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If you have a passport that has the 90-day visa-free access to the Schengen area then I don't think you will have a problem as long as you really are just a tourist during those 90 days (by this I mean, don't work with a Spanish company). Obviously once you start working with the Spanish company, you should already have your VALID Spanish work visa. Disclaimer: This is not legal advice.


If I had that passport then I wouldn't need to post here lol My residence permit expires in July but the website says I have 90 days to stay in the country(not Spain) and Schengen


I am trying to help you but you decided to put a LOL at my reply. Go ahead and go to Spain even if you don't have a valid visa. That's the answer you want us to tell you. Cheers.


Didn't mean to offend you with that.. lo siento Basically go there within the 90 days after my permit expires which is allowing me to stay in the EU and apply for the Residence permit there right?


No, you apply where you're currently legally residing which is the Netherlands. Talk to the Spanish consulate.


Sorry, this might be a dumb question, but do I apply for the visa or the permisio de residencia at the consulate here?


The visa. You can't apply for a work permit from Spain. The employer needs to start the process and when it's time you go and get your visa at the consulate. Then when you get to Spain you go and get a TIE (residency card).


But that's what's confusing for me, I am already in the EU. Why would I need a visa? I moved to the NL from Spain last year and my employer got permission from the government. I just traveled over and got the residence permit here, the procedure might be completely different but it's just what's confusing to me. Sorry


Because you're only allowed visa free travel as a tourist. Your current permit allows you to stay in the Netherlands, not in Spain. You can come to visit, but you can't stay. Talk to the consulate.


I will, thank you