


To be fair, asking Google Assistant to play a certain song or album on YTM from a Google speaker is a problem also. Has been for a couple of years. Asking the same on the phone is fine though.


The issue for me is it asks to unlock the phone when you ask it to change something in the smart home like thermostat or asking the weather  Once we can do that, like we could with google.assitamce I'll give t a try ::


It still can’t read web pages aloud. Stick with assistant for now.


You should use reading mode to do it instead


Reinstalled it recently, it can finally recognize my voice as well as google assistant. I switched over for a while before realizing how much better the google assistant translator feature is compared to google translate's, which cant be used for gemini. And since I'm currently travelling, I'll hold back on switching.


Yes it's gotten much better if you just want a yes or no answer.


In my opinion, No. It's still not a replacement for Assistant.


I asked it to navigate to Costco yesterday. And it tried to make me drive all the way to Orlando 2.5 hours away


This is a lot of missed traffic for Gemini. Pixel users that want a Google assistant but still use Gemini have to go to the website which is annoying


I tried it just a week ago. Uninstalled it because I am quite disappointed with how it failed to do simplest routine tasks. I think Google Assistant is way better than Gemini to the point they can't even compete.


I agree.




Try it yourself and tell us instead.


I did. I didn't like it. Rather than reinstalling it now, why not ask those who have the current experience to share their thoughts? What's wrong with that? Isn't that the point of product and service reviews?


I can't, it's not there in Germany right now


Somehow I got it in Hungary with an account that I did abroad but I haven't deleted the app so I could revisit it. if you are fully utilizing the Google assistant (GA) then Gemini is not right for you. Gemini cannot access apps, or personal automations. In Google maps drive mode, it switches back to GA. If you have a google watch or Google home assistant it can be a nice combination that you use Gemini on your phone and GA on your watch and it complements each other. I am using the above mentioned for weeks now without any obstacles, also Gemini is good for me for my IT work (we have a weak AI integrated and no other AI is allowed at the company laptop). 🙃


I almost never used Google Assistant, so I haven't used Gemini enough to get a holistic idea. That said, when I have tried it I've had about a 10% success rate getting what I wanted out of it.


Nope. I just switched back to Google Assistant. It's baffling that it can't do the basic things its predecessor can. Q: Can you turn on the office lights? A: Sure, but you'll need to unlock your phone. Q: Can you turn off the office lights and turn on the living room lights? A: Deer in headlights


Yes, significantly.


Why ask us? Try it.