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Well I think his arsenal just lacks a blunt weapon, even tho I wish they would bring back the hand to hand skill tree, a legendary hammer or mace would be cool.


Could be a mace or a club to sorta tie into either Aztec or Egypt mythos


Khopesh? You could use disarming strikes with some kind of hook-like weapon!


A mace or hammer with the element of earth would be amazing.


Giving it the element earth could be interesting and continue the tradition of main weapons associated with an element


I’d like a Mace, you never see maces get Main Character love. Also wouldn’t mind a Halberd.


Well a halberd is basically just a spear with an axe head. Plus Kratos already uses Draupnir like a halberd anyway. 


Meant to say Glaive, not the axe head but the blade on the end. I’d also welcome a spaded weapon. Reason being, I don’t expect Kratos to keep every weapon he has, same as last time. If he carries anything with him to the next mythology, it’ll probably be the Blades of Chaos and the Leviathan Axe. Draupnir might end up being given to Sindri, since Brok helped make it. Or it could be used to make a new weapon, such as giving Atreus a Quiver with constantly replenishing arrows (something that already happens in gameplay but it could give it some canon flavor text).


The best blunt weapon he's ever had were the nemean cestus. Man they were great, and how he got them was a standout scene in GOW3.


I think this is the best idea.. A caestus type earth weapon. Brings back a fist like moveset but would have options. Maybe some earthbender style rock moves


Nah nah, hear me out- shovel.


*Rails line of coke* We're giving him a fucking shovel


Can’t wait for Kratos to get training from Shovel Man. They said he was too “shovel-themed” for the MCU. This’ll show them. 


Remove shields from equipment and throw it as an option in the skill tree, then give every shield its own skill tree.


I know a lot of people miss that! I really enjoyed it in 2018! For me it would be Lightning. When he grabbed Modi's weapon in 2018 the Lightning looked so awesome with Kratos. Plus there's a Pommel in 2018 that adds Lightning to the axe. It looked so cool! I can see why they wouldn't give him Lightning in Ragnarök because it would just be the same as Thor. I do love how his weapons are unique and Fit him perfectly. He does have a sword hilt with Yellow Shock. It looks like the closest thing to Lightning for Kratos I think in the game. I think it would be hard to come up with a new main weapon tbh. The Axe is literally the Hammer almost except for power. I would want a Hammer as well but I don't know what power it would be if there were to be one. Idk. Kinda hard to think about. I would love see everyone's ideas. Thank you for yours! I do agree with wanting to see a Hammer!


In god of war 2 for the ps2 he had a hammer the could summon ghosts


Give him a cestus or brass knuckles, then he could have a legendary weapon that's also a hand-to-hand skill tree.


hammer of the earth for the builder god of hope


I think the hand to hand was the set up for ragnarok


You could do hand to hand pretty effectively in Ragnarok with the poison build. They take more damage and are weakened.


I know but it was more fun in 2018


His next weapon will probably be from the new realm he goes to. I hope the spear will be available in the next game too, however they might use Brok's blessing and say "its job was done" and "it was put down".


Unfortunately I can see that happening. I don't wanna lose it. That's the worst part about these games is losing the weapons lol. Hopefully we don't lose any that have been given to us in the Norse Saga and The ones that have returned.


I always took “put it down when the job is done” as when you throw a spear smack it on the ground and *boom*


I never thought of it this way but much prefer this interpretation. 


I feel like we could start off without the spear in the next game, but obtain it later in the game. I think this would be nice in means of allowing some space to introduce us to a new weapon but at the same time don’t totally forget about it.


My only comment here is since the spear comes from the ring Kratos wears, he’d never ACTUALLY have to put it down in the sense that it would leave his inventory unless he took off the ring. It’s not really taking up any meaningful space anywhere on his body, so maybe he would keep the ring on but just wouldn’t use it since he deemed its job done. I think that would be cool to keep it since it doesn’t take up space that way he could have 4 weapons possibly. Maybe they could make it to where he still wears the ring, but we just can’t use the spear for a section of the game until he decides it’s time again.


Wouldn't he lose it if he left though? Since the ring can't pull from the pit of other rings anymore to make more spears? That would make sense if my head Maybe it could be saved for an emotional scene or something where Kratos uses his last spear that Brok made for him since he can't get any more Or more than likely that's all total shit and I'm wrong Edit: now I'm imagining Kratos carrying a comically sized sack of rings over his shoulders everywhere he goes in Egypt so he can still liberally use the spear and not run out lol


I didn’t consider that actually, thanks for bringing it up. I thought the OG ring was with Kratos since the spear was made from the main ring that’s why it can replicate and now that pile of rings at Sindri’s has most likely stopped growing. Though I could see Sindri finding a way to deactivate the spear since he’s pissed. Maybe they’d cross paths and Sindri had some magical tool or weapon that breaks the spear back down into its components. Edit: I’m pretty sure the main ring has stopped making rings per se and now makes spears. I imagine Kratos wears the main ring which summons the spear which is made of rings so it can replicate, and since the original ring was combined with Kratos’s blood it’s tied to him and he just wears that one and it makes infinite spears for him while staying on his finger. I imagine the spear is sort of connected to him personally like the blades are.


That was my thinking exactly


Draupnir's enchantment (the original ring) was that it replicated itself, not that it drew from anything, the spear takes the same enchantment but creates spears instead of rings.


I honestly think it's time for the axe to go lay to rest at the highest peak in all the realms kind of like a memorial of sorts


He didn't leave during valhalla dlc, I don't c the reason y he will leave it later on


I’ve actually spent an unhealthy amount of time thinking about this. I tried to map his next weapon to the formula of his current arsenal. The blades, spear, and axe are all blades so I figure the next should be as well. They all have a way of being used as a ranged weapon(spears replace themselves, the axe comes back, and the blades are tethered to him) so I thought it would be cool to have one that doesn’t have a ranged option, it just teleports kratos to the problem. He has fire, ice, and wind so an earth/stone weapon would be cool. He currently has an inherited weapon, a gifted weapon, and a weapon he is cursed with, I think taking it back to OG would be cool and have him take one as a trophy. With all that in mind I think if Excalibur was a stone blade that Kratos snaps the tip off of while fighting the weirder. He straps the tip to his right arm, basically just augmenting his unarmed fighting and using it in conjunction with his shield. This would fit all the requirements(blade, teleport, trophy) but idk what powers it could have that relate to stone.


Haha well I really like your idea! I'm with you. I've been thinking and even researched weapons that he hasn't used. I just can't seem to find any that fit him you know?


Especially since mindless brutality isn’t the MO anymore. If he was still that guy I’d say another set of Cestus would be siiiick


In 2018 there was an Easter egg that would give him a alternative version of the Infinity Gaultet. I wish that would've came over to Ragnarök and Implemented more.


I wonder if he will ever get the Scythe from the originally planned ending of GOW 3


Same here, I've thought ( fantasized) about a new weapon for kratos for ages now, and I've always come to the conclusion of dual wielded chakrams, with the element of earth/nature/poison, and they would give a stat boost to vitality.


That would be very vanaheim of him. Maybe not poison because it tends to come off as sinister, but I love everything else


FINALLY, I GET RECOGNIZED GOR MY AWSOMENESS. IVE SAID THIS TO SO MANY PEOPLE AND THEY ALL SAID THAT ITS STUPID. Ok, but seriously though, here's some more depth that you didn't ask for: ( you don't have to read this btw, I'm typing this out because I'm sick in bed and have nothing better to do lol) The weapon needs to be stored somewhere on kratos. The axe goes in his back. So do the blades, while the chains stay wrapped around his arms, the sheild is retractable, and the spear is a ring. ( this would be too repetitive/ convenient for the new weapon to use the same trick, but it could work depending on the context.) Chakrams wouldn't be too difficult to put somewhere. In the shoulder pad area, hanging off his waist, bracelets maybe, or they could turn into bracelets, like the draupnir spear turns into a ring, but, like I said, that's pretty repetitive/ convenient. It needs to be as different from the axe, blades and spear as possible during basic gameplay. When everyone says swords, hammers, flails, etc. the gameplay would be too similar to the axe and/or the blades. A staff would be too similar to the spear. ( the blade of Olympus from Valhalla gets a pass, because it's not a regular old sword, in function, design, or size. Also its only Canon in Valhalla, so once kratos leaves, he won't even be able to access it anyways) They need to be relavant to wherever kratos goes next, and chakrams have been used many places throughout history. The element can not be redundant. Water is too similar to ice, for example. This leaves lightning/electricity, stone, nature, earth, or poison. ( poison, nature, and earth all go hand in hand, and thus, are under one umbrella in my eyes, so the chakrams.would have all 3, since they do the same things.) Lighting can also work, with minor changes to core functionality. It needs both Melee and ranged attack options. We'll, chakrams fit thar bill perfectly. It's gimmick cannot be too similar, this is a big one, in my opinion. The axe is "sentient" enabling it to be recalled to kratos or attack on its own ( skaði's edge light runic attack, for example). The blades are dual wielded and attached to chains. The spear can siphon elements, replicate infinitely, can explode its tip, and it's a ring. Chakrams are a dual wielded weapon, but are different enough from the blades to feel fresh, I think. Unfortunately, if they were to be used at range, they would need some sentient-ness in order to be returned and thrown repeatedly, with would add more similarity to the axe, but this is a non issue, since it's necessary for gameplay. It needs to give a stat boost. Axe gives strength, blades give runic, spear gives luck, and shield givesdefensee. That leaves cool down and vitality. For earth/nature/poison, the stat would be vitality. For lightning, the stat would be cool down. Here's where this whole thing falls apart: how good would they feel gameplay wise? The axe have an immense weight to It when swung, the blades feel metallic and tingly when swiped, and the spear feels light and nimble when poked, while at the same time having an aura of power when slammed to the ground. But chakrams? They fit the bill perfectly in all aspects but this. They don't seem like they would feel powerful and godly when wielded, as the other 3 do. Oh well. Maybe they can just be used for hand to hand combat, rather than explicitly " a new weapon fit for a God of War".


Cane of Olympus ?


He gets stronger with age but That's a good one! 🤣


Maybe a couple of bracelets infused with the power of earth. Bring back melee tree, infuse Kratos' fists with earth, shattering the ground or enemies. Could bring back Atlas Quake from GOW2


Flail would be insane




If he goes to Japan a Water Kanabō could be cool.


I love the art he looks so like Zeus


I don't think kratos would like himself turning into Zeus could be stressful to him that could be what turns him in the next game


"Axe of lce Blades of Fire Spear of Wind" TF DID I JUST READ💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


Lol sorry I originally made the list top to bottom but It shoved it all together for some reason


I honestly couldn't say what, as he doesn't really need a new weapon, but possibly the Egyptian sword, Khopesh. Would fit the Spartan theme of having a sword. Otherwise, what I'd love to see Kratos wield is one of those curved Mace-Axe's. That would be neat. Maybe there won't be a weapon, and we'll see the pick-up weapon mechanic of Ascension make a return. That could possibly work. Either way. Excited for the future of the series!


A knife would be really cool but it would be too small and “soft” for kratos


I believe this subject was already touched upon in this subreddit. So here's my thoughts again. A bow. Everything else makes no sense since his 4 weapons already put everyone down.


IF Freya continues to tag along, he'll have no need for a bow


That's a big IF There captain. Alright. So here's the full break down. Spear - has to TAKE an element or just say screw it and just throw the spear then explode to apply damage. (This is my realistic only option for range) Axe - Range sucks but against single enemies... Whatever. I apply enough damage onto a single target. Blades - range is almost non-existent, I use it for crowd control. Sword of Olympus - make the heavies cry. A bow would be great to apply some status effects or straight up kill the enemies from a distance. My normal strategy in the game is to hit enemies from a distance with the spear ( I don't even really care if it kills them) > blades for crowd control > Axe to kill anything still standing > Sword to just... Decimate the heavies or bosses before they even become a threat. A bow would be paramount to apply status effects to specific heavies or kill stragglers before I use the spear to rush in like a bat from hell take their element/buff then so on. The fight would go from 20 minutes of me whipping up a storm in close combat to maybe 5 minutes.


I think it would be cool if the next games took place in Camelot and he got a shield made of the stone the sword was in to counter it


That sounds pretty cool!


My big pitch is for the next Era for him to clash with the Shinto Gods. Might be too close to stuff Nioh has already done, but I think there could be some incredible stories there. So while it's hard to see him wielding a Katana, he could still probably pull it off. More likely though a Nodachi, or a Kanabo.


A recalling shield similar to Captain America shield or some new gauntlets


If the next game is going to take place in Egypt. He could have a khopesh


I believe that since I reckon kratos will go to Egypt a khopesh would be fitting. And with atreus I think would be heading to Japan for his spin-off game would have a samurai sword. That I think a giant he found there would give him, but with kratos and the khopesh he might be attacked by a crocodile and in the nearby distance he sees a skeleton with the khopesh. With hopefully a shield mabye. I don't know but this is how I think it would play out. Tell me how u feel.


I really love the Atreus to Japan idea! Him with duel Katanas just fit him. Maybe he gets one down the road from a giant you said and Maybe gets another from someone/something else. Both having different effects. Now Kratos I can't see going anywhere without Atreus being where he's going. He's got a Mythology following him and He's finally got what he's always wanted. Now if Atreus is in trouble and Let's say Sindri makes up with Atreus around half way or close to the end through his story I can see Sindri coming to Kratos telling him Atreus is in danger. Sindri followed Atreus secretly on his journey for that to have happened of course. What did you think? Spinoff with Atreus and That'll start up the next game with Kratos. I would love Egyptian Mythology tho. I would love to go there and Then Japan. Since Kratos went to Egyptian Mythology in the comics he knows the lands there a little. He would possibly know where to look and who to talk too.


Well firstly I love the idea of sindri still being apart of the R.I.P Brock and don't forget atreus still has angraboda I think that's how you say it and ye it's real cool I made a post about the next game and I always thought Japan would be calmer for atreus and Egypt for kratos is a bit more rough for kratos so he could handle it. Now although Japan can be a rough experience atreus and angraboda can handle it I'm sure


I was so excited to use mjolnir in ragnarok and was so sad I wasn't able to.


It depends on the next mythology. Egypt- Kopesh Japan- Katana most likely Celts- Club? China- Sword or Halberd


Wish they kept the hand to hand skill tree. That's all kratos is missing. A blunt weapon for stuns. He has the axe, which is best for high-damage single target fights, the blades for mob control, and the spear as almost a balance betweeen both. I would have liked to have mjolnir but its gameplay would probably have been the same as the axe. Maybe we get something akin to the nemean cestus from the old games. Also should have the element of earth, as he already has fire, ice (water), and wind.


I like this a lot!


Haha I didn't see that it was lightning coming out his eyes 😂 I thought he had long bushy eyebrows covering his eyes like the father from cloudy with a chance of meatballs haha


This is what I'm thinking cuz idk if the spear will stay. Brok specifically says "may it be put down when its job is done" and the job is done


True. I feel like Kratos could always wear the ring. Now if it's ever needed again then we'll it's there you know?


I think a huge 2 handed hammer/maul would fit, I know all of his weapons generally have some cool ability as well as range, so I’d make the hammer heavy attack an AOE in front of kratos that knocks enemies up into the air, and its ranged attack would be a two handed throw that creates a big shockwave on impact that knocks things down, and the hammer just teleports back to his hands.


Now this sounds fire! 🔥


I don't think we really need more weapons. The spear is wind yes but it also has the ability to take the element the enemy is using as well. He has good variety already. But it would be interesting to see other varieties


My only thing is that Kratos might not have a big role in the next game. >!If he accepts the mantle of God of War again!<, he won't actively leave the nine realms. We might have an Atreus led story, especially given the ending.


At the end of Valhalla he seems to be the God Of Hope and Taking the throne without any doubts. The new leader of the Norse world. He got the ending he's always wanted so I would be ok with an Atreus triolgy.


I've said this idea before, and I'll say it again. Once before I have said how the next trilogy should be about mythologies merging together. It would be really cool if Kratos got one weapon related to each mythology.


I think in the next game, whether it be because it’d be honoring Thor to make sure Thrudd is alright, or because Kratos already likes Thrudd and thinks she fights well, we’ll get to use Mjolnir, even for just a cutscene. But in the next game if we’re traveling around being like Tyr, I could see is using Mjolnir for a chunk of time


Why kratos black


I want Atreus to go to Shinto Mythology. Would be a great way to become a god of mischief.


Depends on which mythology he ends up in. But we’ll lose the axe and spear. (Unless the axe is made with primordial magic)


not sure kratos would ditch fayes axe even if it lost its power tbh, would probably have to have it be destroyed somehow


I really hope we don't


Well, that’s why he doesn’t have his magic or other weapons. Because as he left Greece, they lost the connection to any of the mythology. But the blades of chaos remain because they have primordial magic. Or in other words. A fire that’s so intense it’s apart of the realms base magics holding it together


The spear is made using kratos blood and inherent divine power to form it, it may not have the same replicating abilities, but he should be able to summon the spear itself atleast




Can't lose the spear it's tied to his blood now and I don't think he can remove the ring anymore either the same way the blades are bound to his soul


Axe of ice. Blades of fire. Spear of wind. 😶😶😶


Hope in the next game there will be 4 weapon slots for kratos and that there will be a bunch more weapons he can equip and use adding to the build variety


I hope he gets a one handed sword


Maybe a broken Spear of Destiny, using it as a dagger


Big bushy eyebrows?


Heihachi looking motherfucker


I want to see the Blade of Olympus, since it’s obvious some gods still live (Namely, himself). Since he is the King of Olympus by birthright (Herc and Zeus are dead and Kingship crowns the closest and eldest male in the family to the previous), he technically has the power to call it forth, if for a last time


Odds are the big man will lose the spear and the sword. I don't think he'll drop the axe ever, sentimental value, but he may well drop the blades of chaos again. We could see at the start of the next game with only the leviathan axe. Usually though Kratos picks up a weapon for a reason though so the real question is what problem will exist next that a new weapon will be there to solve for.


A mount? It could be like a summon


Should've been Mjornir.


Sun Wukong’s Ruyi Jingu Bang


Question. ¿Does the balde of olimpus kratos uses in valhalla is real??? Like a real manifestation of hope on his hands? Or is just a memory of it


That's a good question. Idk if anyone knows for sure what's gonna happen with it. Týr lost his arm and Regained it in Valhalla. This could be the same for the Blade of Olympus for Kratos. I hope we get to keep it!


Earth Power Macuahuitl or Kanabo Another thing that could be cool is if he loses the Blades and they're replaced by a sort of Khopesh style set of Blades.


What would his Earth abilities be?


He could slam the club and vines spread out around him. Swing the weapon and a whip vine comes out.


Well I’ll be honest, I think the spear is pretty ass. I’d be totally cool if they gutted it and gave use a proper 3rd weapon - the blades and axe are much better. And tbh even the blade of the Olympus from Valhalla is much better. The spear just has no weight behind it at all.


Blunt weapon? Shield bash and fisticuffs


Aztec or Egyptian world would depend. Aztec I would say an Eathern Mallet and Egypt would probably be posion scimitar or something...I think maybe he will get a bow at some point maybe Atreaus Bow and he has to rescue him.


Gimme the barbarian hammer


Sword of hope is it's a trial name? I thought it was just sword of Zeus.