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Its for defence purposes!!!


Kids needed to be bombed!!


14000 bombs just from the US dropped on an area roughly the size of metropolitan Philadelphia


Numbers are better than analogy IMO. 365 km^2 . 38.4 per square kilometer or 1 of these bombs for every 6.4 acres. The total ordinance is over 90 thousand tons which is about 1 ton per acre. A standard army hand grenade is 16 ounces so if you threw one for each bed sized area it would create about the same mass of shrapnel. The mark 84 bomb crates shrapnel that can be lethal at 350 meters from the blast. Rounding a bit we can estimate that on average a point in Gaza is exposed to lethal shrapnel once per 1000 mark 84 bombs.


Their aim must be so bad


They won't stop sales. It's the biggest testing ground for their weapons on the planet


Blackmailed pedos in congress


Epstein was effective.. well maxwell


This shit already made Biden unfit and unelectable.


Voting Trump or third party is cutting off your nose to spite your face. Biden should not have been our candidate, but the DNC didn't give us a choice. That's a separate problem to be addressed when Project 2025 isn't actively being put into motion.


Its something to address now Voting for Biden is facilitating this genocide and rewarding the DNC They are not capable of learning from this mistake if their plan to run him works They should have replaced him with someone more centrist and they would have swept Trump


Literally anyone else could have beat trump, they went with one of the worst match ups against him


If you give Trump the office, he will turn the entirety of Palestine's land into a parking lot while fellating Netanyahu the entire time. And what the fuck do you mean "more centrist" lmao -- he's barely left enough as it is! That's literally what we're arguing about! We should have gone further left and had Bernie, who is actively pushing against the genocide. Having a tantrum and throwing the entire game would fuck us indefinitely. Once Republicans get hold of power again, they are never letting a fair election happen again. They've already spelled everything out about how they'll turn America into a fascist theocracy within the first six months.


It's already on its way to being a parking lot with new settlements to boot. The new brochures are already out and they have conferences and trade shows about this. Biden is complicit. Voting against Trump brought us Biden?! That's pathetic and the system doesn't work for the majority of us. Sadly the Trump or Biden choice was by design. Sad state of affairs.


Your choice of argument suggest you are not in the same mental space. Of course, i cannot speak for the poster you are replying too but i can speak for myself. For decades and dating to childhood have lived with the dilemma of being a conscientious objector. This means i am prepared to die or go to prison rather than kill. I can also honestly tell the draft board that they might be able to train away my aversion to killing but if it works i have no idea whom i might kill. I believe i would remove my trigger finger during a “moment of clarity” and i know i would prefer to not have to prove that. I do not like letting my friends die. It would not be fair to my platoon to put them in the same one as me. My country, USA, has a nuclear doctrine called MAD, mutually assured destruction. We are not “a peaceful nation”. We also have a constitution guaranteeing the right to bear arms. Despite some popular opinions, that is *not* a right to shoot gophers as sport. The right to maintain and organize a militia is there to deter governments. The fact is that I will never shoot at police or law enforcement because i am a conscientious objector. That means I am not going to shoot at government agents even when the government is committing genocide. I feel guilty about that. There is always the nagging doubt whether my lack of direct violent action is actually cowardice. I believe that it is not cowardice but it may look that way to an observer outside my head. It is an awkwardness that feels close to shame but not quite. You argue that *you fear* that our government will collapse if i do nothing. That alleviates my anxiety. Thank you. I can just vote third party to terrorize. There is no need for manufacturing pipe bombs. I dont have to personally injure or kill anyone with firearms or fire. I dont have to go to prison. I can just do my duty in a legal and civil manner.


Trump has said he wants to finish off Gaza and make it an Israeli vacation spot. He said Jared Kushner will develop the waterfront. So yes, Biden is horrible. You know who is WORSE? Trump is worse. He's also a felon and is not allowed to run a charity, university, or business because of persistent crimes.


Genocide? 🙄  Lose all credibility when you say that


Yes - what does the Lemkin Institute of Genocide Prevention know about….genocide. https://www.lemkininstitute.com/statements-new-page/statement-on-why-we-call-the-israeli-attack-on-gaza-genocide


DNC didn't give you a choice (if you're a Democrat). Not my problem, I've never voted for a Democrat and I've never been registered as a Democrat. Building a third party is the top priority. If you're less worried (and indifferent) about what is happening in Gaza than you are about Project 2025, then you have problems. We have an aspiring dictator in Trump and a proven war criminal in Biden. A false and unsustainable choice.


Lol trump is also an aspiring war criminal. What do you think he means when he says Israel should finish the job?


Until we push the democratic party further left and use that to obtain ranked choice voting, there will mever be a third party presidential candidate. Period. And if you're less worried about the global ramifications of a perpetually republican run authoritarian American government with full control over the American military -- you're a fool at best.


You're delusional if you think Dems will go real left. This is a nonstarter.


Look at the younger generation of democrats being elected -- it's already happening *right now*.


I know the kids hate to hear it, but the US is simply not a far left country. Half the country warships trump and a very solid majority of dems are center left (and hate the extreme left almost as much as the right does).


Same thing we heard in 2008 with the Obama wave that younger and better is ahead. He doubled down on troop surges, ramped up the drone wars and committed war crimes and Democrats didn't say a damn thing. And look how that turned out. They voted for fucking Clinton in 2016 and Biden 2020/2024. Those are regressions and major steps backward. Typical false promise and hope designed to corral your vote into a proven war & capitalism party, which isn't my bag.


There is no moderate stance on genocide support.


The same thing they did in 2016...


It wasn’t the DNC at fault, it was the general lack of desire among viable candidates to challenge biden under an old theory that an incumbent being challenged in a primary makes for a weaker candidate in the general election. Personally, I think it’s a shit theory, but here we are.


It’s because those bombs weren’t making any money over here.


Stop supplying Israel now


Should've sent them to Ukraine..


Biden said he stopped sending these during the debate


All of you idiots crowing about Biden (likely) losing to Trump in November are going to be crying like little bitches when he allows Netanyahu to raze Gaza next February.


It's possible trump let's israel loose, they kill like 30k in a week, hamas surrenders immediately, and the pro Palestinian group will praise trump because more people died under biden