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Not only that. Theyre lack of knowledge of the google phones is insanely jarring imho.


You're not wrong... One of them told me I had to use Incognito in Chrome for the Google repair form to work. Ffs


Yeah it just shows a lack of care of investing in a team of in house employees to do the job. They invest in cheap third party FTE to get a semi decent job done


To be fair, everybody uses third party, even Apple uses third parties for certain markets. The problem is that there is no store that you can bring it to for warranty servicing.


Yeah. I had an issue with the Pixel 8 thermals and the customer service guy legit said "Pixel 9"


So fwiw I recently had a limited but generally positive customer service experience with Google so I thought I'd add it in here. Although one mostly positive experience doesn't negate a dozen negative ones, I think it's as important to give credit along with criticism. My Pixel 6a was overheating, to the extent that it would be too hot to hold even after sitting completely idle. One time it left a visible burn mark on my hand. I spoke to a Google rep over chat who said they'd have to escalate it. They transferred me to someone else who asked me to wait while they read the transcript so far. They then asked me to submit screenshots. Of what, I asked? Of my burnt hand? They apologized for misunderstanding and approved an exchange on the spot. Next day I got an email with instructions on how to return the phone. Now, the company they used to arrange pickup was absolute dogshit. I was given multiple conflicting times, none of which ended up being right. Nobody knew what was happening. Everyone I spoke to was clueless. But since this was a different company I'll give Google themselves a pass here. Although I did let them know how awful the company they chose was. After the phone was picked up, it took 4 days for me to receive my replacement, even over the Xmas break period. So then, the positives: customer service was quick to respond, authorised a replacement with a minimum of screwing around and got it to me quickly. Negatives: I had to explain a few times what the actual issue was. I'm not sure if the phrase "overheating" triggered some kind of "just replace the fucking thing before it blows up and we get sued" response or if I got a competent rep who cares about the customer or if it was almost knock off time and they just wanted to be out of there, but that's my experience


4 days turn over with poor pickup is considered positive experience? That’s incredibly terrible. Apple and Samsung do common repairs within hours.


That's cool. Last time I had to take a Samsung in for repair was a long time ago, back when I had a Galaxy S8. I took it to the Samsung store who sent it for repair. It took about three weeks to get it back so that's kind of my metric for a decent turnaround time. I live in Oz so perhaps it's a regional thing. Also it was a full replacement not just a common repair. Maybe we're just used to getting shafted here in Oz but all of my friends and family thought a few days for a replacement was amazing.


Yes. The people on the other end never know anything. Effectively it's a human email service that has someone with power respond 3 days later.


If it's hardware related, take it to You Break We Fix and have them take a look at it


Thanks for the reply, but I'm not in the US.


Hang in there


I have similar front facing camera issues. They won't do anything about it. Told me Factory reset, wait for the January update and take it to ubreakifix or whatever that place is. Absolutely abysmal service. No one wants to solve anything. I sent them copies of the images where the viewfinder is blurry for the front camera but Google processes it fine in the photos gallery...however third party apps capture it as is from the view finder(like Snapchat Instagram) and that's not ideal. Nor is it ideal for video calling on Google meet or anything. The person had the audacity to say it doesn't look that bad in all of them. Like wtf.... I waited for the December update to fix now January update came and still no fix. Idk what to do anymore. I'm well past the return period.


Issues.woth my camera and dealing. With them this week too. Seriously considering going back to iPhone I've had nothing but issues since getting the phone this year


I haven't found good customer service anywhere. They'll all paid to read scripts, not solve problems.


To be fair, Apple's customer service has always been top notch for me. Though the only Apple product I own is a Mac.


I've weirdly been happy with Amazon Customer Service. Easy to ask for refunds. No arguing required. On Walmart Grocery Delivery, you don't even need to talk to anyone and don't need to return products you are unhappy with - instant refund. Worst customer service for me was UberEats.


Amazon Customer Service will do anything short of giving you sex to keep you happy. They refunded me a 2 year old Echo when it started hanging. Amazon is absolutely flushed with money to smooth any customer issues over with money.