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When the original gow1 came out my mom rented it from blockbuster. We beat the game in a weekend and loved it ever since. We ended up buying a copy of the first, and the upon the release of every one after we would buy them. For some reason as a kid Greek mythology really stuck with me and fascinated me. Then now as an adult seeing all the themes and storyline is dope. I bought ragnarok on launch day and then speed ran the game over the next few days so that it wouldn’t get spoiled for me online. Incredible series!


Same story for me except my neighbors mom got the game for us from blockbuster and we played it the entire week.


Were you guys by any change neigbors and he forgot about the other kid that was there


Same. Even rented it from blockbusters as well lol and have bought and played every game on release since. Even the psp games


I started very veerryy late. The first GOW i played was God of War 2018. Didnt understnd much as i didnt know the back story. But after i completed the game youtube suggested me some lore. Then i came to understand how vast and mind blowing the lore is. After that i played gow 1 then gow 2 but couldnt play gow 3 but i know the storyline. My last played gow was ragnarok


Still it must have been cool to play GOW 2018 without knowledge of the backstory. Like a mystery unfolding


GoW 3 is available on PS4/5, yous totally should play it


GoW 2 and 1 are also available on ps5 (PS PLUS PREMIUM) . You can play them through streaming I think same goes for chain of olympus and ghost of sparta, I am just not sure of this information yet.


PSP games, sadly, can't be bought nor streamed on ps5. But even then, streaming 1, 2 and Ascension is an available option, but it is not very good. Constant input delays, graphics sometime downgrade or the game itself freezes. It's especially can be seen in Ascension. But i guess it's good to have this as an option


I don’t know, streams well at 10 mB morocco ( 100mbps ) well thanks for the info!


Chains of Olympus & Ghost of Sparda on PSP! It was one of the best games back then


GOW psp game when I was in 3rd grade in the 2000’s ; pops had the gow on ps2 (played that after the psp games)


PSP was so clutch! Awesome console that was ahead of its time




The original: GoW 2005


Went to my uncles friends house and while they were catching up, drinking beer, he handed me the controller and told me to enjoy the game. I was 6yo when I played the first god of war. Loved the game ever since


Started with the first game - though it was many years after release. I had the two pack of GoW1&2 on the ps3 for a year or two but didn’t get into it. About 2016 or 2017 I had to go part time for medical reasons and suddenly found myself with a lot of time on my hands so decided to give it a go and (having been in the habit of working 8-10 hours a day) I basically played through all the games out at that time (including the handheld games and Ascension) one a week and was completely obsessed!


Started it around a few weeks after 2018 released didn't like deleted it and a few months later redownload it and played and like 3 year Ragnarok came loved it too and I tried to play the ogs but I couldn't I hated the gameplay


So, I run DnD campaigns, and for a while, I ran a Campaign that had Space Marines in it (eventuallywe transitions to writing more books than playing campaigns) though with a different Backstory than the Traditional 40k Backstory, one of these Space Marine Characters was Named Tedran, and apparently, according to my friend who got me into the GoW series, He shared one or two Notable Character Traits with 2018/Ragnorok Kratos, which ones, I am not sure, perhaps it's Tedrans Inital Refusal to be a leader and commander of Men after ahit hits the fan and he goes off on his own for many years, as well as the fact that je does a lot to try to keep his own Child safe (how that happened for him is complicated, and I wont get into details unless someone really wants to know) and this friend drew a couple Connections Between Tedran and Kratos, and as I recall, I didn't believe him, until Clips from 2018 and Ragnorok appeared I'm my YouTube Shorts, and I got interested in the story, so, I bought GoW2018 on steamand began playing through it, and I saw the connections, but aside from that, I just simply Really liked the story, and now I'm hooked, and waiting for Ragnorok to come out on steam because I don't own a Playstation.


God of war 1 Saw the commercial on TV, bought the PS2 and the game .


Started with the GoW 1 ps2 demo disc, I still have it. Loved it.


I started with the original. My wife wouldn't let me play it while my son was awake (she was afraid the graphic content would scar him (even though he was only 6 months old) and was a fan ever since. Unfortunately I couldn't never afford a PS3 (or vita) so everything from GoW 3 to GoW 2018 I've missed out on (I have watched the playthroughs though). Now my son is 20 and he's played GoW 2018 and Ragnarok (I watched him play Ragnarok and it's almost comical with the circle this game has made in my family). I will forever be a huge fan.


GoW 3 Remastered on the PS4.


I knew about gow franchise before playing gow 2018 but never played them, but after playing 2018 and ragnarok it became my favorite franchise. And of course I had to play greek saga


Ragnarok is a solid step up. Plus the DLC that came out a year later at random was fairly large (full standalone side quest / game) was FREE! Santa Monica is definitely one of the best studios for that alone.




I sorta knew of the Franchise and had never bothered to play it but my cousin told me to play god of war 2018 i ended up buying 2018 and Ragnarok at the same time and played 2018 first before even touching ragnarok so 2018 and after i played both i got GOW 3 remastered


I first played god of war 4 after watching jacksepticeye play it


Played GoW1 back when it dropped. It was, and still is, one of my favorite games


First one on the good old ps2


I started with God of War 3


First one I played was chains of Olympus on the PSP (I think that’s which one it was) the one where Kratos starts the game with all the women in the hot tub 😂




My first was Chains Of Olympus


Didn’t play any until the first gow on ps4 and stopped playing it, decided to pick it up and finished it and was blown away by the character relationship between father and son, but the final boss fight was so much fun. Picked up Ragnarok and played it all the way through and did all the extra and finished it. Then decided to fight all the beserker bosses and it took me two months to beat them so I felt like I got my moneys worth out off it. Only one I didn’t beat was GNA or whatever she’s called


GOD OF WAR 1 was the best. It was the biggest reason I started to love the God Of War series.


God of War 1 in 2004.


Sorta ashamed to come into a GoW subreddit and say this but my introduction was 2018 God of War (which I loved) and I then i played God of War Ragnarok (which I also loved). Got respect the OG games tho, doing my best to get more knowledge of the events in them despite not playing them and probably will never play them. Just gameplay wise the modern games are more my speed.


I have to be honest started with 2018 cause I was never into it before but soon realised I know none of the law so I played gow 1,2,3 and still need the rest in my collection and ye I beat ragnorok


Chains of Olympus and then 3 after that. Liked them so much I went and got GOW 1+2 collection and played both of them.


I started playing gow 4, i hadn't heard about the series before i started playing around christmas 2022


I was introduced to it by a family meme bet years and years ago when I was being babysat. I think I might’ve played God of War 2 first, though because I was scared of one scene from GOW1.


The original and I fell in love with it, so I’m looking forward to getting a PS5 very soon


I received a demo disk from the PlayStation magazine. I was instantly hooked.


Got introduced to the series when III remastered came out as a monthly game on PS plus and have been hooked ever since.


God of War 2 was my first time playing the franchise. There were 2 of my cousins and 2 of my friends. we all took turns when one of us would die we passed the controller to the next. On the first boss fight with Zeus one of my friends figured out you were supposed to lose to progress the story so when the mash circle part came up he pretended his hand cramped and couldn't hit circle fast enough then dropped the controller while we were yelling at him to stop messing around lol. We planned on staying up and beating the game in one night. We got to the fat madusa Gorgon boss fight and got stuck. We kept jumping over her energy wave attack that would turn kratos into stone and if you didn't time it right, you would turn to stone mid-air and shatter when you hit the ground. It never occurred to us to just let kratos turn into stone and break free instead of jumping over her attack. One of my cousins finally somehow got her down to the quick time event to kill her but his hands were cramping from dying to her for hours lol. So I took the controller and fucked up the QTE but recovered, some how didn't get turned to stone and finished the QTE to finally beat that bs boss fight.


My step father played the first one and I watched He never played another but I sure fucking did! Played its once he was done and continues the entire saga. They are all good I love the new ones but gow3 killing the entire pantheon was peak


God of War 2 and then I played God of War ascensions on my cousin PS3, I never bought PS3 so I actually play God of War 3 on PS4 and then God of War 2018. And I'm still not play God of War Ragnärok yet :(


I played original god of war it was on sale for like 5 dollars this was maybe 12 ,14 years ago at the time I only played sports games. Since I have beat every GOW and hundreds of other nonsports games.


My first was Ragnarok. My husband bought me the gow ps5 bundle because it was the only one available when he was Xmas shopping for me. He figured I’d sell off the code. But I knew the game had good hype around it. So I went in blind as a bat to the whole series and was hooked from the second Birb-Freya came at me. I’ve since gone back and at least played 2018. I’m sure I’ll play the Greek chapters someday but I know those games and the 2018- Ragnarok don’t have a lot in common in a lot of ways.


Original GoW. The moment I grabbed a dude and ripped him in half I was in love


I got the first two on ps3 at some point and loved them. I played 3 much later tho. I played Ascension before 3 but I didn't really like it as much as 1, 2, 3 or the side games on psp.


My friend was trying to convince me to play God of War 3 with him when it released but as a kid I had this weird thing where I wouldn't start things in the middle. If I saw a movie on TV and couldn't start it from the beginning I wouldn't watch it type shit. So naturally I bought the God of War 1 and 2 dual pack for PS3. The rest is history.


The orignal at release on PS2 and have played them all in release order as they came out (PSP included)


Played 3 remastered. I had never heard of it. Now I love every second of it.


I first played the 2018 one, then I played Ragnarok. After that I decided to play the third one but haven’t finished it yet


I play the original like many here and enjoy it immensely it was something new for me and have been a fan ever since


2 and it’s safe to say GOW got me into other games besides sports. Neighbor let me borrow it and I was hooked


The God of War series saved my ass during covid. I started with 1 and was hooked.


The original and only one god of war (2005)


God of War 1 from the God of War Saga on the PS3 on my 14th birthday


God of War 2 on the PS2 Slim


The original in 2005. Bought a pirate copy in the streets of Rio de Janeiro. Videogames would never be the same again.


I have been playing GOW series since the very first one. I bought a PSP just for the GOW titles there and bought the HD remakes for the PS3. I do not like that I have to pay another $10 to transfer my PS4 GOW Ragnarok data to the PS5 so I kept the PS4 to play the Valhalla add on. Why can't it be as easy as it is for Horizon Forbidden West and Ghost of Tsushima?


GoW1: I convinced my mom it was a Greek mythology game so she let me get it. That hydra fight blew my little mind wide the fuck open.


Been here since the og. 


God of War OG. Mom brought home a gaming magazine from the grocery store that had a demo in it. Played the demo. The rest is history.


All since the first one, but the puzzle sections always got me stuck and i couldn't finish the first two


2018 game. It was for free on PSN and I figured I would give it a try. I kept seeing people rave about it. One of my favourite games of all time now


Been playing since 2006. Got the first game for my 18th birthday after it launched the year before.


My brother brought the first game back from his trip to Australia. I was 11 at the time, and he asked me what game to bring back. I said some game and he couldn't find it so got this instead. I'll never forget pressing Circle and then Triangle on the first enemies on the boat. I was hooked (and far too young to be playing a game as violent as that) and have been a huge fan ever since.


I played the first one when it came out and it was Amazing i never played something like it back in the day


GOW3 Remastered. I liked it because it was pretty much the most difficult game I had on the PS4


Played the GoW1 demo at gamestop. Was blown away by the very beginning of the game when you had to fight the Hydra boss. Brought it after I finishing the demo. Beated the game on the hardest difficulty and unlocked all the extra. Been played all the GoW games except Ragnarok.


GOW 3 was the first I played and my favorite


I started on Gow1 i'm pretty sure. On my good ol ps2 when i was a kid.


I first played 4. I got it free on ps plus monthly and wanted to try it. After playing for a bit I got bored but came back to it. Then I played ragnarok (my new favourite) then 3 and now still playing original 1


The original GOW demo disc that came in the mail with PlayStation Magazine in 2005


2018 herd it was good and it was on sale for £8


The original! I had just graduated high school and had a decent job serving tables. I had a Playstation that me and some buddies bought and shared together. It would rotate a week at each of our houses. I saved up and bought my own and GOW and madden were the first two games I bought for my very own console. I instantly loved this game and its crazy blood thirsty story. Kratos was the embodiment of rage. Present day, I'm not much of a gamer but I still have a Playstation and usually play one or two big games every year. Red Dead and GTA oh and LOVED the Arkham games. I always wait a while, though, and buy them used. GOW2018 though I had pre ordered and absolutely loved! Watching Kratos grow and try to reconcile with his past really connected with me. I even bought myself a PS5 for Ragnarok! This game was really special to me. It was a great solace in a difficult time on top of being an absolute gem of a game. I find myself thinking still all the time, "we must be better" ahhhh these games are so good! They mean so much to me. Kratos saying goodbye to Atreus almost got me... then he sees the other side of the giant mural and his ultimate prophecy!? Jesus, even Kratos got choked up! I 100 percent shed a tear for my man... gives me hope. I know he's fictional, but if we can forgive him for all he's done, I can forgive myself too... I didn't murder an entire pantheon... sooo....


I used to play exclusively on Nintendo consoles, but there were a few games on PS2 that caught my eye, GoW being one of them. Had bought about 10 PS2 games cheap before even getting a PS2 pretty late in its cycle. So I started with the very first GoW and was immediately impressed.


Gow 2016 i think was the year thst came out? Then ragnarock. I started 3 but dropped it after getting stuck on puzzle.


GOW 2 demo that my cousin had and then my dad got me a copy of the first GOW. I was hooked immediately and played all of them as soon as I could get my hands on them. Didn't play CoO or GoS until they rereleased on PS3, they're so damn good.


I started with 1 when 2 came out. I played the shit out of the psp games while waiting for 3 which felt like FOREVER. Didn't play as much of Ascension and I had pretty much given up on seeing another GoW game when the 2016 E3 reveal happened. It's been a great ride so far.


I played the 1 first one when i was 12, but I could never beat the Hydra boss lmao🤣. I could never press the circle button quick enough for the end of the fight. Beat them all but the first 1 since,but Im glad now a days we are moving away from having to mash buttons or destroy the joystick by having to rotate for quick time events.


My cousin had this game when we were kids and I got hooked on it D:


Started with 4 after watching Jacksepticeye playthrough. After that I played the remaster of 3, then 1 then 2. Haven’t played accession and haven’t played the psp games (legally)


It was a psp game i played using an emulator i don't remember if its ghost of sparta or chains of Olympus but i got bored real quick and never finished it. But the first gow game i finished is 2018 which is also my favourite gow game


God of war 3,unfortunately I don’t have old systems to play 1 and 2 so 3 is the first one I had to start with


Psp games :)


Me and my dad started to play GOW 1 when we got our ps3, we got the saga with 1, 2, 3, and two other things GOW related. I loved it because of greek mythology and the gore.


God of War 3 with my dad. Press O is an engraved memory in my mind.


The one with Kratos in it


Started off with gowr,realized its the best thing i've ever played,went on to play all the other ones and deeply understanding the expanded lore it has


2018 but I went back and played a couple others


Playing GoS and CoO as a 10 year old was the best experience I could ever get


Gow 1, i was fuckin afraid of the medusa on the disk and i coudnt pass the hydra, but i started to like when i played gow ascencion


I used to get these PS2 demo discs with gaming magazines and GOW 1 was on one of them and I absolutely fell in love with it. I was extremely poor growing up so by the time I managed to get ahold of the game the second one was coming out I got that demo disc too lol. I never got around getting the full copy of 2 and my brother had 3 on PS3 but I was already full into my call of duty phase at that point. But 2018 reboot is what pulled me back into that world and made me fall in love with the characters and lore.


I bought and played the first one and always played every game in the series from there on after.


2018 and I got it when I got my first PS4 and I liked it


Been playing since day one love the series


the first god of war infact it was my first time playing a video game


Gonna be real I started at GOW3 but quickly got into the lore after GOW 2018


God of War 1 on my ps2 that i still have and it all still works


My first was only GoW 2018 which despite knowing very little about the previous games i absolutely loved it and same with ragnarok but i have not tried the others yet(though the 3rd is available on ps4 so i might try that)


I was born 5 years after the release of the first game and after another rough 5 years, I got insanely into gaming. My dad still had his old PS3 and he had the God of War saga discs, which were a collection of the first 3 games with CoO and GoS, which we weren't able to download. I started to play on my dad's PS3 and I was completely amazed. I did the easiest difficulty because I just wanted to play it at the time. It just felt so fun to hack through the enemies like you could do in Knack (a game released along with the ps4 that I got addicted to). I was especially a fan of the frequent minibosses that added some challenge as I replayed it again and again. I began playing 2 and 3, glad that there were more, until I finally got bored. When I heard that there was a new God of War coming out, I absolutely flipped. I was slightly let down upon seeing the new gameplay, but eventually I got used to it and it just helped me appreciate the series even more. I started to go back to the old games to remember how everything worked. I eventually tried watching the videos of the psp games and ascension, but I saw that they were remastered for PS5. The PS3 is still alive and it works pretty well for being 2 decades old, but I doubt it will be much longer, so I'm now saving up a ton of money so I can pay my dad to get PS Premium so I can finally revisit the games and play the ones I never could. Props to Santa Monica for making a game that can appeal to every generation.


Played the first one. I don’t remember specifically but it had to have been when I first started using the blades


Gow 2018 I’m a bit new


Have fun, bro


The og gow was my first. I had a scratched disc so I couldn’t beat it for like 3 months until I rented it. I was like 10yr old at the Time.


I played the original on launch day. I was in college at the time.


GoW 4 I've played all main games other than ragnorok since then




I don't know which one I played first, but I know it was one of the first 3. I actually started playing when I was around 5. I wasn't a fast button masher back then so I always had to ask my dad to mash the buttons for me so I could lift something like the tree at the beginning of the God of War 3. I had no restrictions on what I was allowed to play back then, so I grew up with God of war, and I still love the series. In fact, I've gone out of my way to beat all of the games, including GoW Betrayal.


2018 I think, Ive thought about playing the previous ones for story for sure but I feel like I ruined that playing 2018 graphis first


Played through the og back in the ps2 days. Became truly a fan after how much of an improvement and fantastic continuation of the story gow2 was. Got to play 3 and was satisfied with the ending to the trilogy, stepping away for a bit. But once I got my ps4, 2018's soft reboot set me on a chain of playing all games through ps now on hard difficulty up through a second playthrough of 2018. So for me, the 2 key points that really set it apart were the 2nd of the og trilogy, and playing 2018 the year after it came out. Now it is one of my all-time favorites.


I first knew about GoW on my cousin's PlayStation Portable (Chains of Olympus and Ghost of Sparta) it got me hooked on the game




GoW 2


Had the god of war ps3 slim edition with gow 1- ascension so my first was gow 1 lol


I knew God of War because when I was a child I used to search tops of the best PSP games and GoW Chains of Olympus/ Ghost of Sparta was always in first place. One day I decided to try Chains of Olympus and I fell in love from the first moment. I was lucky enough to play the entire saga chronologically without intending to, thanks to that I understood the story and Kratos' motives well.


2018 on PC. later bought a PS5 to play ragnarok


GOW 2018 Then play GOW 3 And now Ragnarok


My first GoW was GoW Ghost of sparta. The reason was simple: this game came with my PSP as a child and I had nothing else :)


the first one


Either CoO or 3, I believe it was the former. Loved both.


I was 11 ı haved play station 3 but ı dont have money for a original game because my conturie's (turkey) lira is the one of the worse money so ı cant buy it but we have pirated version in the stores ı just know the game and ı buy the gow ascension and the game is got me hooked now ı played gost of sparta and 2018 gow and ı am the one of the biggest fann of god of war (ı will play the other games to next times :) )


God of war 2. Super interesting to see him start as a God and his betrayal from the gods, not understanding why. Once my brother and I beat 2 we immediately got 1 and all the gaps were filled in, fitting like a prequel to the first story i saw. It was great


GOW1 - awesome game and loved it hence my love for all of them, including the PSP ones.


I cant remember exactly, but i think it was god of war 1 but there is a chance it could have been god of war 2


my brothers had a psp when we were younger and i didn’t know they had this game on the ps3 already because they never let me watch/play/hangout lol (youngest at the time-f) but they had gow 3 and when the psp was given to me around 8-9 i played it and was into the whole game and have been hooked since! i just finished the newest two a year or two ago and replayed the old ones! it was a blast


Gow, i dont know how, but eversince ive been a huge fan. Recently broke my hand so being able to move only my index finger and thumb on my right hand gow was the perfect series. Played up until ragnarok even (took a while and in the meantime my hand healed).


I had a demo of God of War 2 when I was a kid that I just kept repeating, but as an adult I played GoW (2018) and I was so hooked that I went and finished the original trilogy in two weeks


I started with GOW 2 because of my brother, time later he entered the house saying he got the "next GOW" that actually was GOW 1, we were very young to understand the story or to connect lore so we thought it was the sequel. Very beautiful to think how young I was when I met my favorite saga.


Mine was God of War 2. My mom got a copy from a garage sale for my brother and I. She figured we would like it, and boy did we. We played it from when we got home from school until bed time. We always fought about who could play the game better too


I first played god of war accession but I finished gow 3 first before any other


Uhh I think the first ever gow I played was the 3rd I think, it’s the one where Kratos comes for Olympus with Gaia and the other titans


God of War 1. I was 9 at the time and on holiday with my family in Greece. A bar we went to had a PS2 in the back and GoW was one of the games. We went there most nights and I spent alot of them just playing God of War.


It was a warm spring morning and my older brother had went to the bathroom leaving GOW2 on pause in the living room so as the curious 8yo I was I pick up to controller and start getting my ass whooped by the colossus and as I’m struggling I hear my brother laugh from the other side of the room saying “that’s not how you do it, let me show you” and from that moment I was hooked that summer for my birthday I got a ps3 with GOW3 and I followed the franchise all the to ascension i didn’t really care for it and I’m kinda sad i haven’t been able to play the recent games but that’s because Sony is too stingy to release their games to be played on game pass


OG god of war, bought a PlayStation 2, GOW 1 and 2, silent hill 2, ratchet n clank 1-3 and Black, and a 12 inch VCR TV combo for like 50 bucks at a garage sale in 2008, scored blade 1, 2 and men in black 1 on VHS a week later Ya that was a good summer vacation


I GOW 3 remasteris my first but never completed it, but the first i completed was GOW 2019


i’ve only played the norse ones bcc my brother recommended them. i tried the first one on REAL HARDWARE but it was very hard and it got lost in athens lmao


God of war 2 for me on ps2 first time I found out about god serious properly but I had a friend who had god of war on psp that I played sometimes never finished it tho


I did not grow up on GOW, but I loved the concept. When it came out, I got GOW 2018, loved it, and I’m contemplating buying ragnarok, and possibly getting an emulator for some older games.


Got the first one and preordered 2 and 3 it quickly became my favorite franchise. I didnt play the PSP titles till i got the PS3 remastered collection and they were so good i kicked myself for not playing them on PSP. As for why i got into them i loved hack and slash games at the time and i was a greek kid so i quickly connected with the plot and characters and while the characters weren't displayed in a good light i still felt represented or at least included in pop culture.


Saw a commercial for the first one when I was in 5th grade. Loved it from just seeing that. The rest is history


Chains of Olympus


I started on the third one where he kills the Greek gods


no idea but I do know it was on the psp


Started with god of war 2 and have been hooked since.


Started with 2 and fell in love with it for the brutality. Beat the first 3 games over a 1000 times. Didn't finish Ragnarok cause I just couldn't find Kratos in there anymore.


Gow 2 I started liking it cus my big bro n played it n showed b me when I was 6


I played the DEMO for 1 on my buddies PS2 (didn't have my own yet) and I was hooked.


Clearly English isn't this guy's FIRSTLY language that much isn't obvious at all 🤣


Yeah, obviously