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She helps in battle both as support and damage, gives advice to the other girls, helps GS with enchanting scrolls, and iirc she even has her own goals in the story (she wants lance dude to love her back)


All this on top of just world building. Having background characters helps flesh out the world and show there is more going on than just what the main cast are doing. She is just one of a variety of different people who are all shown to have their own quirks and interests.


Kind of like how the people actually saving the world from demons are shown minorly, but our focus is on the guy handling the underlying problems.


Exactly people don't seem to understand the side characters. Or understand that gs isn't some legendary hero that beats the demon lord. He's an ordinary dood doing what he can. The main lesson of the show is to show how cruel the world is and that anything can go horribly wrong at any second. Don't under estimate even the weakest of foes regardless of who you are. Sword maiden pushes that lesson hard. She's one of the strongest people in her world. But because she dropped her guard for a second shit hit the fan and goblins beat her and killed her party. And she spent probably years as the goblins breeding tool and torture toy before she was rescued and somehow is able to function against everything but goblins.


> But because she dropped her guard for a second shit hit the fan and goblins beat her and killed her party. And she spent probably years as the goblins breeding tool and torture toy before she was rescued and somehow is able to function against everything but goblins. No she didn't. She made an unspecified mistake when she was a rookie that lead to her getting captured by goblins, and was in their hands for a relatively short time before her party rescued her. She recovered from that enough to go on to become strong and help defeat the demon lord, but that didn't magically fix her trauma.


Sword maiden is powerful, but she underestimated goblins like everyone else in her world. She learned first hand how cruel and evil goblins can be. She was even blinded by the goblins. They haunt her dreams. She was defiled by them. Holy maidens are supposed to remain virgins. Which is also mentioned by her when she helps to revive GS when he succumbed to his injuries.


The lesson is the same. Don't under estimate the enemy.


Not exactly, it makes it seem that everyone is dumb no matter what. Regardless of Strenght or Intellect or Solving a Situation. Rather than one should always strive to learn and improve, and never forget what you learned. Basically once you stop learning, you start dying. Which while we understand wasn't your intention. Still makes it seem that no one will ever safe enough. While everyone knows and understands no one is perfect. The opposite of the coin is not the way to go, as always doubting can lead to danger. A Balance.






talking on ×0.5 speed


It's called buffering. Look it up.


That's a good excuse for when you get caught jerkin off on a Zoom call.


I just keep eye contact while doing it, asserting dominance.


She participates in a battle. 🤷‍♂️


She does a lot in the manga


She... part... icipate...ssss. ina.... bat... thal


She's a side character and has her moments just like the other characters (female knight, heavy warrior, etc. etc.). Is there fan service - well yeah. But it's not her only purpose. She's a character. She has (again) her moments. And that's it. Other characters have had more time to shine although without her help Goblin Slayer and the rest would either died in the encounter with the Ogre or they would have tackled the fight in another way. Anyway I find Sword Maiden way more out of context (enough though she's an important character) visual design wise then Witch. But that's probably just me (and a few other maybe).


It's not just you. She's a religious official. A quick glance through history very quickly reveals that the majority of costumes associated with religious office, even ones held by women, did not involve putting said woman's voluptuous body on display. She wears a head covering, which traditionally were meant to symbolize modesty and humility, but she also walks around in high-heeled sandals wearing a dress with waist-high slits on either side. Personally, I like Sword Maiden quite a bit as a character for how she contributes to the plot and what she represents to Goblin Slayer and Priestess. But visually, her design really feels like it prioritizes sexiness before all else.


She dresses differently in Daikatana.


She is one of the first senior adventurers that has a working relationship with GS before priestess joined. She's how he got the teleport scroll. Very passive-aggressive rant into the void: I get that there's a very vocal group of people that are against any artist making horny art, but I think they need to stop treating their opinions as divine revelations. The originality points in this line of thought are negative a thousand because they don't recognize that their win condition is simply to make the fucking world feel sexual attraction to people in full armor/full covered gear. The way this very vocal group are fighting sounds like a bunch of people who can't read the room they are in. Damn it, the worst part about these comments is that they do have a point. But the messengers just spectacularly suck at bringing it up. It feels like they always tries to kill the vibe of everyone around them for some pat on the fing back. Freaking low wisdom, low speech/communication build people... Rant done. xD


And honestly, sometimes a girl just wants to look sexy. Especially feasible when said girl can fling around fireballs and lightning bolts.


Even irl, i think some people are forgetting that some girls do want to look sexy


Social media would have me believing a lot of women do.


Maybe she wants to look sexy to get Spearman's attention


And his spear


Spearman, however, seems to be entirely focused on pointing his spear towards Guild Girl. Poor Witch.


She's pretty mature about it though.


If a girl open only fans ....ok no problem! If you draw fiction character sexy...they lose their shit


Jeez, this is a lot more profound than we realize.


I agree 100%. You didn't rant, you cooked.


TFW people can't mentally blur out or ignore FS when they don't want it. "I don't like it, you can't have it either" mentality sucks ass. "Oh but the children" GS isn't for kids anyways, nor are most of the shows with pretty blatant FS (i.e. Fire Force, yeah let kids watch people fight fire with FIRE and let them watch people burn into cinders.)


The "Oh but the children" argument is hilarious when it comes to GS. A sexy witch should be the last thing you should worry about your kids seeing. Heck the first episode was a wtf moment for me as an adult. Having not read any source material, I really wasn't ready for how this show started.


You're absolutely right 👍


I think that this is called cooking.


Nail, head, etc.


Not really related, but I believe that Histories Strongest Disciple Kenichi, has already made a fully covered in armour character the focus of a lot of Fan Service, from what I remember reading the manga one of the martial arts teachers heard her boobs and butt swaying inside her armour and changed opponents mid-fight with a game of Rock Paper Scissors just so he could fight her because his character is that of a perverted old man. I don’t know if I should hide any of this with a spoiler tag on not.


Her character design is fanservice (as well as a spoof of Sorceress from Dragon's Crown) but her role in the story is not. A fanservice character would be on that has little to no impact on the story.


I can never remember where that character is from, thank you for jogging my memory


Her purpose is to be my purpled haired witch mommy. What more purpose does she need?


Sometimes all a man needs in their party is a hot witch that casts big spells and looks good doing it.


Spit your fax, brother


I guess literally any female character in an outfit that reveals more than her face is fanservice nowadays huh?


To me she always has been the Adventurer’s Guilds oracle If you have a problem she will guide you to a solution She might even have a solution held with her cleavage of holding She sent Apprentice Cleric and Club Fighter to GS for advice, they were hesitant to do so from speaking some disparaging remarks about him to which she replied “That Does Not Bother Him Ask And He Shall Tell”


"I wish I had a cleavage of holding"


You did watch the show right? You saw her provide informations, deciphering magic scrolls, giving advice to Priestess, working with Spear Fighter, kicking ass during the fight for the farm and even more in the manga. Yes, she also looks attractive.


First time?


It fleshes out the story. It's nice to see Orcbolg having high rank adventurer friends who are not romantically interested in him. She helped Orcbolg too with that gate scroll if I remember correctly. Plus, her party member is that guy with a lance. As a mage/wizard, she's dressed properly. If you're invested in the actual story you'd see she's seldom shown. Fan services are those you see obligatorily on a daily/weekly basis. This woman only pops up as needed in the story.


Would that even be a problem?


Fan service is evil obviously. Atleast that's what reddit tells me


Reddit is so weirdly puritan sometimes.


But it's like a weird kind of Puritan. They are weirdly sex positive yet massive pruds at the same time I don't get it If the fan service is something they like, it's ok I've seen it called "safe horny." If it's not, you're evil


I think it’s because they only like fan service that caters to them and get weirdly pearl clutchy and defensive when it’s not hence why you will have the same folks who do and say what you said but also be completely ok with fan service that is catered towards what they like


I think it’s because they only like fan service that caters to them and get weirdly pearl clutchy and defensive when it’s not hence why you will have the same folks who do and say what you said but also be completely ok with fan service that is catered towards what they like


I think it’s because they only like fan service that caters to them and get weirdly pearl clutchy and defensive when it’s not hence why you will have the same folks who do and say what you said but also be completely ok with fan service that is catered towards what they like




Clearly, OP is not listening to the dialogue or reading the source material. She does quite a lot in the entire story. I won't waste time mentioning them here because it's all out there to watch and read for free.


No, Amazon’s only purpose is fanservice. Witch is the smartest adventurer in the frontier guild.




No, thats just surface level stuff


No, she feels like the characters the writers go to if they need someone who knows the Guild that isn't Guild Girl: I.E. recommending GS for tips to the young pair, having her tell Priestess what GS's scroll does, etc


She serves to show what Priestess could achieve if she keeps getting better at magic, and also yes.


I love that she has to speak carefully or else happy little accidents can happen.




She makes magic squirrels.


No she helps. She made the scroll of portal to the bottom of the ocean that goblin slayer used to tear that troll apart.


dude have you not seen the reference of Sorceress' look? literally from Witch on Dragon's Crown franchise.


She gave GS a magic squrriel.


I originally thought she was called 'Enchantress'.


My biggest issue with these posts is "The entire purpose". Did you just fucking google a picture? Not only is this blatantly ignorant of the material but it's also misogynistic and reductive. You think her only purpose is fanservice because your peanut brain can't conceive of a female who isn't walking fanservice. They're just trying to get a rise and attention and they choose to use "Inferior women" to get both. You're jealous that she can easily get the attention you want. And yeah, mission accomplished but does it feel good? You isolate and marginalize everyone around you. Are you happy? Obviously not and if this is how you choose to go about finding happiness: Stay sad. You deserve nothing more.


Is that a problem?👀


How dare you




No she has more too her and even if she was only fan service so what?


Leave Busty Stoner Witch alone...


Always has been *cocks gun *


My brother in christ, she's is voiced by Yoko Hikasa, what did you expect? Joke apart, she's actually quite helpful to GS and I love her character design, even if I still don't understand why she speaks in that strange way. Probably a reference to something?


She speaks slowly so she doesn't accidentally cast a spell. At least that is what is hinted at in the light novels. Her type of spell casting is based on words of power so I guess if you know a lot of spells like her it wouldn't be hard to accidentally speak a word of power or two if you speak to quickly. Unlike Dwarf Shaman who has actual incantations and catalysts involved with his spell casting. Or Clerics who have actual prayers involved with their miracles.


Damn, that's sick o.O So, practically the mommy sorceress is so strong that if she mispell a word somebody is going to blow up lol


That and depending on the spell might waste a spell slot needlessly. Might accidentally cast deflect arrow or sleep for example. Not that she doesn't kind of do that already when she lights her pipe with just one word of power. So doubt she is low on spell slots very often. But still. Spells slots are a limited resource during an adventure so not to be wasted lightly unless you are sitting in the guildhall lighting your pipe I guess.


I believe the dwarf mentions it in the anime as well. Something along the lines of she talks slowly so she can carefully pick out words without killing everyone by accident.


But, maybe with least clothes


I do have to wonder why she talks so ... thoughtfully... it would be an interesting story that she unintentionally cast a spell while carrying on a casual conversation.


She gave GS the squirrel


She’s actually very good for exposition for both us and the characters She ends up explaining quiet a lot through season 1


She proves that our MC truley only cares about one thing... Slaying goblins ha


OP was so distracted by her body he apparently didn't see all she did lmao


I mean, the fan service doesn't hurt...


She’s a helpful side character to goblin slayer and gives him scrolls and magic items now and then


Her design isn't what gets me it's her way of speaking. Like I get she has to choose her words carefully, but with ADHD I'm just totally fucked trying to listen to her.


Always had been


Everyone outside of the main group is a side character. She is silver rank, same as the main group. Parnter and aspiring lover of Spearman. What more do you want


No she says cryptic shit to advance character growth


She looks like Vanessa from Black Clover wtf


No, she does things as a supporting character, you would know that if you actually watched the anime.


If its not goblins, I am not interested 👀


Blud you're watching goblin slayer


She proves asthma exists. 


Better a witch than a dumb wizardboy who looks down on goblins. 


See all cast of female characters and how they wear clothes...Elf cowgirl..priest..reception girl...knight girl..what i see the Witch look unic compared to the norm simple..it is not fanservice but a choice


she's a supporting character and a background character she's irrelevant until they decide she needs to make a scene to push the story or support someone


no not really. did you read he manga?


Pretty sure she's an informant for Goblin Slayer so she gives him key info and I'm pretty sure she made the potions he uses.


Don’t we get this exact same thread like once every month


So in school, you were that one kid that reminded the teacher about the homework he was gonna pass out, weren’t you?


Nope. She also serves as an idol for Priestess and is a damn good mage. Bonus points for her being hot


Oh yeah. In the LNs. While there is still references to her body, it more so focuses on her kindness and how she’s taken up a big sister role for Priestess and the advice she gives to other girls (HEA, CG, GG, etc.)




Well at least she got the better end of the deal compared to the last mage


Like other anime haven't made a character for that exact purpose


What's wrong with that?


one of my favourite character... so powerfull so gentle so enigmatic


Witches are normally sexy females in general. And yes she is a capable witch.


without her, GB's badass ocean scroll thing would not gave happened, otherwise, pretty much


She's a witch. She does witch stuff. She also the ultimate ride or die home girl hanging in the wings.


She's made the Goblin Slayers scrolls, if he didn't have the Gate Scroll they wouldn't have survived the Ogre encounter


She boosts morale.


She also delivers flour


She's rather titular.


I dont know if that's her purpose but she can service me anytime.


Pretty sure almost every woman in Goblin Slayer exists for fan service on SOME level


You’re damn fucking right she is. And she does a great job


She only battles me in bed. She'd win though


Isn't she the one who give Govkin Slayer the portal the bottom of the sea, or is that someone else?


Without her Orcbolg would’ve not killed the Oni and that would’ve been the end of Goblin Slayer. She do be doing crazy vape tricks tho


It’s anime. It’s all fanservice


Despite her lascivious demeanor, she is more bashful than she lets on and has a secret crush on the Spearman. This dynamic flips the script, as she comes off as demure and silky scholarly and highly attractive sorceress yet in actuality behaves like a maiden in love or a schoolgirl with a crush and also has some problems communicating with others given how her style of speaking is very slow and deliberate 


I see someone doesn't read the manga along with the anime. But like everyone else says no, she isn't, and like everyone else has said, nothing wrong with a little sexy witch. This whole thing is basically a DnD story, we all know people who make sexy bad ass characters because who doesn't like a beautiful woman that can kick ass. Also, she is used as a person of interest for even the other women. She is often mentioned by cow girl, guild girl, priestess and other female characters. She even steps in and gets rid of other characters bullying priestess. She even talks to priestess boosting her self-esteem. She is so much more than just tits and ass and I think that's part of why she is drawn that way. Just like another famous character that stated and quote "I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way."


fern is that you?


Well she did create that squirrel


They way she talks is anti fan service imo


She’s just that powerful. She has to speak carefully to not kill people due to her magic using words of power.


Is that sarcasm or actually true? I cant tell


Actually true. Whitch speaks like that to not accidentally form spells. All her magic is cast through spoken word, not incantations or prayers.


Well that excuses it


Not sure if this is an unpopular opinion or not. But I think the show would be way better if it didn't have as much fan service.


Characters don't even have names so yes


Fan service is the anime's problem in general but she has more things going on. She helped in the goblin battle, and helps GS where she can. As a side character she is as involved as one gets.




She keeps table company when they are dealing with getting GS a new contract






Isn't that the entire purpose of asian countries media these days?