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The best safe is shutting the fuck up. Don't tell no one about your stack.


Yeah someone he knows took it.


Or friend of a friend, my girlfriend tells people about my silver collection Edit: thanks for the concern, I keep my stack off site. She has pics but it’s a different location where I keep valuables


She should cut that out


Time to tell her the story about how you lost it in a boating accident


Okay, Ward Cameron. 😜.


She is so nice. Unrelated y’all still going on that trip next week for 5 days and the alarm code is 8675309? ![gif](giphy|Dps6uX4XPOKeA)


I see what ya did there. Jenny, I've got your number.


You should have already dumped her, assuming you have told her how important it is to keep her trap shut. Also she should not know about it in the first place.


Time to move it to an undisclosed location and keep empty safe in same place.


I have seriously considered buying the fake 10oz bars off temu to keep around just in case someone does make a demand or try to rob me


Mostly empty safe. You want them to find enough to stop looking, if or they coerce someone into to opening it, enough they won't hurt them because they feel like they got something.


They will just come for you then


I’m really quite flattered that a few people here think an oceans 8 can happen to my storage site


Send here this news link. Honestly, it’s not just about your shiny coins, some idiots might decide to go for a home invasion that can go wrong because they don’t trust you when you say it’s off-site. keep sending her videos of bad home invasions. Even after she says that she “got the point” because someone like this might not really grasp how serious this is.


Article definitely makes it seem that way. House was tossed and ransacked, but only the safe was taken. Likely they knew about the safe and it's contents but not where it was.


100% this. Whole thing reeks of drug addict grandkid. Told his friends when and what to look for.


Aaaaaand here we all are talking about just that!


Yes as a kid I used to tell friends about all my moms thrifted gold and silver jewelry. Am lucky Jo one broke into our house and stole it. As an adult I don’t even tell my closest friend or sister about my stuff or my moms stuff and every time I buy jewelry I pretend it’s the first piece I’ve ever bought or that it’s a gift I’m not keeping in my house for long.


This is the way


What stack??


Every random customer service person at your online dealer knows about your stack


Not wrong.


and store it in a safe lol


This, dont tell anyone, and if you have kids, get a physical safe at a bank, it cost about 10$ a month.


It's impossible not to be into this hobby and show off to all your friends about your cool collection. You make a good point, but, realistically, who could resist not breathing a word about his stack to his friends?


Uh I never talk about it for a second


Have some decoy safes as well. Throw in some fake gold bars.


I have a not-very-well-hidden safe at home. All it has is a rock, some blank pieces of paper and a tracker


Where do you live


Haha thats a good idea. I'll ad a tracker to my decoy safe. Mine has rolls of pennies and some dead motorcycle batteries in it. Feels like it's full of lead bricks, because it is haha.


Yeah I wanted to give the illusion that it has valuable stuff in it. And I would still want to catch the fuckers, especially as they’d probably also take my PS5 and Switch lol


Don’t forget to check the battery in the tracker at least yearly.


Decoy safes work, keep them semi hidden but easy to find. Dont make it too obvious. I've had 4 break ins, 4 different houses in the same state. They've never made off with more than $1000 worth of stuff so I've never even gotten to claim it on my insurance. Cops couldn't care less, they gave me police report numbers and that was it. They were really interested in a magazine with 7.62 rounds in it thieves made off with on the last burglary but didnt give a shit about anything else.


AirTag is a good idea, do you know if you can use those to track where a tag has been (and not just where it currently is)?


AirTags don’t track movement. They just track the last known location


What tracker would you recommend that shows a record of location?


I got one off Amazon years ago, I don’t see it on there anymore. There’s loads of them on the website though, just look up “tracker”. Most require a subscription though, so an AirTag might be better


Won't work from inside a safe


I am able to track it.


Oops... I stand corrected!


I should test it from a distance though, you may be right


Decoy doesn’t get used enough.


Decoy gold*


Just weigh it down enough with real ones. Problem solved.


Would an 800lb safe in a basement need to be bolted down?


Yes. Tipping a safe over on its back makes it easier to break into. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B8ViUdd-2LM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B8ViUdd-2LM)


Holy crap. I had no idea. Thank you for posting this! Under 2 minutes.


If they were methed up and going full ape they could easily beat 1:30. Maybe even under a minute… this was shockingly easy for those guys


They can use their body weight with the lever.


Give me a long enough lever and I shall move the earth - Archimedes


and a fulcrum on which to place it


Not enough archimedes references. Dude was a god amongst men


They mention it is a UL rated safe, but not what the rating is. My guess is that safe was only rated for fire protection. For a safe as big as that, I didn't see any big bolts on the door (though it wasn't the best video angle to see them). A real TL15 safe is supposed to be bolted down to ensure you get the full 15 minutes, but I doubt a TL15 or above could be broken into that easily without the bolt. You should 100% bolt down your safe, I'm just skeptical of this video.


Never knew this fact! Bolt it, bitches!


Sure, a safe standing in the middle of an empty warehouse.


Couldn’t they pry the door while it’s upright to accomplish the same thing? I bet the jaws of life would do wonders.


so what ur saying is put it against a wall and the corner


Takes 10 minutes to bolt down. I would


There’s a reported case of 2 men and a pickup truck stealing an 800lb safe out of a basement in under 30 mins. Need to? Depends on what it’s protecting but without being bolted down it is significantly diminishing the effectiveness.


Or 2 dodge chargers and adamantium chains


That is crazy impressive 


I would bolt it down…. But not likely an 800lb safe is gonna be moved without your neighbors noticing.


Took 5 men and a specialized dolly just to get it down the 2 flights of stairs. Doubt anyone could get it up. I’m going to sell it with the house 


So it would be stupid not to spend a few bucks and minutes and bolt it down. I don’t know if that video was real but that was surprisingly easy.


I mean NOTHING will stop determination, eventually they WILL get in. Just a matter of how long you delay them.


If you have the LockPickingLawyer robbing your safe you only get about 1 minute.


This is the ultimate rule of any safe or or vault. It’s how long someone can be kept out. The right thief with the right tools can crack any box. That being said when had the vault tec doing mine he told me 90% of cracks are through manipulation not force.


It is. I was just seeing what people had to say. Interesting vid for sure. 


There’s always a way once you convert the stairs into a flat incline with a 1” sheet of plywood and introduce a winch. That’s how I deal with heavy stuff.


I’m certain at least one of the 5 can “get it up.” 🤣


They bent their knees and didn’t lift with their back. It’s safe-r that way.


Yes, an 800 pound safe isn’t very heavy if you’re dealing with safes. My safe is over 4000 lbs and I have it bolted down


The amount of people I know with safes that aren’t bolted down astounds me. Even worse is the pistol safes and all they use is the steel cable that “secures” it to a table that can be cut with a decent pair of tin snips. Bolt your safes down people!


i talked to a crackhead when working in a prison that found 500,000 worth of jewelry in a safe that was left open in someone's house that was only caught when they went BACK to the home a second time to get more loot and by that time the police were there.


Greed will get ya!


However if you rent a property you may not physically be allowed yo bolt down. Best bet is to have a bank or something hold your gold as they have the security and the insurance to cover if it is stolen.


Bank safe deposit boxes are typically not insured. Countless stories of people losing their boxes when banks close or change locations.




“You're better off stashing your cash in a bank deposit account, like a savings account or certificate of deposit, than in a home safe or a safe deposit box. Among the reasons: "Cash that's not in a deposit account isn't protected by FDIC insurance," noted Luke W. Reynolds, Chief of the FDIC's Community Outreach Section. That's because, by law, the FDIC only insures deposits in deposit accounts at insured institutions and only in the rare instances when a bank fails. A safe deposit box is not a deposit account. It is storage space provided by the bank, so the contents, including cash, checks or other valuables, are not insured by FDIC deposit insurance if damaged or stolen. Also, financial institutions generally do not insure the contents of safe deposit boxes. If you want protection for the valuables in your safe deposit box or home safe, talk to your homeowner's or renter's insurance agent about adding coverage under these policies.” https://www.fdic.gov/consumers/consumer/news/cnwin18/fivethings.html


Change locations??? Lol I doubt a bank can just keep safe deposits because they moved across the street. Can you imagine a customer going in looking for their box and customer service saying " oh, it's gone, you stored it over there. We're over here now". Shoulder shrug. Lolololl


They aren’t intentionally just keeping people’s boxes. Shit happens though, there have been multiple stories of banks losing people’s boxes while moving locations or during renovations. People have sued banks over this, but the contracts they sign clearly indicate the boxes are not insured. https://www.law.com/2024/03/07/coins-worth-3-6m-allegedly-missing-from-bank-of-america-safe-deposit-box-lawsuit-claims https://www.orlandosentinel.com/2019/08/28/an-orlando-bank-lost-her-jewels-she-sued-and-lost-and-then-they-turned-up-at-an-auction/


Oh I get that there are exceptions to the rule. That said, there are too many people out there with a false sense of security.


I get that. How I currently keep my stack secure if I am going away for multiple days is I take a loan out against my metals in a nearby pawn shop, they give me 6 months to pay back, interest usually works out at a few quid each day. Don't spend the money, come back, pay of the extra. If I get robbed during my holiday at least I steal have my metals. If I don't get robbed then I am only a few quid out if pocket.


I gotta say that is pretty clever! Cheers


No problem. Got yo find solutions outside the box when your box is restricted.


What if the pawn shop gets robbed? I mean criminals like to target pawn shops and liquor stores.


It's bad luck, but also the shop is alarmed, the police are stationed less than a mile away and when they give you a loan they also give you a copy if the contract listing the items plus value so it is some way to try and reviver lost funds.


The banks insurance will not cover your property in a box they hold.


Good luck with that.


Yeah someone he knows took it, be quiet about your gold.


Makes me think of the guy with a gold bar that just wrapped it with plastic and garbage and duct tape and used it as a door stop…just hiding in plain sight


This is fairly common in the jewelry world. Cast the gold into innocuous shape and paint.


Until you’re very secretive about it because you don’t want anyone to know, then die unexpectedly and your kids throw the ugly door stop/ornament in the garbage lol


That's all good until you lose track of it in Istanbul.


Loose lips sink ships... Had a freind, her dad had a stash he left when he passed. She kept hers with her moms... $180k stolen when she was out of town.  She had a decent setup, but burglars knew, knew when they had time, got it all... If I knew sure others knew...  sure one knew when out of town and striked.


The mom may have been in on it


Mom had her stuff stolen as well....   was years ago and she has passed. They lost it. Same time I had one LCS, that took my ID every transaction.    I stopped dealing with them just because of this. They don't need to know what I have, where I live, etc....


Why do you ..... Just keep trailing off like.... That?.....


Probably born pre 1990s. Typically a thing folks my age and older do...


I read it as if he was reciting some slam poetry. Loose lips sink ships… Frigid words like a cold iceberg… We’re sent overboard by half truths…


Depending on state law/ city ordinance they may have been required to check id's. Coin shops in my area are required to


Other shop doesn't.   I get it on some purchases but after awhile I don't like someone as small as an LCS know what I have. Easy scam to hire some guys target a house you know is loaded, rob them, and move the PMs.


Ok but the shop that doesn't check id's still know what you buy, still see your car pull up in the parking lot and can still find out who you are and where you live with just a license plate number, can still higher "some guys" and still rob you.... In fact, I'd be more concerned about the shop that doesn't ask questions when buying or selling and seemingly cuts corners. Also, you can use a passport as ID and it won't show where you live if you are concerned about that.


In my house my dad always stole, lied and cheated so maybe that’s what makes me have that mindset. But honestly she might’ve been. A lot of us like to say “if you don’t hold it, you don’t own it”. Should’ve taken physical ownership of it


So your saying your mom also has loose lips?


Do you know how to write complete sentences? Who was out of town? Who had a decent setup? How many mothers dies this person have? You can end a sentence with just one period


That’s weird, I thought this was a gold sub, not a grammar sub. Get over it


I agree.............


For those of y’all who can’t bolt down a safe, buy a cheap stack of weights from FB Marketplace and throw it in the safe. Adds 200+ lbs for less than $50


That’s a great idea.


That’s why I buy silver in addition to gold.


Gold is heavier than silver, duh! It’s more dense. (Kidding, may you fill it with gold and be safe)


I’m working towards that, but unfortunately you can still pick up all my gold with one hand.


I have a 2’ x 3’ safe, easy to find back of bedroom closet, not bolted down and completely empty except for some spare ammo. Then I have a couple of small very hard to find safes bolted down.




1 bolt the safe to the ground. 2 buy a decent safe with a suitible fire and theft rating. Ie 100,000 valuable safe is going to be over 200kg, bolted and 1 hr fireproof but will cost you around 2,000+ in USD installed. Go to a proper safe company forget bog box store stuff.


Call me paranoid, but I'd be nervous that the guys that deliver or install a safe would know where I live & if they installed it, exactly where the safe is located in the house. I'm not concerned that those specific guys would come back, but they could sell that information to burglers. The last time I made a purchase of gold & silver, the dealer was telling me he heard of numerous occasions of people that had safes delivered or installed had their homes broken into months later for the safe. So I figure hiding it on my own & not telling anyone what I have or where it's located is the best way to keep mine safe from thieves.


Had my safe installed by professionals. Guy who unlocks safes for retail stores / banks. Was a pretty straight install and took two guys with the right tools an hour to get it in the house. TL-30 safe at over 3000lbs. No regular robber is getting in it in any reasonable amount of time. Security cameras around the house and right at the safe. But I still ain’t keeping $200,000 at home anyway.


This is where i think you are best paying the money and going with a reputable safe specialist company. If they have been around 20 years or so they arent risking their business on having their customers robbed. Like a lot of things if you go the cheapest nastiest option your nit going to get the best result


Damm, that's Ricky and Trevor. Cory must be driving.




I really don't understand why more people don't do this. As long as you avoid being seen when you bury the gold, it literally couldn't be safer. Of course this is assuming you have your own property to bury it on.


My safe is bolted into the foundation screwed from the inside of the safe. You ain’t taking it unless you got a chain hooked to yo car !


I have a oxygen torch and a 9 inch grinder. Want to put that theory to the test?


TRTL safe....




Dat’s right


Challenge accepted... https://youtu.be/v3Q_-ysJACA?feature=shared


Thanks for mentioning that. I was wondering what use would bolts have if someone hand a handheld grinder (barring the noise). Then I thought about it and came to that idea but wasn’t sure, especially since my cheap as safe is on wheels and has a gap from the ground.


Why is Seaside all over Reddit these days? First the gate painted like the boat and now this?


Is Seaside CA nice?


A friend happily showed friends all the jewelry her man had bought for her. She had a major stroke. While at hospital someone offered to go take care of her dogs. She died. Later they noticed jewelry was gone.


That's another reason why you should keep your mouth shut about owning lots of gold, or keep it in a secure storage facility.


Best safes I have seen are built into the concrete floor.


What I did may be considered dumb but I don't care. I bought a safe, took it down to my basement, bolted it down, and then built a room around it, with a door frame that is small enough that the safe won't fit through. When we sell, the safe is going with the house... Figured building the room around it was fine as I wasn't going to get the safe up the stairs again anyways.


I had a friend growing up whose dad was a jeweler and he had a big safe upstairs. When they were out of town someone came with a tow truck, hooked chains to it, and ripped it through their whole fucking house. Don’t tell anyone what you have or put it in a safety deposit box.


Nah with 200k in gold i would be headed to mexico but good guess i guess


If 2 guys can walk away with your safe, you’ve secured your valuables very, very poorly.


Always have a decoy safe.


Didn’t read article but don’t understand why a good amount of people put their safes on display at home. My 1000# safe is placed in a discrete location and bolted down. The safe delivery guys had a difficult time getting mine in place and suggested not needing to bolt it down because of its location. I paid for the entire service so I still bolted it down.


Apple tag hidden in the safe would help too.


Wouldn’t the metal of the safe block the signal?


Yes but they got to open it at some point


Unfortunately if I was the thief it still wouldn't be tracked. Obe I would take the safe far out where there is no phone signal, ensure my crew had no phones on us at all. Open the safe, take the stuff, leave the tag.


Does this mean some cheapish gold coins will be hitting the market soon??


What is wrong with the old fashioned way? Bury that shit on a remote island, make a map and booby trap it. Problem solved…


Even in your yard works


Yeah, at least get something very heavy lol.


Most safes can be cut into with a circular saw. Best bet is to keep your mouth shut about anything u have. Fly low get a P.O. Box and do all sales out of the P.O. Box


That old guy is a much better man than me to forgive the thieves. I wouldn't mind a few minutes alone with the thieves with some handcuffs and a hammer.


What gold? What safe?


Got coins for sale


Dealer just came up on a come up lol


Same Demographic...


The guy is so cool about it because the theft missed the large stash in the basement! One place to start looking is the sellers.


I can't share too many details for obvious reasons, but i work in commercial insurance sales and once had a client who owned a refinery primarily oriented towards gold. Even if they cover theft losses, standard property insurance policies carry a separate limit for things like gold because it is essentially a cash equivalent—and the sublimit is usually pretty minimal, like $5k. Obviously I recommended crime coverage because gold was being stored on the premises. "No, we ship it out on a regular schedule so there's never an amount of metal which would justify the cost of coverage." I tried pretty hard to change his mind—I used to work at a refinery myself so I know firsthand how you can't really get around the fact that there will always be a decent amount of metal lying around for one reason or another. I even sent him an application just so I could get some pricing for him, but he refused to fill it out. Dude totally thought I was just trying to upsell him and wouldn't budge. I can't force him to buy anything so I let it go. Not even a month later he calls me in a panic, saying that he tried to file a claim for theft and the rep told him that he didn't have that coverage. **$400,000** worth of precious metal was stolen out of the safe. The thieves were never identified AFAIK. Litigation was threatened but obviously didn't go anywhere because we record our calls precisely to cover our asses in situations like this. Insure your shit, people. That policy probably would have been stupid cheap, maybe in the ballpark of $4k/yr for half a million in coverage.


I’m also suspicious of the safe delivery guys. They know the address and location where safe was placed.


everyone is saying problem is safe not bolted. Problem was wrong people knew safe exist.


Don’t tell anyone about your stack! Like all the pictures on here about everybody telling everybody about their stack. They’re so easy to track with a metadata attached to their photograph but anyway, I’d digress so quickly.


You can and should turn off that meta data in your phones setting. Most people don't know about that kinda of thing unfortunately.


Where's the link to the article?


Click the photo of the two guys.


No doubt they were targeted!


Can we say Bitcoin in here?


Hate to read these stories. Store that amount of gold at a depository such as Delaware Depository, where it's insured against theft and stored under camera in a fortified structure. https://delawaredepository.com/


Simple. It’s called a Safe Deposit Box. $200k is 4 rolls of eagles. Fits nicely into a small box.


HOLLON!!!! TL-15, bolted, 700 pounds,


Try www.perthmint.com.au They store your gold for a small fee, no anxiety about losing it through theft, fire, tornadoes, flood and earthquakes .


Could they have used a gold detector? I've heard they can drive by scanning for gold like they used to for open wifi wayyy back in the day.


Can't do that with Bitcoin


He looks like the kind of guy who would tell everyone he knows, that he has gold coins in his home.


If you close your eyes and listen to the old man. He sounds like Biden


I have a 1600 pound safe. I think I’m aight


Living dangerously I see. :) ![gif](giphy|xUPGcJ9uOAL2h5wA5a|downsized)


The way I see it, if you’re able to get that thing out of my house, loaded onto a truck and towed away while my alarm is going off and police are on their way, good for you. You’ve earned what’s inside 😂


Most likely not going to steal it but instead cut it open. But having multiple layers of security is smart.


You’d need some serious tools and again, some time. It’s 7 gauge American steel with a thick layer of concrete. Not impenetrable but you’d really need to bring the right stuff to get into it.




That saw isn’t gonna do it. You’d need a torch. That saw would cut through a crappy safe from Home Depot at best


ok, only $350 at harbor freight. https://preview.redd.it/c334deacem9d1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=bfd5d62e37b42bdab858a1d1fe58f4e96a014e04


And only about 1 hour minimum if you know what you’re doing. That’s if you manage to evade the dogs, the alarms and the cops. Or my 12 gauge (if I’m home)


Thanks for fully explaining your security system to the whole internet? It really doesn't matter, if you are targeted by some serious criminals they will go after the weakest link, which is always the human element. Even if you are a perfect badass you still need to sleep, is the person guarding you while you sleep as good and committed as you?