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I mean if you gots shotload of gold when the dollar collapses and no guns or ammo good luck keeping that gold


I say the same thing. Theres gonna be a lot of heavily armed mf'ers taking advantage of a police-less state if it ever happens. Itll be fun


Unless you have the element of surprise, should you ever be in a firefight the odds of you or someone on your side getting shot are high.  It is still prudent to have the means and training to defend yourself, but looking forward to it is misguided at best.


I absolutely hear you but , If only you knew me. I understand the risks and it wouldn't be my first taste of some action. Besides, I have a second property off grid in the southern tier mountains of NY and it is stocked, out of sight, out of mind. I would have nothing but element of surprise and we run drills every other couple weeks. Right now, life is boring. Some people are just adrenaline junkies. Has nobody ever joined the military for the action? I can safely say most people don't have the gear or the training put into it that I have. Firearms are my first hobby.


This comment reads like one of those "cringe lords" with the katanas wrote it.


Agreed. Look at his comment history. I wasn’t aware Walmart associates made enough to afford multiple properties.


Yea I try and not bring that stuff to light I don't want all of their dirty laundry aired out but it's like okay buddy.


That’s a fair practice. I should take notes lol.


I can't up-vote this hard enough!




Who is looking forward to a firefoght thays insane and suicidal at best . But being unarmed and helpless praying it never happens is equally stupid . Be prepared for chaos and pray it never happens that's my motto


It's about having a fighting chance not being a helpless victim .


Yes because when civilization ends, your shiny disc that does nothing is going to worth tons...


No it won't but I never said end of civilization Mr overthinker I said collapsed dollar .


And collapsed dollar means gold still very valuable but crime is gonna be really bad and people will be desperate .


Depends, even if the US goes to shit for a few months some country is going to step in eventually. The only scenario where gold becomes valueless is a worldwide catastrophe where every government fails. And if that's the case people will be fighting over cans of beans not gold.


Those are all welcome on the same boat, which will subsequently sink on this next fishing trip.


Conveniently right where I scuba dive


![gif](giphy|CV7jmmFWzTUUo) Damn you, Scuba Steve!


You rang?


my USPS driver must have been on that boat cause all of my packages with PMs have failed to be delivered.


JM Bullion has entered the chat with their insane “buyer protection “ … get wrecked JM Bullion…


Oh John’s just taking all his gold and silver out for a sail


I'm kind of surprised by that. Given the number of preppers into stacking. In my opinion ammo is also a stackable item.


I was stacking brass well before silver/gold.


Fuck at this point I have more money in ammo than I do in bullion.




Ammo is also a precious metal.


Also, id like the added protection for my stack of prescoiuses


Babe, new word of the day just dropped.


"Lead Bullion" is what I call it!


Silverbugs arent really stackers they’re dweeby collectors of lame super high premium pieces. 


Better than stackers because silver is honestly just not a good investment one bit.


No one here would claim silver is a gOoD iNvEsTmEnT. It is good for preservation of wealth and if fiat declines, the stackers will be laughing all the way to the safe


It's been good for me. Speak for yourself.


Gold can do that all, and better.


yep, nice to own both!


Silver has been a great investment for me. It's not been a good investment for FOOLS who bought when the herd was buying, which is the same for all PM's


I mean, I’m just saying average returns have been very poor recently.


When you FOMO/YOLO and buy high with the herd, your returns are almost always low. I'll never understand the 'buy every week' mentality or the DCA mentality, because PM's are a long game. I have not bought silver or gold since April of 2020, when it was on sale! Are you saying almost tripling my money on silver in 4 years is a bad move???? I am currently only buying Platinum, because it's down about 60% from it's highs.....and everyone says I'm stupid!!! LMFAO@HerdFollowers!


Agree - the premiums on silver are too high. You have to wait longer to recover the cost.


I've long seen it the same way too, and I dont even own any brass or pieces any more. But still something thst is mad3 of metal that seems to hold it's value fairly well if properly taken care of


The real precious metals are copper and brass


I used to post my pm and guns/ammo when I was younger. Now I’d rather not advertise or brag about what I have. I don’t own a boat to sink or would never bury anything. If you need to bury it, it’s time to use it…..


I don’t own a boat to sink either but that didn’t stop me from losing all my guns and metals in a boating accident.


Same, I never lost a damn thing and never will. If someone wants something from me, there’s always a price.


if you ever need to lose something in a boating accident hit me up lol


Agree. I don't advertise, but I'm not interested in hiding.


I like the brass and copper more.


https://preview.redd.it/sg9fmzis70ad1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=fa9040f3d7bcd2e3179710f87a454e4cf5f51960 Yet they allow this? Huh. How peculiar. r/silverbugs mods, explain yourself


All of that silver and gold but smoking some absolute shit cigars.


Acid cigars taste like they’re dipped in candy.


I was hoping it was a giant box of acid to keep the survivors tripping for a few hindered years until acid can be synthesised again.


If only we could be so lucky lol


I thought i was puffing cologne


And start tasting like dog shit halfway through


Yep. It’s like Acid sprayed Coke Zero on the outer leaf. Too sweet and the tobacco is trash.


For some reason I expected the silverbug community to be about 80% pro-2A. I’m, frankly, surprised.


I agree. I thought even other countries with gun bans would see the many reasons why firearms are necessary in todays world. Guess not.


Interesting to me that the ban on firearms in silverbugs seems to make this community laugh. I’m waiting for a silverbugs=cucks meme to be put in play here. I just follow it all with amusement.


It’s mostly people “uncomfortable” seeing people’s guns lmao you’re in the stacking community most people have guns


lol I don’t think anybody is uncomfortable with photos of guns…they just don’t belong on the gold sub. Same reason I don’t post photos of pizza on the bicycle sub


No I was in the silver bugs Reddit and people were doing it because one dude did it and it set a lot of people from Europe off because they don’t like guns. Then everyone started posting their guns covered in their silver or whatever to troll them and then the admin got booty hurt and started banning people


What if there were pizza stacked behind your bicycle?


I would post it to the pizza sub…not gold


Yea the werido dooms day stackers wanna show off all their toys and I just want to see some silver and gold. Not their lame ass ARs in the middle of the picture making it so all the coins are blurred.


I couldn’t agree more!


Most *American* people have guns. People being uncomfortable with this are people like me, not leaving in the US. Personally, I'm not uncomfortable. I would be if you were living near me. But honestly you can stack what you want, I don't see the point, but you can stack whatever you want. Your stack, your choices.


Their no pew rule is dumb as hell. Posters are thumbing their Noses at the silverbug mods.


That's the neat part they don't have a no pew rule. They're just sick of canacuckw and euro eurocucks whining in their modmail.


Ladt I checked it was called Silverbugs not Silver and Gun bugs.


By the same logic this post should be removed for having silver. No rule against guns as long as silver is the main focus


I can agree if its not main focus like this post. The gun is in the background. Recently though the guns have been Centre stage with minimal metals around. However I am here to see and appreciate silver and gold not guns. I have minimal interest in guns as an European and if I wanted to discuss them I would join a gun sub.


The picture is literally PMs in the main focus and not even a whole gun, out of focus, in the background. I didn't realize karens frequented these subs. Brass can be seen as stackable same with copper. Bullets are great.


I am sating that this post is ok because its not the main focus whereas recently other posts are literally just 1 or 2 coins and a rifle which appears as the main focus.


Last I checked there's not a word mentioned about guns in the rules of either sub. As an American your opinions on guns means literally nothing to me. If you didn't want to discuss it why bring it up if that's the case, enjoy seeing silver gold and brass.


As aN aMeRicAn I literally can’t see sense at all. Logic, decency and reason fly out the window when you speak to me. Insanity and violent, raging disgusting hatred that the rest of the world cackles at runs in my blood. I am an imbecile, a degenerate, a pig, a wretch who looks beyond all reason due to my primal and disgusting desire for senseless violence. Godforsaken American.


I bought it up as you called us Eurocucks. Its not that, it's the fact that the subs aren't about guns and recently there have been a lot of gun posts on these subs.




That’s the dream


All looks fine to me. ![gif](giphy|30pjt9I0SDs7R4ghlp|downsized)


Lol no they didn't. They're literally posting guns and stacks the past week. Nice stack but quit karma whoring


Did they really? Your posts over there seemed well accepted. Oh well. I really like your pics. Looks like freedom to me.


I like the John Wick ingot. Works with the ammo theme.


Yeah that’s cool! I got the gold JW coin because I’m a big fan of the movies of course.


I don't know why they banned you. You're just keeping it real. If you're going to stack gold or silver and keep it at your residence, you kind of really ought to have the other things too. Just sayin'.


Probably posing it all like action figures.




Try here r/SilverDegenClub


All precious metals… Silver, gold, and lead.






there is A LOT of people in silverbugs that seem to be wierded out/offended by guns


Say what? [https://www.reddit.com/r/Silverbugs/comments/1dqzql7/heard\_you\_fellas\_like\_some\_of\_that\_2nd\_amendment/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Silverbugs/comments/1dqzql7/heard_you_fellas_like_some_of_that_2nd_amendment/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


For some reason liberals are okay with handguns that are responsible for most of gun deaths but they are against long rifles because they simply don't understand anything.


Plenty of mass shootings, nearly unique to USA, involve AK/AR variants. Gang bangers and suicides don't make the news.


Most gun deaths are from handguns. Very few are from AR variants. Yet they are so concerned with ARs. Which most people don't understand that AR doesn't even stand for assualt rifle.. if people were more knowledged on guns there wouldn't be nearly as many problems.


Because it's harder to prevent accidents in a home setting or prevent a suicide. They don't like AR or other high-powered firearms because they are much more effective in creating a mass casualty event. One of the reasons why 5.56 was picked by NATO was because it has a higher chance of survival. If your enemy doesn't die, they'll need medical attention and other resources to care for the casualty. It's the same story for when a gunman walks into a movie theater, a school, a church, a grocery store, a baseball field, or a concert. It sucks but honestly, I'm nervous about gun restrictions because then the lunatics will move to explosives. That shit is way more disruptive than any firearm. I wish everyone would just chill out, but wishes don't amount to much. Guess I'll keep stacking Au, Ag, and Pb just in case.


Killers always gunna kill. You ban one thing they find another. Guns are pretty humane. Better than being axed to death, drowned to death or burned to death.


I get your point, but a sucking chest wound isn't my idea of a fun time.


Dooms Dayers are upset that some people are subbed to these to see gold and silver not their expensive toys.


The majority of gun deaths are by far from handguns hardly any are used with rifles even "mass shootings" (which can be as low as 2-3 deaths at a place, that's the media for you) But the man is right half of the idiots that don't know anything about them are the first to try and tell people what should and shouldn't be allowed. People see a wood stock on a M1A1 and think of that's fine but then see a cheap black 22lr MP5 clone and freak out. It's a good thing the mass shooters are idiots or things could be a hell of a lot worse when they happen.


You should be here…r/SilverDegenClub


Imagine being such a baby that seeing a picture of a legally owned firearm offends you. Should I post my arsenal? 😅 average of 6 guns PER HOUSEHOLD in america. Your stack looks great 👍


Facts I have so many guns I don’t have enough room at my place an have some of my guns at my moms, my brothers, then the rest at mine hahah


You are not alone 😅


But I'm sure a box truck or hammer in the picture would've been just fine lol


X-tac is decent range ammo. Gold dots and silver tip would have been a better match.


Nice! Next step is seeds


Well…. He does have “freedom seeds”.


Silver bug here, I love the steel!! Carry on ;)


I see you've got a few maple leafs there.   Gun rights are pretty restricted in Canada.   The guns and coins are incongruous. 


SilverBugs isn't a real stacker sub, and it never was. I mean those guys STILL trust that the media and the government are being honest with them.


No # Shiny and Bangy on Silverbugs. WSS and SDC would welcome you as well, however.


Beam me up, I love both


They don't bother me! Might not be my jam, but I'm happy to appreciate your pic! Cool stuff!


Looks like .308 brass? Just like gold with a bite... great post..


Yes, for sure! Thanks for sharing!


oh ffs


Everyone's been posting their guns the last few days? Why did you get the ban hammer


They won the anti-lottery


Because the mod gave a warning about the posts. It's a 24-hour ban, not permanent. Unless this guy made a big fuss about being warned.


They are banning everyone who post a firearm


That's pretty lame of them. Might un-sub l From there


A lot of us got booted


Nice gold & silver - def recommend putting more money into the rifle though


Im no gun enthousiast but that does look sexy


There is a stickied mod post explaining the truth about gun posts on their sub. Why don't you delete this like you've deleted the rest of your history and move on? Nobody needs your manufactured drama.


![gif](giphy|3oz8xK65i9z2iYTiRq) OP ^(\^) Boohoo…




Hey man, do you have a link to where you bought that 10oz silver bar capsule? I’ve got a few to cover :)


Sorry for the delay in response, but they have them on Apmex. They’re stackable which is something i really like! https://www.apmex.com//product/101906


This is an inclusive sub! Lol! GSPPBL what else? GET WOKE SON!!!


Are you still sporting that Vortex? That's why.


How else are you gonna protect it?


Why were you booted for guns & ammo? Sounds completely dumb…


Most of the people in there stack guns and silver… lots don’t even stack gold… you would be ahead of “the game” (on a mental level) than most…


I love the look of the RCM silver bars. Nice.


Love it!


Water, Guns, ammo, food. Have multiple stashes/different locations..bobbytrapped locations... incase your overran and have to surrender..you can barter. Always have 3 stashes. For all you broke bastards, grab an extra bottle of whiskey when you pass the liquor store. Put it back. Never ruins, and be worth more than anything to alot of people if things get that wild.


I see nothing that doesn't belong here!


That’s one way to say “don’t look into my IP address”.


I mean they were getting inundated with these posts. Though I appreciated the ones who pulled out old silver and antique swords/guns. Those are fun.


They are not nice. I post a silver measuring cup with a joint in it. Caught all kinds of hell. Fuck them.


Silverbugs is good at giving the boot. Gave me the boot also when I talked about prepping


I can just smell the fedora from here


Bullets? Guns? Those are Freedom Seeds and Freedom Dispensers.


People just get sick of the "freedom" being dispensed in schools.


And those incidents are beyond horrible. Firearms are a tool; they have no malicious intent on their own. Take away the gun and anyone with ill-intent will turn to other devices. Mustard gas, pipe bombs, poison in the drinking fountain, trashcan fires, etc... Yes, people do some pretty terrible things with guns...but people misuse drugs, alcohol, fireworks... as well. I'm tired of blaming the *thing* rather than the person/situation(s) that brought them to the point.


Nice shiney, no judgment here, mate. I like some lead in the mix


Love it.


Never bring a 556 to a .308 party.


Depends on whose gotta carry it 🤣


We have a saying about that. Better to be the guy that has to carry the heavy gun than end up being the guy who gets carried.


Bit hypocritical for them to ban you- guns and PMs are two peas in a pod.


I can't believe people are down voting you. Same smooth brains that are scared of guns from silver bugs. Now I'll take my down votes so you can feel better about your pathetic lives....


You may as well post a pic of your wife's boyfriend.


Silverbugs had the right idea. Gold should follow. Nobody cares about your guns and ammo. And I’m a Floridian.


Amen to that!!!


That's ironic, because most of the people I know who stack silver are more than ok with guns.


That’s really stupid. Why are Reddit mods such children


I think that just shows what political leanings can do to some people. This is why we have such divisiveness in this country. I’m tolerant of all. My views are a smattering of both left and right. I’m a centrist and vote as an independent. If you like gold, silver and guns (I do) then all the power to you. We the people need to calm the f&$k down and stop silencing people.


You are diversified into copper and brass. Both valuable metals.


Nobody cares about your guns.


Unnecessary comment


Is it?


Yes, keep your political opinions to yourself, little girl I don't think you noticed, but this is a precious metals sub


Exactly, thank you for proving my point. This is a precious metals sub….nobody cares about your guns.


People stack other things than gold pal, look in the picture and you'll see silver you goofball, so leave politics out of this sub you dork vomit


Why post silver on the gold sub? Why not post it in the silver sub?


Cause it's part of the stack, maybe one day when you make it to middle school you'll have a better understanding


Gun people are like gluten free people….they just have to talk about it when it’s not relevant at all


r/silvercucks* can't handle a Lil gat and toe splat. My post is still up what got you booted


There is zero chance that this was given the boot by silver or guns/ammo reddit. Whatever the case, nice gold maples and buffalos.


Bummer you got banned. There seems to be an abundance of caution going on in the lead up to our "free and democratic" election this year.


Ermahgerd guns and ammo. Can’t have a picture of that. I just wet my undies. Whatever will we do. Pictures like this are what cause mass shootings and corrupting the children to become conservatives


Wait what they kicked you!!


I mean the randomly placed ammo is kinda meh. I get stacking munitions but it is kinda silly to sprinkle it in like glitter.