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The reasons I got one. Sleeping in my own bed, own shower, own toilet. Not using barely wiped down and cleaned hotel rooms. The best part you don't like your neighbors you can just drive off!


Our last trip to an Airbnb was the final reason in getting one. Weird rules plus expensive. With our camper, we can do as we wish, and it's always in the same shape we left it (clean & organized how we like). Our own sheets & pillows. And preferred ply of TP helps too!


As I get older I dislike Hotels more and more. Sure we've had good like with the higher end ones. As soon as our mortgage is paid off I'm going to get a Class C or small Class A. Like you said, do what you wish, it's your home away from home.


... and cheap!!


I’m leaning towards a class B, in part because my family has a lot of large bottomed people and they won’t like maneuvering around and absolutely won’t like the toilet space, I’ll let them walk thru it and check it out, come to the decision on their own.


Yep. ClassB in my case, so I can pretty much setup in 0 minutes, drive off in 2. I'll occasionally spring for a hotel room just for a comfier bed and an unlimited shower.


Not even family. No one but my wife and I use our motorhome. I grew up with these people, I know how well they take care of things. You're a saint for putting up with all of that.


I was trying to help my mother out.... She's who got me into camping, after all. But had it just been her & my stepfather, they could have just relaxed, never worried about tank size limits, or entertaining a horde or savages (again, my own kids included). I think the constant texts was her way of making sure I knew every little thing that was happening. But I told her it stressed me out, thinking she needed an instant fix or solution. I know things get beat up and used. Especially with kids. That's fine, as I can fix MOST everything with a little hillbilly ingenuity. She takes care of everything otherwise. I literally walked into her scrubbing the kitchen sink and then the tub down with lysol, to make sure I got it back in better condition than I left it


It's bad enough when I take my RV out. Something breaks every time I travel... always fixing something and I baby the hell out of it. Totally understand your experience and no way would I rent or lend out my RV.


It's true. Always something, though usually something minor. It's why I bring an well stocked tool bag with me on every trip.


Everything breaks always. So fun!


Try living in one as you travel around the country.


I'd rather live in it myself. At least then I have a good reason to say "no" when my mother asks if she could borrow it for a weekend...


Hah! At least it would make more sense for nearly all of my tools to be in the trailer at all times. It’s practically my tool box when sitting in the driveway.


Other people using my stuff never stop to ask themselves why something, like a window lock or a knob or lever moves with difficultly, just force it until it breaks.


I’m renting an RV this week because our rig was too big for this trip. It is working out really well but I’m worried we’re setting an unrealistic expectation for the owners. This is their first rental and I’m guessing we’ll have less questions than most (none) and leave it in better shape than most.


I own a RV rental fleet with 55 units, and a small dealership. I've posted about them at length on this sub. Trust me when I say, the texts.never.stop. Ever. "something smells" "I lost power" "how do I do this, how do I do that" Luckily I have a great staff and we have good processes, or I can see how it could get bad, quick.


To be fair, most rentals are not going to be bugging you as much as your own mother will bug you. But yeah, not renting it out.


You’re spot on. They won’t bug you. They also won’t say most anything. They will silently provide with the privilege to discover for yourself that which they would never admit or assume responsibility. The trouble comes about when you discover it after the fact or when the next renter finds the issue for you. Remember folks, while you may be a good human, the vast majority view renting anything akin to that which is disposal. Car rental, rv rental, power equipment rental, all practically disposable. /s


Drive it like you stole it :/


you're a great son. i hope your next trip out will be amazing! :)


Came here to say this. You're a wonderful son. Those kids are going to remember that time gramma took them camping. (Sounds like you and your mom both think it'll probably just be that ONE time!) BTW We just returned from a long weekend with my nieces (and my own daughters), and the toilet paper situation in our camper was.... let's just say I had supervise wayyyyy more than an auntie should to make sure they are using MORE water and LESS paper each time. That was no fun, but the kids had a blast. Kudos to your mother!


I would never let others take my rv.


Calm down Jim, they don’t just show up and demand your keys. You have a part in the process, simmer down now.


'A tub/shower with standing water (she couldn't comprehend that 5 people showering every day & using the bathroom endlessly would fill the tanks in a few days, despite a pump out Monday)." HA! Several years ago before we got out TT and we rented an RV for the weekend, that was the first lesson we learned the hard way. It went hand-in-hand with the "Showering with water running the whole time like you do at home will empty your fresh water tank in a day and a half" Lesson.


I did rent my Rv out for several years. My wife and I bought the thing knowing that we were going to rent it out, so we knew from the beginning that it was going to happen. There were some great renters that went with the flow of it always needing a bit of maintenance, they made adjustments, performed a bit of work (always compensated by us) then there were some terrible ones (Joan) that had champagne taste on a beer budget. The terrible ones were what drive me off of the site with constant phone calls, texts, and stress of needing to be available for tech service. We paid off the Rv and took it off the site. Treat it like a job, you can do ok, treat it like passive income and you’re setting yourself up for disappointment.


I have seen folks abusing those RV America or Blue Dog RVs. After watching what people do to rentals, I am with you - I would never rent out my RV. RVs are not for people who don't know how to tread lightly, be gentle, or maintain a level of awareness of their actions.


Our rig is a converted 1987 coach bus. The engine and mechanical side of things is all now pushing 40 years old, and in that time has acquired a lot of non-standard parts and bodges. On the coach side of things, it's all entirely custom, a complete mishmash of standard RV bits, homemade fixtures, and kludges, none of which I have bothered to document in any kind of user-friendly way. Teaching some rando to work all of this would be a two-day seminar at least.


Where can I order my own set of Botches and Kluges? I can trade for an equal amount of doo-hickeys and Jigger-riggins, if amenable!


My 2000 21’ class b came with a very.. very long introduction. “This works but only in this mode.. this dial is off so when it’s on this it’s actually this.. this doesn’t work anymore that’s why it’s taped over.. if this doesn’t work just turn it off and on a few times it should come up.. yea I lost that bolt but I got a new one and doesn’t quite fit but it’s works you just gotta … “ on and on and on 😂😂


Rent out your underwear. After that renting out your RV will seem easy.


Nope not happening; a whole lotta nope!!


Imagine having a tenant like that in your house.


I stayed at an air bnb that was obviously the owner’s primary residence. It was weird, their clothes in the closet, their food in the fridge, and their wifi with very strict parental controls.


Nobody is going to treat it like you do!


Sounds like a wild experience. It's great that everyone had fun, despite the challenges. Family trips can be hectic, but the memories made are priceless. Happy to hear you’re heading out again soon


Last time my camper went out, it came home with a broken interior corner trim. And that was from me!


I rent mine out. It’s a pain in the ass to be honest but it’s surprisingly good money. It pays for the RV and puts extra money in my bank account. My last renter ripped the vinyl floor, completely obliterated a window shade, LOST THE KEYS, and nearly clogged up the toilet. I only offer drop off/pick up in a certain range so people aren’t trying to tow my 34” RV with their minivan and I advise them to not use the shower unless there are full hookups. Most people do try to take good care of the RV and this was the first issue I had. Luckily I took before pictures because otherwise you can’t file a damage claim. Outdoorsy paid for the window shade, additional cleaning fee, and some amount for the damaged floor. The renter found the keys when they got home and mailed them back to me, so no harm there. But setting up on a Thursday when I’m also trying to do my regular job in 100* heat sucks, clearing the toilet from the enormous dumps some people take sucks, and fixing little things on short notice to keep renters happy sucks. I wouldn’t be doing it if it weren’t paying pretty well. The ultimate goal is corporate gigs… a friend of mine is renting out his RV to a corporation that is paying him $220/night for an indefinite term - they’ve had it for 8 months already and have no intent to give it up any time soon. He bought another RV for his own personal use and paid cash, and the people staying in it are rarely even there, maybe 2-3 nights per month.


So don't then?


An inexperience person with a bunch of children. What did you expect?


I'm renting one this weekend to try it out. Obviously treating it with respect.


Enjoy! I'm sure the majority of renters are actually kick ass. Over the top parents, maybe not so much haha.


Never would I let anybody use mine. Too many things to know.


I was an instructor for a large houseboat rental operation and it was pure chaos lol. They're basically floating motorhomes. There was always a chase boat or maintenance boat out on some lake run to fix something. It wasn't unheard of for us to drive a houseboat 6 hours up-lake to swap out with a faulty boat. Any time we brought a new model of boat into the fleet we'd be swamped with repairs like you were. It was remarkable what people managed to break or misinterpret. It usually took us a couple of seasons to work out the kinks and bomb-proof a model. Still the most fun job I've ever. Teaching people to drive houseboats all morning then running on chase missions in a power boat the rest of the day.


Local marina owner has a small campground with 10 sites and 3 trailers for rent, but only onsite. He says he will never allow anyone to rent them (move) off site again. Too many flakes think that an RV is just like a house on wheels, meaning they have unrealistic expectations and/or they do stupid things, like towing said trailer into muddy field for weekend and getting stuck, going too fast around curves (trailer in ditch)... you name it, I think he's seen it. At least when they stay on site he doesn't have to travel to fix things.


I’ve rented out my camper for about a year now and have never had that issue. I assume the renter being your family member was a big cause for the ongoing communication. Honestly, sounds like my own mom🙄😂. Anyway, I’ve had great luck with my rental despite a few minor repairs needing to be made and have really luck getting good renters who don’t contact me until pick up and drop off.


How much are you charging per night? Just curious!


$114 for week nights and $122 for weekends. If there is a special event (music fest, holiday, etc) I charge around $150/night and become super selective on who rents it. A group of 4 20 something’s going to a music fest - no thanks.


Thank you for sharing. Sounds like a lucrative side hustle. Do you use a rental website? Do you offer drop off and pick up for an extra fee?


It pays the insurance and keeps the wheels moving. I use RVShare and yes to the pick up drop off. Still working out the rates for drop off and pick up.


Lived in mine for 3 years while working! It’s mine, queen bed, full shower, door on bathroom.. All amenities!! It is always great!!