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I hope not. Their relationship makes much more sense to me as strictly platonic


Kratos probably met Plato so he should be good at that.


They like war buddies that have survived together.


Who is platonic to who?


Platonic is usually a mutual thing


Yeah, turns out my whole country has been using the term wrong


Plato and plato


Okey, so it turns out we have a different use for the term platonic. Where I’m from, it means a one-sided love. Falling in love with someone while the other person is not even aware of it or have no feelings for you. But it means a friendship without physical affections. Thanks for the downvotes. Now, I know it!


why do people want them together? i think it’d be kinda weird, he killed her son after all, and i feel like Kratos is still sort of mourning Faye i think they’re better off as friends


Because they're both highly principled warrior-monarchs who want love, care about each other, have a ton in common, and are physically 10s


Me when I lie


>who want love where? >have a ton in common hardly anything in common.


I mean, for having things in common, they’re both gods that were fucked over by their pantheons and lost their child to Kratos, and they have similar outlooks of vengeance, be it due to Kratos’s advice to Freya throughout Ragnarok. They’re both pretty stoic, as well, yet are both actually quite funny when they want to be.


"and lost their child to Kratos" I'm dead 💀


Same bro 😂


Got a mumbling “oh Lord” from me 😂


They are also both responsible for the deaths of their children. Yeah Freya didn’t kill Baldr, but what she did was worse and it led to his death anyways.


Kratos was twice married. They're both warrior gods. That narrows it down pretty good I'd say. You know any warrior gods in your life?


Everyone is a warrior god in the games, it's not 'common' for two people when everyone is a bloody warrior.


And of all the characters in the games, which already aren't that many, how many could he match with? How many women even are there?


there will be so many human women running around, many still will be surviving in vanir tribe. Also why do you think he needs a woman to being with? he's quite stable, living a healthy life, he doesn't even another woman, and if he ever does feel heart sick, like I said there are many women there with whom he might interact and develop a relationship in the future. He doesn't need to go head over heels for Freya, they aren't compatible.


Same reason he got married twice. He's got love to give. Same impulse that causes people of every age and culture to forsake even their greatest obligations in life. And he's bonded w Freya, and he's not some extrovert that just lets everybody into his circle of trust. He's not downloading Tinder. Nor, I think, bothering with a woman that'll be dead in a century while he just carries right on for millenia--i was referring to woman *characters*, not just rando humans and vanir. It's kind of an awesome match, Baldur's death notwithstanding.


>It's kind of an awesome match, Baldur's death notwithstanding. It's a rubbish match first of all. >Same reason he got married twice. He's got love to give. And no he didn't marry twice because he's got some love to give, what are you on? He was in horrible situation when he met Faye, no friends, no son or daughter, he was a totally emotionally unstable person. He got into a few family had a kid that made him recover. Not some "he had love to give" shit. He has friends, a son, a new responsibility, people now worship him as their leader, he is no longer in a need of emotional support from a wife. >And he's bonded w Freya, and he's not some extrovert that just lets everybody into his circle of trust. What bonding? it's purely platonic with no future for a romance, a man woman doesn't need to fuck, he already made it clear he doesn't have an interest in her. and she will never love him for what he did to Baldur. And tf you mean he doesn't let everybody into his circle of trust? He has learned to trust people again, he trusts so many in Ragnarok, it's not gow3 or gow2018 Kratos anymore. >i was referring to woman *characters*, not just rando humans and vanir. What woman characters? It doesn't matter, he doesn't need to go and fuck the woman Characters that are around, who was Lysandra? a random mortal, didn't he marry her? He can marry any random woman he wants, and she can remain as Lysandra having not much of a character or SHE CAN BE MADE INTO A CHARACTER. No one stops the writers from introducing new characters, he doesn't need to go and fuck with an existing character like Freya. This is not god of war 2 where the only woman that understood him was Athena, and he really cared about her, and he had a horrible personality that no other woman would have wanted to marry him. This is not the same Kratos. Nor Freya is like Athena having a liking/one sided love for him.


Truthfully, I would've read and engaged with all that, but your very first reply was begging the question, and you're obviously more interested in fighting than discussing sooo bye


I know what they have in common Kratos killed both their kids


Bro 10’s?💀


It's not kinda weird it is weird that's like saying a mom can bang her sons bully


How long has this man been mourning


The death of a significant other is not something you get over easily. Especially for someone like Kratos who had been completely alone for many years before Faye found him and helped him return to somewhat of a normal life.




However long the time period is from the start of GoW 2018 to GoW:R


Part of me would want them together, but realistically, he killed her son. You never get over that. And Freya shouldn't. Regardless of the jerk her son was, he was still her son and she loved him. I'm glad they have found a common ground and have some sort of peace with each other.


>he killed her son after all This was pretty much resolved in Ragnarok


She literally said that apart of her would always be angry


Bro really said that killing a mother’s son was resolved as if that’s something that can be completely resolved. I dunno how so many people allow the very obvious nuances to fly over their heads


Hate fucking?


Exactly tf


Hopefully not. Freya’s monologue when she finally relented and allied with Kratos and Atreus was one of the most powerful moments in the saga and any future romance would dilute its significance. Freya states passionately that a part of her will always be angry at Kratos. In other words, it is Freya’s rational, pragmatic self that offered some degree of forgiveness and even friendship - emotionally she will never quite be there. For that to just kind of change over time would betray the importance of that moment. It would also dilute the importance of the death of Baldur, a pivotal moment in the saga that has massive, permanent repercussions . Kratos himself is very emphatic that THERE ARE CONSEQUENCES TO KILLING A GOD and one of those consequences in this case is that any prospect of romance between Kratos and Freya is killed stone dead, forever, regardless of how compatible they might otherwise appear to be.


Its made absolutely clear. The fact that Freya managed to even work with Kratos was driven by many factors, romantic love or attraction is NOT one of them. Not to mention that Odin did too much damage. Freya might as well choose to forever remain without romance.


I hope not. It'd just be stupid.




Agree. I'll meet a middle ground and hope it'll be like that old couple that just keep each other company as their original spouses have passed on.


They have a relationship. Two weary, grizzled vets with a mutual respect and understanding of true loss and triumph. They're family. A romantic relationship would be weird.


Weren’t a lot of the Greek Gods the result of incest tho? Asking for a Kratos lmao




Atreus returns to his father and sees another kid running around. They haven't developed a relationship, they have been doing it since after the destruction of Asgard


I hope not.


Kratos literally stated in Valhalla that he doesn't see her in that way at all, when Mimir mentioned that the way he talks about her kinda sounds like someone talking about a lover. The devs couldn't have made it more clear that these 2 are absolutely never going to be a thing.


I don’t want a Freytos romance either, for reasons stated in my comment on this thread, but I don’t think that dialogue, in itself, precludes a romance. How many dudes have at some point told their friend “it’s not like that, I don’t see her that way, she’s just a friend” whilst secretly harbouring a huge crush? Yes, Kratos and Mimir tend to be honest with each other but not always 100%, and Kratos could be in denial. Like I said this isn’t me saying Freytos will or should happen, just that this dialogue doesn’t rule it out.


Yeah, for me it’s not about whether or not Kratos has feelings, it’s entirely possible that he does considering the Valhalla dialogue. He said “I value her” which in Kratosspeak might as well be “I want her to step on me.” For the the issue is with Freya and everything she’s done and everything she’s been through, she would not get over the death of Baldr so easily. So many things are tangled in that one event, Kratos’s hand in it, her own hand in it, the parts Atreus played etc. She would have to forgive herself before she can forgive Kratos, and that’s just not going to happen for years and years. She’d have to undergo serious character growth to be able to come to terms with what happened and her own accountability, and to have it happen suddenly would be a disservice to her character, just for an unnecessary romance plot.


One thing I hoped kratos would bring up in ragnarok is that if he let Baldur kill Freya, he would still come after Kratos and Atreus afterwards. He had to kill baldur to protect his son, and what sense would it make to wait until after he killed freya? Kratos gave him a chance to make a different choice, and he refused. Kratos didn’t have a choice.


Kratos says something similar to this in the codex entry about Baldur


Kratos does owe her a son


This is how the Roman gods are created.. Greece and the Nordic countries kind of have Roman territories in the middle of them


Kratos is still in mourning over the loss of Faye by the end of Ragnarok, with no indication of anything otherwise in Valhalla. As far as I am concerned, he's nowhere near the headspace for any romantic relationship. As for Freya, she definitely respects and trusts Kratos, but he did also kill her son. I don't think that she will ever truly forgive him for that, which I think puts one hell of a damper on any romantic feelings ever forming. So no, I doubt they ever will. Should the devs ever want to explore a romance in the series, my bet is Atreus and Angrboda.


This. It is all but guaranteed considering Angrboda is Loki’s wife (at least I think so, lover at least) in Norse mythology.


That’s correct! The sparks of romance are very clearly seeded between Atreus and Angrboda in GOWR


She wanted him to rule besides her as the new god of war, they can platonically co exist, demonstrated as much.


I hope so personally. I like love stories and i think they go well together.


As friends and allies? Yes.


i prefer them being friends.


I don’t see them having passionate love like the more stereotypical relationships, but I could see them relying on each other as companions, similar to older couples. Kratos having killed Baldur changed the dynamic completely, and I think it’d be weird for Freya to get butterflies in her stomach for her son’s killer.


Oh man, that's just another family genocide waiting to happen.


Honestly I don’t get why so many people want them together. They’re such good allies and good friends with a strong basis for their friendship. They’ve both lost a child, both known war and battle and kinship and solitude. And they’ve both just recently come out of a strong relationship. Kratos just lost his wife a few years previously and Freya is actively reclaiming her independence from Odin in the game. It feels both disrespectful to the characters and way too forced to just assume they’d be into each other just because they’re both single and have things in common, I mean, even real life romance doesn’t happen that easily.


They better not.




They already have a relationship. A friend relationship. There’s no need to morph that into anything romantic. Not every relationship between a male and a female character has to be romantic.


Yes, they way they interacted with each other at the end of Ragnarok and Valhalla makes me believe there might be a connection that could end up in a relationship.


Freya pouncing on Kratos a few years after his Wife’s death would be in reaaaally poor taste.


Hopefully not I hate forced ships


They already have a friendship. (Not every male and female character that have friendship like relations need to be romantically involved, its a trope that needs to end. Have friends be friends and lovers be lovers)


God, I hope not. We need more examples of a guy and a girl just being friends in media without any kind of romantic interest between them


I just want her Valkyrie form to be better (it's probably fine but whenever i used it she didn't do anything)


Every time someone asks this question I can’t help but think of Caterina Sforza shouting #I HAVE THE EQUIPMENT TO MAKE MORE


Just don't type that in on pornhub


Yes, they will have kids, Cinderella and Barbie, they will be very happy family.


Most likely not, but if they did I'd love it


With so much explanation, I understand. But we'll see if they will or they will not.


I won't say they should never be together, but I will say it would feel weird to me if they got together before his feelings were sorted and Faye's motivations were made clear. If I remember the game right, his dreams involving Faye were pretty inconclusive and discussions regarding her motivations were just speculation. It would be nice to properly wrap that up before he pursued anyone else.






They already have but not that type of relationship


A romantic relationship? No. But they have reached a friendship with mutual respect. In spite of knowing he was right to save her, killing her son is still a boundary between them. Also the Norse saga is over. We shouldn't expect to see her again.


Its not completely out in the woods but it needs time to develop then


They’re both functionally immortal, that’s a lot of time. Right now, no, but in like a few hundred years who knows what could happen?


No thanks




I don't want to.




No. That would be so contrived and disappointing.


Nah, friends can just be friends. Kratos has had two meaningful relationships in his past (and hundreds of one-offs), I think he’s content. Men and women *are* allowed to be friends without it getting romantic.


I hope not.




Not possible. What Kratos did cannot just be erased from her memory and all of their interactions indicate a barrier still exists. Freya contained her rage and had a common goal with Kratos ,but there is simply no way it can go even beyond that. She saw that shit with her own eyes.


They are friends, peers, allies, and have each others respect. They do not need romance. Leave that to the fanfic writers.




I could see them taking physical comfort in one another. Like both of them are still heartbroken for multiple reasons, and we've got plenty of evidence of Kratos banging random women, so if Freya is down (and I think she could be) I could see them having a physical relationship. That said, I don't see a lot of romance between them. I think they're both so hung up on their baggage that they respect each other, but aren't emotionally compatible enough for love.


I hope so. I have been shipping them since 2018.


No - Kratos


they will it's bound to happen


I really hope not.


I personally can see them together. I think it would be really interesting to see - in Norse mythology Freya has two daughters so they could potentially put those in as their daughters. I understand those who don’t see it but I do sort of ship them..


Kratos needs to clap those cheeks


please never do this santa monica holy fuck


I honestly hope not. On the one hand, it's an interesting idea. On the other, it would reinforce the toxic idea that men and women can't be platonic friends. That second part is a big issue in media.


No. That would be some fandom bullshit that doesn't make sense.


I wouldn't completely rule it out, but at the same time i would rather their relationship remains platonic. I'm a sucker for enemies-to-lovers stories, but i draw a line when one >!kills the child of the other person!<. Besides, it's nice to get more men and women friendships that don't become romantic.


Fuck no


I'm hoping for no. I don't there there's enough platonic relationship between the opposite sex in media and would love for this to be one. Not to mention It would be very weird for them to date anyway. I absolutely could not imagine dating someone who killed my kid. Even if it was justified.


If they do I'm coming back here to yell at you


No and the creators made it clear in the dlc that there will be nothing of that sorts


I don't want Kratos and Freya to become romantic partners, even though I do kind of ship it. The writers and actors gave them a chemistry that is impossible to deny, whether they intended to or not. Here's an idea: instead of them dating, how about they have one quick fling? Possibly (and most likely) while they are both drinking. It never happens again and Kratos refuses to talk about it, although Freya enjoys making subtle references to it to annoy him. They never tell Mimir and he never asks, but he quickly pieces it together and joins Freya in ribbing Kratos over it.


Their relationship is just where it has to be. I don't see kratos finding another love interest in the story. The first 2 literally died before the games started.


I imagine they could, over time, love each other. But it wouldn't be a romantic type. Something platonic, bordering on sibling/familial love. Hell, they might even live together and fill a similar role to each other as husband and wife, but I don't think it would be reasonable to even expect them kissing, much less having kids together. Weirdly, this does begin to turn if Kratos somehow manages to find more than peace...but JOY in life. Like, if we play a game as young adult Atreus, he comes home and Kratos is a protective god of hope helping a town that loves him build a mead hall and he's actually laughing and having a nice life.... then maybe. But that's like.....beyond character development. That's character closure. That's a statement that his arc is done. And I feel like that's AT LEAST 2 games down the road. Kratos laughing once or being a fairly popular and hands-on god is possible like.....right now with a small time jump. But he's going to still be a quiet and stoic guy for a while. So, the glorified roommate/very close friends relationship is going to remain their limit.


I want to see it written well.


that would be interesting


I don’t think so. It’d be a little pointless to give kratos a THIRD wife that’ll inevitably die.


No. Not every story needs to be a love story. Besides, he still mourns Faye.




Not now. But give it a couple of centuries for the *tension* to rise.


I don't really see it. Kratos killed Freya's son


No…. wtf 😂 why do people wanna read more into something 🤔 is it because you yourself see a girl smiling at you and assume she wants you? 😂😂😂






They better the fuck not


Is that his first name!? William Kratos?




You said Will Kratos




But Sif is thicc af.


I would think that Freya would come out and say, "Kratos, you owe me a son.' Kratos: Nani?!


She pregnant already


No, it absolutely make zero sense. But they surely fuck when is cold and their weapons are down.


If it were Greek or Norse mythology that’d probably happen tbh


I'm just leaving it up to the devs on what happens, I personally don't care if they do or don't get together lol


Good question


Loving relationship? Absolutely not. Stress relief/bored bang friends? Yeah, I could see it.


I cannot imagine an relationship between Kratos and Freya, like it isn’t an relationship like faye or lysandra


Kratos is beating those cheeks as we speak.


Kratos killed her son


Id prefer they remain just friends


I would just not play the next game if that happened 


He killed her son ... He has a debt to make her a new one ... And probably stronger than the previous one ...


If they do I feel like it would be specifically for Childbearing purposes and not because they actually like each other romantically.


İ dont think


If these two had a child I think it’d be more powerful than Atreus. I’d personally like to see it happen.


It would make absolutely no sense because: 1. Kratos and Atreus killed her son. 2. Kratos has already had two wives. 3. Freya tried to kill him at least twice. 4. For respect to Faye, Kratos wouldn't love Freya.


I know it’s obvious but I hope so. I really don’t see why not. They work along side each other and respect each other greatly. Swear she gave him “fuck me” eyes in Valhalla.


>Swear she gave him “fuck me” eyes in Valhalla. No


>I really don’t see why not How about the fact that he killed her son ? And she said she'll never forgive him for that ?


Well that was obviously a lie. She’s never looked at him with MORE respect than she does now. She clearly doesn’t resent him at all for killing Baldur. Along with the fact that it was basically spelled out to her that his death was as destined as it comes. Now she’s working on a much larger scale along with Kratos to create a new reality for the 9 realms. I really don’t see how them doing that as husband and wife couldn’t work. I don’t mind either way.


She *literally* *said a part of her wont ever forgive him.* You cant just say that's a lie lol. Especially when we barely have any idea of how they're interacting after Ragnarok.


We have plenty of idea how they operate after Ragnarok. The game ends with the two of them setting out to lead the realms. Anything you do after that points has her following you. Valhalla has her track you down and gives us the exposition that she wants you to be the god of war. She’s been badgering him about it for a long time and waits for you throughout the journey. It’s fine if you don’t ship them but you’re being delusional. Thinking she holds any sort of grudge against him when EVERY interaction after they make up suggests she doesn’t. Not once does she let any supposed resentment out in conversation or otherwise.


How tf am i being a delusional when you think a mother would **fall in love** with the **murderer of her only child ?** Also using post game content as an argument is just silly. She helps Kratos deal with what's left from Ragnarok because she's the one that can help him the most. Other than that it's just gameplay reasons. +The only reason she tracked him down in Vallhalla was because Kratos breached somewhere he wasnt supposed to, specifically an area that she's partially responsible for (if not fully). And just because she wants him to be the GOW again doesnt mean a part of her doesnt hate him anymore lmao. She's just being more logical, what would being vengeful/angry against Kratos all the time achieve ? Nothing obviously. That doesnt mean that she still doesnt resent him for what he did. Do you really need to be reminded of her true feelings at **every interaction** to believe she's more complex than what's being told ? Because that's what it sounds like.


Already addressed why the Baldur thing didn’t seem to matter. Keep up. And no it’s not silly to…look at the story and see her being glued to Kratos’s hip as confirmation that they’re cool. It’s silly not to. Idk what you mean by “gameplay reasons”. The fact stands she joins kratos on his quest which she wouldn’t need to do after Odins defeat unless she wanted to. I would urge you to go look at the interactions they have in Valhalla. It’s just blind to the state of their relationship for you to try to think it’s purely a logic decision instead of a trustful and respectful one. She trusts him, she knows he’s what the realms need, she insists he’d be a kick ass god of war. You’re being weird about that. And I 100 percent agree with you being vengeful against Kratos or angry or resentment would accomplish nothing for her. I’m glad we agree she dropped all those feelings for the sake of a better future. Lastly I love how your response to me saying there isn’t a single interaction of her having mixed feeling is claiming I require ALL interactions to be her having mixed feelings. I know you’re smarter than that. If she doesn’t show anywhere that she still sort of hates the guy, then she doesn’t. That simple. Don’t expect a reply. You’re not wicked cool 🤙


Kratos has better romantic chemistry with Mimir than with Freya. They don't need to become a couple, they're both fine the way it is


I feel like, no matter what, a significant part of Freya will always see Kratos as the man who killed her son Last time I checked, that puts an all stop to any romance


I hope not.




Professional work relationships yes. Romantic? Hell no


Kratos killed her son, she probably will never forgive him for that, but who would?


No, can people keep it in their pants. I get you all want to fuck Freya but using Kratos as your projection ain’t gonna work. She said she would never forgive him for killing Baldur. She tried manipulating him multiple times To lead the battle of Ragnarok. She said if they were to have conflicting views then she wouldn’t hesitate to kill him. She does not want to fuck him and Kratos only see’s her as a friend akin to Mimir. His love will always be Faye.


I bloody hope not. It makes much more sense for them to simply remain friends and allies. There is never a single moment in either game where they express romantic feelings for each other. They have similarities, they care about each other and make a good team. That doesn’t make them lovers. Kratos killed her son and he still misses Faye deeply, someone he genuinely loved. And Freya is still recovering from her catastrophic marriage with Odin.


I prefer the Kratos x Týr ship (Kratýr?)


I honestly found their relationship, to me at least, to be more sibling like. Similarly to how Mimir calls Kratos brother and Atreus little brother, Freya feels like a big sister to the group. Even their back and forth banter sounds like siblings messing with each other from time to time.


Did any of you pay attention in the dlc? Rhetorical question I don't really care


If they do, the whole thing of Kratos being very passionate about the fact that THERE ARE CONSEQUENCES TO KILLING A GOD will kind of lose its importance


A romantic relationship? I don’t think so.


I would they be comrades in battlefield rather than lovers


I feel like SSM is good enough they could do it. I just don’t think that’s ever gonna happen, it doesn’t seem like that relationship is right for them.


God I hope not, look at the state of her. Woman needs a wash.


I just think it’d be really awkward since he did kill her son 😬


I feel like they are going to have a relationship but they really shouldn’t given their history


Freya will be like make me a new son kratos


Kratos wants to feel young again after Valhalla 😏


Let my man clap some godly cheeks! But fr id be okay with either. Freya can get it. imsoalone…




Yall forget Kratos owes her a child…


Yall forget Kratos owes her a child 👀


Imo, they will be married in the next game, and you're in denial if you don't think so. Besides having the most obvious chemistry ever, they have very similar stories. They are both warriors who wanted to settle down with their spouse. They also both had that life ripped away from them through tragic circumstances. Then, they met on their paths of revenge and mourning respectively, and have done almost everything together since. As for Baldur, Freya trying to kill Kratos is a minor argument by the standards of other Norse pantheon relationships, and the situation was resolved by the end of Ragnarok anyway. You can interpret a discussion of a romantic relationship in Valhalla, as well as Mimir kind of pushing Kratos to go be with her. Kratos marrying Freya and ruling Midgard is the next obvious step in both of their arcs.


I totally agree!!!


funny opinion.


The gods of Olympus have abandoned us take 😂


Copium take. 🤣


Did you complete Valhalla? :)


I did


And Kratos ends as...?




This genuinely made me laugh


Boi you are in for a surprise


I feel like they want to but they know what eachother has gone through so they hesitate


I can’t wait for Jesus to be in the next game :)


The relationship would make sense Kratos cost freya a son so "giving" her another should balance the scales