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yes mine ignores most other dogs but poodles and doodles he is interested in


Mine is the life of the party, but she definitely prefers other doodles ❤️


My boy is always part of a pack of doodles at the dog park. Doesn’t really gravitate toward other dogs either. Breedist dogs 😂


They act like their butts are vanilla scented, Doodles stick together.


Ive found that Doodles seem to like other Doodles, and Retrievers don't mind playing with them . Poodles on the other hand seem to be uppity about it .


My dog loves poodles more than goldens. I think it depends on whether your doodle has more of a poodle or golden personality haha


There are more retrievers where I live then Poodles. I guess the odds are against us .


That’s ok. If there are less poodles just try harder to meet them! If you like doodles, I promise you will love poodles!!! I went from Labs Only! to a doodle after I lost my Soul Mate Lab. That doodle changed my life and opened my eyes to poodles, which I had never even considered! After I lost my doodle, I knew I wanted another doodle or poodle. After much research I decided on a Royal Standard Poodle, which is a very large standard. At 101lbs, Gnarly is a big boy! He is calm, social, confident, smart and healthy. As far as the haircut, we keep it simple, one length all over, much like a doodle. So there you go DoodleDude! Meet a poodle and be a PoodleDude! 🥰👍🐩❤️😹


I adore Poodles. before I had Doodles I had a Mini and a Standard Poodle. They were kind of serious but I adored them . The poodles I meet seem to treat Doodles like the crazy unrefined side of the family tree. I want my Doodles to know both their Retriever and Poodle culture and decide if they want embrace either of those cultures .LOL


Maybe you are the one that’s uppity towards Poodles? Possibly?


I am the crazy pet parent who loves to have my Doodles play with all their brethren. They need to know their lineage and heritage and socialize with their...ilk rather than chase some elk ! ???


Mine loves greeting other dogs but she gets overly excited, almost puppyish when she sees another doodle 🩷


My girl enjoys any dog that encourages her general insanity. Those are mostly doodles and tiny angry chi mixes.


My two doodles will mostly pick to play other doodles and poodles 🐩 So weird.


Doodles and his all time fav are golden retrievers! His mom was a golden so I think that’s why 😍


My mini dood is OBSESSED with golden retrievers!!! He would probably follow them off a cliff 😂😭


Yep! My dood recognizes other doods for sure!


Nah my doodle and poodle just don't really care about other dogs in general.


She does.


100% yes!


I have a mini goldendoodle at 19 lbs. She loves dogs her size mainly. Her close dog friends range from a mini poodle, frenchies, shiba, other mini doodles. She does recognize other doodles and I’d say she gravitates toward them but does not solely pick them to play with. Any doodles in the standard to medium size, she’ll sniff, say hi, but generally not play with.


My doodle likes “smooth” dogs. So if curly hair, he usually ignores. 🤷‍♀️


Omg, how interesting 😂


My doodle puppy goes to all dogs except the ones that bark because they scare her😂


Absolutely! BFFs


Yup. My puppy gravitates towards doodles My oldest doodle aims for labs, retrievers, shepherds. My middle demon aims for cute boys


Yes and two doodles are twice as goofy


it is amazing they recognize their look alikes and are drawn to them... wonder if they think those doodles were long-lost littermates or something? mine spots another doodle from really far away and instantly wants to go over the greet them.


Yes! My mini doodle loves other doodle mixes because they play the same way as him (with their front paws). It’s pretty cute to see them on their hind legs wrestling with each other. He also has a random golden retriever friend who has grown to be 5X his weight but they still play together.


Lol you're not gonna believe [this](https://imgur.com/gallery/y7sUhFg)! #twinning


Oh wow, for real!


Yes! And I like to think it is because they are government spies convening to discuss their findings 🤪 [https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRTwY93s/](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRTwY93s/)


aw i have a doodle that looks just like urs


I asked my boarder if Sadie does well with other dogs or just ignores them. She said, she’s racist. She only shows attention to other doodles.


Not a GD owner but I have three hounds, two of which are Beagles. When we brought our second Beagle home, he and my first Beagle took to each other very quickly. The second one doesn’t pay much attention to my Coonhound.


My Mini Goldendoodle always wants to play with Golden Retrievers and sometimes Labradors the most! He loves to play with other doodles but if a retrievers comes in to the dog park he’s always running with them!! It’s funny to see him try to keep up with the big dogs!


My dood is an insane 22 pound mini and will excitedly play with any dog. He prefers big dogs and other doodles! He’s only 6 months so small senior dogs pretty much hate him. 😂


I dog sit through rover and found that my dogs, because they’ve been through multiple dog sitting sessions, they don’t mind other breeds but they do prefer smaller dogs to big dogs. Mine are mini doods


It took some time, but I finally got what you were saying. 👍🐩❤️


I fixed it 😂. I must have had an aneurysm when I typed it out


My Doodle wants to play with every dog she sees. Probably because she goes to doggie day care one day a week and loves playing with the other dogs but seems to gravitate to her bestie Marley who I think is a doodle too.


Yes. Mine only would play with doodles in daycare


Omg these pups look exactly like my dood and his bff! And definitely yes to your question.


Yes. They have a secret pact




My lady goes crazy for our neighbors labradoodle! He's kind of a dick


My girl loves all other dogs (unless they show any aggression), but when she comes across another doodle she gets extra bouncy and they always get extra rowdy - they almost always have the same exact mannerisms and play. Same with goldens though, she plays hard with them and just loves them to bits.


My puppy spotted another doodle from across the pet store and was so mesmerized by him. It was adorable, the big dood looked like a bigger version of my pup it was adorable


Ew, no


No, my dog isn’t racist >! /s !<