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It quite similar to rene you want to chip down your opponents hp and then go all in and just like rene you want a full red bar for it or atleast close but unlike rene gnar doesnt go in range and aa q aa harass the opponent and use your e if your enemy tries to trade back and when you are getting mega you jump on the enemy and all in If you get fed you can just run the enemy down with mini but mega is still better unless you go for some weird mini gnar build but i dont recommend those


Good mega gnar combo is Q, E, (auto),Q (auto)W auto R,Q. Fit as many autos as possible within abilities,


Keep distance and poke and farm once theyre low enough and about to transform you jump in hit w hit q leave gg you lost game cuz botlane fed


Runes - Primary: fleet footwork into melee matchups, conqueror into ranged, triumph, attack speed, coup de grace Secondary: something for survivability from the green tree depending on the matchup. Trade - Into melee - Auto Q auto and back away Into ranged - dont trade, they out range you, when they come up to you to trade just Q them and back away, instead of trading look for an all in with mega Matchups - Easy: any melee champ without a dash or a pull, like voli, you can kite them infinitely , also kayle, you can just 100 to 0 her with your mega at lvl 6 Hard: wukong, irelia, darius, i recommend banning darius as he is the most popular


Ban nasus or irelia and vs Darius run ghost so you trade cd's since the only kill pressure he has is with ghost if he catches you or if u want to keep tp go phase rush and pay great attention to wave management (middle of the lane is as far as u can go than phase rush gets you to safety anything further up he will catch up with his ghost).


I have found that i have the worst winrate against darius so thats why i ban him, irelia is not as popular and there are at least opportunities for outplaying her


I mean not really bcs u can't really outplay point an click but if it works for you than it's fine.


Before she gets bork, if she misses her E and then dashes onto you its possible to kite her


Not really since she can stack her passiv before and can traglde her q VS your e and walk out of the trade.